State of California, Freeway Agreement, Route 239 Jan 12 1960� . � � ',,,�,�'.' <;,�;� � FF1GN.'WAY AGREe.MEN7' '' ..�� xhi� Agroement, made s.nd entored inbo, in cluplicata, this � N 12th day of Ja.nuar_�_.____`, 1960, by and betwoen th� 8tete ' s; of Ca.lii'ornitt, actSng by and through thc Dopartmont of Pub11a Worke,, s Divieion of Highways,.heroina:fter for convenience rofermod to as "tha State", �nd the City of Ouportlno, hereinafter Por convenience raferred Lo ae "the CSty", witneaseth: WH�;ftEA9, the Calt.fo.rni� Highwc�y Commiselon haa �do�ted a resolutlon on July 2�, 195�, declarin�, that certain a�ciion of °.tate Hlghway Route 2;39 1n the County of 5anta Clara betweetz Saratog�a Avenue a.nd the San Mateo Caunty Lino to be a Freeway, and WHEREAS, a pla.n map for such froeway has heretofore boan prepared ahowin� the proposod plan of the Stato as it affacts etr�ete of the City, including provieione for olo�ing City etrse'te, ; Por c:�rrying City etreete over or under or tn a connec�Son with such frEeway, for rolocatlon of City streeto, �nd for construution �f front�ge roade rznd oCher loca.l roads; NOW, THEREFORE, it le ngreedt 1. The City egrees and consente to the closing of Citq stroete, roloaation of City straete, conotructiori oi front�ge roade i and other local roads, and other conetructi.on affocting CSty etreets:, �11 ae shown on the plan map attached hereto marked Exhibit "A", between 0.2 mile eoutheast of Calabazas Croek and the Mountain-Viea Stevene Creek Road, nnd mad� a part horoof by thie rQPerance,. 2. Tho 8tate, in Y,he constructlon c�f eaid freeway, wi11, at the Btate'o expenoe, mezke eur.h changoe affocting C1ty etreete in accordunce with the eald pian ottached her�to or aa th� ectme may hereofter be modif'iod by subsaquont agrsf�man4: b9tween 'the partiae heroto, • � � � �� 3. Y'he Ci�y will rceume eon'trol and malntonanco over ea�h,,_ _„j; oi' the relncate3 or reconetructed C9.t;/ strecta and. accopt control and malntenarice over eacn of the iron'ta�,�s roade and otiher ].ocal roado oonetx•ucted by tho Sta,'te, nn xwti.ce to tiYie City from tho StAte that the work herein pr�uldod for on euch etreet ar naad hae ' been aompleted, exc��'t �e ta aqy portion T,hereof" vrhloh ie adopted by the 6tate ae a part af tha fr�oway propor. The City will alao accopt title to the p,�rti°ona of aueh rbade lyi.ng outs:�de th� i's•eaway : 1lmits, ugun x�ellnquisizmeazt by tl�e 9tato, tV, ThLe a�rUement may be modified Ft o.ny �time by the mutual coneent of the partios hereto, Frt moy become neceosary for the beet apcompliehment through State and C1cy cooperat9,on of the w2�iolo freeway pro,�eat for the benei'it of the people oi the 8tate end of the City. IN YJITNES9 WH�ftEOF, the pe,rtiea her�unto have aet their hande >: and seale the @�.y abovo firet writtezi, STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF PIIBLIC WORKS APPROVF.D : /6/ J. C, Womack State Highway Enginesr APPROVED-AS TO FORM: � ,✓� Warren P, Marsden Att�rney f�r the Depar'Lment , Lirec Ry '(fl 2tUi�bL'LL J. 'iUVNL�Y � � Deputy Diroctor (Managament) JAN CITs OF CUPERTSNO By S N. J. Nathanoon (8E. � Mayor i 6 . r� $w✓ �h,,�y, R+ �' � RPSOLU'PION iv0. :.'u�„„, RESOI,UTION OF T.HE CITY C01.JNCI'L OF�' ':CIIP: C:Si.'1'' Ol� CUP�HTINO A.PPROViNG FREEWAY AGREEMENT � � ' " WHLREAS, �ha ot;ate of' Crxliforr;t�, thraugh its Depa�tment , of Pub7.ir, Worksy Div;.sior� nf° Iii.gYiwa;YS9 has p7�eser�ted ar� ugreemerzt entitled "Freeway Agr�emenu1° w'h'T.c2i corar,�rr.�s State Highway Tiout� 239 within the C�ty of Cupert.i.n.o between Oo2 mi.l.e soutazeast of ! CaYabazas C;r�ek an3 Lhe Maunt:a!n VS.�iw�-.i�ev�ns Cr.°oak Road� and lnriiEREAS, the City Ccurar,'.S.a. h.�.;: h�:ar°d r�ead said agroement ` in full. and is �t�miliaa° w3:th t.YL�: cosatents thereof a THEREFO:��, be ir resolvf.d b� tkic City CounaYl r�f the City of Cixpertirao tkiat sai.d �i€res�mer�2: k�e an� Gh� vame :is ka�reby appr�vod and the Mayor and th� �it•y Cze�x°k as�e di'r�etod to sign'. the same on 'behalf oi` the Cif:yo ADOYTEn TFiIS _ti ykx_____v aay ut De4ambe.r ___, 19��� 33Y' .1�51_ lV.m,e..:.re: .�Ia�,haris�za - I��lqor �Y' _..��5/ _L�_wz enco�K_o Martin_� t',� �:y C.1r�rit Attest: I hereby cert3.Y°y tha#; i„taE �°oz^ego5.rzg rr:solution was 'duly snd. regularly pa:;sed by tYa�; C.i,�:y Cnunca.l of the City of Cupertin at a regular maetin;g fi�here�t tinl,d _D���m�r�r 8_._v 19. �.,,o � �'; City , ',,,.� � � �,,,� � � -J BTAT6 OF CALIFOPNf� "` � p6YAqTMHfJT OP PUBLIC WC�NB DIVa510N AF 1-ll�&-IWAYS . C115'I'RIC,T' IV 100 OAK BTNL"ET tlAN FRANCI9C0 R, CALIpORNIM UN O6RH�LL 3•01P2 AtlONL�/ ALL COMMUNICpTIONO TO p. O. BO% Jl�l� RINGdN hNN[% AAH FPANCil1c9 10 J�rivary 2U; 1)�q Planning Commissi JqN 2 2 i PLGS� Ra�m � � � To AILi No. +�VW�61Z�/10d��q ���..yp itl'JY�«aJ���Yr� �:'��'.. Hc�r�ura�.Le l;jLy Gounoil Ci.t� ot' vupertino G i.Ly It�.11 Cv.�e.+r�:'�nuy G;.lif'orniri t3�nf,l�m�n: � ALt.zchcaa f'or your E�ex^m�<r��nt rucord is tho �'u21y �xoou'�ed' eo�y ol 'the %'r'c�e1�•u;/ At>rc;�me:xYt Letl,�eect i:he 3ts�te and Lhe Cii:y of Cuportino cov�rin�; SLaL'e ]iic:hwrxy Rautca 299 butwe�en 0,2 , mile s�sut:heasst of Uala��azas Crocic and Lhe N,ountain Viow4 51;�;veYi:z Creck kioacla iioad N��C1-°239-Cpo. 'i'ho c,00t,�sraCiori o;' th� :;ity is r�:c�ue:�Cc�d An doi.ng ell pODS:S.IIi� to p��o'vent Lhe t?].mruzinl; or cusia�r�uctinn ni' imprca�emezat� which mit;ht Cr�nfllCti ��ith tiae fr�away. To thi�s end may I" ' "' raqup:;t thaL 'this oi'i'lce be prompt:Ly xaotiiied c�Y any cons�e�at�late aubciiv:t�ions, applioat-ion„ fnr builain�; poruiits, or pl�tn� foT oLP�wr noN�,ilr:Le coczf].ir.Llnf; uevele�pmc,Yats on or n�r�� the fre8way? ' , , QopiQa of �;'�is 1ot•i:�;r arid atGactuaerit r�i•� baing Greznsaritted' to the City t'lantting; Cornmis�,,ion, tYie uity' t�Iana„era i;Pi� Oa.by En��,ineer and tiiea City T.3ui:Ld�.z�E; Inspc�ctor. 'lour5 very truly, J. P. STNC.GNZIi As3t'. State HiUhw�y �� ��, �tNA, HAYLER BY R. A. H�iYLLP Dis�:rlct l:u�;inmer s l�n�;in� er Attactxrri�ir� cc: City Planning Commission; Philip lV. Storm, Cit John E. Fleming, Ci.ty Engineer, City Building ��'�. .:- PlfanaaAr