20531 APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES — USE BALLPOINT PEN'ONLY Building Project Identification E30I LIQ INEj: 5s 2e-LAAO PERMIT O.0531 Build leg Add rosa: I�'G r/V 103C0 - L- rcreamane: APPLICATION suBmiT I ALL DA IF 0eM ' s ' CITY OG CUPERTINO-BUILEHNG DIVISION cHIS` n�r/�� n [�Lk.Na APPLICATION /PERMIT Lz es i"I BIIDINGFLBCTWCALPLUMBING-MMHAMCAL CATFLORY CONTROL,1) O`ILle No: C7 MIN QTY ELECTRIC PERMIT FEE BUILDING PERMIT INFO Add. 4eQ5PERhUTISSUANCE ❑ 1:1 ❑ LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby affirm that l am licensed under prwbions of Chapw9(commenc APPLIANCFSRESIDENHAL x7B DF Ing with Seebn 7000)of DhAxun 3 of the B"nessand ProfesaioruCude,,nd my PANELS Ikawe bin fail and dfeR _� Lkcnx1�LICY L/ Date Cor4neor L Awshall euseda pu OI XVER l0 AMPS otOZ ]understand my phro ehaBbe used sspubllcremda OVER 1000 AMPS SQ.FT.FLOOR AREA S/SQ.FT. �j Lkxrued Professional SIGNSEECTRICAt. OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION SPECIALCIRCUIT/MISC IherebyafOrm tlutlunvemptfronthe Contneoe.Lierse LawJaL the pp following maws.(5eelon 7031.5,Buslnm and l'mfesaloro Code:Awry etyor TEMP.METER OR POLE IN F<� cwntywhkh rayulrnapermktomrowe,alter,lmprove,de ,orrtpalr K ,eystrucutepriertoltsWsa.e alwrequbnlhe,ppianIf auclapeddtto roWEyfqACES K O file a signed statement that he b lkxnacd pursuant to t kora of the Contneor'e lJceveLw(Clupter9(mrrvrcncing n7000)of LTM- POOL VALUATION ��5uon3ofthe Btdnmand Prdmioru Code)orthat mamptthert(romand < 0 the bah for the alleged vcmpt Any dolat of Seabn 70315 by any ,ppilant for,perbdt.ubJMethe appllant to I penalty d namonthan IWC hundred ddlata(SM. NEW .� �n I,as owner of the property,or my p oyen wdh wages a their sole STORIES TYPE CONSTRUCTION mmpewtimt,wlll dothework,nd truevrebrctbdendedorofferedfor Oab 6ec 7014,Busiws and Prof ro Code:The Cmvtneote I�¢sne law S$ don nwt apply loan owrcr d p rty wM W lid,or improvn lhereoR and OCC.CROUP RES LINKS whodoeseuchwork himself rough hl,ownemployen,prwded Uutwch Improvemew are rot lots ed oro/lered for ale.I(hawevm,the buil dingor imprrnmenthsddwH one yearefcompletlor,the owner-builder wlllluve tlurden or provin at he dm rax baud or Improve fm purpose of sale.). QTS. PL BIN T FEE LI 4 u own er a pmper<y,,m e.chuWely rontraclNg with licensed FLOOD/ONE MN contractors to m rue the project(Sec 7044,Buslnm and I'rofmbm Code: PFRFIIT LSSTI CE The Cordneo License Lw don not apply to an owner of property who .ALIFR DRARJ A VENT-WA (FN buidn or I n thceon, and who mmnm for,uch p(ojem whh a FEE SUMMARY ryp( d •)hart. d pursuant to the Cmtnemb Lkenx Law. LI m exempt order Sec. B&P C for this mason BACK FLAW PROTECT.DEVICE OUTSI OF FEES DRAINS FLOOR,ROOF,AREA,CON I. SANITARY Y N0 r Due RECEIPT WORK MAN COMPENSATION DECLARATION FO(7URFS PER TRAP SCOOLTAX Y_ N_ ❑I hereby,/firm that I have•¢rtlflate xrt of connt to eel/-Inm ,or oerd/lat•of Workers'Compensation lrour,nce or,¢ Bl rted ropy thertof(see. RF-Cm'1 3800,Lab CJ �)/� /� GAS EA.SYSTEM-1 INC40UTLETS PARK FEB Y N_ Polley I Pc C 4I_131 0 eep ,p� RECID'I'I Com CAS EA.SYSTEM.OVFR 4(EA) y a.M.. w . BUILDING DIVISION FEES CertlOed mpy6hereby fumhhed. GREASE/INDUSIRL WASTE INTERCEPTOR PLANCHECKFEE 3 CertNM ropy b tied with the cfty Inupection dW Won. CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM W RS, GREASE TRAP PAID COMPENSATION WSUR SEWER-SANITARY-STORM EA MOFT Date Reuel I9l (Thheectionresit not be completed If N he a th(morchundred dollam ISH"')or Ica) WATIAIiFA1FR w/VEYr/F]FGTR ENERGY FEE Y N Ior-Bythu tithe perfamun the work(orwMch tAh pemdthhaned, l shai nm employ any pend any manner..u to become.,bJea to the WATER SYSTIM/TR[ATLNG Workcra'comperwtion wat alu¢w.Dau - PAID PP Date Recei tM Applicant Z O NOTICE TO 1GANr:if,,Her ma id It Certlf{ate of Exemption,you NEW RESIDFNTIAI,PIMB. SQFT. should aubFctto the Workerd Comperoubn provbioro of the Labor TOTAL N Cale must fort lb Hh mply with such provbloru or this pemdt shall be Z u WILDING FEE W cc G d revoked. _ . CL CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY SEISMIC FEE •.Z I hereby a/firm that there b a mvtruelon kind mg agency for the perform TOTAL: ELECTRIC FEE 7 Z an¢of the work!or which thh permit b bmnd(Sm 30 Y/,Civ.C.) 00 Lender.Na�rc�'A y� �^ PLUMBING FEE F Lander'.Addness_ I/'��AJ� -lam QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE LL MECHANICAL FEE O IU 1¢niythulluv,-read[hb,ppBationard Wtethat eebo m 1 bmingt Tagrn to complywdh anety,nd manly ox,reprm mdetatebw. PERMIT ISSUANCE FEES PAID. } N relating enobuponge abow,an,,ndhereby dpropetyorle mprmntathv olthb F. = dtyWeagwtnthe,bovo-Indemnify an d keep the Cit of Cups ALTER OR ADDTO MECH. Date Recel til (We),gr¢to ave,Indemvlfy an d keep harmlm the City of Cupertire V aga:lhbWt a w,ms[n,rad e.perun whkh may lninywayacvue ATR HANDLING UNIT(TO 10,000 CFM) SUBTOTAL: agalrot old ByI aecprenoe ofthe granting of this peroral AIR HANDLING UNIT(OVER IQ"CFM) CONSTRUCTION TAX Signeureof ont/Cwtraeor (O to E)CHAUST HOOD(W/DUOD CONSTRUCTION TAX PAID: HA]ARDOUI hBA 1 L UISC SURE Wil the a ppllant orfutum building o¢vNnt uon or ha M le haeNou, HEATING UNIT(TO 1 OIL"BTU) Date RL'cei tp makrlal e%defined by the Cupertino Mudepxl Code,Chapter 9.17,and the Health and Safety Cade Seelan 75537 W7 HEATING UNIT(OVER Iffy"BTU) TOTAL: Fly. No Will the applicant Jr7utum building oavpet use equipment or devlm VENTILATION FAN(SINGLE RESID) ISSUANCE DATE whkh emit haacdou ab contambunb as defined by the Bay Area Air Q.alftyhlanagementtde7 BOILER-COMP OHPOR IW,=BTU) 4haereadtheh osmaeab gremnbunderChaper6.95o! BO LER-COMP(OVR100,000BM PAJO the California health h Serty Code,Scotiro 75505,75533 and 75534.I understand that if the building does not mnendy have a tenant,that it bmy NEW RESIDFNUAL MECH. SQFr. napommiily to notify the oeeupant of the requirements whkh must be met t Owaer¢authorired,gent / Elate ISSUED BY�U _T� ' TOTAL: OFFICE COPY