State of California, Freeway Maintenance Agreement Route 239 (New 280) Jan 12 1965l :~,:• __ . -. ii Q'.) FREEWAY MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT ·, . '. . THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into, "' ' ' ... ;.::.: .. :::f.::7.: ,,,._th• .. _. .... ot ·•~!:ti.~;·, l'ubl1c W0rks, Division of' H1gl1ways, hereinaf'ter f'or convenience '' ' .. :;~ ....... in duplicate, this • 19 r;,37 by and between -._;._, ·: · referred .to as "the State,;, and the City of' Cupl!rtino, hereinaf'tor for oonve;uenoe ref'erred to as r.the City,11 ntnesseth1 WHERE~, on January 12, 1960 and June 14, 1962, Fl•eeway ... : •. :.-.Agreements mre exeout.ed between the City and the State.relating ~ •. ; .' f.,'. , to_ the development, .as a .freeway, of a portion oi' State Highway <-:. • · Raute 239 (New 280), within the limits of the City of .Oupert:1-nc 1 '. ·:·.· -.·, and . WHEREAS,_ under the provisions of' said Freeway Agreement·, the ·· ... -· ·, · :,· .• : Oit:y ag~~ed to certain adjustments in the city street aystem, and ' .: : '~ -. . . :f'or the carrying of' certain streets over or under or to a con• .. , -, .-.:·· >; ;•.: .• ;;:~ect10n·w:tth ·the freeway, and i -· ' .,. . ,· \. '·'," .. · .. WHE~AS, et>..td_ f'reeway has now be•m completed or is nearing ·cc)mpletion, and the parties hereto mutually des~re to clarify the.division of' maintenance·reapons:l.b:l.l:l.ty e.s to separation. · etl'Uctures, and city streets or portions thereof', and landscaped areas, Within the i'reeway limits. N( 6·!flmEFORE1 IT IS AGREED1 l, ROADWAY SECTIONS .. The City will m.intain, at City expense, all portions of city streets and appurtenant atrucJt\1ros and bordering areas_. within the shaded areas on the attached p marked Exhibit 11 i;.11 , .. and ciade a part hereof by this rorerenoe. .-,, ",~ , :I• '\. < ·~ .. .-.. ' .tt~111~~i~F.t~:~~~ -2- 2, VRHI'1ULAR OVERCROSSINGS ·. ·.' . , .. ,,, . -'. The Stata will maintain, at State expense, the entire struc- ture below the top or the ooncrete deok surface, exolusive of any ··bituminous surfaoe treatment thereon, The City will maintain, at ·· .. City expense, the top of: the ooncrete deck surface, together w:!.th. · · any bituniinous surface treatment thereon, and· all portions of: the ., · 'etl'uot~re above the concrete deck surface, a.nd shall perform such .. , .. ~the:r ·w.ork ao may be necessary to insure an impervious and other,;. '" :._:., :·>w18~ suitable surtaoe. 11.'he City will also maintain all traf1'io ·serv:loe facilities provided fol' the benefit or control or city '" ·:'~.street traffic, ·, :'.•. ·.--• '.. .· .. 3 ,· VEHICULAR UNDERCROSSINGS · .. The' State will maintain the structure proper. The City will inainta1n· the roadway section, including the traveled way, s.houlders, . : ou~lis, sidewalks, walls, drainage inatallations and tra!'fio eervice ·~j't~tt :::::::t~::~ :df::~r w::e:h~i:::u:::::~ those 1ncased within the ::,;,. 4~ · · PEDESTRIAN OVERCROSSINGS .. · ... Except for drun.o.ge to the structure result:!.ng from freeway ·-\ .':vehicular traffic, the City" Will maintain ·pedestrian overcross- .• •.-.. ings in their entirety, . . ; ., 5, ·PEDESTRIAN UNDERCROSSINGS The State Will .maintain the struotura from a structural standpoint. The City will maintain all drainage and lignting · installations, and all water lines exoept those inoased within . " the'.wa.lls, deck or f:'.oor ot' the atx•uctuX'e. The City will also ·.'' ~--------...... -- ·' h'.; .•..• ,c .. ~ . ···.;;::/a· ·,.~ ·<r-r·,;;·;j(;:~g~~?'''''' ..... .-:.: -.... ;.· ,' .. .. .,~ ' . ·~~~~r~t~~w~~g1~:~~~g1;,~~i; ,;,. · -3- G:\ \tl;)' .. : \:'~:_. ;' ,:. ·,1.:· ''be responsible f'ol:' all cleaning and painting aa may be required· -! •' ·~ . ; "~ :(::. ;., :., .·to ~eep the structure f'ree of' debris and obscenity,. 6, LANDSCAPED AREAS ; .... ' · • . ··. All. plantings or other types of' roadside development within " . i· >· .,. "·: tlie freeway limits within the shaded areas on Exhibit "A" will be " " .. - ; ma1nta1neci by the city, 7•. RESPONSIBILITY .. ·.It is understood and agreed that neither the State, the · ,·'\'· .; .: -. , . . ' , . I ·Department, no~ any of'f'ioer or employee· thereof is rcapcm.ai.blc • ' , I : tor any: damtige or liability occurring o.r reason or anything done·. ' <'~i:• Olll1tted to be done. by the City undE.; ~,.,. in o onnection with any work~ ·authority or Jurisdiction delegated to the City wider thi's .. . · P~eeWay Maintenance Agreement, It is also underatood and agreed. . . :.tmi~ pursuant to Government Code Section 895,4, the Citir sh!;lll fully indemnify and hold the State harmless from any damage or :liability occurring by reason ot anything done' or omitted to be ,. '· . done by the City under or in conn1.:1otion with any work, authority or Jurisdiction delegated to the Cit~r under this Agreement. . . . . It is understood and agreed that ncith~r the City nor any . ot.ticer ··or employee thereof'. is respons:l.ble f'oi: any dar.mge or liability occurring by reason of' anything done or omit1;ed to be ·done by the Department under or in conne.ction with any wor:.., authority o~ Juriadiction no,; delegated to the City undet' this Preewa.y Main'i;enance Agreement, It is also understood and 11grced that, pursuant to Government Code Section 895,11, the De';'nr·G11;)nt . shall •.tully indemnify and hold the City har•m", '·;>a from any damage . .-; -.. . _-, ~-·' . . . '-· : .' .. i. -·;·-. ·"' : . . ;• -4- or liability ooourring by reason or anything done or omitt:ed to be done by the Department under or in oonnection with any work, · , authority or jurisdiction not delegated ';;o the City under this · .•. _ .. . ·. Agreeinent • ·a, EFFECTIVE DA'l'E This· Agreement shall be eti'eotive upon the date of its execution by the StateJ it being understood and agreed, however, that.the execution of this Agreement shall not affect any pre-· .eiist1ng obligations of the City to maintain desiSnatedareas . : pux•swi.nt to· prior written notice from the ·state that worlc in . . such areas, which the City has agreed to maintain pura11ant to ··· · · . the 'terma of the Freeway Agreement, ha.a been completed • . . •' .. .. ,. -·. ·, . .. ,_, '·. :•:-r· . " .. :--'··Approval Recommended • De~a~~in:cr .. : .... ~--->---~=--:."/' · .. Miilntenanoe Engineer / · , .. ·. _._._ I Jrttorney : ~ ' . ·;.:>_, ', ; I ' " I LOCATION NO. I SEE SHEET 2,3 ,@'1);\ w ~-·-' , . ~§!~i3;\~1flfu.:~2t';B(~lgAf.j~J~-·~ C\ '<1) EXHIBIT 11 A1 FREEWAY MAll-!TENANCE AGREEMENT DIST CO F, TE PM to .-:..P.:.:.M:.....;-..:::.:.c:::.::.!.-1 v'1clNITY MAP . ' rn: SCL 280 5.2. I 10.0 I Of "~. . .. . _,. " .c.: . J , ~ • • . ' d '\ \J I l ·:·-·, .. : MATCH TO Area io be maintained by City ' 1----- FREEWAY MAlr-jTENANCE LOCATION Ni? I AGREEMENT SH E.E:T .3 "iST nz: SC L 280 2 of 4 .· ~0XH~~IT s~~~ l"v;: L ~~Th~~--~4;~~u#,f~W~f;WJ\~;~~~~~~~·~~~:--·~ .. .,';"""'~·".'.""~"~'"'7·~;::::_~:~r-:· i;;zt.nf~1l~Md_~~ ., a;?\ '1'if!I MA•C:l4 TO SHEET '--s,..uld,r-~f :11.-~~_,,~.::...""'"'"lr-~2 $ --· --- 4 Al.,171.5 ti Area to be maintained by City ummrn:rnm1[J EXHIBIT· 11A11 1--.::.:.:.::...::..:_~:.....::.:.::.:..:..:.:.:.::.:.:.:::=..,:::.~::..:...~-!!~~~::!..~~~~.,~~~ FREEWAY MAINTENANCE AGRt::F.M.ENT DIST CO RTE SHEET LOCATION N!! I DZ SCL ·280 3 of 4 ;'' ·-- --,.,· ·-,, . .>' I 7 --:---- l71ii:I '<$/ I .9 ···===== -~-:::-·-··- T1'1·1 I I I I I 1 I I I j i I I PROPOSED RELINQUISHMENT NO. 31379 Bl.INC I 290 Area to. be maintained by c:!y [ii[ii!!Li!!i!Hi;!I FREEWAY. MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT LOCATIO"l N!? 2 I ' PROPOSED RELi NQUISHMENT NO. 31379 ~ 4. z c EXHIBIT 11A11 DIST CO RTE SHEET nz: SC L 280 4 of 4 .... I® !;, .· ... -· RESOLUTION NO, '·._. - ·, /. · ... ' ·,:RESOLUTION OF 'l'lm CI'l'Y COUNCIL OF 'l'rm CI'l'Y OF Ctll'ERTINO :APPROVnfQ FREEWAY MAINTENANCE AGREEMEN'l', .. -~· ,:·:· -· ·.·::WHEREAS, the State of Ca.lifot'nia, througt1 ita Departmerit of ., ,; , ... ,.F 'Public Works, Division of Highwaya, has presented an agreement .... -. :";•:,··; -,,., .. ·_·.., . ,_. _,·.- . -. . . . ~ntitled ''Freeway Maintenance Agreement" which concerns State . ' . . . Highway Route 280 (Old 239), in the City of Cupertino between o.6.mile east of Saratoga Avenue in San Jose and Stelling Road in. Cupertino, and .. _., - .·· .. '._-.: WHEREJi.S, the C:l.ty Council has heard read sa:l.d agreement in full and is familiar with the contents thereofl '· THEREFORE, be it ·resolved by the City Council· of the City . ot Cupertino that aai« Freeway Maintenance Agreement be and the '.'. -.. 'aam~ is heo.•eby appro,,ed and the Mayor and th<::< City Clerk are ··.'·· ... Attest1 I hereby certify that the f.'ol'cgoing ronolut:l.on was duly and . regularly passed by the City Coun~il or tho· City of ·.at a regular mee\;ing thereof held 'rr.~H.:._~.... '1 !(iµJ'\~Q y Clerk .. Cupertino , 19 ~ 'f . ,I •' •-\ .'