FAC 07-27-99 City of Cupertino FINE ARTS COMMISSION Regular Meeting July 27,1999 7:30 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER At 7:39 p.m., Vice Chairperson Charlene Pai called the meeting to order in Conference Room B. 2. ROLL CALL Present: Vice Chairperson Charlene Pai, Commissioners Stephen Beard, Carl Off, Mary Sievert, Rita Young. Absent: Hema Kundargi, Janet Mohr. City staff present: City Clerk Kimberly Smith and Recording Secretary Dorothy Steenfott. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Beard moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of June 22,1999. Off seconded and motion carried unanimously with Kundargi and Mohr absent. 4. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS City Clerk reported that a report had been received from the Cupertino Symphonic Band regarding the status of their grant project. She also reported on a comment card regarding the library expansion and invited the commissioners to submit their comments on the topic. 5. NEW BUSINESS A. Consider annual funding of Euphrat Museum of Art. City Clerk stated that there is $12,000 available for grants and $1,000 for special events in the 1999/2000 budget. Jan Rindfleisch, Euphrat Museum, described several of the events that the museum has held, and provided a schedule of events and additional information about the museum for the commission's review. Beard moved to continue the $6,000 grant for this year and consider further funding at a later date. Sievert seconded and motion carried unanimously with Kundargi and Mohr absent. July 27,1999 B. C. Fine Arts Commission Page 2 Sievert suggested that the Euphrat Museum be involved in a celebration of the Four Seasons Comer with an art theme. Ms. Rindfleisch was receptive to the suggestion to participate in the Four Seasons celebration. It was decided that further discussion for increased funding for Euphrat will be on the agenda in November or December. Free Shakespeare in the Park. City Clerk distributed copies of the invitation for this year's performance. She stated that this is the first year that Shakespeare is holding a pre-show reception in an effort to thank their exisiting supporters. Status report on new grant ideas, children's mural, cultural event. Young reported that the ad hoc committee had not been able to meet. City Clerk updated the group on the children's mural proposed for the play area behind Quinlan. City Clerk stated that the ad hoc committee should work with Julia Lamy, Quinlan Community Center, when they were ready to proceed, and it was now suggested that the mural be placed in the indoor children's area. Off suggested a contest among the schools to come up with an idea for the mural. Young suggested that more research be done to define the process. City clerk briefly updated the group on the concept for a cross-cultural event. D. Redo events banner with new city logo and colors. Beard volunteered to redo the banner. City Clerk will provide the computer image of the logo and send it to Beard. E. Status of city's Y2K preparedness. City Clerk distributed an outline of the city's procedures for handling Y2K issues and described what the city will be doing. F. Consider cancellation of the August meeting. Commission agreed to cancel the August meeting. July 27,1999 Fine Arts Commission Page 3 6. OLD BUSINESS A. B. Cherry Blossom Festival 2000 Young reported that banners would be used again this year. Suggestions such as celebrating the past 100 years in Cupertino, icons of the spring, building on the future with our past, celebrate the parks, celebrating Cupertino, and what makes Cupertino special were discussed. Young will modifY the letter to the school superintendent. Each school will be given the final dimensions and the commission will cut the banners to the correct size. Each school will be responsible for gluing their designs. Young will prepare the superintendent letter and meet with Kundargi to request assistance on the project. Four Seasons Comer City Clerk updated the group on the status. The park plans are currently on hold pending a proposal for the hotel site. The commission viewed a videotape of the children's art display from the 1998 Cherry Blossom Festival which showed their visions ofthe Four Seasons Comer. C. Receive recommendations of Distinguished Artist of the Year (Orr, Kundargi, Pai). Off reported that the ad hoc committee met to discuss three applications. The ad hoc committee unanimously chose Ann Stamm Merrell. Beard moved to accept the recommendation for the Distinguished Artist of the Year award, Sievert seconded and motion carried unanimously with Kundargi and Mohr absent. City Clerk will contact the artist's husband and confirm the time for presentation of the plaque. D. Prepare draft letters expressing support for public art at new library and senior center. City clerk distributed a draft letter which was prepared by Sievert. City Clerk will review the letter with the city manager before distributing the letter to ensure that all appropriate parties receive a copy. July 27,1999 Fine Arts Commission Page 4 7. COMMISSIONER AND LIAISON REPORTS Pai volunteered to attend the August 12 breakfast. 8. ADJOURNMENT Off moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:25 p.m., Young seconded and motion carried unanimously with Kundargi and Mohr absent.