19646 APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LI XES — USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY Building Pm'cn identification pERMLT NO, B.Bdingeddrem: 19646 <r. ante 19 6 4 6 �. lot 0 '3 CITY OF CUPERTINO-BUILDING DIVISION Lk.Na APPLICATION I PERMIT ���� BU=NGELECTRICAI nLtMBING- E HAMCAL CATEGORY CONTROL Is'ea'Fsgl"`v. L, Ic N. QTY ELECTRIC PERMIT FEE BUILDING PERMIT INFO Add. PERMITISSUANCE , A c Y LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION Ihereby i`ffirm that l am Bcevseiu"mr pro,dma ofChapter9(comunen APPLIANCES BDESC N IngwBhSoc Ior.7IXD)ol DiW.3oltheBumnosand ProfenalmuCode,and my Ilot b L,No tk)"and effM PANELS License lap L ' I�, Date- ` Ctn l otos KIt ARCHITECTS DECIARATION 1'1 AMPS e4Z I understand my plane shall be used a public remtda 1000 SQ.FT.FLOOR AREA S/SQ.FT. S L Loured ProfessionalSI^. < _ a OWNER-BIJILDEII.DECIARATIO.:7 - . SP" C CIJIT/M I hereby afOr n that l am exempt from the C.Mractor's License�?'-efo,the 00 fulmw reason.(SMIm MIS,Bumneu and Pmfeak,n.Cade:Any dry^ ' F� county which requiresro 'TEMP O EI a permit to comm,,IM alter,improve,demolish,or repalr ~ aoylrvcture prim to Its Wutrce,.tw rmi equ 'the appbant for much pemdt to P0WFRD po Ille a signed statement that he It licensed pursuant to the pmvtsloru of the O C runctore Ute.La.(Cltpter9(mmmenrlpg whh Section 7000)of DM. SWIMMING POOL ELECTRIC " 30J don3ofthe Budnmandl'rofmbmC e)orthdhebexemptihemfmmard VALUATION a'`b y.'•.]] the b•eb for the alleged exemption. Any Wdation of Se icor 70315 by any D�SSWDtf�pDpDg� ^1 ��6Y applicant for.permit atbjecb the appllcant to a efvll penalty of not morethan a E aa lh-p,-huulmd dull.W0Q. NEWRESIDEMTALELECIR SQ}T. ' 1,as owmer of the property,or my employeesw hwages u their.ole ..y7� STORIES IYPECONSIRUZHON compensation,wllldothe work,and the mrurtum brat Intended or offend for 'ZO x�`F-all 5" p mle(Sm.7DK Busmen and Professions Code:The Contmdo'.Genu Law r$ docs cwt.ppty m.nownar ofpmpertywh Wildsorlmprvvnthe.Nmd whodoessurhwork himselfathwgh hlaownempleyces,prwMMth.tsuch OCC.GROUP RES.UNITS impr.vcments are not Intended oroffered forsale.If,however,the Wilding m TOTAL; 2 t Improvement L,oMw Int oneyearefournplmbn,the ownerbullderw111 hive _ EuNen of proving that he did not wild or improve for purpose of sale.). OTY, PLUMBING PERMIT FEE Ll L as owmer of the property,am exclusively comracung with Ilanrd FLOOD ZDNE MIN contractors to roc rud the project(Sm.7011,Bushes and Professions Code: PFRMITLSUANCE '7 cn The Contractor's Lke�Law does not apply to an owner of property who 4 Wilda or Improves thereon, and who mntnN for such pIo"wM a ALTER-DRAW&VENT-WATER MA) or(e)Iaem,,d pursuant to the Contacts&License Law. BACK FLOW PRO=.DEVICE FEE SUMMARY I sm exempt under Sec B&P C for this recon ' q1I�nrr Date DRAINS PIDOI{ROOF,AREA,CUND. SANIN_ SANITARY Y_ xy` WOR"AN COMPENSATION DECLARATION RIL�s �..`-Y_aIf that I have a arHRute of consent to•elf-Iwre,or-a Z � Z��P �- (YD SCHOOL TAX Y N_ H / cenuiate of orkers'Compennatlanlmurance ma artllled Dopy themo((Sec. RrGEB'Ta 3RW,lab CJ GAS EA.SYSI7201-1 WCI OUTLETS PARKFEE Y_ N Policy l- i l Z S RECEIPT Is CAS EA.SYS ENI-OVER 4(FA) IT Co , K tA�laalh c C BUIL DI NO DIVISION EE ES IF, ropy Ls hereby furnished. CREASE/WDUSIRL WASTE EJTERCEPTOR PLANCHECK FEE I° Certified copy b filed with the dty lmpectbo divlalon., CERTIFICATE OF O(EMPEION FROM WORKERS' GREASE TRAP PAID COMPENSATION INSURANCE gy/pySAMTARY STORM FA 2(IQ,"1. DOIC RCCCI [N (Ihls.edbnneed not becom loted BtEe permit lemons hundred dollars ,.(Bm)ar1�.) WATERHFAMW/VENT/ELECTR ENERGY FEE Y N I ceo,leabat b the paAorrnsnte of the wvxk forwhich Rata pemdt b 6sued, I.haO nor employ any person in any manner m as to become subject to the WATERSYSTINI/TREATING workcn:ceempep,.tbn l a.&C.LifomDate te PAID - Pp Date Remi tat A vont IZ OZ NOTICE TomesubCAM:IL o,*e 'Compi.Cene,pro icons mp A you NEW RESIDENTIAL PIb1B. �F7. ahmld brooms sub jeer m the Worken'Compewtbn provfebm of the Labor TOTAL _CC N` Code,You mvat fonhwdh comply with such prwl.bns orthh pemdldWlbeBUILDING FEE C r, W,> deemed revoked. CL c CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY SEISMIC FEE I hereby.fil that there lea constrocdon le,relingagency for the penortry TOTAL: ELECTRIC FEE Z ante ofthe workfcr whkh this perms,I.Issued(See,3097,CN.C.) 02 Lendee-Name PLUMBING FEE LL'~ ' 'Lender's Address QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE MECHAMCALFEE O W Iceru(y tags t cmnplN haUckyaaddatyord[he.bovedn Read 1 MAI"t lagreetoromatmwtth and h by ot1orbm lnanm and lablawe PERMIT ISSUANCE (� FEES PAID. } city toenteruupon n t constmctbn,kmed prop sty or in rtptio ntatNn of this F Z tl Me) thesbovcmmUan d property for inspection purpose. ALTER OR ADDR7 MFGH. sS (We)agree b cove,BdemNfy an d keep harmless the Clty ofCupertino Date ReCe1pIN V g4m bWtlees,'ndgmebb ban de.pemeewhldrrcyinanywayamua AIRHANDLINGUMT(I010,0)0CFM) SUBTOTAL: a -)dCftym ant tinMofthlepe AIRHAN0L1NGUNTT(OVFRI0,000CFM) CONSTRUCTIONTAX 1 L! '2 ll•F CONSTRUCTION TAX PAID: I-LAZA SI o(A ontr.ctm ate FXEIAl1SC HOOD(W/DUCD ' HASARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will the•ppllunt or future Wilding ar pant more or handle hazardous HEA TING UNIT(TO 100,000 RTU) Date Recei Nl rn material am dNlned by the Cupertino MuNdpl Code,Chapter 9.1Z and the trn EkFa�B Ym Safety Core�La.�S�ectloon 25532(a)t DATING UNIT(OVER 100,000 al" TOTAL: TVdl".."Bard mfumm Wilding omupant use equipment m rf v VENTILATION FAN(SINGLE Romp) ISSUANCE DATE whkh emit hamrdouialf oentamiraws as de0rad by the Bay Area Air A1an�emem DLstnct7 ) BOII.ER-COMP OEIPOR 100,0()BTU) No�� hiW read the ha>aous hkatenab requirements under Chapter 695 of BOILrx-COMP(OVEt 100,OW BTU) the Glifomia Hesith&SofctyCbde,Sextlom 75505,25533 and 2553/.1 unelenbrdthatifthe Wildln deesnotarrentlyhaveatenanLthatiti,my NEW RESIDENTIAL MECH. SQFT. rapgmIbWtytoncllfythe pant of the requirements whkh must be met prim w Wuaroe of.Ceni eofoac patty. Owner or sutb ag� ate ISSUED BI'T:�+� 'r\OJS+!�a1c+sN-"�("'Jl - TOTAL: OFFICE COPY' ' a'