1966 California Water Service
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AGREE,'IE::" Fr;::: é'T: :rY,ë~',')LL;,':l'IOI':. COlNEYIŒCE,
¡',,"\n:~c::,,',:C¡): ¡XE' C,',,:?,,"'IOC: 07' ¡\ SYSTEI1 OF
" "~~ é:UI'?~Y
THIS ,"\G:'.7,;'=:1::T, rci1Qe ¡md entered into this, -::' /"
I_iu /,/ ,.c
, 1955, by ~nd between the CI~I C?
CUPERTINO, a r:m:-ÜcÙ,,:,l cor?"l,~t:ion of the State of C¡:li-
fornia, heYei'Hc':~:: ccc,',;,ed "City", and CALIFOENIA viATS?,
SE?,VICE: co:':?;,,:!, " Cc',ic:ornicc pu:olic utility \ýater COYPO)!)¡:-
tion, heyeinc:ft':'èr c:"l!,od "U ::,li tee'" ,
"¡:'E':':::::,". V,,1l-:o :':,::::, Ir,::;., a CalifoYDi?, CCc'Cc',-
'ci",:c; thc hc',:::C "':: ê"vi"""", c:>,o ë:!.lc'c: Ccle Cr,,-f,,; ,,'" ~,-',':):
or devisees of 3cDj~~in C. Craft; ~:na ~aYche~c, C~::'
Cl"C~C. R"'Sé'],i" ::cc',c::,; ~"c: '-',,':>.'" A:;sociates. r?::-'
c"llc:" "C',')~"y",
c.-c' :,:, -, "".,-,C:y~ 0:' ~,:,:, ':':a': cc::oc:' ,
:::'::C:"'Y':" ,
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t",:? 2n,:, -:e.y :of :'o','"cc'):~,
3~i:': ycsoluti"'TI ~~:.~-: ~
:,',::i",n of int2ntic1 ::':'r ':::',.. ,:,::-::-,--tic-" of i". SpeClaJ- ::C':
-"01'= c;is"oYico ",'0)):
0":,"",,""",:: L',c',':.c'", i".l!, t>", 'Ji;:C",,"i::"
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:>n file in ",e O£.':icc c.': U;c, ::ity Cle~K,
) ucqui:::o ~~c i~-
provcmcnts to be c0l1s;:ructe¿ ',ÿithin ",nd ",ìthout t'",c :",ounÔv.:::ie::;
of coaid ""ecied, ,",;c;c,",o;"',nt district, including, arco,,:; other
things, a system of "",tcr s"-?ply, ,';hich said systcr, ':)f ":,,,toe:::
supply is shown upon the pl",Ds and specifications, ~s:::ein,,-f-
ter called the "Pl",ns a"d SIoecifications", which hE;':e beeD
prep,,-red by Geo:::;e S. Kolte Consu!.ting Civil Engi,,~s:::s, ~nc.,
and which h",ve becn ¿pp:::oved by Utility by endorscrs,..", ~he:::eon
and are on file in t~c OZfice of the City Clerk 0= ~i"y; ",..,¿
K}ERI:,S, ë.nde':J the ::;peci'll assessrc'~nt ¿i~ 'Oric:: ::¡:"'-
ceedings abo:!e rc:Ee:::::eè to, ',,-Dich õ::::e kno,.m as V",:'lc: F~:~:~
As~css~ent ~is-::::ic':, City of Cuper~ino,P:::oject 6(-l, E?:c'O~
Cla)!)a County, C"l:'.=orniil, a!.l ",f tè1e ir.,provements "-:cO:, :>-
cilities, including sC\iÖ ::;y:te~ of :,'cater supply, ?:::C' ;oJ:Cc"',:'"ë
to be acqui:::cd "'è' C:U:y; and
"::';::;P'¡;:"::, C=-",:, prc"o:~~ ':c C:ODVO:Y s':,',ê .,",
ti?s to Ut=-li"y ','ndc::~r:cl ::O',:I'S'.E.TO ':0 o::e )'):::m::'."i~:Cê
tiODS 10109 "h:::ou~h cO:':!., l:CC~USlëe, of The S':~~"~ë ':
High,yays C",de of ,,;'.0: S"c'.'oo: c::: C,,-li:o:'1ia 7 and
\'IESRÐ'\S, s?ic; '.""c:,,:~ f",cc-lities consis+-: -~
a9pu:::tenances he:::ein?,f::c::: J:C°::e:::J:Ccc: to "-s the ":racll..
c~i:::cd to fu:::ni3~ ~~~ar sc:::vice ~:
"e ;)is"ri~::,
oicularly sho,..:n on S,,"-i'ji t "', ;""",et",; anC:
\ŒERÐ-"S, l'P°':1 cG:;"p!.ia:1cc "'y City with t:~e -
cable requirement-" c:Ctr,c ,-,",":s of ,,:Cc State 0= C"ll:Ce:c,':,'
upon the terms ç,nd con",:~ "io"s he:::ein set forth the - ----,--
is \-li:'.ling to ",cC¿',1crc:-:,c "~cilitics fro;n City a::"- i3 'c',"
',:c:; t", fur:1i:::: '..:.:':c'::: :c~' ','ic", i" ::;.,c Di"trict ";-':::0'.:::-': .-
~: of ~:c~ ?ecili
'-s and in ~CCo~:
the; rules of Ui:Üi::y 1'0',': ir. :':orce in its Los Alto::-:;;~';::;,:::-.
Dic;trict or that nuy f)!)cm ti::,"" to 'cin? ~"" le:\'Ifully <os':"',='-
lished in said Los A1tos-SUL~rban District;
NO~, ThEREFO~E, fo~ and in consideration of ,,~~
premises and of thc n~tual co,enan"s, agreements, ter"~ ~~d
provisions herein oont"ined,
it is agreed as follo\'ls, ~~
InitiÐ.l ::Jepos',':.
Concurrently vii th co"-'."'"'Ð."ce
of the Faciliti'33 to '3':i1i,,:' ",y City as provided j,n :J'ë::~',':::Cl?:'"
5 h'3)!)eof, City shccll :?"y 0::: cë:use to be paid "'" Jti:Li"è', in
la\'lful ID",ney of t~~ C~itcd s~~tes, $5,507.00, re)?)!)es~~~:~~
Utility's reasc:-,ö:b12 ccst 0:: j,",s,?"cting t~e i"st,c11,,-,,',-::- c:'
the Fe:cilities and cc~nccti,oc the Faci!.i'~ies to iJtili ~:'
ezisting mecinso
Sai¿ ='.;n¿s ~ha,!.l :0" paid :oy City £:::CCC
ceeds of sale of assessnent Cist:::ict :o",nds to boo iSS~3:
sold pu:::s~~"" t", ?~~c:-::~dir;c ~S ~3:::2i,,~bc7" recite',
L"?~,':l-~-=::.:',-,')~_::::': ?,c"c-'l),,',ies-
Ci ~:.- .'
it -"ill arrang:e ,., cc, C'..¡n~::: fc~ t:Ì1co ins~ë:!.la tio" ~:' t:':.'
cilities \'Iithout coso': "'= e;,:::"",se "'" 'Utility, co:,;c",cc',¡
pr",vi¿ed, and that sc-c", ins":~llô.t:ion ','iill ;:'2 COC7:;:o"c'C-:
be£o:::e the first è""C,'i2~'Sè:::~' of t~e date 0:: t:-,is a-;:::',
::cy.-ic',eð., hc;',.'e','2O:, t:', 7': i:: '._" ~n3"ê:!.",':ion ',3
rcc,son of inability 0= t:he _Tls",,::':,i"g contracto::: ':,0
sufficient pro)?er ¡-'.,,-te:::ia1ô C'.:1d supp!.ies, lec'oor ëi~"
or sho!Ctecges or -..¡eec"her cc:o:ic,-oiO;lS 0::: a:1Y 0-:::12r CêC'cc" "-,
th2 control of '3t:ch cc:O~:::ô.c-::"'r, s",-id completic:o d3.t'2 -:,',l:, '~
postpo:1ed by the :O'1m:":er 0= c"'ys 0:: such delay, bu'o i:- :-:::
event beyon:" Ccoo>:'r 1, -"
~ac ~acilities sha:Ll ~c ::-
"'::,':'le,, s'::::ic'c!.~' .. , -cc",,:':"",:::: '..i:,-=-> '::02 71::-s "',,¿ S:,:::'- ',-
," ':i::::1" (C;lÒ:),'ct -'
c', ':' ~'C"
:',"::ein CIS ::-~y CO
in \'lri ting by s"icl Er,r;i:'\ser of Hork and utility and filed
with thc City Clcr', 0'" city) and thc ins.tallation shall be
subject to the approv~l of Utility in all respects.
will perform the ','IQr], of connecting the Facilities to its
existing mains at the point designated on Exhibit A hereto.
Utility will not be responsible
or held liable i" '~n,: rr~,nne!J ',¡hatsoever for any injury or
damage ~,ich may bc ~c,," to any pc:::son or property in the
course of installa"ion ",f the Facilities, or which rcay :::e-
su!.t from such insta!.lation.
Ci"y "g:::ees that du:::ing thc
period ccrrrr~~cing u:",n a da~e prior t", the CoIT~c'-1cerr""t of
co'-1struction of thc c',,-c',liticos, a,d ecerminating upon c:::::-,'o:'.e':',c:-
theJ!)eof ,""nd convey¿cnce of t:~co Fac;,li t,ies to Utili'~y 'cy Cc,c:,:/
as hereinaftcr pJ!)",vidcd, Ci~y, wi"hout cost OJ!) expc"se ~o
Uti!.i,'OY, ','.-i!,!. c::usc doe Cç:c.'::ract",r cc:::stn:cting t]oe. ?"'.c'--":',;,-
'C',es 'C'" ca"",,sco C;C,(J)-J.-~c,C¡C""~':5::0 ]:-/è iss'_\ed ]c": ti',e ',1"";-,',,,,::::'
ric¡:::s pro'Jiding L:c :..n::\:xc.nce co,'crc,ge he:::ei"ê,:::':c::: :~'",':.',
<lnd ',',hidl is li:Ze',¡:'.se ::cequi:::ed in the generç:l p:::",viz',:-:-:
the contract to 'b::o entered i,l",to bet'.-leen City and, .. 0, ic-, ::~'"
The foll",,';in::; ir.sc:::ance co'vcrage Sh<l:.l ie,,' ~C
3co':,!.:; ',:ojur,,' ar.éi ?:::et)"~'ty åamac¡'2 ',-'",
insurc:nce '",ith 5:";09-'-'2 J.ir.,it c",ve:::ac,-e of not less
,-, -,
Ht.::oc1:::ed Thousand ;)o:,l",:s (5500,000), insur.ing Ued;",
any ana all liability for the deaLl of or injury ::0 <':1"-; "',
soa and for the !.033 0" 0::: &,m?g'" to a,ny prope,:::ty, rl?SCCC, C
,'¡niC;l rr,ay a:::ise by r.cc.con 0:: c:cts ,',oo:e or omitted to :-O-c -1~'cc
in "he "':'-":;:,3'" 0;' ",ls:c,~!.ati')n of eo"" F<1cilitics "": -.-.r, '",,'
,:è;oci')n ~,nd -curther ins',lring ,:':J,',: ,-::
cc'i,,"': c,,',l "CGG; "¡,,-'
,",",-u:::r,,6 by U':',:"..o-- ',¡'\ ,:-:"
ë\ny claim which [;',êlY ;)3 m:¡dc against Utility for any such
injury or da:-nac¡e to ü"Y rocr::;on or prope.rty.
Such policy
(A) shall be issl;ed by an insurance company approved in
vlriting by Utility which is c;ualified to do and doing busi-
ness in the State of Cü!.ifornia,
(B) shall name Utility as
an additional insured,
(C) shall specify that it acts as
primary insurance ~Dà that no insurance effected
by Utility
shall be called U?Dn t", covei!J a loss under the policy so
p:::ocu:::ed by said Co:c.tr~cto:::,
(D) shall provide that the
,Jolicy shall ;'10'0 :Cc c",ncelled or altered vlithout thi:::'cy (30)
ckys' prior ',;ri'ctcoD no!::'.ce 'co Util','oy, and (E) shaJ.!. ot'c",r--
"'i~,, ::Je i:1 fo:::rn S",J::i,"'f',~cto::::' to Ctility.
Such policv 0::: -
duplicate or certi=icate the:::cof shall be delivered t",
Utility for retention by it concu:::rcntly with tho èe1i-,'êerv
of this ~greement to Uti!.ity by Ci~y.
A "'Dr'::c,cc:o's cc:c.~):c::o~~t'",,:o i:1Sl:r":1CC "-'" ,,'
-,<',;,ch s:o~ll :oro\'ic> , ec:é:J;:g o'o1;"e::: t:oin,c¡s, théèt sc:,iò. "C';,c',"
shall :1ot be céèncel!.cê O?:' 2:,':e:::,,6 '..,'it"out i:h;,rty
"'.' c
p:::ior written notice to Ctility :¡ du?lic~te ",r ce:::t~~'-[
thereof s"all be de;_','.-e:::od '00 Util;,ty for retentio,~ '
co~curreDtly with "he èolive:::y of this agreerne:c.t '0:
- C"--':, !::'
b:,' City.
City :::epresents that tlcc ?~~::
will all be 10c",::=:' ,:.nd inst~ll"d ',.¡i'chin public ',"",)'5 ~ '
cated to and aceep"e¿ by either Ci"y Oi!J the County ~,
Ci ty will =u:::ni"h to U1:il;, ty, upon ¡;tili ty' <' ¡¡:' C:' ?~',
cci!Jtified copies ",f 'i::h? public ::cc",:::ds of Santa C'-il'ca ,-~,,- '..
3;-:.0,.;ing such ?\.<blic: ,'e('i.c;'Co~ons ",-"C' acce:)tances.
92.!:l.Y...::jCl:1Cé". of T"-~cilj,::)-c:s.
Up",n cornDle'~ion of installation of t",e l'il-
cilities as in this ëlgroemcnt provided and upon noe: !.ess
than thirty (30) Cays' pi!Jior w:::itten notice to Utility, City
shull execute, acknoVllcdc;e 2,nd deliver to Utility an ir:s'crv,-
mcnt in form attê'.ched hereto as Exhibit B conveyinq tit],co
to the Facilities to Utility f:::ee and clear of and frc~ &~y
and all licons. c"'2rc;co" and encumJ:¡::::',ncccs whats"""'lc:::.
It is unC:2'os".:cod that '~he gene:::al p:::c':',::'ccn¡;
of the ?la"s a~C:, S?ecificõct'.,cns h",c:ei::above re::'c::::::~:: to,
',,')Üch wil!' be inco:::po:::a':cc:. Ú', 'ellc co::trè.ct ,,'i':h~" Cc:-,
t:::act",!' for '~he c",:-,s'cr-.:c':ion of t:-,c ~-acilitie¡;, ",,"
said Cont:::Gc'cor e:'" ?:::o,,';,:',e c' surc'~" "",nc; to Ci'c~' ,":,e::
ing the ¡r,?tters :'::::::C:'.:c.,",~':~:: ~et fe-::':'c i
-"',,--,, '
ô,nd Ci'cy :õh'lJ,l c'"
" ?':, ',¿, C"c'-----"~' '::0 p:::ovi'.'c
, ,
;:o,cd "':,:,l ::,'n j",ir,cl:: -" :::i::y
',,:,ie:': ê'l¿: <lê,"
0:: C2U"C ':0 be C:cl:'.~~r3o' oc c':~'" " =o:-=u:::rcn~~y
veya:oce of ;:it],c, 'l'; p::C'vic:ec', i'1 ':'12 P""'C3(, ,"" ::':,'0:"-:-
(a), a prope:::ly cnda:::s3d cc~~ the::3cf fi!Jcr Cc:ot:::~ccc~
su:::e'cy DŒ1(, shall be ",n f",::cc ,,~'¡;iz:":,c'¡;o::y e:c T_'.'~;,:" ::'.
by êC bondin" cc:c",a~,y z:o'.':::O'.'ec' ;,11 "':;,'¡;ing by ;;t:.:'.:,':'
,'- ."
:í'c!ê. '" :~;,3.',: --
-' 'c:: e :ö ',:~ .'"
C¡'~"lr¿',nteeinc; ,;:',':0:'
',:; :c",:c,>.',':~2)'Oent of t.'-:e ca;:" --
of ,",11 i!Jccplace',v:nt3 ü:c.C :::c:;"',',:cs 'cc ':èle FèCi1i'cies -",ë.C' r,'
sary \':it:hin on", r::.) ',r"': ~:::C" .',r" 0 00' acc",?'?,:C::;'" c:' ""',è
;:ècilities by 'je:il;,'~:, ':' ,C-",~'):- a": è.?:êectiv" ¡c~,e:e::::'.?,l:; C'~
,cr~~~ cc:c.v"yr- _¿ -
,,', i '_.ce," co;>:,",
, ~"
, -~::"',c,'-,c" :cov :::.', :,:'
, ",
C" ',' nC='S (' ,=
, ,,'
(;:11 ;:me; (b) of th~:; r~r;:gré\ph 5.
Concur::ently with the conveyance ",f titlc,
as provided in subpa:::ug:::,:'\ph (il) above, Ci ty sh~ll del:,iie::-
or cause to be delivccod to Utility froD ~Ñner an instc~-
mente duly executed by each person included ,¡ithin t~e ~e~~-
ing of the wo:::d "C",.-nccr" as used in this agreement in fo:::O':',
satisfc:cto:::y ta Utilie:)' an:"or '...-hich each such person,
jointly and seve:::a!.ly, shall ag:::ee to defend Utilie:y's -----
,md possess io:o i:o c,nd '~o t;,c Faci!.i ties a:-:d to inQe~,:,:.:C~',
èsfcnd. ilnd. hold C;tilio:,' [:'1::-..-',2'3S 0;', fi!Jc::', '1nd ac;a:,n3 '0 :,~':'
and '111 claims, losses or expense
occasioned Ue:ilie:y, ~i-
rcctly 0::: indi:::ec~!.y, as a i!Jesult of a:-:y attack on S~~C
0::: possession by a:-:y p~:::san, fi~" corpo:::ati"'D, ~unic:.pal
or other pu::olic bo::y 0:: c,gency ',"~c:"csaevc::: ::cae:e OY cc)":",cc,",,:,,:'
-,,'i'ohin ten (10) y"'":::S :::::cnècCC c>tc: ,",e:::£Qf.
ß:.?';'E,,~i.c,':~~..I°"= ':~,~~ ,-~ -
e't:, lit:" ~,c::::':-;
coI"')')letio"l of the ?"-c",:,i'~ic:s i:1 ~,CJ:cc;:' ,'-:-"ce '..,'i'cc", ,c~~
and Specifications, ccn~cyance ",f e:he Facilities e:c ;~
suant to the provicic:c.s af Sccti",n3 101C? throuah 10i,
thc Streets and ;-;:,g11',.-:'\'13 C",~,c 0;' t'-lC St",te of Cç,1.if::-:c
acceptë',nce 'by it of c~Y'cyar.ce t:-:e:::eo£ ",:-::". c'J:T,.?::'i:'l"':cc
C'c:y 'h'ith t"", oer~s of '~'li:= c-a!Cecc,c,-",t.. c,:-:?,e: ";e:",:,i
nect and intcgr:'le:c the I"',ci:",tie:= "i':h its L~s ~.1.~,,:--,~
system and will "'pc::::,oe and ~?intc.in the ?ëlci!.:,'~is"
provide 'dater se:::vic",: ::'" the Dise::êict in accorcc,nce ,,",
valid laws, regul". tic",:= z.nà ord',:c.",",ces and at :::-;e r", C::~'3
in acco:::cuncc wi tl': ':>.c ::ules of 'J o',li ty :OC','; in =orC9 ,,'
DOS ;\lt03-S,"b\è~'Y,;c ",,:c':'.-::t 0: ':'-:::'0 ""'-\' :::::om ti::c:'è te
h,',c'c.':fe:cc :'0"""'111:.'
i~ ..~~-, i:-: s",id L~3 Alto?-Sub~:~'
Q:::;~"."-'Ji_'2 -
All facilities to be installed hare-
unCer by Utili"cy sh'111 ;:'9 ard rercC'.in v,t all tirces the ~",le
property of Utility.
Cons':ruc~i.?n Delay.
Utility shall not be rc-
sponsible for any delay in work to be accomplished by it
hereunder resulting from any cause beyond its control, in-
cluding, vli th",u1.: limi tir:g the gencrali ty of the fo:::egoi:-¡g,
any delay rcsultin<! from inc:bility "co obtain sufficÜone: pi!JOpc:::
materia!.s and S~9?li2s, laba::: dise:~i!Jbances or shortages or
weèther conditio:-¡s or in,,-biJ,ity to o;:,tain necessary FC::r:\i':~,
licenses or otr,er gove:::;:::nen':è,l auchorizae:ions.
In thc ""¡e':O':
Utility is unë::ole '00 o':o'.:Jin suf::ieic,"t IT3terials to :,cCO:'.:
all construction req~i:::ewents ':Oeccssary to p:::ovicle ao'ê-
qu¡¡te service to all its c\.:stO'1\c:::s, it sl1al!. be enti'c1ec'
to allocÐ,te ""ltc:::ië:ls o;:,'cocir:ed by it to such CO:l.S'Cc'~c':',ec:
P;:CJcoc'CS <~S in :,',:s So:,~ Ci.iSC::9tic::c '.t dcerr.s -;-,ast :,"'~~': :':--:
tQ s?~vicc n""COGS "'1: 'C'~ O,1s'o'),",e::~, a:c.Q ccny C::c!.,-y '", -'.,
ple':ion of t:'1e -,'cork to :"e cQ::1?J.e ceo, ::oy Ue:ili ty h?:cco-,c:"'~
resulti:--,g ;::::0"', c.ny S\.',C:: al;.Q::af:io:-- 'J;: r:-,'le:erials by i.c':i:.:, :'
shall be dcc"Ccd to be è, c,::'~,se beyc;:d its cont:::",l c'",-Ó ','
shall not:oe :::es?o~si~J.~ fo::: suc~ Cel~y.
,'\.~:::::s.::o.Ji'.":'):;,~?,~-_:z:_J'~S~nd .
ci -':\' '"',,"',
p:::o'O,ptly u?on ':c,cc;:>lc':i",:-¡ a:E i:1s'oë::_l"-tio'1 of the 7'Å')'"
i,t will, '..a":1C','C ,CO,,?:or:3e to utility, furnish 'Je:',l','o',- ',:, "'~-
a:ole detail ~ ~;:,:,"':"C?n;: of the cost of installi;:lg t';:rc
ties; said cost ",:-¡all be the cost set forth in t:oe co:--,,:,::
contract p:;:-ovicUng for installv.d-c'1 of the F¡,ciliti?:.
e:ot,,-l of do" cCS'C 0,' i:1".':,~l1,in: '0:-" Facilities as '-',-,C"
",-,ic" c"',J:t:::-,'":,,e:, ;,,':.'? :""~ "-'OJ)')'1:
7-cificod in ~a:::n~~'
n ' , ";,:c,-:hco':::cc",,,',lbcolass,::-,r.:::.c.',l,
).--'JtJ g7-,,)~ ¡
, .f' "",,(, C'
(leC ( >r(' -, \" -
advance subject. t.o n-Jurd, provided, ho'~lever, that neither
the cost of any priva~e fire protcction service nor the cost
of any fire hydrants to bc instal!.ed shall be included in
the advance subject to :::efund.
At any time during
DeDosi" fo::: Services.
the tcrm of this ag:::ccment YTIen it becomes possible to de-
termine the size ar.G l,ocOlticn of the services raquired 'c'"
serve any p",rt of t:se jJ;,strict, U'ci!.ity will advise City in
writing of the cost cf B~ch services and City shall req~ire
w:::itten evidence t~at said service installation cha:::gea
hClve J::3en pClid te 'û::,lii::: ~ò' ,,",cve!,opei!J 0::: Owner or DO":'1
pri':J::: to issuance of ?,ny c;,t;: ?C~'7,",t-;.
Said service iss~~l-
lation costs shal!.:oa ,,¿dad to the aGvance subject t':J r~-
f~nG as specified in ?a:::agrapÌl 9 ha:::eo::.
Ra fu~.~.
In c':Jss:',Gc:c,,':;,or, of t'::" co~
of t"" ?J?,cilitias 'co i'c, as s'2"ci, ~.' i~, :::-,:::c,g::?"o,:
Lõti!,;e-::y as:::ee~ è:", :cõ:;.cc ref:,;,¡:o',~ ':0 C',:y ~,S >'~::e',:.c='-
:::he è,d';a:-,cc' 3'.,":',j so': ':,c ::,,'.":-16 s>.,cL'. be ~'J,:::j
rcfc',nc; ::JY '.:tili'o:; i:', s- ~>., ',:i:':o'..1': ',:-,tc:ccs~, t:- '":,"
?"Criod not tc "C::':""'-; ':-,;-,.,'c;: (20) ycoc:::s "::,,co:::
in ar.n'..:al
pay"","""::; c,c.¿C ',;i':hin f",::,,:.--.Fi.¡"C ~~S:
"n"i,,¡e::::;ary of ,=r:.., (~,:" 0:'
~u co',:',',:
Facilities :oy ~~~:~
u,,',..., ~ -'~ :,!. 1:~ :,e'::"::::,n ,C
, --
';'c',lity co>.',:"
'-c ':~- ~?v"nue :::ecei7~~ ~v ..
from cc',s':o;,:o:::s, inc::",'.': j.o']
,:~? u~-'ec':ion ~genoi~s, su~'
, 'i
';)y secTice pi"",s:"",' :::: ,,'i d;,:c,,'=':l:' to ~he ,;ate::: ~,-:',::,~ ,'r
ingta~l:C ho::au~d"~,
-- -. , ,',
'-',~ ", ~-¿;; cO: ',::': :".0\
,:0 """rx i \'CO,'
-, ,--'" ' s;.,"u, :',c ':,
,'- :'c-: ,~'
',':è1:' ,',
!!...t..iJi..!:,Y' ~_':-i,(~'?~JiL';ct.
In the eve~t City
shall become entit:lcci t'" " refund under the pro'lÜ;ions of
this agreement, U':il:,ty shall have t,he right at such tim2
to offset again,;t 'the amoun'c then due City hereundei!J the
total amount of a~y indcbtedness then due or owing to Utility
under the provisions of this agreement.
without in any -"ay
limi ting the gen"O:::a!.i ty of ::he p!'eeeding sentence, Uti!.i ty
shall have the !'ic;ht "co ",ff~et agê,inst any refunds beco::\Ìng
due Ci-ty he:::eund:er ",11 costs here",:::':er incurred by Utili,:y
in i!Jeloca':cing, r¡,is',nC' or J.o-::ering the Facili'cies, er <',nj
pa:::t 0::: pcc:::ts th)":::cof, by ::::eõ',scn of ¡,ny changa in gF;c", c=
¡,ny s'c:::eet Oi!J st:::e:oos i:1 t¡:~ Dist:::ic-t from the g:::?c"", .....-----
existing on the d¡",e of tLe ccnveY::'J1ce of tit.le to -th~ "c,-
cili"cies, as p:::oV',C',3c:C iJ1 c":'-~~~:::ç,g:::'",,, 5 (a) hC!:sof,
., f a 0 any"
t-,yen,,:! (2:1) yeç,!,s fro"" ':':12 c'::tc ;-,c:::ec::' , eigh"y ?"':- -,-
(SCJ!c) of t'1e net }:copCò:c':y ;::::""", '"i't'l',)C '::'1E Dist:-ict :"",s
de\-eloped by tile C-".¡-,ec c::c,dc ~ c" :,:,:- occ:tpied by 'cco¡-"
custo;:-,ers '^"10 ê.re ;:"'Ole", s e:::',: ,'0', :'JY --'-", F'\c',L'-'cies, i.'::,:..
v.'ill so no-tify C;, ":y O:1O':"-t:'1" t ti:::,e -,'ill Dec"""" c'-
to pay City in C".S'1 ?::': Di"l"nce 0::' ,::'::", ac'va'J:ce EU':' ~ '
::c.:'und ;.;hic'1 c,',c,y "'
~nc~~~nde6 "': t'1e en~ of :~'~
(20) year ~~~i~j
c:uc> b~:,~",nc'" :;hall be refl:¡-¡cl'~c'
U'::ility to City ii' ~',,-, (5) ,,::cc;,o,l installments, F"'Y~::O:_c,
gin;:1Ì:-lg t'"-cnty-c::,,, (2',' ':~',C'~ :erc' the date herec:>=.
, ,
h"""ein, t"-e words ":-OJrO', f',d', ":\.:s~,c'--;"r" shall me",n a cc',- ':~"_..
(e::cludir,c: '\ny Gust,:>,'?::: ~oyC,~..'
:'~:-ved at the sa,¡ne !.cc."':',cc '
who has ~iver ~~l( '):
.. ,..
--; T:t.ilit:y ':.hê',': ,,~")dj,
will be r~Ason~bly
-C'-" ,-'
-'::'-J"',':'"' '-'hie': ::,:"
b'""rovoa with a ImiJ,dim' of a peG",ncnt naturo and to "i"ò.ch
"ervice h"s co""J1'c,nced.
The provision of service to ù rcû.l
estate developer or builde::: ('lhich terms shall include any
individual, association of individuuls, partnership or corpora-
tion that divides a parcol of land into two or more portioros)
during t:he conc;tructi,Oel or develop;:¡ent period shall not es-
tablish him as a b",na ~ido customo:::.
Soi!Jvico P:::io:: to Cc'lvcvance of Facilities.
Pri",::: 'co cotlvey:once of the ~"',cili,:ics to Utility, Utili'c.;
will not serve ','.'ator t", any po:::tion of the Dist:::ict loVe ',;ill
pro'Jidc water se:::'"'iC2 '~'" Va:!.co Pc,:::}:, Inc. at ono "'X' IJ',O~'~
of the points of conncc':iOtl c;ho',m me Exhibit A hs:::eto ',1'; :,::c>
,,-,ay be designatGa by Vciliteï ë:t U':ility's rates appJ,;,c,O,")',e
in its Los Altos-Su;:u'J'J?,n Dist:::icc.
1'0 water s'" p:::cvic:c::
Vallco Park, Inc. Eh~!.!. be resold by it, and City ~~r~-'
to c<o,use t", bo (',c1i',¡c::2c'. "OG U'o',li'c.c; :,grcc:-cen'c cco ',"'_u'"
Inc. that it wi!.!. ~o~ ::escll 8~ch ~~~er.
.:':lobc?::; .
Ael:; r:o"ic? 'dhich it is ic"",,'-
vided may 0::: ShilL'- be g:,ve:o by ei "hoX' party too"," c'C"'--
to O',mer shall be c:ec::coc', ~oo ;~"','e reeD du's cri','"" "e',,;' --
Dositcd in the U:c.itec1 ~~~tes ~~il, registe:::ed 0::
~astage prepaio' "~d a¿dreEEoa to ohe ?erE~- =a'~
notice is given at t:-:c ::'ol!.m';ing :::?spoctiv:" "ë:,:~CE'
To Cj,-'o:,":
City of Cup~~t:'.~o
:,~321 Sou':;, Sur,:oy\':,', "" --
C~pc~tin"', Califo"el=
To Utility:
1720 North ~irs: St:::=c'C
P",st Office Box :150
cc~ Jose, C~li~o~n'a ?=lO~
To C-,¡",,::::
'>,llco Pi',:::k, :"::..
O. ,)ra\':o:: ','
:?artina, Cali~a~n:'.'
T~o Eei:::s or Devi~Ëe~ 0: =ll~~ C~~~
c/o Mr. "Boris StC:~~EY
l',tto:::ney at Law
suite 315
First Valley Ban~ 3~i!.¿i~~
3550 Stevens C:::ce~ 3~vd.
San Jose, Califo:::eia
The Heirs or Devise?s of
Benjamin C. Craft
c/o Er. Louis Fc,::c¿ui::e!.li
Attorney at LÔi',"
1694 ï~e Ala~eCa
San Jose, Ca1if",::nia
Lerla ¡~archese, Ch:::is ::ai!Jc:"ese,
Eosalie Cacitti a~d Ca~,e~ :~::'"
c/o ¡,¡r. Louis Pasc:~i:c.elli
A ':'coi!Jney at La-" .
1'-' 94 Tèle A la-oeè,a
San Jose, Ca!.ifo::::c.ia
Va:::ian Associates
c/o Ill::'. John C. CCOJOE:::
;",':,,0:::n2v a'c z,e,".',
5:,1 ¡:cn~en ~':¡:y
Palo Alto, Califc:::~ia
Any p2rson a:oova n?::ed, by not,lc2 ~l'Jen as he:::e;,:-,);::.fc:::e
provided, may chc:nS2 ':he a¿:"::ess to ~hich notice 5h~ll
thereafter be addr~~sed "0 it.
City ::~v assi~n th~s "-"-,-~..-
upon "il::'it'c"~l "",'oice '", ;;'::,',:::::' "~,"tee: è,etc-L)'i~a':..,~
è,ICcunt of the ?,dVêTC'~ ",,'.o'ojec': "e ""f'~I',¿ 0::: 5,f':cr -: CC,"':
of the rClci!.ities ':0 ;;tili'cy, ',':.,ic,' 'vcr sha!.l DC:::':::: ':°,
Ùny such assi",IC"-,"':c.': ::;:,a:,!. a::r¿ly o!',ly to t;'lcse --m "
undei!J w',:.ch beco:J1,", ('-'..iC rcore ':h",:c. 'oèl;,r'cy (30) c'.:,::s :~
date of recei;-': ':Jy ;;':;,:'i ty "':: :,ë.ch :1.otice of "',33 i,~" c~",
::"j,lity ,á::'l "",t ::'.ë::'cc :,::y ::,",,".:::ë, ::"~~c,,,.,t herec'cc,:- :c
than one persor..
~~~c~~c~ ~r.~ ;'8~~è~S.
Subject '.::> ,,:.,c :0:'
visions of tl'le p"éOc'::'::iD~ p"-",,-cc::c,:::,, :':õ, this a;¡:cc:-:;::',': ,""
inure to th" benefit of :,nd sec,,:l ioir:d the reê,;:;e=,,::",> ,.
cessors ?rlG ë:3sic;:1.s 0:':>'" jO'.'l::ties ;.,erec:o.
=-':-':::2:-,c~~'!..:::"',?'---"-'ò:c.',,~ :"t!"lL~_~s.:.=-C.=,-=,',c.,.'
~bi3 aè:::~,,~~n~ ~n~",
c ,C.."c t:,,-C:C :
.. , .
or modification:; by t'oé,; California Public Utilities COr:1m:,s-
sion as said Cor.Joission IT,"'y troD time to time direct in th",
exercise of its ju:::isdiction.
ADCJJ.iC:'l':ion of Fccfunds.
Utility shall have
no liability to see to the application of any refunds or
other sums paiä. by Utility to city hereunder.
Pa::ê,ç':~aDh Ecê,dinCis.
paragraph headings in
this agrcemccnt arc fo::: canvenicnce only and are not to bcc
consti!Jued as a pe>rt 0:: this agrecJ7,"!1t or in any ~;3,y 1Ü:ütLog
or aDplifying the p:::ovisions he:::eof.
IN 'inTI':ESS ,':¡'::::EEOF, the ?,,-rties hereto h"ve ez~c:c.;tC'o',
this agreement in d',;plica too tJ¡;e; d",y 3,:id year first ;o."JO'¡C "'O", 'ct'C'1.
" ¡'lunici"",,-l Coc::~CJ:::C 'cion
3y --,-
--- ---,,----- ,,---
Its ¡,'~.yo~
,'),"'?ROVED Þ.S TO FC"'::
Ci 'ey A'ttc::n3Y
htt::~~~~"j~~"5~-/< ,'-
G:i'tv Cle::::,
/ .
G\.LIFO':'èI':Il\ Hl,TZP. SETJ:':C::; :-::"Y,-C:
(é;OR?O;:',;\TE S:o.-Œ,1
",,'::~:"\.':~, ~': -',
?y ,
---------,--- -'---
I'c:; Vic:ce 7:'°' ,,'
'-"-----'-- -,
l cs Sec:::etv,:cy
WHEREAS, there has been presented to the City Council an
agreement by and between the CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE COMPANY
and the CITY OF CUPERTINO for tne installation, conveyance,
ma~ntenance and oper8t~on'of a system of water supply, and Bale
agreement hav~ng been approved by the City Attorney;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mayor and the
City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute the agreement herein
reterrea to in behalf of the City of Cupertino.
PASSAD AND ADOPTED this 20th day of June, 1966, by th~
followin£", vote:
AYES: Counc~lmen - Dempster, F'itzgeralö, Johnson,
Noel, stokes
NOES: Councilmen - No~~,
ABSENT: Councilmen - Nonf'
Kay V. Haddon
City Clerk
Isl Gary G. StoktS
AREA 408 . 298-1414
July 2, 1973
City of Cupertino
10300 Torre Avenue
Cupertino, CA 95014
Agreement dated June 20,1966,
Estimate No. LAS 1495 covering
installation of facilities to
serve Vallco Park.
In accordance with Paragraph No. 13 of the above mentioned
agreement, this letter will serve as notification that any balance
of the advance subject to refund at the end of the twenty-year
period will be refunded in five equal annual installments payable
beginning the twenty-first year.
Very truly yours,
Roger S. Kent
Assistant to Controller
RSK/ ac
cc: C. 1. Garibaldi - LAS
G. Burlingame - 8M