80-013a Collishaw Construction, Inc., Varian Park, Phase II, Project No. 80-01-. CONTRACT FOR. ?U'3LrC i'fORK " CO~t~?.ACT ~;!ld~ on July 16,. 198Q -by the CZ'I'! OF CUPERTINO, a municipal corporation of' tee State of California. 'her,=inafter ca1.ied the Git:/ J .and 0 COLLISHAW CORPORAXION hereinafter called the Contractor. IT IS HEliE:sy'AGREED by t.he parties as follows: '1.. The Contract Documents. The cor.:plete C.:lntrp.c'; con- sists of the ·.rollo\"ing contract docu..-::ents: C A. Tile Plans and" Specifications' enti tled "Varian Park, Phase II, Project 80:...01" B. Various bond and r-nsuraqce requirements C. Bid proposal attached hereto as' "Exhibit An Any "'''''C ~ll obli'·"!-'.I.' ~ns o~J. the ~·""1 ".n-'., ;'0' e Con-,,-,-ao-.tor, "_r-, , f'u'11'.,; ..... ..:: "'. • ,,-" w " ,'~:r. _. .. u w _ c; ,,'-:_ set forth and described therein. All of the above Cocu.':1ents are intended to coo9~rat; so that any 110:-::': called for in one and no't mentioned in the other, or vice 'lersa. is to be executed the sam.a as it.' ment5.oned i.n all 'cf' said documents. ~ne doc~~ent3 coc;rising the cQ~plete ~on­ tract are so~etime5 hereinafter referred to as the Contract Docu- !llen~s. In case or c.,n.f"2.ict bet;.reen the Plans a.'1d Si=I>ecii'ications on tae one hand, and this Contract on tt.e other, the Pla... ... :S and Specifications shall preyail. 2. The Worlc. ~tle Contractor ag:::oees to furnish' all of the tools. equip:::ent" a.pparatus, fac! Ii ',;1e3 > labor, t; ::-anspor'f: a- tio11, al"'.d material necessary to perform and complete in a good and ':{orl~ma.nlilce r.;;;,_nne r J the 1'10 rk 0 t: Varian Park, Phase II -Project 80-01 as called. for, and 1n the manner designated in, and in st::-ict confor::.ity ',rith, the Plans and SpecU'ications pre,H!.red by the follO':[1ng na::led person: . Bert J .. Viskovich, Director of Public Works , . and adopted by the City, which Plans and Specifications are en- titled, respectively, Varian Park, Phase II -Project 80-0~ and which P1ans and Specifications are icentified by the signa- tures of t~e parties to this Contract. It is understood ~~d agreed that said tool's, equipment, apparatus, facilities, labor, transl:,ortation, and material shall be fu::-nished, and that said l-Iork shall be performed and completed as required in said ?lans and Specifications under the sole direction and control of the Contractor, but subject to the inspection and appro'lal or the City, or its representative. The City hereby designates as its rept'esentati ve fer the purpose of this Contract the fellOI·ring named person: Bert J. Vi skovich, Direc~or' of Public Works 3. Contract Price. The City agrees to pay. and the Contractor agr~es to accer;t, in full 9ayment for the 'tJ~ork abo~le agr·eed to be done, tne sum of. One Hundred Fifty Four Thousand Eighty Five Dollars ($154,085.00) subject to additions and deductions as provided in the Contract Documents. lj. Disputes Perta':'ning to Payment for Hork. Should artY dispute arise respecting the true value 01' any ~lork done, of any ;'lOrlc omitted, or of any extra "lork, ':lhicn the Contractor may be reqUired to do, or respecting the size of any payment to the Contr2.cto:' during the· pe!'~orUlan~c of' this contract, said dispu-;;e shall be deter:dned either by reference to the ~'1it of prices, if applicable, or in accordance '..rith the agreement of: the parties, or in accordance .dth the· rules of the A:::erica."1 Arbitration Association if the parties are ~"1able to agree. 5. Permits; Comoliance I'lith Lal·r. The Contractor shall, at his expense, obtain all nece.ssar~r pero.:.ts and licenses, ease- rr.ents, etc., for the construction of the p~oject, sive all neces- s ary not ices, yay all fees required by la':I, and comply ','li th all 1 aViS , ordir.ar,ce5, rules and regu!~ticns relating to the ,[ark a."1d to the 9reserv~tion of the public health and safety. 6. Inspection by the CUy. The Contracto,", sha.ll at all times h:aintain prope;' fE.cili t.ies a..'1d provide safe acc·ess for inspection by the City to all parts of·the ~ork, and to the s~cps -2- :·,nerein the ':Iork is in oreoara::':!..on. 'tIhere ths Specifications require ~/ol'k to be spec1aliy tested or al'l'roved, it shall not be tested or covered U9 '11i:;~Out timely notice to the City of its read1ne!:!s for inspection and ',lith,out t:'le approval th.ereo!' or consent thereto by the latter. Should any suc~ work be covered up 1'/1thout such notice, approval, or consent, it must, if required by the City, be uncovered for exa~~nation at the Contractor's e,xpense. 7. Extra or Additional \·ror~: and Chan;;:;s. Should the City at any time during t~e pro~!'ess of ;;he '·Iori<.: require any alterations, deviations, additions or omissions from the Speci- fications or Plans or other Contract Documents, it shall have the rig.;,.t to do so, and t:,e same shall in no \'Iay affect or r.take void the contract, but the cost or value thereof 'Irill-be added to, or deducted from, the amount of the contract 9rice, as the case may be, by a fair and reasonaole valuati'on, '.'Ihicn valuation shall be c.etar:nined either,' by reference. to the unit 9rices, if applicable, or in accordance 'tlith t:1e agreement 0 r the parties, or in accordance ~ith the rules of the Arneric~~ A=bitratio~ Assocation if the parties are unable to agree. No extra lI/orle s~all be perror~ed or change be made exce9t by a written order from the City, duly authorized b:, resolution of its governing; body, and by all agencies \'lil.cse ap;>rov2.;. is required by la;-(, stating that the extra l'forK or change is authorized, al'ld no claim for ~~ addition to the contract Slli~ shall be valid unless 'so order:=d. 8. Cha.nges to Neet :::n~'1ronr.!ental Re~ui!"ements, The City shall haVe t;,e right. to <;lake changes in t!":is Contract d ; t · ~ '-t' '-" t' . -d ; ur_ng ne course or cons~ruc ~on ~o'orlng ne compLe~e _ffi- provements into compliance 'tlith environmental requirements or standards established by state and federal statutes and regula- tions after the Contract has been a~'larded or ente::'sd into. T:~e Contractor shall be paid for by such changes either by reference to the unit prices, if applicable, or in accordance I-lith the agreernent of the parties, or in accordance I-lith the rules of the Amer1c&~ Arbitration Association if the parties are unable to agree. 9. Termination, Amer'.dments or [\1001fic2.t10:1s. This Contract may "::le te!'minated, amended or modified, '.-lith the mutual consent of the parties. The compensation payable, 1f ~,y, for such ter.nination, amendment or modifications, shall be dete!'- mined eith~r by reference to the u..iiit price, if al'!?l1cable, or in accord.~'1ce ;-lith the agreement of the parties, or in accordance I'rith t!le rules of the American Arbitration Association if the parties are unable to agree. 10. TiO':le for Comoletion. All I·rork under this Contract shall be com91eted before the expiration of one hundred (100) ~orking days from the approval of the contract. -3- r If the Oontractor shall be delayed in the wo~~ by the acts or neglect of tl'l.c Cit;y, or it:s elllplciyees, or those under it by contract or otheI'";fise, or by chan.~es ordered in the I'fork, or by strikes, lockouts by othe:'s, fire, unusual c:.ela::r in trans- portation, unavoidable casualties or arl''J causes. beyond the Con- tractor's control, or by delay authorized' by the City. or by any cause which the City shall determine justifies the delay, then the tL~e of completion shall be extended accordin£ly. This para~rapb. does not exclude the reco,err] of dam-, ages for de lay by either party u!'lder other provisions :Lnthe Contract Documents. 11. Ir.spection ?.nd Testin~ or !1aterials. The Con- tractor shall notify the Ci~y a sufficient ~ime in advance of the manufacture or production of materials to be supplied by him under this Contract, in order that tb.~ City rr~y arr~~ge for mill'or factO!7 inspection ~~d testing of the s~.e, if the City requests su~~ notice trom the Contractor. 12. Ter;nination for Breach I • etc. It' the Contractor should be adjudged a bankrupt, or if he should m~e a general assignment for' the benefit ot: his cr.editors,or if a receiver 'h 'd~ •• . .. "·i·' i~h sou... we appo ... n ... ea .on accoun ... o~ !l s ;!.:tso_~e:'lC:y. or I. e or' any of his subcontractors should violate any of the nrovisions of the',Contract, the City may serye'\'lritten 'notice upon him and his surety of its intention to ter~inate thp. Contr'act, s~ch notice to contain the reasons' for such intention to terminate the Contract, ~"'lc., unless Idthin ten days after serv:'ng' of s~!ch notice, such violation shall cease and satisfactory arrangements for correction thereof be made, the Contract shall, u~on the expiration of said ten days, cease and ter~~nate. In the event of" any suC'h termination, the City shall immediately serve \·rritten notice thereof upon the surety and the Contractor, and the surety shall have the right to t~~e over and perform the Contract; pro- vided, hO''1ever, that, if the surety vlithin fifteen days a.ftar tbe serving upon it of notice of termination does not give the City \iritten notice of its intention to t~lce over and per-form the Contract, or does not commence perfoIT.:.E!.."lce therl:oi' ;'lithin thirty days from the date of the serving 9f such notice, the City may take over the work and prosecu.te the same to com?letion by contract, or by ~"'ly other method it r.~y deem ad\~sable. for the account ~~d at the expense of the Contractor, ~~d the Con- tractor and his surety shall be liable to the City for ~"lY ex- cess cost occasioned by the City thereby, and in such event the City may. i-:ithout liability for so. doing, talee possession of. and utiliz~ in completing the work, such materials, appliances, plant and other property belonging to the Contractor as may be on the site of the l"lork ~"ld necessary therefor • • 13. The Cit;/' s i\i;:ht to ~lithhold Certain Amounts and I·talee A'OolicatiC'r! Ther-eof. In addition to the amount 11hich tile -4- City may re:ai:1 under Paragraph 21 of this, Contract until the fi:1al complet:ion and acceptance. of all vtork covered by ,the Con- tract, the City !!lay \·tithhold from payment to the Contractor such an amo~~t or amou:1ts as in its judgment may be necessary too o=y j"s" c' .... i",~ "-~~n-+-""~e "c-... "'? .... t-,..""" ,..-any subco1"'\~-~,",,"'o~~ .., * _ ......... _t:o....:..~.£w ~~'""' ...... ~.., ,,~.. .... Ill" ........ ""'.., ""' ... -W ... ' '" ~4""'" ""'_.,; ':"'..J for labor a~d services rendered and materials furnished in a~d about the ~Ior\~. The City may apply such !:Iith~eld amount or amounts to t~e payment cif such claims in its discretion. I:1 so doing, the City shall be deemed the' agent of the Contractor, and any payment so ;;tade by the City shall be considered as a paYr.!ent made under the Contract by the City to th-= Contractor, and the City shall not be liable to the Contractor for any such paym.ent made in good .fe.i:h. Such paYr.1sr!t may be made \<!ithout· prior judicial determination of the claim or claims. 14. Notice a'1d Service Thereof. Any notice from one party to' the other U11cer the CO!1tracc shall be in I'[ritin~, and shall be dated and signed either by the ;;:e.rty g1 ving such notice, or by a duly autho-;:oized representative of such party. Any suc!":! notice shall not be effecti"e for any 9urpose '1Ihatsoeve lC. unless ser\o"ed in the f'ollo~·t':'ng ma.."lner: (a):..f the notice is given to the City, either by ?e:'sonal deli very 'thereof to the City 1·1ana- ger of the City, or by depositing the same in the United States mails, <:inclosed i;1 a sealed en'lelope, addressed. to the City, pos ta.?;e prepaid and certi fied; (b) i r the notice :'s given to the Contractor, either by personal delivery thereof to the Contr~c- • tor, or to his duly authorized re?resentative at the sits of the proJect, or by depositing the s&~e in the United States mails, enclosed in a sealed envelope, addressed to said Contra'etor at 1515 Walsh Avenue Santa Clara, CA 95050 postage prepaid and certifi.ad; ·and (c) if the notice is given to the 'surety or any other person, either by personal deli very to such surety or other person, or by dep6siti~g the same in the United States mails, enclosed in a sealed envelope, addressed to such surety or person, as the'case may be, at the address of such surety 0-;:0 person last co~~unlcated by him to the party gi vins; the notice, posta'ge prepaid a~d certified. 15. Assisnment of Contract. Neither the Contract, nor any part thereof, nor mor.eys due or to beco~e d~e thereu~der, may be assigned by the Contractor without the pr,ior written ap- proval of the City. ,16. COr.lplia:1ce ';'Iith Soecificaticns of 11aterials. ~':hen­ ever in the Specifications, any material or process is incica:ed or specified by patent or proprietary n~me, or by name of manu- facturer, such Specifications must be ~et by Contractor, unless the 'City agrees in vlrHing to some other material, process or article offered by Contractor l'ihich is equal in all respects to the one specifi~d. -5- • 11. Contra.ct Security. 'The Contractor shall furnish a surety bo~d in an amcun~ at least equal to one hundred per- cent (lOOS) of the con1;ract price as security for the i'aithl'al perfor:nance.ot this Contre:ct. The Contractor shall also furnish a separate surety bond in an a:lou::.t at least equal to one 'hu.-:-dred. percent (lac::) of the contract pri~e as security for the pl!yr::ent of all persons for furnishing materials. provisions. ,rovenaer, or other supplies. used in, upon, for or about' the perforrn&~ce of the wor...: contracted to be done, or for per!'orming any ',For!c or labor thereon of any kind. and for the payment of ~~ounts due Ut."lder the Unemplo:l!:u~nt Insurance Code i'lith., respect to such worle or labor in connection 11ith this Contract, and for the pay- ment of a ,reasonable attorney's fee to be fixed by the court in case suit is brought upon the bond. . . '18. Insurance. The Contractor shall 'not cou::nence ~'To:rk under this Contract until he has obtained all insurance required under this paragraph and such insurance has been approved by the City, nor shall the Contractor allow any subcontractor to com- mence ~'rorl~ en hi.s subcontract until all similar insurance re- qui.red of the Sl.ll:Jcontracto:' has been so obtained and approved. The Contractor sball furnish the C'1ty ,with satisfactory proof o~the carrla~ of insurance required, and there sball be a specific contractual liabili ty endorsement extending the Con- tractor's coverage to include the contractual liability assumed by the Contractor pursuant to this Contract and particularly 'Paragraph 19 hereof. A~y pollcy ot: insurance required of the , Contractor under this Contract shall also contain an endorsement proViding, that thirty' (30) days' notice must, be given in lfriting to the City of any pending change in the limits of liability or of any cancellation or modification of the policy. , ' (a) "lorl<:men's Coumensat';on Insur~"lce and Em- ployer's Liability Insurance. The Cont:'actor shall ~a~e out and rnai."ltain during'the life' 01: this Contract i'!orkmen r s Co:npen~ 'sation Insurance and E~loyer's Liability Insurance for al~ of his employees e~loyed at the site of the project and, in case any work is sublet, the Contractor sball require the subcontrac- tor similarly to proVide' Workmen's Compensation !nsur~~ce and Employer'S Liability Insurance for all of' the latter's employees unlesz suc.~ 'employees are covered by the protection af'forded by the Contractor. ' In Signing this Contract the Contractor ma~es the fol- 101'ling certification, required by Se ction 1861 of the Labor Code: ItI am at-/are 'Of' the prOVisions of Section 3100 or the Labor Code "r!licn ~quire every em- ployer to be insured agains~ liability for work~h's compensation or to undertake self- insurance in accordance Idth the provisions of the oo~e > and I I-lill cOr.lply l1ith such prOVisions -6- bei."ora commencing the performance of the l'iOr~ of th.:!.s contrc.ct." (b) Liability Insurance. The Contractor shall ta!<e out a:1ci' maintain during the li,fe ?f this Contract such Bodily Injury Liability and Property Damage Liability Insllr2nce as shall !J!"otect him and any subcontractor perCor",in;' 'Itorl< cov- ered by this Contract from claims for damages for bodily injury. including accidental death, as itell as from claims for pro;;:H;rty damage, in (icluding third-party property damage, to include, cov- erage on property in the care, custody and control of the Con- tractor, and also in ;<cluding ';loat are cotnlilonly kno~m as the "X, C, and Un exclusions (havlng to do I.ith blasting, collapse, and underground property damE.ge), which ;:'lay arise from Contract or's operations under this Contrac t, l'lhethe r 5 uch op:;=rations be by himself or by any subcontractor or by ~~yone directly or in- directly,employed by either of them and the amo~1ts of such in- surance shall be as follows: Bodily Injury Liability Insurance in an ~~ount not less tha.n $ --300,000,00-for injuries, including a.cci:dental death> ,to 2..'1y one person, and, subdect to the same '~irnit for each person, 1n an ~~ount not less than $-500,000.00-, on account of one accicent, and Property'Da~ag: Liability Insur2..'1ce in an amount not less than * -200;000.00--• The City and its officers anci em910yees, shall be' named as additional insureds on any such policies of i:ulurance, I·thich shall also contain a provision that the insurance afforded thereby to the City, its officers 2..'1d employe~s, shall be primary ,insurance to the full limits of 11'1oi11t1 of t;,e policy, and that, if the City, or'its officers and e~ployees, have other insurance against a loss coyered by such policy, such other insurance shall'be ex- cess insurance only. (c) Fire Insurance. The S~l take 01,l~ nct intain' fo 0 tn parties to oil'. is Contract insu:: nce ~o,:e ing l?s~ by r~i Q,. e "ten~e~ c~:e!jig:_:n., dorse~,:,~ t p:r~ s (Iunar"orm, na~l~_ ex, _osJ.o , rJ.o",' .J.?t a",,_nr_ng a st 1'J. e, CJ. v-:-r. commo': _on, a rcrah, / ehicl s, smoKe) I a~d V!l:1t dal1s,!, and ma~~ciou~m'ischief upon ~re enti e structUTe on ;"h~~ Cll the ',Iior:< of tl7lis Con~ract i to be 10ne to ne hund,.,(,d oercen~ (IOO ) of ,the insur" le val e there f. P!'o 191' eVl¥nce' of su h ins rance sh 11 be .urnish d to th / . If tt e Cit provide the fire ins ranee ',ereuncer and t: e contractc~, de ires broa • rotection than ~he perils 01' 1 s by l'i!'e, ex t~ ded covera3e ~ndorsemenv " rils, and van sm and hluliciou * Supply in or ~, as th'e case may be" in the olan:<, -7- c c L o a -L L. Clischie r, chs C1 cy ''lill at~empt to obtain such oroade:-::'lrotection L~d the Con~ractor agrees to pay any additional cost for such broader protection. 19. Hold Har::xless. The Contractor ;·rill sa'/e. keep, and hold. harrn.!.ess the City and. all orrlcers, el1l?loyees, and agents thereof rro~ all da~ag2s. costs, or expenses, in law or ±n equity. that may at any ti~e arise or be set' up because of personal in- jury or damage to property sustained b~ any person or ~ersons by reason of. or in the course or the performa.!'lce ef said ~",ork, or hy reason of any infringement or alleged inrringement of the patent rigbts of any person or persons, firm or corporation in consequence or the use in. on, or about said ,·ror}.;;, or any article or material su'Oolied or installed under this Contract. Not.",ith- st.anC!ng the abO\'e, the Contractor shall wherever. it is. necessary keep and maintain at his sole cost and expense during the course of his operations under th;i.s Contract such ~(arnings, signs, and barri",rs' as nay -be required te protect the pUblic._ The p·rovisions of the preceding sentence shall not impese any liability upon the City and are for the eAPress benefit 'Of the general pu~lic. 20 •. Hours 'Of Hark. E1~ht hours of' labor during any one calendar day ~nd forty hours of labor during ~~y one calendar week shall constitute the rnaximwn hours 'Of service upon all \·rork done hereunder. ~~d it is eX'9re·ssly. st:i;1ulated that no labore:-, workman. or mechanic e::;,ployed at any time by the Contractor or by ~'Y subcontractor or suhcontract;ors under this Contract, upon the Kork or upon any part or the 'l-/Or'..<: contemplated by this Con- tract, shall be required or percitted to wer!e thereon more than eight hours during any 'One calendar da~ and forty hours during any ene.calendar week, except. as provided by Sectien 1815 of the Labor Code of the State of California. ,,,or1c performed by employees of' contractors in excess of eight hou.~ per day and forty hours during any one ~1eek shall be permitted upon public work upon compensation fo!:' all hours \'far!ced in exce.ss 'Of ei;;."lt hours per day at not less th~' one and one-half times the basic rate of pay. It is further expressly stipulated that for each and every vioLation.ef Sections 1811-1815, inclusive. of the_ Labor Code ot: the State of California, all the provisions \·rhere- of are dserned to be incor?orated herein. the Contractor shall forfeit> as a penalty to the City. t\'1enty-fi Ve Dollars ($25.00) for each laborer •. l",orkman. or mechanic employed in the execution of this Contract by Centractor, or by any sUbcontracter under . this Contract, for each calenda= day during ~lhich said laberer, ~jorkman. or meChL"1ic is required 'Or per:nitted to \'J'or!c more than eight hours in ~"1y 'One calendar day and forty heurs in anyone calendar w~ek in violation of the orovisions of said Sections of the Labor Code. .. The Contractor. and each subcontractor. shall keen an accurate record sho':ring the naI:l5S of and actual hours \'/orlted each calendar day and each calenaa: ~[eek by all laborer'S J \'/ork- -8- men. and :lSchanics er.lployed oy him in c:oo:1eotion ~-(lth the \ofork -contemplated by this Contract. which record shall be open at all reasonable hours to the inspection of the City or its offi- cers or a;ents a."ld to the Di'/is ion of Labor La~1 En1'orcewent 0 f the Depart:ment of Industrial Relations of the State oJ: Cali fO!":1i a. 21. Wa~e Rates. Pursuant to the tabor Code 01' the State of California, or local 121.1-1 thersto applioable. the City has asoertained the seneral prevailing rate of per diem I-rages a."ld rates for holida:Ts and o'fertime ~10r!-t in the lo'cali ty in which this I-lork is to be pert."orr:'.ed~ for each craft, classifioa- tion, or type of lab':)rer, \'lorkman, or mecha.'lic needed to execute this Contract. The prevailing; \\l'ages so determined are set. forth in the Speoifications and ~~de a part hersof. Neither the notice inviting bids nor this Contract shall oonstitute & representation of fact as to the prevailing wage rates upon ~!hioh the Contractor or an~' suboontraotor under him may base any claim against the City. • -It shall be mandatory upon the Contractor, and upon any 5ubcor.tractor under him, to pay not less than the said spe- cified rates to all laborers, workmen, a."ld mechanios employed in the exeoution.of the Contraot. ~t is further eXDressly sti- pulated that the Contraotor shall, as a penalty to the City, !'orr.ai t tt-lenty-!'ive dollars ($2; .,00) for' each oal.endar day, 0:;:: portion tilereoi', for each laborer, ~10rkma.'1, or mecha.'1iq paid less . _ than che. sti;H:.lated p::,eval1ing rates for: any ~'1orl-: done under this Contr&ct by him or by any suboontractor ~"lcer him; and Con- -tractor agrees to oomply with all proviSions of Section ~775 of the Labor Code. _ In oase it becomes necessary J:or the Contractor or any subcontractor to employ on the project under this Contraot any person tn a trade or oooupation (except exeoutives. supervisory, administrative, clerical, or other non-map.ual \-Iorkers as sl,:,ch), 1'or which no r..inimum ''lage rate is herein specified; the Contrac- tor shall immedi<:tely :lOtify the City J \-r~o ,11l1 pro=:.ptly the-::os- arter determine the prevailing rate ror st,lch additional trade or ocouoation and shall -furnish the Contractor '-lith the minimum rate based thereon. -. The minimum rate thus turnished shall be applicable as a mini::lum for such trade or o,::ou;Jation :rom the time of the initial employ~ent of che person ai'1'ected and during the conti!!uanoe or suoh employment. 22. Accident Pre'le.ntion. Precaution shall be exer- oised at all times for the protection or persons (inclu~~ng em- . ployces) and. property. The safety prOVisions of applicable lal'1s, building a."ld c':)ustruction oodes shall be obser'/ed. 1·lachinery, eqUipment, and other hazards shall be guarded or eliminated in acoordance l'1ith -the safety prOVisions of the Construction Safety Orders issued by -the Industrial Acoident Co~~~ssion of the State of California. -9- • , ' 23. Payment. ~lot 'later than the 30th day of' each calenda:' month, tne City ',fill make partial paym:e.mt to the CO:l- t:,acto~ on the basis of a duly certified approval esti~ate of the l'fOrk peri'or::ed and materials incorporated in the project, during the preceding calendar month, by the Contracto!', 'but t!1e City ... tl11 !'etain ---ten--' percent ( 10;:0 of: the a~ount or each of said estimates until the expiration of thirty- five (35) days from the date of recording by the City of notice of acceptance of co~pletion of all '!!ork' covered bl this CO:1tract, if such notice be recorded ~/ithin ten days after the acceptance of completion of such Contract as evidenced by resolution of its governing body; or, if such notice be not so recorded I-lithin ten days, until the expiration of ninety-five (95) days after the acceptance of completion of such. ','fork of impro'le:nent as evi- denced by resolution of its governing body. at ./hich time and not oeTore, the City shall, pay to the Contractor the I-/hole of the remaining --ten---percent ( 10~) of said contract price so held back as provided; said certificates to be furnished 'oy ana' 00' ~~'~~a' rro~ ~'nQ C,ty's rp~~psen~a~i"e s~-~in-·-na~ -n~ II< \;-.... ... _ _ ••• V _ _ _:".10._ t.I t.._ 'I I.t<:.v_ ~ v~ .. ""'~J. ..... paY1:larit or install::!ent is due upon the basis of ,.,ork co:r:pleted and the ~uo~,t then due and the Cityts representative shall, bE- fore the of each month, deliver said certificates ~,der his hand to the City, or in lieu of such certificates, shall de- liver to t~a Contractor, in writing, urrde!' his hand, a Just and true reason for not issuing the certi ficates, including a state- r..ant of the defects', if any, to .be remedied, to entitle t~e ,Contractor to the certificate or certificates, In event of t~e failure of the City's representative to furnish and deliver said certificates or any of them, or in lieu thereof, t~e \-lriting ~.fo!'e5aid, within ten (10) days after the timss aforesc.id, and after ;-rritten de:nand has been made upon him for: the sa!:le, the Contractor may file de:nand ;.fith the City, and, in event said certificates are not furnisr.ed ~[ithin ten (10) days thereafter, the same, shall become due and payable. , In case the City's representati-Je delivers t'he \'triting aforesaid, in lieu of the certificates, then a compliance by the Contractor ',lith the requirements of said ;'Iriting shall entitle the Contractor to the certificates. , The payment of progress payments by the City shall not be construed as an absolute acceptance of the 'tfOrk done up to the time of such payments, but the entire I>/ork is to be subjected to the inspec::ion and approval of the City, and subject to ;'lhat- ever inspection and approval may !;)e required by law. 24. Protection of Public Utilities. The City shall be responsible, as bet':!een the parties to this Contract only, for the removal, relocation, or protection of existing public utili- ties, if any, located on the site of construction, but only if such public utilities are not identified by the City in the Plans and Speci ficat ions m::1de a parc o,r th," in vi t ation foT' bids. -10- -L c -L . . To'll! City shall compensate the Contract-or for costs incurred in relocating or repairing damatie to utility facilitios not indi- cated in the Plans and Specifications, other than service lat- erals ~/hen the presence of such utilit;ies on the construction si te can be inferred from the presence of such visible faclli": ties as buildings, a."ld meters and junction bo:ces on, or adj a- cent to, the construction site. To,e Contractor shall not be assessed liquidated damages for delay in completion of the Con- tract project, as provided in Paragraph 27 belo:'1-, Ivhen such de- lay is caused by the failure of the City, or other public ~tility, to provide ,!or the removal or relocation of the eXisting utility facilities. If the Contractor while perfor~~ng the Contract dis- covers utility facilities not identified by the City in the Con- tract Plans and Specifications, the ser'lice laterals as herein- above described, he shall immediately notify the City :l;.n ~ll:·iti:lg . . 25. Contl'actorls Resoonsibilit'l for the Hor:':. The Contractor s~all not be responsible for tne cost of repairing or res.toring dama:;;e to the W9rk caused by an act of God. IlEVER- T'rlELESS, tne Coutr<'.ctor shall, if the insurance premium is a separat~ bid item, obtain the insura~ce to indemnify the City for any damage to the .. lork caused by an a~t of God. "Acts of' God" shall include only the follo\·ling occurrences or. conditions a.''ld effects: earthquakes a."d tidal I-laves, I-fhen such occurre~ces or conditions and effects have been proclai~ed a disaster or state of emergency by the Gnvernor of_theSt~te of California ,or by the President of the United States, or \·,ere of a magnitude at the site of the -.. lode suffi::ient to have caused a proclamation of disaster or state of' emergency havipg occurred in a populated area~ Subject to the fo:-e;;oing, the .City shall not, in any ;'!ay or manner, be ansl'lerable or suffer loss, damage, expense or liability for any loss or damage that may happen to said build- ing, Nor!c, or equipment or any part thereof, or in, on, or about· the same during its construction and before_ acceptance. , 26. Contractor's Guarantee. ,The Contractor W1q\.lali- fiedly gcarantees the first-class quality of all Ivorkmanship and of all materials, apparatus, and equipment used or installed by him 01' by any subcontractor or supplier i!'l the project Nhicn is the subject of this Contract, unless a lesser quality i:; e:cpressly author-i:?;ed in the Plans and Specifications, in ,'Ihich event the Contractor unqualifiedly guarantees such lesser quality; ,and that t!le \-Iorl< as performed by the Contractor \-/i11 conform I'lith the Plans and Specificatiot1s or any '::ritten author::'zed deviations therefrom. In case of any defect in \'iorl<, materials. apparatus or equip:!!ent, '"nether latent 0::' patent:, revealed to the City within .one (1) yea2' of the dc.te of acceptance of completion of this Contract by the City, the Contractor will forthwith remedy such defect or defects ';Jithout cost to the City. 27. Liquidated Damages. Tine shall be of the essence of thi's Contract., If the Contractor fails to com9lete, \'Iithin -11- , . the time fixed for such cOt:'!pletion, the \'Io!"k hereinbefore men- tioned and described and hereby contracted to be done and ger- formed, he sh~ll become liable to the City for liquidated dam- ages in tlle SU:.1 0 f. Fifty Dollars dollars (3 --50.00--). for each and every day durin;; \'!hicil said "IO!":' shall remain uncompleted beyond such tirr-.e for com91e- tion or unla::rful extension thereof, ;'Ihich sum shall be presumed to be the amount of damage thereby sust'ained by the City since it ;iould be impracticable or extrenely difficult to fix the actual da:.1age; and the amottnt of liquidated damages ':.1ay be de- ducted by the City from moneys due the Contractor hereunder, or his assigns and su'ccessors at the time of complet:'on, and the Contractor hereunder, or his assigns and successors at the time of completion, and his SUreties shall baliable to the City for any excess. 28. Additional Provisions. -12- L !H \HTNESS t'/HEREOF, the pa::'t1es have executed this Contract, in duplicate, the day and year .first hereinaoo".J'e \,jr1tten. APPROVED AS TO ~ru'1: ~~/1~-7 City Attorney // ATTEST: Notary acknowledgment required. If a corporation, corporate seal aod corporate notary acknowledgment required. CITY ,OF CUPERTINO, corporation of the California, herein the Cit'y , . , a munl.cl.pa", State of called COlL/SHAW CORPORATION herein called Con~ractor S'rAXE or CAI.IFORNIA ) ) ss. COtm'I'Y OF s.un:.-\ C1.ARA) On • 19 , before me. c:.':Ie u:cdersigned, a Notary Publlr:. in and for sud State, persoually appeared I • ~~~~~~~~~~--------~----------~--~--~~~~~--~~~:' known to ::le to be the persons whose names are subscrl.bed 1;0 the w::!.thin Instrument, and acknowledged to me th.a.t they executed the same. WI~::SS my hand and .offidal seal. Notary Public in and for the Couney of, Santa Clara, State of Call£ornia snTE OF c.u.IFCR!lIA ) ) ss; COUN'I'Y OF ...uITA CL\lU.) On ::n.>NC 30 Public: in and :or the said • 19~, before me, the undersigned, S~ate~ersoually appeared a Hotary be the ?n""'IQR.v{ of Cl>lIiS/'~ CoIlP<>hA'T7.e-..J, the corporatl.on that e.'tacuted the w:l.t.hin Inst:ument, known ~o Ille to be the person who executed the rl:h::!.n Inst:Ulllent, on behalf of the Corpo1:'ation herein named, and acknOYledged tl:) me that such Co::po1:'at::!.on executed the same. IN WI'rnESS t'l'HEREOF, I have hereunto set my. hand and affixed rrly official seal in the Ccuncy of Santa Clara the day and year in th::!.s certif.icate first above Wl:'itten. EilIIIDIJIIIIUIJ.IIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIU.IIIIIIIIIIIIDllllllli S OFFICtAl. SEAl. § 5 LINDA CRY i . § HO'fARY PUtlUC -CALIIORNIA i i COUNTY Of SANTA <;tAM 5' -~ 5: Ccmm. £;(11. Feb, 27# 1984 5 ~IIIU;II[UI;~"J"''''"'''l1l1n.'lrllllClI'lltnlrlll!tlla Notary Public in and for of Santa Clara, State of " BID PROPOSAL Va~ Pa:k-Phase II, Projece 80-01 City of Cui!ertino Staee of California BID l'BOPOSAL EXHIBIT A The undersigned, as bidder, declares thOle the only peaons or parties i:lterested in -this proposal as .,ri.ndpals a::e those named herein; thOle this proposal is made without eollusion with my other person. tim or' cortlorarion; that he has carefully examined the locale of the proposed ~ork, the proposed form of conrract; and he proposes and agrees if this proposal is accepted that he ~ill c.ontract with the City of Cupertino, in the fom, the S tanda::d Form of Agreement beo~een Owner and Contractor A.I.A. Document AlOl, latest edition, for Stipulated Sum Contracts, to provide all necessary machinery, tools, apparatus and oeller means of construction. and to do all the lI'ork and furnish all materials specified in the contract, and do all 1I'0rk required to complete said work on or beiore one hlllldred (lOO) calender days, in accordance with said Plans, Specifications, and Special Conditions, and according to the requirements of the City Engineer as therein set forth, and that he will. take in full payment therefor, iacluding all applicable State and Federal Taxes, the foll.owing prices to wit: BASE B!D PROPOSAL The Base Bid shall include all work and requirements described in the Contract Documents, Specifications and Drawings. !n general. the work includes, but is not limited to, all earth ~~ork. 3tot'l:l drainage, utility lues and connection, parking locs. ~.aJ.k;tays, condt.:it for:' walkway lighting, conduic and co~crece footings, irrigation, planting ;nd planting maintenance, play area conscruction. concrete s:eps and curbs, picniC cables, and decGapo i granite paving. ,.,. ,,. ,. l' f " l Certificate of Insurance, ~ THIS CER~I~ICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER Of INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER_ ~ THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND. EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES LISTED BElOW. NAME AND ADDRESS OF AGENCY -, DORSEY. HAZELTINE & lnNNE P • 0'. Box 50307 PALO ALTO, CA. 94303 NAME AND ADDRESS OF INSURED COMPANY LETTER A B B COLLISHAW CORPORATION 1515 lfALSH AVENUE SANTA CLARA, CA. 95050 TYPEOF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER GENERAL LIABILITY I~ COMPREHENSIVE FORM ~ PREMLSES-OPERATIONS ~ EXPLOSION AND COLLAPSE HAZARD ~ UNDERGROUND HAZARD ~ PRQDUCTSICOMPLETED CI644 70 63 OPERATIONS HAZARD []I CONTRACTUAL INSURANCE ~ BROAD FORM PROPERTY DAMAGE ~ INDEPENDENT (1g PERSONAL INJURY [liI COMPREHENSIVE FORM lil OWNED HAC 700226 [i! HIRED 5d NON-OWNED EXCESS LIABILITY D UMBRELlA FORM [J OTHER THAN UMBRElLA FORM and liCl l2697A EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY OTHER DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONSI1.OCATIONSlVEHICLES COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGES COMPANY LETTER A UNITED PACIFIC INSURNACE co. COMPANY LETTER B MISSION INSURANCE co. COMPANY C LITTER COMPANY D LETTER COMPANY E lETTER POLICY EXPIRATION DATE 1/1/80 1/1/81 1/1/81 BODILY lNJURY • 500 PROPERTY DAMAGE • 250 BODILY INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE • COMBINED PERSONAL INJURY BODILY INJURY (EACH PERSON) BODILY INJURY (EACH ACCIDENT) BODILY INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE • COMBINED • 100 OPERATIONS AS RESPECTS VARIAN PARK. PHASE II PROJECT 80-01 • • • • 500 250 500 "em"", Cancellation: Should any of the above described policies be cancelled before the expiration date thereof, the issuing com- pany willlfll!!IRlIQIHl!!& mail ~ days written notice to the below named certificate holder, ~ ~ .. g dgds_ k,BBlK)8!yjUtig!f)H§LtltruS8418-Y1V' ACORD 25 (1·79) NAME AND ADDRESS Of CERTIFICATE HOLD[R: CITY OF CUPERXINO 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino. Ca. 95014 DATE ISSIUED: __ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ______ __ , • • State of Cal ifernia ss: County of SANTA CLARA On JUNE 30th , 19 80 ,before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County, personally appeared LAURA A. SKINNER known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument as Attorney·in·Fact of UN ITED PACI FIC INSURANCE COMPANY, and acknowledged to me that ~ he subscribed the name qlil\JI\IOT"'!ibill'l"jfiJIH~Ii&:ll"ii&QM~~NY, as Surety, and h ER own name as A<~~.'"b'. ; @ ."" me .. u , iii ' LINDA CRY S i '< c;. NOTARY JltlIlUG: -CAlIFOlI:flltA. 5 = " , "' COllNTY 0' SANTA c.LAA.o\ = 5 ~ 5 = Comm. Exp. Feb. 27,. 1984 = iJlOll1nt1u ........ ul •••• IIIUuulllll ... uulluu •• i My Commission expires ----===f-"~.L--~ 19 'i:L No SDU·lala ED. 3/72 (CALIF.! STATE OF CALIFOR.~IA ) ) COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA) On :;]"'_ e 3 .. CORPORATION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 55. Public in and for the said , 19 Ba. before me, the undersigned, State, personally appeared a Notary __ ~:r~R~e~~~~C~D~~~~~~~~~'~~~='~' _________________________________ , known to me to be the 'PAgSfb€C-,r of C-:./h:s.hJ'9..... CORPc:;,R.A'77Q,.J. the corporation that executed the within Instrument, known to me to be the person who executed the within Instrument, on behalf of the Corporation herein named, and acknOWledged to me that such Corporation executed the same. IN WITNESS IffiEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal in the County of Santa Clara the day and year in this certificate first 1 above written. @mulillulll.IIIIUIIIIIIIIIIUlJlI ••• IIlIIIIIIIUIIII! ;: OF'P'tCIAL. SEAL = ! LINDA CRY E Q -:: HOI'AII.'t Pusuc -CAllfOltmA = § cou~rr OF SANTA CLAM E --i Camm. Exp. Feb.. 27,1984 i ~ ______ ........... n ............... nu"""I'II""IIIU". Notary of Santa Clara. State of " • • FAIIHFUL PERFORlW<CE BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT WE, Collisha'\:l.. Corporation as Principal and UNITEI1 PACIFIC INsnR~NCE COMPJNY as Surety are held and firmly bound unto the City of Cupertino, State of California, in the sum of 'One Hundred Fifty-Four Thousand Eighty-Five Dollars ($ 154,085.00 ) lawful money of the United States, for the payment of which will and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, 'executors, successors and,assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. THE CONDITION' of the above obligation is such that, WHEREAS, the Principal has entered into a contract dated ____________________ , with the Obligee to do and perform the following work to-wit: VARIAN PA~, pHASE II, . Project 80-01 NOW, THEREFORE, if the said Principal shall well and truly perform the work , contracted to be performed under said contract, then this obligation shall be void; otherwise to remain in full force and effect . • IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument has been duly executed by the Principal and Surety this 30th day of June , 19~. (To be signed by Principal and Surety' and acknowledgment.) CO LLI SHAW CORPORATION ~L/ d11CiPa1 UNnm Mel FIe INSURANCE COMPANY Suret:[ By..:....---~ At orrteYi11=FaCt~a A. SI!iIli1er . :Momey • In . Fact The above bond is accepted and approved this day of , 19 • LABOR A.:m ~L\TERIAL BOND KNOW ALL 'NEl< BY tHESE PRESENt: WHEREAS; the City of Cupertino, State of California, ~~d r;Qll ishw Corpor'ation hereinafter designated as i'Principal" have enteNd into or are about to enter into a contract providing for the installation, construction, and erection by Principal o"f certain improvements more particularly described in said contract; arid" "! " " !vHEREAS, said Principal is ,required to" furnish a bond" in connection with said "contract, providing thac if said Principal, or any of his or its sub- contractors J' shall fail to' -pay for any ITlaterials ~ provisi·ons J provander or othe.r supplies· or t\!aIiS u~l3d in, upon, for 'or" abuut the parfor.nance of the work contracted to b" done, or for an>" "lwrk or: labor done" thereon of an!:, kind, the"surety on said bond shall pay the same to tr.e extent hereinafter set forth; No;~, TH ERE FORE. we, th e l' rin ci p il, and _---'--';;;;;,;..:lA::.:'::;CI:.:FrC;:;..::INS=ORAN=CE:!!:"'-'t"'O""MP;!.!'tJW= __ ~_.:.. as Surety-, fittlly bind ou}:selves. our axecutors, .n.dr:tinisfrators. shccessvrs and assigns. jOi"tly and severally, unto the City of Cupertino. and any and all materiall:len, perSO;1S. cO::tpanies. or corporatio~s furnishing materials • . provision~, provender or other 5uppli"cs used' in, upon,' for or about th~ per- formance of t!te afores:lid ,;o"::l~" contracted 't.:> cO! <!x"cuted 0:: pe rfo"r::,.ed under tr.e contract hereinab ovt=! ::.~n :iou.~d I and all pa r50ns, cv::;.p.:m~as or co+,porati,j:\s land- ing or hiring tea:ns J i::!plt!~H~:lts or machi.nary J for or c0ntri!:;ur:ing, to said ~·:ork to be dO~e I and all Der~m~s -:,ho perform work .or la~or u?oa the sa.;:.a) and all persons h'ho s;..ipply b~th t.,'ork and ::tatarial!;;, t';~l.JSc claim has not been paid by Principal or by any other person, ill the "just and full SUnt of One Hundred Fifty-Four Thousand " Eighty Five Dollars _____________ -___ ($ 154,085.00 ) . TH'" CO:)iDITEY OF IHIS O.9!.IGAtIOX IS SUCH THAI if said l'rincioal, hi~ v. s sub contractors ~ ;·:.:i rs., e:"acutors, adl':,:iais t: rators, succt!ssors or a~s ign.::;, Si.\8":"!. fail to pay for any' 'materials, provisions. provc:1der or ot!,er. $up!'lic,; or teams used in, upon J for o%;' aqout the performenca of the ';,-tcrk contracted to be' Gene t or for any t .. "ork or labor thereatl of. any kinO., or for J.:aouats due und..lr t:3;J Un- employm~nt In,:;urancc Act -v:lth rdspect to such \.,"ork or l.<.ibOl:·, ;:hQn sa.id Surety will pay the 5am~ ;md .:11so ,::,:111 pny in CilSe suit is brou?;ht:. '.!pt.:m chis bead, such reasonab l~ attorney 1.5 r~a as ghall ba ti:,cld b:~ the CQl;rt 9 This hoad shall inut'~ to tl,13. bt!nciit oi any <.l:1d all pc. rS0!1S) CO:::pd!lies, ,,1.nd corporations cntitl~d to fi.le.claims und~r Sectimi !18':'. L of rhi! Cue::.! of Ci'-:il Procedure. so us to gi\Oa ;I right of action to th.::!::t 0r their a~5isns in .1ny fiui;' brought upon this boud. , State of California 55: County of SANTA CLARA On JUNE 30 th , 19 SO ,before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County, personally appeared LAlJRA A. SKINNER known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument as Attorney-in-Fact of UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY, and acknowledged to me that She subscribEx:! the name of UN ITED PACIF If: INSIIRANf:1= f:.(),MPANY, as Surety, and h£ll.-own name as . --i1lnlu .. lul"IIIIIUnIJlllii .. u"iiillliiliifdlililll!. AttorneY-in-Fact. 5~' OFFICIAl. SEAl. i 5 iJ LINDA CRY I :: a:' ~ NOTARY PU8UC -CAUI'ORNIA! § ~ "" ~ COUNTY Of SANTA CI.AItA = i ' Comm. Exp. Feb. 27 ~ 1984 I '1IIIIlI ... um ...... " ........... " ....... I' ..... llll .. . My Commission expires .:2./::2.::;. , 19 £!k.... -----;:d~1l"l~'t"~¥~~""">,ofJ..=---- f No ry Pu BOU-18Ia ED. 3n2 (CALIF,) • CORPORATION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE OF CALIFOR.~IA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF SA.~A CLARA) On .:r '-' '" J! 5 0 Public in and for the said , 1980, before me, the undersigned, State, personally appeared a Notary __ -".::r:;;..J'I=u=_-'e='-C>=/..:.;'1t'"' ...... "=,,.<.;<"-'=_~ ____________ • known to me to be the '?".<?"',C;"'_' of {!olhshA<-.! Co,ePeIl4<l-71o-', the corporati.on that executed the within Instrument, known to me to be the person who executed the within Instrument, on behalf of the Corporation herein named, and acknowledged to me that such Corporation executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal in the County of Santa Clara the day and year in this certificate first above written. aUUIUUI1I1J1I1It1III1I11I1I1t1UIIIJlIIIIIUIliUlm. ! OFFICIAL. SEAl. ! I LINDA CRY § ! NOTARY PUSUC -CAUfOIUHA 5 :: COUNTY -Of SANTA 'LARA a ~ -~ Comm. E~p. F~b. 27, 1984 i 11111:::mIlUUIUlIullllllllllll.CI:ntilIlUUI1IUUUa Notary nand of Santa Clara, State of I . ' • ". And the s aid Sure ty, for valu~ receiv"d. heroby stipulates. <lnd agrees that ~o Ch=:ll[;C; extension of tim¢'t ultc.rution or audition to the terms of the. contr;:!ct or to tha work to-be porfor.",,,d thereunder or the specifications acco:;,p:lIlylng the. sa"''' sh",11 in 'my I~isc affect: its obligations on this bond, and it does hereby H"ive notice ?f any such change. extension of tire", alter- ation or addition to the t~rms of the contract or to the work or to the speci- fications. IN l-Ilr:':ESS I.:HE RE OF , this ~ns tru:ncmt h as been duly executed. by the Princ.i.pal and Surety this 30th day ofi June 1980 • - (To be signed by Principal and Surety and ackno,.,ledgment and notarial seal attached. ) uNlmr PA'CIFIC TNSURAlICE' tOMfAU'Y Surety !il1-' 'Attorney· In • F~~' The above bond is accepted and approved this ___ --'day of. ________ • 19 . , • State of California ss: County of SANTA CLARA On June 11th • 19 80. before me. the undersigned. a Notary Public in and for said County. personally appeared LAURA A. SKINNER known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument as Attorney-in-Fact of UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY, and acknowledged to me that She subscribed the name of UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY, as Suretvo.and h ""--.ilwn name as A t . -F DIIDIIIIllllIlt.Utllllltl1U1111PlltulfllilOHilOfl • t orney~ln~ act. iii OFF"ICIAL SEAL = My Commission expires _____ ---''''=-.<,4''':.;1_,_-', 19 80U-1818 EO. 3n2 (CALlF.l i' ROSALIND J. SUR § = NOTARY PlJIlUC -CALIFORNIA :: = PIUtiCIPAl. OffiCI; IN mE ::: = CQ.m'i'l '-if. SANTA CLAJ(A :: § My CommIssion E.\'p.r~5 June 21, )980 r il"lIllnll~a~lU:l;:I!;.!nii~J~:III'I:UI;!n:tlllt:; tli.O~ nty 7t _d~d 77-7 UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE HOME OFFICE. TACOMA, WASHINGTON BID BOND APPROVED BY THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS A.I.A. DOCUMENT NO. A·310 (FEB. 1970 ED.! KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we COLLISHAW CORPOPATION j"P _ ~/.:5 '7/-0 .:J.S' COMPANY Bond No. ______ _ as Principal, hereinafter called the Principal, and the UNITED PACI F IC INSURANCE COMPANY of Tacoma, Washington, a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Washington, as Surety, hereinafter called the Surety, are held and firmly bound unto CITY OF CUPERTINO as Obligee, hereinafter called the Obligee, in the sum of TEN PERCENT OF AMOUNT OF BID SUBMITTED-----------------------------------Dollars ($ (10%) ), for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, the said Principal and the said Surety, bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, the Principal has submitted a bid for VARIAN PARK #80-01 NOW, THEREFORE.. if the Obligee shall accept the bid of the Principal and the Principal shall enter into a Contract with the Obligee in accordance with the terms of such bid, and give such bond or bonds as may be specified in the bidding or Contract Documents with good and sufficient surety for the faithful performance of such Contract and for the prompt payment of labor and material fur- nished in the prosecution thereof, or in the event of the failure of the Principal to enter such Contract and give such bond or bonds, if the Principal shall pay to the Obligee the difference not to exceed the penalty hereof between the amount specified in said bid and such larger amount for which the Obligee may in good faith contract with another party to perform the Work covered by said bid, then this obligation shall be null and void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect. Signed and sealed this 11th day of June A.D. 19 80 ______________ (W-it-ne-~-I-------------{~~~~~~~2(p~ri~nc~iP~all~~~~~=~~.~IS=M~II (Title) , . UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY' BDU·2305 Ed. 10-73