23079r - APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES — USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY Bulldln Pm'ect Identification FE1tM1TN0. Build' Adams: Gl�e.� �2e�� � Uax+�� P 23079 ¢r CITY OF CUPERTINO-BUILDING DIVISION �^ ��7 f ( Contractor's Name: LIB Na APPLICATION / PERMIT �• J � 54' BUIL.DINGELECTWCAGPLUMBINGMBCHANICAL CATEGORY CO Arch ect/Ps neem IX No: QTY ELECTRIC PERMIT. FEE BUILDING PERMIT INFO h I PLUMS M[f]ll Aaarea: PFRhI'r lsaT3ANCR LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION lhmbyaffnmthanlam BremaduMd pro Wb ofChapter9(� APPI]ANCES.F= L ipg DFSCRIPHON IngwithSM n7000)of Dlviion3oftheB"lrc dlhofeWmaCode and license is In full force and effect. Lkxve Clas LUX Date Comractor L 50 ARCHITECTS DECLARATION �'Z r'iudemand my plan shall be used n public record& OVERT AMPS kuEo 9/SQ.ET. [O u Licensed Prof®Loral SIGNS EI.ECIRI P U T R OWNERpt ER DDECLARATIONSPECIAL /MISC 7� ZI.., a Thereby afBrmtlul lam exempt(romthe Contractor's License Law(o the (Section reason.(Seon 70115,Business and Pmfmbn Code:Any city or Faantywhkh rcqunnapematromrmWn,alter,lmpmrc.dennlbh,orreryir ETF�R ORI'OIE AIT. ATE F Me.nructvrcpriemeMthat he is pursuant ro sochpermte IOV.'FR DEVICES O��� file a stgned tenement that he b Licensed punvant to the provisions d the a Contractors license Law(Chapmr9(comarencing with Section 7000)d DiA �30 don3o(the Bustnessand Profembm Code)orthathe6vemptthere(mmand '` 'SNC FOO.ELECTRIC VALUATION y.' the basis for the alleged exemption. Md y violation Section 7m IS by any SW I.rcHt5FLY7T1RE5 �� �� O �j «Q applicant fora permit subjMa theapplieenn to a Wil penalty of not more than JC 6 five hundred dolbn($50O). NEW RESIDENTIAL ELECTA SQYT. STORIES 7Y1'ECONSiRl1CIlON' �n I,as owner of the property,or my employees with wages as then sole mmpersatlogwBldothe work,and the structure 6 not lmmded or offered for O .sale bee 7044,Business and Prdealons Code:Ilse Contractor.U.law sc� domnatapplyto.no aipmpertywhobulldeorlmpmvmthereon.and OCC.CROUP RES UNITS doessuch work himsel(¢thrwgh hisown employees,provided that such improvements are not Intended ordfered for aale.If,howevu,the building or ToIn improvement 6 sold within ora yeargfa¢mplelion,the owner-0u Eder will have tkLburaen of proving that he did not bund or Improve foe purpose of sale.). QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT FEE "L as ower of the pmperty,am e.I.Mvely contracting with B¢nrd FLOOD ZONE APN cootracmn to construct the pmjed(See.7044,Buatrm and l'mfesebm Cede: PERMIT ISSUANCE The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner d property who ALTER-ORA W kVENT-WATER TA)builds or Imprgvm thereon, and sob comraab for.e L pto)eaa with a- FEE SUMMARY nTT1 r(s)11mpt under to theContnctors Lir&PLw. BACK FLOW PROTECT.DEVICE U I am eumpl under Sec B k P C for thio reason DRAIJS FIOOf{ROOF,AREA,COND. SANITARY Y N Owner Dale RECFII'f X WORKMAN COMP a ceATIDN DECLARATION FD(TURES PER TRW' �' SCHOOL TAX Y N ❑I hrrcq affirm that I have.certificate d eonsem to sell-insure,¢a ccFs 38001 Labmte of Wgrken'Compewtlgnlmunn¢ors¢rtlfkd appy thersoflsec. OAS EA.SYSLF3af-1 INC4011TLEI5 PARK PF]i Y N T I 38001 Iib C.I Co X RECEIPTX OAS EA.SYSTEM-0VFR 4(FA) - Comm +ray BUILDING DIVISION FEES Cenlned copy b hereby furnished. CRGSE/WDUSIAL WASTE INTERCEPTOR PLANCHECKFEE -40 -ifiod copy 6 filed with the city Inspection division. t CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS GREkSETRAP PAID/.a -4—* 6J-0 COMPENSATION INSURANCE SEWER,SANITARY FA NOF7 Date Recei [41 all,section need net be completed B the pem it 6 forom hund and dollars �40)¢leM.) wATWCI-IEwTm w/vEhrr/FucrR ENERGY FEE Y N I certify that in the performance of the work for which this Permit is used, 1 shall no employ any penin in any manner w as to become subject to the WATER SYSTEM/TREATING worker:Comperuatlon La.W GBfom6. Dae PAID ZZ Applicant NEW RISDENMLI'IMB. SQFf. Date Ricci IH O NOTICE TO APPLICANT:11,aher matlng this Certificate ofd o y _ should become subject to the Woderi Cnmpersatlms provisions laou bory TOTALN Cnde,you meat forthwith comply with such provisions orN6 permit shall be [� W `> deemed revoked. . CL c CONSTRICTION LENDING AGENCY SEISMIC FEE I hereby afFlmn that there Is a construction lerdimg agency for the perform ELECTRIC FEE, 7 Z anon of lheworkfor which thy,pemdt b"uuN L5ec.304J CW.CJ TOTAL: V O I.erder.Name •LY�T6Z1A - PLUMBING FEE H. 1<Mere Addrem QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE LL MECHANICAL FEE O W 1¢rtttythree to mad comply is with allcitbnandaatethat the yordinancesabovedstateation ws 1 Is correct.building complywlth all tltyaodmunrytm mp m and state laws I'FRMTI ISSUANCE FEES PAID: } dlly to enter ru upon nigmml`uctlm,aM krtby property irm;=76tivm o(lhb F.. = ds(Weagree to she.inde-membrcd lmpertyforinspe tion of Cu pe. ALTER ORADD'N MECH. Date Recei tM (We)agree t,save,indemnify and keep harmlm the City of Cu accrue g V eganut-LdLC ,'rdgments,man and mperLsm which may i^any wryamue AIR HANDLING UNIT(TO 10,000 CFM) - SUBTOTAL ago .&Lac W gra,dnig this pemd. AIR HANDLING UNIT(OVER 10,1100CEM) CONSTRUCTION TAX 111 41A sig ppDim EXHAUST HOOD(W/DLrn CONSTRUCTION TAX PAID: HERIALS DISCLOSURE Will the&..loag occupant stoat or haMle havrdous BEATING UMT(IO 100,000 RDn- Date RcceiIN material as defired by the Cupertino Municipal Code,Chapter 9.1j and the Health and Safety Code Section 75S.'1](a)? HEATING UNIT(OVER 100,000 BTU) TO Yca + No❑llles Rion, budding amnpons use equipment or devices VENTILATION FAN(KWGLE RESID) ISSUANCE DATE which emit hazardous air aonta minnns as defined by the Bay Area Air Qua my hla nsgement District? BORF.ILCOMP PHP OR 100,0M BTU) yes ❑No {k y� I have read the hevrdous muteria1s rNeimments under Chapter 6.95 of BOIIFR-COMP(OVER IO0M,000 BTU) P I ID the CaErom6Holthk Safety Coda Swi.b 5505,75533and75534.1 understand that lithe building does wt arrrently have a teranL that it 6 my NEW RESIDENTIAL MECH. SQFF rop.mlbllty to notify the occupant&the nqumments whi�h most be rrrt "'�A L� P.rortobauan¢da CertlficateofC4vpancy. - � 1 � Owner or authorind agent -Date Cl `••••- TOTA ISSUED BY: OFFICE COPY