FAC 09-26-89 Fine Arts Commission Regular Meeting September 26, 1989 Cupertino City Hall MINUTES CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Vice Chairman Roberta Hollimon at 7:15 p.m. ROLL CALL Commissioners present: Hollimon, Steele, Harry, Ramsay, and Lerner Commissioners absent: Arden and Ettinger Staff present: Krey and Robinson APPROVAL OF MINUTES FOR AUGUST 29. 1989 MEETING Ramsay made a motion to approve the minutes as written; Lerner seconded and the motion passed unanimously. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS There were none, as Trish Steinhardt will instead be present at the October meeting. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS There were none. STAFF REPORT Krey noted that any commissioners interested in attending the San Jose arts conference should turn in their registration forms to her as soon as possible. The cost is $75 per day. Krey also drew attention to changes in the loaned art policy, made in Section C and on page 1. Krey further noted that in January the mayor will be Barbara Rogers, who requested that the committee move the Fine Arts Mural Dedication from Jan. 18 to Jan. 11. Krey also said that Chuck Kilian, City Attorney, requests that all commissions be more specific on agenda items requiring action, due to the Brown Act. OLD BUSINESS Artists Awards: This item will be taken up at a future meeting. Mural Dedication: Ramsay distributed an updated, tentative outline for the dedication of the City Hall Mural for approval by the commission. She also distributed a list of tentative subcommittees for the mural dedication and reception, requesting that commissioners make changes as necessary. The committee has scheduled two meetings to continue planning on Oct. 5 and Oct. 19. Harry inquired as to whether the loaned art display must be tied to the mural dedication in City Hall, and suggested Music Americana as a possible selection for entertainment. The time of the event was changed from 8:00 p.m. to 7:45 p.m. for the unveiling. Ramsay noted the need to begin work on information to go in the program, promotional details, and that an invitation list be assembled. The commission discussed tentative dates for the event, including Jan. 11, 18, or 25th. Krey will check with the Mayor regarding the 25th of Jan., and will include a story on the event in the January issue of The Cupertino Scene. The pros and cons of keeping the reception invitational only were discussed. Lerner questioned the image of an event funded by the City that is not open to the public and the artist's use of publicity following the event. It was decided that a closed reception would be held for personal invitations prior to the event, with a general unveiling for anyone and opportunity to meet the artist following. Ramsay noted that an invitation has been extended by the artist for any committee member to visit his studio; it is an hour and a half drive. The artist will assist in the draping of the mural for the unveiling, and with the temporary lighting. Ramsay would like subcommittee reports by the 19th. October Event Budget: Hollimon noted that they are on budget for the October opera event, and that a banner was approved at the last meeting for $300. She found that it is easy to change the date on the banner but not the name of the event. Krey suggested speaking with Steve Dowling in Parks and Rec. as a source of information on banners. Ramsay suggested a banner with two wires and interchangeable letters. More research was suggested. Business Relations Committee: Ettinger left a brochure with Lerner. It will be sent out in the packet and voted on in the October meeting. Lerner will rotate the address on the brochure and mail it to Hollimon. NEW BUSINESS There was none. COMMlml; RI;PCRTS Harry and Ramsay reported on the Public Art Policy Committee. Krey noted wording changes made by Mr. Kilian in the document. Nancy Steele made a motion to accept the corrections on the public art policy as proposed and on the public art loan policy. Lerner seconded and the motion passed unanimously. There was no report on business relations. Ramsay reported on Art in City Hall, noting her conversation with Duane Greene of Katia Lacoste Gallery. He feels that the lender needs to be consulted regarding signage, and the city should share responsiblity for wear and tear. Greene invited the commission to a reception Oct., 6-8 p.m. at N. 1st Street. At this time he would pull potential art for City Hall from storage. Krey questioned the need for city staff for installation of works. Steele said Mayor Plungy would choose Sister City artifacts to be displayed once the city built display cases for the lobby. Krey will get staff's opinions on lights for the paintings. Hollimon reported on the October special events. Lerner developed a list of companies with 50 or more employees for invitations. Krey will send out press releases to the media. Lerner mentioned the need to develop a computer mailing list. The Artist's Awards were already discussed. Steele reported on Grants, noting that 12 were received. She will have a recommendation to the FAC on the 24th. It will be brought to counsel on November 6. The requests far exceeded the available amounts. Steele reported on Television, saying she met with Susan Orcutt, access director of Channel 30 and found her to be very qualified. Ramsey reported on the Mural, and inquired as to whether the city's franking privilege could be used for mailing. Krey noted that bulk rate could be used for invitations. It was suggested that responses be called in to Nancy Steele's answering machine. COMMISSIONER REPORTS Steele reported that the City of Los Altos has been considered for a special arts program award. And the Cupertino Fine Arts League had an Art in the Park event attended by 29 artists, of which 22 displayed their work, due to the rain. Ramsay reported the new gallery opening of the Fairmont Hotel Sept. 29, 7-9 p.m. Hollimon reported on the Arts Council. She attended a workshop along with representatives from various cities to discuss the new CAP (Committee opn Arts Policy) policy on grants. It was decided that a city program may apply for a grant but not the city itself. Only one grant per city per year is available. Other commissioners had no reports. ADJOURNMENT Lerner made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:45 p.m. Ramsay seconded and the motion passed unanimously.