FAC 01-22-91 FINE ARTS COMMISSION Regular Meeting--Jan. 22, 1991 Cupertino City Hall MINUTES CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by chairman Roberta Hollimon. ROLL CALL Commissioners present: Hollimon, Sheila Ettinger, Jelinch, Robert Lerner (entered 7:35 p.m.). commissioners absent: None Staff present: Donna Krey Laura Domondon Doris Harry, Frank APPROVAL OF MINUTES Ettinger requested a change on page 3. The words "college officials" will be replaced by "football players" in regards to a possibility of hosting a demonstration '4ger football game. Harry made a motion to approve the minutes as corrected; Ettinger seconded and the motion passed unanimously. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS There were none. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS Hollimon distributed a number of announcements and letters relating to arts groups and activities. STAFF REPORT Krey reported that the public works department requested bids for the mural lights and received only one. She said city Engineer Travice Whitten advised her that the bid needs to be revised. The new bid should be submitted by the end of the week. Krey also said that the SJ Mercury News will publish a large article about the Grants program and vacant seats on the Fine Arts commission. The article should be in the Jan. 23rd issue. Krey told commissioners that the City of Santa Clara implemented a program via residents utility bills in 1990 which solicits money for arts programs and other community projects. She suggested that the commission may want to consider doing the same. Krey mentioned that the city will accept applications for the Fine Arts Commission until Feb. 11 for two vacant seats. Jelinch suggested that the city include student members or student advisors on the commission. Ettinger said students could be from De Anza College. The possibility of including students as advisors will be discussed at the February meeting. DISCUSSION ON FORMATION OF FRIENDS OF THE ARTS COMMITTEE Jelinch offered to help set up a Friends of the Arts Committee and shared his experience with an Arts committee he previously headed. Krey said that she could include information about the formation of that committee in the March Scene. Hollimon suggested that by the next meeting there should be a preliminary brainstorm of the future committee's foundation. Lerner and Jelinch will be in charge of setting down some possible guidelines. Results from their meeting will be discussed at the February meeting. Exploration of Friends of the Arts Committee (public forum) will be discussed at the March meeting. APPOINTMENT OF COMMITTEE FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ART POLICY Hollimon and Ettinger met with representatives from the Planning, Parks and Recreation and ASAC Commissions to discuss requirements and a policy for public art at major developments. Hollimon said the Fine Arts commission was asked to draft that policy which will be approved by the larger group. Lerner suggested that the Art in Public Places committee should be responsible for the policy. Hollimon said the committee would get together and bring the policy before the FAC for discussion. REDEFINITION OF COMMITTEE RESPONSIBILITIES/COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS Hollimon lead the discussion of the committee responsibilities and members. The commissioners decided to combine some committees. The new groups and responsibilities are as follows: a. Art in Public Places (combined with Art in city Hall) - write policies, solicit contributions, maintain the display cases, mural and loaned art. b. Business Relations and Development - solicit contributions from the business community. Presently concentrating on acquiring a piano for the Quinlan Community Center. c. Special Events (including Artist's Award) - sponsors large community events, honors citizens/individuals for artistic ability. d. Grants - responsible for grants awards given twice a year e. Directories (including Facilities Directory, Artists Directory and Historical Archives) - update directories. Members: a. Art in Public Places: Ettinger, Hollimon, Jelinch b. Business Relations and Development: Ettinger, Hollimon, Lerner c. Special Events/Artist Awards: Harry, Lerner, new member d. Grants: Harry, Hollimon, Jelinch e. Artists Directory/Facilities Directory/Historical Archives: Ettinger ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN AND VICE-CHAIRMAN Lerner nominated Ettinger for Chairman, Hollimon seconded the motion. Jelinch moved to close the nominations; Hollimon seconded and the motion to elect Ettinger as Chairman passed unanimously. Lerner nominated Harry for Vice-Chairman, Hollimon seconded and the motion passed unanimously. COMMITTEE REPORTS Business Relations: Ettinger reported that she has attempted to contact Mervyn's and Target several times but may call Dayton/Hudson directly for information about a grant for the piano. She said another option is to rent a piano. Hollimon said she is researching prices. Krey told commissioners that if a grant is obtained, bids are not necessary. She clarified the fact that a bidding process is necessary when public funds are used. Art in citv Hall/Art in Public Places: Hollimon told commissioners that she is working on reframing two of the councilmembers' new pictures. Krey said that the Cali Mill picture is hanging downstairs and the pictures, banner and flag from Toyokawa were given to Julia in the Community Center. She reported that the Community Center may have a Toyokawa Room which will include art from the sister City. Special Events/Artist's Awards: Lerner told commissioners that an event needs to take place soon. Hollimon said that they should begin planning for a Special Event now and work on the Artist's Awards at a later date. Ettinger indicated that if the war continues perhaps they should plan a patriotic concert or hold the awards ceremony at the July 4th picnic. Harry said that the event this year may want to include drama and dance. Krey reported that there will be a reenactment of the signing of the Bill of Rights in September, put on by the Bicentennial Committee. Jelinch said he is a member and will keep the FAC informed. Grants: Ettinger passed out more flyers for commissioners to distribute. Krey indicted that she has sent out approximately 20 flyers. Harry reported that she has passed out flyers to SJ State. Artist's Directorv/Facilities DirectorY/Historical Archives: No report. COMMISSIONER REPORTS AND LIAISONS Ettinger lead the discussion of the new liaison assignments. following was decided: The Sheila Ettinqer Flint Center Cupertino Library De Anza College Roberta Hollimon Performing Arts Alliance Calif. Arts Council SCC Arts Council City of Mountain view Doris Harry City of Sunnyvale Cupertino union School District Fremont Unified School District Robert Lerner City of Santa Clara City of Los Altos Euphrat Gallery Frank Jelinch city of Los Gatos Bicentennial Commission Chamber of Commerce New Commissioner #1 City of San Jose city of Palo Alto New Commissioner #2 Fine Arts League Harry reported that the public will have an opportunity to meet the artists of the West Bay Opera on Jan. 24. Hollimon reported that the SC Arts Council sponsors brown bag luncheons every other month and she will inform the commission of upcoming meetings. She explained that the SC Arts Council is primarily a grants-giving group and the Confederation of the Arts is a lobbying organization. The commissioners thanked Hollimon for a very good year. ADJOURNMENT Lerner made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:05 p.m.; Harry seconded and the motion passed unanimously. The next FAC meeting will take place Feb. 26, 1991.