FAC 03-27-90 FINE ARTS COMMISSION Regular Meeting -- March 27, 1990 Cupertino City Hall MINUTES CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:05 by Chairperson Roberta Hollimon. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Hollimon, Deborah Arden, Nancy Steele, (Doris Harry arrived 7:11; Robert Lerner entered 8:00). Commissioners Absent: Val Ramsay Staff Present: Donna Krey and Susan Robinson Guests Present: Caron Blinick and Lawrence Thoo Sheila Ettinger APPROVAL OF MINUTES FOR FEB. 27. 1990 REGULAR MEETING Ettinger noted that under commissioner reports a Los Altos sculptor requested information rather than a presentation and Hollimon asked that Steele's name be corrected under new business and that the wording of the motion under committee reports be verified. Arden moved to accept the minutes as corrected contingent upon verification of committee reports; Steele seconded and the motion passed unanimously. ORAL COMMUNICATION Caron Blinick, director of community services at De Anza College, reported to the commission on the expanding role of the college into cultural and performing arts. They plan to develop a cultural center to link the California History Center, Flint Center, and the Euphrat Gallery. The college is interested in a joint project with the Fine Arts Commission next summer to bring performing arts to the community. Blinick suggested a symphony, blue grass or jazz and is open to other ideas. De Anza's new stadium for sporting and performing arts events will open June 4. The commission requested that a joint project with De Anza be on the April agenda. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS Hollimon noted written items that came in the packets. In addition she distributed a thank you letter from the Union Church, an announcement of Neighborhood Photography by Margie Haney, Fine Arts League Newsletter and the California Confederation of the Arts Action Alert. She also passed around the current edition of Sculpture Magazine. STAFF REPORT Krey reported that she met with Hollimon to discuss the budget which will go the - the city manager in April. She noted that any decreases reflect a more realistic budget, however there is some money for unexpected expenses and no requests were decreased. After the city manager reviews the budget the commission will be advised of any changes. The council will have a preliminary review in early June - and the final adoption will be July 2. Commissioners are free to attend budget hearings and provide input to the council. She passed out the mural brochure. They have been sent to Scott Sayre, the Historical Society and are in the kiosk. She noted that the community center banquet is on Friday and will be crowded. OLD BUSINESS There was none. NEW BUSINESS Presentation from Patricia Steinhardt, Arts Council--Lawrence Thoo, attending in Steinhardt's place, presented a painting from last year's Hands on the Arts--a piece of child's art that will be presented to the city council. He passed out City Connect brochures. The name has been changed from Intercity Arts Forum. Thoo reported that brown bag lunches begin March 30 at the Non-Profit Development Center on Technology Drive. The first large event begins April 28. It will be a day-long session titled, "Towards a Regional Vision." He requested that a city roster be sent to him. The commission stated that they will try to get a representative there. He passed out the Artsconnect newsletter and other literature including envelopes for collecting individual donations for the earthquake recovery fund. Heritage Parade discussion-- The commission discussed possibilities for an entry in the parade. Suggestions included carrying banners to represent each type of art, an antique automobile, a mural re-enactment, recognizing the artists of the year, dance troupes, a mime and chalk painting. Krey suggested that the special events committee discuss it and make suggestions. Steele agreed to check into obtaining antique cars. Krey said that the Heritage parade may be combined with an international festival. Membership in CALAA--Hollimon said that the membership fee is $50 for the commission as a local arts agency. The purpose is to serve local arts agencies and provide leadership training. Arden made a motion that the commission participate in CALAA; Ettinger seconded and the motion passed unanimously. Krey will take care of the membership application. Discussion of FAC Goals--Hollimon reviewed last year's goals to note achievements. Goals included having performing and visual arts activities, forming a new committee, obtaining a sculpture and increasing the visibility of fine arts programs. These were achieved through the mural and loaned art exhibits, formation of the business committee, and a performing arts activity will be held in April. Arden noted that the commission has begun the process of acquiring a sculpture and will need to find out from the city council if it wishes to purchase the one currently on loan. An increase in visibility was achieved through the mural dedication and working with Channel 53. This year's goals include a large performing arts event in drama or dance, combining fine arts awards with an event, and obtaining an outdoor sculpture. The commission also set goals to establish a City Hall art collection, have one program that business can participate in such as purchase of a piano or sculpture, and to have a concerted effort to tie together arts organizations in Cupertino to promote intracity arts dialogue. The commission requested that a public art policy committee change be on the next agenda as well as strategies for FAC goals. Artists with AIDS Discussion-- The commission discussed ways it could help artists with special needs such as AIDS in spite of a lack of resources. Suggestions included encouraging people to see the AIDS quilt which will be coming the weekend of April 27 to the San Jose Convention Center. Krey noted that they could request a proclamation from the Mayor. Hollimon made an official statement that the commission recognizes that there is a problem and would not discriminate against any artist with AIDS and that the commission applauds communities and community organizations that are able to help those with AIDS. Lending Policy for Mural Tapes--Two copies will be given to the library and anyone wanting to borrow it will be referred to the library. Extra copies can be made by submitting a request and cassette tape to Channel 53. Discussion of Meeting Time--Harry noted that it is difficult to make a 7:00 meeting after school and made a motion that the meeting time be changed to 7:30; Arden seconded and the motion passed unanimously. Krey will check with the City Clerk regarding noticing of the new meeting time which will begin in April. COMMITTEE REPORTS Business Relations--Ettinger showed the letter and brochure to be given to local businesses. Next they will single out 20-25 businesses to visit personally. She would still like bumper stickers made. Hollimon, Lerner and Ettinger will begin the visits in June. Krey will check with Steve Dowling, Parks and Recreation Director regarding a joint effort to purchase a piano between the Parks and Recreation Department and local business. Art in City HalinArden requested a consensus on loaned art in City Hall and a direction or focus for the City Hall collection. The commission decided on an integrative, eclectic collection. Krey suggested that the commission receive feedback from the City Council by putting the proposal on the agenda. The commission discussed the need for the City Council to set money aside each year for arts acquisition to meet the sculpture goal by the year 2000. Arden showed a James Crable photo montage which will be included in the proposal. The committee requested that Art in City Hall-Purchase of Loaned Art and a proposal for acquisition and display of memorabilia be on the next agenda. Steele will check on the morion for the City Council chambers which is part of phase three proposal to City Council. The committee would also like to frame and get captions for the historical photos in City Hall. Harry moved that money be allocated from this year's budget to frame and identify the historical photos; Lerner seconded and the motion passed unanimously. Prices will be discussed next month. Special Events--Hollimon distributed opera flyers which will be mailed to the Parks and Recreation list. The event will be Sunday, April 29 at 2:00 and members should arrive by 1 :00 to help. Artist's Awards--No nominations have yet been made as the Scene comes out March 28. The deadline is April 10. One award will be given to a person residing or practicing art in Cupertino. Arden is ordering the award. Wooden plaques with medallions have been ordered for high school awards. Dye casting of the morion has been suggested rather than etching if several commissions could jointly buy a dye cast. Krey mentioned that the City has a dye with the morion for the employee award program but gifts are ordered from one company in bulk. Grants--Lerner reported on the review of five grants. Sweet Adelines requested $500 for a marketing program. The committee suggests declining the request, and will send a letter. San Jose Symphony Orchestra requested $1,000 for $2,160 worth of tickets. This request was recommended for the full amount. California Youth Symphony requested $1,000 for 500 tickets and approval was recommended for the full amount. Cupertino Chamber Players requested $1,800 and the amount was recommended. Schola Cantorum requested $1,700 and $1,200 was recommended. Grants total $5,000 out of the remaining $6,855 in grants budget. Arden made a motion to grant $1,800 for the Cupertino Chamber Players Fall performance; Harry seconded. Arden amended the motion to stipulate that $300 be budgeted for a piano; Harry seconded and the motion passed unanimously. Harry moved that $1,000 be granted to the California Youth Symphony contingent that a portion of the tickets be distributed to families; Ettinger seconded and the motion passed unanimously. Steele motioned that $1,000 be granted to the San Jose Symphony for tickets; Arden seconded and the motion passed unanimously. TelevisionnHarry is on the TV Committee instead of Ramsay. The committee will request that videos on the grants process be scheduled several times per year on Channels 30 and 53. Mural--Steele asked that critiques of the mural ceremony be given to Ramsay before the next meeting. COMMISSIONER REPORTS Ettinger passed out a cultural center brochure and Villa Montalvo poster and noted the new opera series for next year. Arden mentioned the Euphrat exhibit luncheon April 5. Hollimon would like to set up a time for the commission to go the the Fremont library to view the art work. She noted that Earth Day is Sunday, April 22 and will involve many arts activities. ADJOURNMENT Lerner moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:35; Ettinger seconded and the motion passed unanimously.