FAC 08-29-89 Fine Arts commission Regular Meetin:J August 29, 1989 Cupertino City Hall MINUTES CArL TO ORDER ihe meetin:J was called to order by O1airman Deborah Arden at 7 p.m. ROLL CALL Conunissioners present: Arden, Ettinger, Harry, Len1er, :Ramsay and Steele Conunissioners absent: Holl:iJrcn (Harry excused at 7:50 p.m.) staff present: Krey APPROVAL OF MINUTES FOR JULY 25. 1989 MEETING :Ramsay asked that artist T. Scott sayre I s last name be corrected in staff report and in new business sections of minutes. Also, the word "to" should be deleted in fourth line of new business section. :Ramsay made a m:rl:ion to approve the minutes as corrected; Steele seconded and the m:rl:ion passed unani=JsI y. ORAL WMJNICATIONS 'Ihere were none . WRITTEN WMJNICATIONS Arden began discussion of the California Confederation of the Arts conference in San Jose Nov. 16-18. Conunissioners indicated interest in attending, with Arden, Harry and :Ramsay saying they wanted to attend the full session and the others expressing interest in seeing a complete program schedule so they could choose one day to attend. Arden said she would find out if a one-day rate was available. Conunissioners were asked to submit registration forms to Krey as soon as possible. Arden also mentioned a letter from the YWCA indicating available exhibit space and asked Krey to send a copy of the FAC I s Artist Directory to the YWCA with a note. Arden also received a letter from Barbara Koppel regarding an FAC entry in the Heritage Parade. After same discussion, cammissioners agreed a sill'lple entry could be done. Steele offered to speak with someone regarding an awroPriate vehicle for the parade. STAFF REFORI' Krey asked cammissioners to think about nominating sameone for a Civic service Award in the CUltural Arts category. Several names were mentioned and Ettinger asked for a nomination form. Krey also gave cammissioners an update on the mural project and reported that the 01annel 53 staff was preparing a videotape on the artist I s progress, which they hoped could be shewn during the mural dedication. Krey played the Cl. 53 PSA regardin:J the FAC grants program. She also reported five grant applications had been distributed by her office that week. Fine Arts Camnission August 29, 1989 Minutes OlD IDSINESS Artist Plaque: Harry shcwed several medallions and plaque samples available at First Place. Arden suggested the awards ccamnittee meet and propose one or 'brio ideas to the cammission. Public Art Loan Policy: Camnissioners discussed a policy prepared by the city attorney's office. Ramsay said she wanted to send out the guidelines iJmnediately to those galleries interested in loaning art to the city. other cammissioners said they wanted more ti1ne to review the policy. Harry made a mtion to accept the policy for the ti1ne bein;J, with a formal approval at the next FAC meetinJ. Ettinger seconded. Lerner questioned whether or not an approval was needed, sayinJ the attorney wrote the policy so that he could easily defend it if necessazy. '!he mtion passed unani.1oously, with cammissioners askin3" Krey to check on the wording of one subtitle ("Cost of installation, Maintenance of Rem:Jval1l). Proposal of M..1ral Dedication¡Celebration: Ramsay distributed a draft proposal for the dedication of the City Hall =al, Commissioners agreed the event should take place Jan. 18, 1990 and that Krey should inform the artist in case he is unable to complete the project by that date. A reception \\'CUld begin at 7 p.m. with the unveilinJ shortly thereafter. Am:mg speakers suggested were the mayor, the artist, an FAC representative and Jan Rindfleisch of the Euphrat Gallery. Camnissioners discussed the idea of including a Euphrat speaker, with Steele sayinJ she didn't feel it was appropriate. other items in the proposal were questioned, such as the ability to light the =al and the idea of havinJ an open invitation printed in the Scene. '!he =al cammittee was asked to take the feedback from the meetinJ and report back to the commission with a revised proposal. '!he cammission approved the =ncept of the dedication ceremony, upon a motion by Ettinger and a second from Steele. Budget for October Special Event: Lerner reported for Hollimon, sayinJ the budget for Opera in the Plaza is $1,100, which covers the cammittee's proposal. An additional cost \\'CUld be required if the FAC wanted to buy a cammission banner, to be used for all special events. Ramsay made a motion to authorize a Stnn of no more than $300 for the banner, which would feature interchangeable events and dates. Lerner seconded and the mtion passed unani.1oously. Krey shcwed samples of flyers she made up for the event and the cammission agreed to pick one after Hollimon had a chance to see them. NEW BUSINESS '!here was none . cn1MITTEE REroRm EttinJer reported on the Business Relations cammittee, distributinJ a sample brochure to be mailed to CUpertino businesses. The brochure provides information about the FAC and suggests ways that the business camnunity can participate in fosterinJ the arts in the city. Lerner was asked to type the brochure copy on his cc:arp.tter. Formal approval of the brochure will go on the September agenda . Fine Arts O:mnission August 29, 1989 Minutes cnIMITI'EE REroRI'S continued Steele asked that discussion of the City Hall display cases be 1\1OVed to the September agenja, so that the mayor could decide which artifacts should be displayed. Steele also reported on the grants program, saying a report from haIpist I¥lm Grego:ty had been received. Regarding the Television Committee, she said Arden was scheduled to help 01annel 53 produce the next !'SA with grants recipient Flay Zittin. '!he FAC will explore ways to 'WOrk with 01annel 30 as well, said steele, now that a new director has been hired-SUzanne o=tt. a:un:SSIONER REroRl'S Steele reported that the CUpertino Fine Arts league I S Art in the Park event will take place Sept. 17 in Memorial Park from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. 'Ihe group's next major event will be a Olrisbnas Paint-in, where members will design large seasonal cards to be given to various convalescent homes . Ramsay reported on a meeting of the San Jose Fine Arts Cammission that she attended, discussing agenda items from that meeting, including the fact that the group wculd like to create a theater district in downtown San Jose. Ettinger spoke briefly of her trip to I.on:lon and made available a booklet of prints and posters from the National Gallery. other ocmnissioners had no reports. ADJOURNMENT Ettinger made a =tion to adjourn the meeting at 9:30 p.m. Lerner seconded and the motion passed unanimously.