S3044C, I Ata1M Ern NT TO FB 1 IM Iucnwluennu WITHIN RFn I INES - USE SALL POINT PEN ONLY CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING - ELECTRICAL BUILDINIG DIVISION APPLICATION/PERMIT PLUMBING-MFICHANICAL BUILIIING PNOJECT IDENTIFICATION Mtn NO v 3044 BUILDING ADDRESS. deg 3 f3: NO, APPLICATION SUPMITTALUATIiO1 � E 'S NAME- PHONE: N 3 r 9i6 �d CONTS UD)R'S NAME: I,IC Nf)): �� o N Ne, 6��sAR jSNITARY CONI Ro1.G— \ O 11T-COPNGINEF,R: LION : ADDRESS: CONTA� PHONB E G1+� 9g6 X676 ❑ Coluvltanl Ems Paid by Applicant (initial) BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLUGi BLF(7 _ PLUMB MBCI YWJ/ LIC'INSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I h relby alnmi that 1 am Hectored soder provelimx of Chnfi 9 Rmm.mming QT -y ELECIR IC PERM IT FEE 1013 DESCRIPTION PERMITISSUANCE with Smtion]BW1oflHvisim Joi the Burincxx wJl4ofeivianx arW my license IS in fun fxce and effect. 6/�J )N'I. C3 KITCHEN REMODEL APPLIANCES-RMIDINDA1. 1.icrn,c Cl CJ Dat' C'mnroctu RCIITTECTS DE,CL\RAION I n.r , mYplena shall be usN as puMk rcc«ds ❑ADDITION ❑PLUMBING RI: -PIPE ❑FIULTI-UNIT ❑STRUCIURAI. MODIIECATION [D INTERIOR ❑CHIMNEY RITAIR IMPROVEMENT QSWIMMING POOLS PANIJS UP'I0211H AMPS Luse') Pmfcasi... I 2l))IdDX))AMYS OWNERUBUH.DER DECLARATION I hereby aflimt that I am exempt fmm IM1e Cnnlmcm.'c Llcen.w law for the following mumu. (.Section 70315. Bosincu and I'mfessials Cndc Any oily a uamy ❑ BATH REVIODELIREPAIR [I DEMOLITION OTHER OVER IIXX))AMYS SIGNS 1iLECI'RICAL which reeluiras a permil to cooumct alta, improve, dmmlixh, m motor any rtrvcla e SPECIAL. CIRCU GEM ISC. - priortoiuiswence.also 5uirea Heii,licmt fusuch permilm file a Joigncdvaromrnt mal he iv licenttd punxuam m dt, Pm—i,en, ofthe ComrxnNx Liccnm law (Chalucn') (emtmcsing with Smbn]EfX))]ufdvinirm3af Ja eminss, cath Pnnersions C.du)m and be, is cacmp Rodeo. and the hams fm the Mill esemprim. Any vich ion of Seelon 7031.5 by any applicant for a ,ron't subjects [be applinm In v civil Penalty of 1'EM I'.MEItiN OR POLE INST. COMMERCIAL ❑ NEN' BLDGIADDITION ❑ DEMOLITION ❑'ITNANT ❑ POOD SERVICE S POWER DEVOPERMITFEE not ntnm than f vc huldrell dollars 1351X8. �Luaw'neroflR Pmpcny. nr mY employees with w�gnmlheirekaveryen..vim. will do the wvrrk, and the wsarara is. intended or nReml for Sale (Sec. TBM. normumnos❑ and Pmfccvions CoJc:'fhc Contractors Escrow Low Jucv nor apply m an mvoa. of property wht boi dl or improve, Ihemun, and wla docs Such wmk himwlfor thmaith be own emMoyccc prosidd that such imam.<mems ara aw intf�Jsd or offered fm .care lL how'es'er,lb'huddit,,cimlmvcmcnl is Sold waminoneyeaofutmplmion.Lha ar-builder will nava the honJ.:n of posing Marl he did nnl FUJd or Inlpnne Grc pun- IMPROVEMENT OTHER SWMMINGIRIC OVIl.ETS-19%TURES NEW RESICTR SO FL SQ FU FLOOR AREA SISQ. FT 33 TOTAL Poseofsal�.). I, u owner of nt pe, 7v)4 am lmesS exclusively caxrsting wish l) Th, C Odn"o, rs toS-a ions Cnkp the Cammnm. Li --JS eve mal larey who msuon theox s not centt law docs rw applyman owner ofpropny Sohn WdJn or lmlxovex mmem.aal o at owner / � M y� d� 4ly '1 6 12 f'1�',I{ QTY, PERMIT FEELienesc low.P[RMIT am exempt umkr See , 11.E P C for this ernamALTER-D- I.I WA (FA) VAALLUATION WOR KERS COMPENSATION DI!CI A RAI'ION HACK FLOI'. hereby aflinn aukr pmhy offriary ma of the foll—ingIhave J"I STORIES TYNiCONSI1tUCION twl will ore inteioe Cmifctne.fConscnl In ue-insure fm N'uhcr' Cnmprn- DRAINS -PARE .GOND. swim, es provide) fm loi S kau i]ql of Ile latxrc Cade, for me podnnnase of Ibe wmkfx which till,apintain ioldeL S' PI%'IlJRCS-I'IiR TRAP m myu ter t i Section 1 bare and will maintain Wukcfs a na dilb v haafor which 3](10 of ga l�bur Cuk, for the prnfmmnlcnf the Souk for which this aconin is ivucd. GAS-IiA. S\'SILFI-1 INC.a OUTLET, OCC. Co 1' APN GAS-HA.SY\TEM-OVERSEA) My Wuker'x omp'nxatnm lnvnratac artier and! Policy, mm� r C. �L I'ollcy Nu:�- GNIiASPIINUUSTRL W,\STF. INDiRCEI'R:))R CERTIFEG M E) Ii1ION I N FRObf N'ORKFRS COMFII:SA1'ION INSURANCE BUILDING DIVISION I7?BS GREASE TRAP PLA P !LE - 2 O (Tliv.vetinn real not heeontplmcd floc ernit info.... abadrdiinlaa($100) wIaSJ Ieeni(Y filar in lhcpMnmleseufthe won fu which min PemJtia iswcd.l shill not employ any pcau))in any nwnler su us en bceonc Sub,c, ,, Ill, Winters Compum SEWER - SANITARY -STORM IA. 2111)) FT. 11Jt FEE WATER HEATER WIVENHF LECI'M C DING FEE Sabo Ltwxof'ClUnnia.Dde 1 Applicam j NOTICE TO APPLICANT: IF, ufm making this Cenilicale of F,xcmpim, Yea dxwd h4om' SubjL" ,, the Worker', Com""al ,o prem rs of Ila IaMx Cn.k, you amw fonhwim comply wion such Pmvks or, this permit"I he Jeer invoked. WA117R SYSTEMfFRIDM INC SI LS FEE WATER SERVICE ' CONSIRU(C ION LENDING AGENCY Ilotted, intent RW them ixecunNmetinn krdingagengf IM1nefvdo neeof the wort for which this Permit is issud (Sae. 3(9]. Civ. C.) Leader's Na. PAID Uwe Recciplp TOTAL: HUlll)ING FT:E 77 NEW RESIDENTIAL PIJAR. SQ, PI', F'"TA r 1 I -coder', AJdrea 1 cenify that I base rand this ePplicmim and ,Sone that the shove infamt rear to cures.) eine la etmply Wim ell city mW coarmy odi. and Sole lows: relining to M1uilding amslme(im,and hemhy nudlorim mptcwnwtivc, of lhls ehy to cmo ulnen theM ohove-mamtionse pmpeny fm inrPectim purpows. agree m.,< indemnify and keep borri the City aCupertimegeinsaELECTRIC QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE SI?ISMIC Fl!E O '"'� F RMI'1' IJ ��(We) 1?E 2Obdow,.Iudoo. ALTER OECH. 2,n.wgn , cow and cxpcowx which may in troy way occme aliment Said City iiL'cofthegrantingofthislannil.APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALI, NUN -POINT AER HANfT0101101))CFFD ME N ALFEESOURCE REGULATIONS. IIAN(OVER I I1dXY1 CPM)) Cl "I' UCIION TAX 40 / 9Sig. (,fAIR nfn evmrrctoe 0.m "ARDOUS MA'fE,RIALS DISCLOSUREVWFI the applicumu Nine, beilding u'copan,turt nr handl' 11-111111-4 molind EXHAUSUCT) HOT GMITIGATION FtiiI HHATINC11,0(X1 BM)) O un define) by the Cupcn'uw Municipal Coda. Choper 9.12 and Ne, Health end Safety Code, Smlion'3532(a)^ HEATING UNIT (OVER 101" BTU) VENF'FLAAK))NIANNINGLERISID)) (]Ve, Cl No PAID Dane 'iph ' Nill the ysplinn m fumrt building acuPam use cyuiFrrrcm u nk'icca w'hkh zardous r cinminana refinedby IM1e Eloy Arca Air Quality Marcgetanl et haaima mi B011,1:11 -COMP OHP OR 100.1010 BTU) B())1 LER- COMI'(OV I?R IW.M))It'ITI) ))imdm'I ❑Yes No AIR CONTI'HONER I ISSUANCE DATE I lwvc.cud na ba,,oc wx ntetmidx ,nir,ncre, under Claptmfi95 of the Cali- not health & Safety Cud, Sections, 2551))5.255:3 and 25531. 1 uakrwdd that it the NEW RESIDENTIAL MECH. handing Ikea na cement, haveatcvnl. Inv it is myncportsbany to ratify the swarm nflk rtnu whichf�ml-isl�he net priurto'rssuase nfn Ccnifxatc nf(hvpanry. ISSUF,DBY: r O L ✓ Ow, IuuBtrccd�o/ Dwc