FAC 02-24-98 2. 3. City of Cupertino FINE ARTS COMMISSION Regular Meeting February 24,1998 1. CALL TO ORDER At 7:36 p.m. Rita Young called the meeting to order in Conference Room A and led the pledge of allegiance. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL Present: Chairperson Rita Young, Vice Chairperson Janet Mohr, Commissioners Stephen Beard, Carl Off, Charlene Pai-Brizendine (8:30 p.m.), Mary Sievert 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Sievert moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of January 27, 1998. Off seconded and motion passed unanimously with Pai-Brizendine absent. 5. WRITTEN COMMUNICAIONS City Clerk reported on a letter which was received from Barbara Boone of the Cupertino Union School District regarding the Living Artist workshop. Three schools have decided to participate and Mr. Young will be providing the names and dates of the workshops. The Commission had granted Mr. Young up to $200 per school for a maximum of $1,200. Since only three schools have chosen to participate, the remaining $600 will be available for other grants. A notice was received from the San Francisco Shakespeare Festival inviting the Commission to attend a reception on March 8. The Euphrat Museum expressed their appreciation for the $6,000 grant and invited the Commission to attend a reception for the next exhibit "Water Sheds, Water Webs" on March 18. Carl Off reported on the letter from Anna Eshoo congratulating newly appointed commissioners. February 24, 1998 Fine Arts Commission Page 2 6. STAFF REPORTS City Clerk updated the Commission on the grants and special events worksheets. She stated that the grants budget began with $12,000 at the beginning of fiscal year 1997/98. In addition, she stated that the Library web art competition did not go as planned and the Library Commission will be returning approximately $1,900 of the grant funds they received. Also, $600 will remain in the budget which had been previously earmarked for the Living Artist workshop. The special events budget started with $6,000 and the Commission authorized a $5,000 donation to the Shakespeare Festival. There is now $1,000 remaining for any special events such as the Cherry Blossom Festival and Spring Sing Along. 7. NEW BUSINESS A. Status report on Library Web Art Competition. This item was discussed during the grants and special events budget report. Funds will be returned to the grants budget after the Library Commission reviews the art work received. They may choose to make a small cash award. B. Distribution of grant applications to ad hoc committee of Sievert, Off, and Pai- Brizendine. Grant packages were distributed to the ad hoc committee of Sievert, Off and Pai- Brizendine and the committee will report back to the full Commission at the next meeting. C. 1998 Spring Sing Along. Report from Commissioner Pai-Brizendine. City Clerk updated the Commission and stated that Commissioner Pai-Brizendine had contacted Sheila Mohan and is working on the details of the Sing Along which will again be held as a part of Euphrat Family Day. D. Four Seasons Comer Update. Sievert reported that the ad hoc committee reviewed 10 different calls for artist proposals and came up with a draft request for qualifications. It was decided that the Commission would review the draft and send their comments to City Clerk's office so it can be incorporated into an updated draft proposal. The Commission should be prepared to discuss their thoughts for the Four Seasons Comer during the next regular meeting. February 24, 1998 Fine Arts Commission Page 3 8. OLD BUSINESS A. Status report from Cultural Arts Event ad hoc committee (Mohr, Sievert, and Bob Hopkins of Parks and Recreation). Mohr reported that the next ad hoc meeting is scheduled for February 25. She also stated that she met with the manager of The Oaks Theater and asked him if he would join one of the ad hoc meetings. B. Status report from Cherry Blossom Festival ad hoc committee (Pai-Brizendine, Young, Mohr). Proposal to arrange video tape coverage of Cherry Blossom Festival student art exhibit. This year's theme is a 3-D model of the Four Seasons Comer. Young reported that the announcement about the student art exhibit was received by the school district. Barbara Boone will be sending the letter out to the other schools in the district. Young will follow up with each school if a response is not received. Young also reported that a video could be done by The Better Part for $500 as long as senior citizens were involved in some way. City Clerk reported that the City Channel is available to do a five minute video of the exhibits that are received as long as one Commissioner is present to introduce each exhibit. There would be no cost, and the video can be shown on Channel 18. Copies can also be made. Sievert suggested showing the videotape of the Commissioner's introductory remarks on a continuous loop during the Cherry Blossom Festival, which would be a good accompaniment to the art work. C. Development of content and graphics for Fine Arts Commission event banner. Sievert shared three sketches of different banner styles. Discussion developed over which size banner should be made and where it would be used. Off moved to select an event banner measuring 34" x 7', two sided; Sievert seconded and motion passed unanimously. Further discussion developed regarding the size and banner slogan. Sievert offered a revised motion to select a banner measuring 34" x 4' which includes the phrase "proudly supported by the City of Cupertino"; Beard seconded with an addition to the motion to print the banner on both sides. The motion passed 5-1 with Off opposing. Sievert said she would get cost estimates by the next meeting. February 24, 1998 Fine Arts Commission Page 4 9. COMMISSIONER AND LIAISON REPORTS A. Review of Committee Roster The Commissioners felt that the phrase "film festival" should be changed to "film event" under the Cultural Events section of the committee roster. Young reported on a video provided by Bill Mannion. The video contains interviews with three of Cupertino's Distinguished Artists. Mr. Mannion is interested in conducting videotaped interviews of all of the City's Distinguished Artists. The City Clerk said she would provide the necessary names and phone numbers so Mr. Mannion could make contact with them. 10. ADJOURNMENT Young moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:41 p.m. Mohr seconded and motion passed unanimously.