FAC 06-22-99 City of Cupertino FINE ARTS COMMISSION Regular Meeting June 22,1999 7:30 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER At 7:44 p.m., Charlene Pai called the meeting to order in Conference Room A and led the pledge of allegiance. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL Present: Vice Chairperson Charlene Pai, Commissioners Stephen Beard, Hema Kundargi, Carl Off, Mary Sievert. Absent: Janet Mohr, Rita Young. City staff present: City Clerk Kimberly Smith and Recording Secretary Dorothy Steenfott. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Off moved to approve the minutes of the regular meetings of April 27 and May 25, 1999. Kundargi seconded and motion passed unanimously with Mohr and Young absent. 5. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS City Clerk reported on a letter received from Ken Young, Living Artist Theater, thanking the commission for the grant and providing a schedule of the upcoming performances. Commissioners are invited to attend any of the performances. It was also reported that an e-mail was received from the Fine Arts League requesting that they be included as a link on the City's website. 6. STAFF REPORTS City Clerk reported that the Bay Area Showcase performance included 80 performers and about 150 people attended. She stated that the performance was very nice and well received. The Cupertino Symphonic Band gave a performance at the same time in Memorial Park, which was also well attended. City Clerk reported that Shanachie provided the commission with a CD of their performances and that the commission could borrow it any time. June 22, 1999 Fine Arts Commission Page 2 7. NEW BUSINESS A. Review qualifications for Distinguished Artist of the Year. City Clerk discussed the qualifications and whether the award could be given to a deceased artist. The commission discussed eligibility requirements and determined that if the artist had made contributions during the year for which he or she was nominated, then a deceased artist would be eligible for the award. B. Distributed Artist of the Year to ad hoc committee (Orr, Kundargi, Pai). The packets were distributed to the ad hoc committee of Off, Kundargi, and Pai. c. Advanced planning for 2000 Cherry Blossom Festival- information must be sent to schools by August 1999. City Clerk reported that the information needs to be sent to the school district by August in order for the schools to include the project in the curriculum. The commission felt that Young was the best person to lead the process. City Clerk will call Young and request that she present a proposal for the project at the July meeting. Kundargi volunteered to work on this year's program. Sievert and Off volunteered to assist with set up and tear down. D. Prepare draft letters expressing support for public art at new library and senior center. Sievert will prepare a draft letter for the commission to review. 8. OLD BUSINESS A. Web page updates and recommendations. The commission reviewed the draft and thought the content was very good. City Clerk will make additional changes to the draft and add it to the City website. Once completed, a brochure of the web page will be produced. June 22, 1999 Fine Arts Commission Page 3 B. Status report on Four Seasons Comer project. City Clerk reported that an intern with the city channel will have a video prepared by the July meeting. 9. ADJOURNEMENT The meeting was adjourned 9:15 p.m.