24910 APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES-USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY CITY OFCUPERTINO BUILDING-ELECTRICAL PERMIT NO, BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATION/PERMIT PLUMBING-MECHANICAL �I 91O BUILDING PROJECT IDENTIFICATION BUILDING ADDRESS: SANITARY NO. APPLICATION SUBMI TALDATE UNIT N LOT N OW AME: PI{ONE: CO DR'S NA LIC NO: A077— 4? - aw-r- E Sa7/e Nrc CONIROLN ARCI{ITI!CDINGWt LIC NO: ADDRESS: ❑ CONTACT: PHONE: QTY. ELECTRIC PERMIT FEE BUILDING PERMIT INFO ULIXT ELECT` PLUMB MECII PERMIT ISSUANCE r1� LDCINSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION APPLIANCES-RESIDP L L7 POB DESCRIPTION Ihurby.ffrm thin l von liccnxd under pmvisioruo(CTapter9(commencing with �Q00 Salion7M)).f Uviaion 3 ufthe Hu,inn and Pmfessiorn Calc,and my llwnsc is in PANELS y�j�{ya�L full face anJ elle /'fit— FGW Liven lic.N fOJ..aO ,/�� UP TO 2(MI AMPS /ena.L o /•C'I yQy 0.the.�"-' COovanu N� MI-IOW Ah1P5 hy7 ARCH CT'S DECLARATION SQ.FT.FLOOR AREA SrQ.FT. ZOy— I understand my plana shell be pearl an public rtcuds. OVER I0p0 AMPS D I P_�1+1 SIGNS ELECTRICAL N26y wsa.,'pj Lianad l`mfesieW 1 OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION SPECIAL.CIRNIT/MISC. XOwUF. 1 thereby N bad I un eaemq firers de Calo-acmci,lirenee law for the VJ3°-+n followin,al .(Section]031.5,BusineseaMProfueiou Code:Anycityacounry TEMP.METER OR POLE INST. 1� g°g which re,t6m,a .it to eominc.Cher.Intprme.dettmr>h.or redir any a otwhe DATE ;jNs prior e,its iesoanes,dlea m mt the a,uItcanl toreueb Pemtil m me eagnWumnam POWER DEVICES a a that he ie hcemN prearami to the*ovi umn,of the Coml i Lirrnx Law(Ctepter dX cmmrtwreu SWIMMING POOL ELECTRIC y ( gwith Stttim]000)of DivieWnlaf the Busireu ad Professivna Code) VALUATION ty_,, ethW he ucxemq therefrom ad the Nsie fa the allegd eacaWtion.Any violation of OUTLETS- FIXTURES t.Z¢ S ion703i.5by enyawlicantforepmnitsubjttt,theeppli lwacivilpcnaltyof SWRCHFS- / �•�� x�$ are moon In.Fac handed!Mi.tf5(10). CS ❑ I,esownmoft property,urmyclnpluycdwit %UcxextheirwleemmWnwi . NEWRMII)FMHALELI;CfR _SQ.FT. STORIES IYPECONSTRU-IT N 2 will dOthework,aMe:'ph, tweia,to iI Licerde Law d ri�nt ly to owner erd Pm%Wu Code:TM Cmtractor'e licen,e law doe rat apply if downer is propcny who W Jd+or improvethermnaM wlwdvevrchwork himalfa through his employ¢,,ptoviJcdthuslehimpvvrnumuart ruimcrdnlorolcrcA forsele If. OCC GROUP RFS.UNITS however,the Wilding or impmrvement is cold wilbin one Year of carnpletion,the owner- TOTAL Wilder will have the belch of Waving thu he did not build or impove for purpose of fie')' QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT FEE FLITOD] NE APN ❑ I.0 owrreraf thepmpcny,uncaclpurcly mmnacting Mthliccwlmnvaclaato cortafuct the ,ojcvt(Sec.]Olid.Bud.aM Profaviou Chile)The Contractor's I,icrn+e WwJOamtapplymwowTerofpmpenywMbuildaorimpmve lherem.and PERMIT ISSUANCE who,ntmme For smh pmjecle with ncoul rre-i)liceneul purxuant to be Cour mdMs Llcrnx Line, ALTER-DRAIN&VFM-WATER(EA) FEE SUMMARY ❑ I em exvrrpt u..a..Sec. ,B&P C fu thio re voo. BACK FLOW PROTECT.DEVICE UTSIDSANITARY T N O n,, Date DRAINS-FlOOR,ROOFAREA.COND. RECELPD'Y WORKMAN , EN COMPENSATION DECLARATION SCIIOOLTAX YN Cl I terthy affirmlMll have a certificate ofrouse nus elf-inse,or aanificate of - RECF.IPTY IIXTURIS-PER TRAP W'arkm'ComprnsatianlmwaneeaaacnificJ copy thcrtOf(Scc.Jg00,Isb C)which PARK FRE Y N mem all berto yeei w/er l�pmrlje,� GAS-G.SYSTEM INC.d OUTLETS RECEIPT# Poliy0 UJL-/i CJ �A'G�� BUILDING DIVISION FEES C1mposeY ,4 d, GAS-EA.SYSTEMOVER 4IFA) PLANCHF.CK PER ❑ Ccnifed copy ix hereby furnished. Q}�CrcnifkJ copy ie BlM with the clty lrupxliun Yvlwn. GREASI INDUSTRLWASTE1NfERCEPfOR GRADING FEE CERTIFICATE OF EXE1,IPIION FROM WORKERS GRFASE'IRAP SOILS IEE COMPENSATION INSURANCE (Thieaction nrzdrct W<mnpleld ifthe pemulufororlehurdled dollen(flIXl) SEWER-SANITARY-STORM EA.2WF7. ENERGY FEE a IcvJ I certify that in the perfmmanc of the work for which this pemul is i.wtd,I slash WATER HEATER W/VEIUF/ELECIR rot employ any person in any maneer w as n beware subjeel to the WoArn' PAID O COmpemmimlrw,MCalifornu Date WATFRSYSIEMOREtTING Date Receipt A pWicpai O NOTICE TO APPIJCANT:If,after nuking this Ccniflrnuof Excmption.yw sMWd NEW RPSIDB:NI'IAL PLMB. SQ.FT. TOTAL! V) beconu:.uhjccl t.the Worker',Cmmpenurirmproio.of the labor Cudc,you mum > fides suh comply with auch pmvisiom or lot permit abut be deemed re,cld. BUILDING FEE 4 Q CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY SEISMIC FEE I hertq eff ttuu them is a muwnim kding agency fm the pMurmare<or the work L.which this permit Ia h.cct(Sm.209),Civ.C.) TOTAL: ELECTRIC FEE U Op LenJc/.Nome 0 U Laule/s AJdmu QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE PLUMBING FEE LULLao�I ratify halt here ted this.'Remon and..-r.Phu dee Wove infemulm ie MECHANICAL FEB t.Ivgrte ro cmlply with eB city and cuvuy adnurcn eM....laws rtlWeg to PERMIT ISSUANCE Cobuilding ceutnuction,ud hereby mffiarine repecnutivea of this city to enter upon the (j alnv-mertioed property for inspection ormaI.. ALTER OR ADD TO MECICONSTRUCTION TAX (We)agree to vave,indemnify aM kccp berm eo;the City of Cupertino against tabilitie,jvdgmrnu,cosu mdcaprn.xa which my in any way accrue egeiw add!City AIR HANDLING UNIT(TO 10000 CFM) N cornrylwee of the gsmtting of this permit. AIR HANDLING UNIT(OVER 10.000 CFM) Sipahere of ApplicanoVoulmctor Dote F,XHAU.ST000D(W/DUCD PAID HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE RE STING UNIT(TO Mi,"BTU) Due Repi 0 Will the ayplicant w future baiter,ocapwl pea or handle luavdaw material v deftnd by the Cppenim Manic Code,Cheprer 9.11 and the Health and Safety HEFTING UNIT(OVER 100,000 BTU) TOTAL: Cade,Seetioe 25532(a ❑y,,, VEMILA'ITON PAN(SINGLE RBSID) No ISSUANCE DATE Will Once epplicengarfwurcdtildingottvpantlueequipmcrR osdevicewtich emit BOILER-GGFIP(JHP OR 10),000 BEV) baadoua air mnwninanu a dped by Ne Bay Anes An Quality Marm utgeenl BOILER-COMP(OVER 100,000 BTU) ❑Pec Nn DistrinT I,•JS/ NEW RCSIINiNUAL MliCll.—,SQ. 1 have read the harparl ca emila reyulrcmcnts leder Cnapho 6.95 of the CdifornJa Heath&Safety Code.Seniaa 25915,25533 and 255k.I understand!that if the building doe not avrmtdy have a Tenant that it i,my mpomibibly to edify the vQl Occupant t,which muv W and prim m ia.uarre 5.Cenlleate of 1 rep gsyfr Dem TOTAL ISSUED BY OFFICE