FAC 03-23-99 City of Cupertino FINE ARTS COMMISSION Regular Meeting March 23, 1999 7:30 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER At 7:35 p.m., Janet Mohr called the meeting to order in Conference Room A and led the pledge of allegiance. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL Present: Chairperson Janet Mohr; Commissioners Stephen Beard, Hema Kundargi, Carl Orr, Mary Sievert, Rita Young. Absent: Charlene Pai City staff present: City Clerk Kimberly Smith and Recording Secretary Dorothy Steenfott. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Young moved to approve the minutes ofthe regular adjourned meeting of February 23, 1999. Sievert seconded and motion passed unanimously with Pai absent. 5. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS City Clerk stated that judges are needed for this year's Crest Awards Program. Kundargi volunteered to be ajudge on this year's selection committee. City Clerk reported that the programs for Family Day are available. She also reported that a notice announcing nominations for Artist of the Year will be published in the Cupertino Scene, given to the press, and placed on the web site. March 23, 1999 Fine Arts Commission Page 2 6. NEW BUSINESS A. Receive recommendations from fine arts grant ad hoc committee (Mohr, Beard, and Kundargi) and award grants. Mohr stated that four proposals had been received. She reported that the grant committee chose to fund three. Mohr moved to grant $2,000 to the Cherry Blossom Festival, $1,500 to Kenneth Young (Living Artist), and $600 to the Cupertino Symphonic Band. Off seconded and motion passed unanimously with Pai absent. B. Consider the creation of specific grant requests for next grant cycle (see committee roster item). Young reported that she, Kundargi, and Pai met to discuss the issue. Their findings included placing murals on empty walls, making restroom signs with different languages or art from other countries. It was also suggested that a portion of funds from the next grant cycle be designated for someone with an idea to celebrate the millenium and the Four Seasons Comer art project. C. Select ad hoc committee for Student Artist of the Year. Young, Mohr, and Off volunteered to form an ad hoc committee. They will report to the City Clerk with the name of their selection. 7. OLD BUSINESS A. Stauts report - Four Seasons Comer artist selection. City Clerk distributed a list of questions for reference checks. Sievert suggested that reference checks should be made after interviews have been done in order to cut down on the number of calls made. City Clerk requested that the Commission review the questions and submit any changes. March 23, 1999 Fine Arts Commission Page 3 B. Status report- 1999 Cherry Blossom Festival, April 10-11 (Kundargi, Young). Young reported that Lucille Honig found someone to put the banners up. City Clerk reported that the sprinklers will stay on so signs need to come down before dusk. C. Status report -- Family Day at the Euphrat Museum of Art, April 11. City Clerk stated that Family Day is on the same day as the Cherry Blossom Festival. Young volunteered to make an appearance at Family Day and will bring the Fine Arts banner to both events. 8. COMMISSIONER AND LIAISON REPORTS A. Review of Committee Roster and Commission Deadlines report. City Clerk reported that the deadline roster is used as a reminder for the on-going items the Commission handles. Sievert reported on the mayor's breakfast. She stated that the mayor likes the idea of videotaping some of the Fine Arts activities. Young will attend the next mayor's breakfast and report on Family Day and the Cherry Blossom Festival. 9. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 10:11 p.m.