FAC 10-26-99 City of Cupertino FINE ARTS COMMISSION Regular Meeting October 26, 1999 1. CALL TO ORDER At 7:37 p.m. Chairperson Janet Mohr called the meeting to order in Conference Room A. 2. ROLL CALL Present: Chairperson Janet Mohr, Commissioners Stephen Beard, Hema Kundargi, Carl Off, Charlene Pai, Mary Sievert, Rita Young City staff present: City Clerk Kimberly Smith and Recording Secretary Dorothy Steenfott 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Off moved to accept the minutes of the regular meeting of September 28,1999. Kundargi seconded and motion carried unanimously. 4. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS City Clerk distributed an invitation to the annual town hall meeting being held on November 10 at 7:00 p.m. She also reported that Kenneth Young, Living Artist, sent a letter with evaluations of his program in the schools. An invitation to attend a Richard Deutch exhibit was also distributed. 5. NEW BUSINESS A. Fine Arts Grants Beard reported on the ad hoc committee's findings. The ad hoc committee recommended that the following grants be awarded: $2,000 for the Cherry Blossom Festival; $1,200 for the California Youth Symphony; $975 (including waive of Parks & Recreation fee) for the Bay Area Showcase Chorus; and $600 for the Cupertino Symphonic Band. Off moved to accept the grant recommendations. Kundargi seconded and motion passed unanimously. October 26, 1999 Fine Arts Commission Page 2 B. Consider renewal of membership in International Sculpture Center. City Clerk requested consensus from the Commission whether to continue membership. City Clerk to check on usage before renewing. 6. OLD BUSINESS A. Cherry Blossom Festival in 2000. Kundargi reported that there are now 13 schools interested in the student art banner project. She distributed instructions she prepared for the schools for the Commission's review. The deadline for the schools is April 14. It was suggested that a gift such as an art history book be provided to the participating schools. Young and Pai volunteered to price shop for the gift and report back to the Commission. B. Status report on mural at children's area in Quinlan Community Center. City Clerk reported that she spoke to the Parks and Recreation Director who will explore the feasibility of including the mural proj ect in the arts program through the recreation schedule. C. Status report on updated events banner with new city logo and colors. Beard now has the draft logo and will prepare the new banner. D. Status report on Four Seasons Comer. City Clerk reported that a hotel firm has been selected and discussions are underway to determine actual site plans. Once plans have been established, the landscape architect will develop a bubble plan which will be sent to the four artists. She also stated that she has spoken to the four artists and they are aU stiU interested in participating in the project. 7. COMMISSIONER AND LIAISON REPORTS A. Mayor's breakfast Off reported on Mayor Dean's last breakfast. City Clerk reported that the new time for the mayor's breakfast would be on the second Tuesday of each month. She also stated that there would not be a breakfast in November. Kundargi volunteered to attend the breakfast in December. October 26, 1999 Fine Arts Commission Page 3 B. Review Committee Roster City Clerk reviewed the calendar and indicated that there did not appear to be any urgent business and suggested that the November and December meetings be cancelled. The Commission agreed to cancel the meetings provided that nothing urgent arises. 8. ADJOURNMENT Young moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:05 p.m. Kundargi seconded and motion passed unanimously.