82-008 Miscellaneous Contractors 1982-1983 - Carol McDaniel, Robyn Soares, Gina Vicari, Olsten Temporary Services, Evelyn Jobe, Joe Vandeveer, Barton-Aschman, Robert's Business MachinesCity of Cupertino
NO. _____ _
BY THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into on the 21st day of July 19_....8~3 ___ _
by and between the CITY OF CUPERTINO (Hereinafter referred to as CITY) a_nd ..
Name (1) Robert's Business Machines (2) _________________ _
Address 345 S Fon:rth St:r@@t City San Joi;;e, CA Zip 95113 Phone 294-1215
(Hereinafter referred as CONTRACTOR), in consideration of their mutual covenants, the parties hereto agree as follows:
CONTRACTOR Shall provide or furnish the following specified services and/or materials:
Typewriter Maintenance Service
EXHIBITS: The following attached exhibits hereby are made part of this Agreement:
Exhibit A
TERMS The services and/or materials furnished under this Agreement shall commence on August 1, 1983
and shall be completed~-· Exhibit A
per -
COMPENSATION For the full performance of this Agreement, CITY shall pay CONTRACTOR: See Exhibit A,
Items Nos. 7 and 8
Hold Harmless. Contractor agrees to save and hold harmless the City, its officers, agents and employees from any and
all damage and liability of every nature, including all costs of defending any claim, caused by or arising out of the per-
formance of this agreement. City shall not be liable for acts of Contractor in performing services described herein.
Insurance. Should the City require evidence of insurability Contractor shall file with City a Certificate of Insurance
before commencing any services under this agreement. Said Certificate shall be subject to the approval of City's
Director of Administrative Services.
Non-Discrimination. No discrimination shall be made in the employment of persons under this agreement because of
the race, color, national origin, ancestry, religion or sex o'f such person.
Interest of Contractor. It is understood and agreed that this agreement is not a contract of employment in th~ sense
that the relation of master and servant exists between City and undersigned. At all times Contractor shall be deemed to
\ be an independent contractor and Contractor is not authorized to bind the City to any contracts or other obligations in
executing this agreement. Contractor certifies that no one who has or will have any financial interest under this
agreement is an officer or employee of City.
Changes. This agreement shall not be assigned or transferred without the written consent of the City. No changes or
variations of any kind are authorized without the written consent of the City.
CONTRACT CO-ORDINATOR and representative for CITY shall be:
Name ___ M_a_r_t_i_n_H_o_f_f_m_a_n ________ ~Department __ F_i_n~a~n~c~e'-------------
Address __ =l=0-=3=0=0_T=o=-r=r=e~A=v-"-=en=u=e ______ Cupertino, CA 95014 Telephone 252-4505, ext 220
This Agreement shall become effective upon its execution by CITY, in witness thereof, the parties have executed this
Agreement the day and year first written above.
Robert's Business Machines, hereafter referred to as "Contractor, and the City
of Cupertino, hereafter referred to as "City", agree to the following terms and
1. Equipment to be Maintained:
Item Description
1. IBM Selectric Typewriters
2. IBM Selectric II Typewriters
3. IBM Selectric 11· Correcting Typewriters
4. IBM Selectric Ill Correcting Typewriters
5. IBM Electronic 50 Typewriter
6. IBM Electronic 75 Typewriter
7. IBM Electronic 60 Typewriter
2. The Contractor shall furnish all labor, parts, and materials necessary to
maintain the above described equipment in good operating order.
3. The Contractor shall respond to requests for service within four working hours
of the request.
4. The Contractor shall provide loaner typewriter(s) of like kind in the event
of interruption of service due to repair by Contractor of City equipment.
5. The Contractor shall perform semi-annual preventative maintenance service for
all of the above described equipment. Said services will include inspection,
cleaning, adjusting, etc., and shall be performed independent of requests for
repair services.
6. The Contractor agrees to provide up to ten (10) replacement elements in the
event of malfunction of typewriter elements. The City agrees to turn over to
Contractor the defective elements upon replacement by Contractor.
7. The annual costs for providing the services described above are:
IBM Selectric Typewriters (All Models)
IBM 50 and 60 Electronic Typewriters
IBM 75 Electronic Typewriters
$ 55.00
8. The costs referred to above (Item #7) shall be effective for the period from
August 1, 1983 to July 31, 1984. Thereafter increases in cost of services shall
be limited to the increase in the Department of Labor's Bay Area Consumer Price
Index (CPI).
9. The City reserves the right to terminate this maintenance agreement upon
thirty (30) days written notice to Contractor.
City of Cupertino
NO. _____ _
BY THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into on the 13th day of April 19 _ _,,8,_.,3,__ __
by and between the CITY OF CUPERTINO (Hereinafter referred to as CITY) and
Name (1) Barton-Aschman (2) ________ -,...,,..,.....~---~~~
Address 99 Almaden Blvd. Suite 925 City San Jose Zip 95113 Phone (408) 280-6600
(Hereinafter referred as CONTRACTOR), in consideration of their mutual covenants, the parties hereto agree as follows:
CONTRACTOR Shall provide or furnish the following specified services and/or materials:
EXHIBITS: The following attached exhibits hereby are made part of this Agreement: lllt SanJor.;o
TERMS The services and/or materials furnished under this Agreement shall commence on----------
and shall be completed before See EAAibit A
COMPENSATION For the full performance of this Agreement, CITY shall pay CONTRACTOR:
Not to exceed $6,000
Hold Harmless. Contractor agrees to save and hold harmless the City, its officers, agents and employees from any and
all damage and liability of every nature, including all costs of defending any claim, caused by or arising out of the per-
formance of this agreement. City shall not be liable for acts of Contractor in performing services described herein.
Insurance. Should the City require evidence of insurability Contractor shall file with City a Certificate of Insurance
before commencing any services under this agreement. Said Certificate shall be subject to the approval of City's
Director of Administrative Services.
Non-Discrimination. No discrimination shall be made in the employment of persons under this agreement because of
the race, color, national origin, ancestry, religion or sex of such person.
Interest of Contractor. It is understood and agreed that this agreement is not a contract of employment in th.e se_nse
that the relation of master and servant exists between City and undersigned. At all times Contractor shall be deemed to
be an independent contractor and Contractor is not authorized to bind the City to any contracts or other obligations in
executing this agreement. Contractor certifies that no one who has or will have any financial interest under this
agreement is an officer or employee of City.
Changes. This agreement shall not be assigned or transferred without the written consent of the City. No changes or
variations of any kind are authori.zed without the written consent of the City.
CONTRACT CO-ORDINATOR and representative for CITY shall be:
Name Robert Cowan
Address 10300 Torre Avenue
Department Planning & Development
Cupertino, CA 95014 Telephone (408) 252-4505
This Agreement shall become effective upon its execution by CITY, in witness thereof, the parties have executed this
Agreement the day and year first written above.
By __ -t;!4~~:::::....,.~~i=----------r~~'19-~--_:__-,~r4---~::,.---~ Title_--'""""" ........ _._-'-=,....,._,.."""'" _________ _
The following tasks are to be completed as part of the traffic analysis of the
General Plan Amendment for Vallco Park, located on Wolfe Road in Cupertino:
California. The proposed expansion of Vallco Park includes 300,000 square feet of
commercial space, 410.000 square feet of office space~ and a 900 to 1,000-room hotel.
Task 1: Review of Previous Traffic Assessment -The report by Linscott
and Associates will be reviewed and any revisions or additions
will be noted. Appropriate items contained in this report will be
used in the current analysis.
Task 2: Site Reconnaissance -The physical characteristics of the site
and the surrounding area will be surveyed to identify the existing
road and intersection configurations, traffic signal locations and
phasings, and any other pertinent information for the analysis.
Task 3: Data Collection -Turning movement counts at intersections in
the vicinity of the site will be collected from the City and
supplemented where needed. In addition~ aerial photographs of
the shopping center parking lots taken on Friday, November 26,
1982 (the day after Thanksgiving) will be obtained to show the
occupancy of the parking lots during peak shopping periods. As
requested by the City of Cupertino, a license plate survey will be
conducted on Finch A venue and Tant au Avenue to determine the
existing commuter traffic levels on these streets.
Task 4: Analysis of Existing Conditions -The existing conditions will be
evaluated with levels of service at ten critical intersections cal-
culated with CAPSSI (Capacity Analysis Procedure for Single
Signalized Intersections). The volumes used for these calcu-
lations will be volumes from the City1s counts (1979 and 1980)
for the evening peak hour.
Task 5: Site Traffic Generation -The amount of traffic generated by
the proposed expansion and the addition of the hotel will be
estimated. The trip generation rates included in the City's
transportation model will be used as deemed appropriate by the
Task 6: Trip Distribution -The directions of approach and departure
contained in the model will be used for site-generated traffic in
the general area of the project. The distribution of trips in close
proximity to the site will be based on the percentages useq in the
report by Linscott and Associates.
Task 7: Site Traffic Assignment -The traffic generated by the proposed
expansions and hotel will be assigned to the roadway network via
the trip distribution discussed above.
Task 8: External Traffic Evaluation -Intersection level of service
calculations. using CAP PSI. will be performed using the total
traffic demand on the streets serving Vallco Park during the
weekday Pl\'I peak hour. Any roadway imprnvements pro-
gram med to be constructed by the completion date of the
project will be included.
Task 9: Comparison to 1990 Conditions -The resulting traffic volumes
prnjected for the completion of this prnject will be compared to
projected 1990 volumes obtained from the City's model.
Task 10: Internal Traffic Evaluation -In this analysis, the relationship
among external access, internal circulation, and the parking
supply will be examined in order to determine if an acceptable
"system11 is provided.
Task 11: Recommendations -Based on the results of the capacity analy-
ses, improvements will be recommended to provide acceptable
levels of service at the intersections in the vicinity of the site.
Improvements to site access facilities and adjacent roadways
needed to accommodate the projected volumes will also be
recommended. In addition, several mitigation measures to
reduce traffic impacts will be assessed~ such as:
a. A Traffic Management Plan designed to protect residential
neighborhoods from traffic intrusion;
b. A para transit service opera ting during the midday peak
hour between Vallco Park and other attractors in the core
c. A vanpooling program for Vallco Park employees;
d. Santa Clara County Transit District's proposed bus transfer
facility on Finch A venue; and
e. Bicycle facilities, including bike lanes.
Tasks not to be included in this analysis are~ but not limited to, an analysis of I-
280 future traffic conditions, Ai\II or midday peak-hour analyses, more than one
. development scenario proposed by Vallee or the City of Cupertino.
The costs for professional services rendered in connection with the work outlined
above would be predicated on our normal hourly staff rate plus reimbursement for
direct expenses. Monthly billings relating staff time and expenses incurred will be
payable within thirty (30) days of invoice date. Based on our conduct of similar
studies, it is estimated that the study will cost $6,000.
It is anticipated that this study will be completed and that a draft report will be
submitted by April 27, 1983. We would strive to provide the City with traffic volumes
for a noise/air quality analysis earlier than April 27, 1983.
City of Cupertino
NO .. _____ _
BY THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into on the 21 day of July 19 83 -~----
by and between the CITY OF CUPERTINO (Hereinafter referred to as CITY) and
Name (1) Joe Vandeveer (2)
Address . City Z.,.,.-ip--,.,-9r-5,,..ll ho_n_e--,2=-=2'
(Hereinafter referred as CONTRACTOR), in consideration of their mutual covenants, the parties hereto agree as follows:
CONTRACTOR Shall provide or furnish the following specified services and/or materials:
Building Inspector II
EXHIBITS: The following attached exhibits hereby are made part of this Agreement:
TERMS The services and/or materials furnished under this Agreement shall commence on ,July 22, 1983
and shall be completed before Upon notice of termination given by· City of Cupertino.
COMPENSATION For the full performance of this Agreement, CITY shall pay CONTRACTOR: $15. 42 7 per hour.
Hold Harmless. Contractor agrees to save and hold harmless the City, its officers, agents and employees from any and
all damage and liability of every nature, including all costs of defending any claim, caused by or arising outof the per-
formance of this agreement. City shall not be liable for acts of Contractor in performing services described herein.
Insurance. Should the City require evidence of insurability Contractor shall file with City a Certificate of Insurance
before commencing any services under this agreement. Said Certificate shall be subject to the approval of City's
Director of Administrative Services.
Non-Discrimination. No discrimination shall be made in the employment of persons under this agreement because of
the race, color, national origin, ancestry, religion or sex of such person.
Interest of Contractor. It is understood and agreed that this agreement is not a contract of employment in th~ sense
that the relation of master and servant exists between City and undersigned. At all times Contractor shall be deemed to
be an independent contractor and Contractor is not authorized to bind the City to any contracts or other obligations in
executing this agreement. Contractor certifies that no one who has or will have any financial interest under this
agreement is an officer or employee of City.
Changes. This agreement shall not be assigned or transferred without the written consent of the City. No changes or
variations of any kind are authorized without the written consent of the City.
CONTRACT CO-ORDINATOR and representative for CITY shall be:
Name __ J_o_h_n __ B_u_s_t_o ____________ Department ___ B_u_1_· 1_d_1_·n_g __________ _
Address -~1~0~3~0~0~T~o~r~r~e_A~v_e~·-_______ Cupertino, CA 95014 Telephone _2_5_2_-_4_5_0_5 __ _
This Agreement shall become effective upon its execution by CITY, in witness thereof, the parties have executed this
Agreement the day and year first written above.
:~NB[L . Title~ =
,, q,.':c~ \
. ,,7
City of Cupertino
BY THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into on the 19th day of July 19 83 ------by and between the CITY OF CUPERTINO (Hereinafter referred to as CITY) and
Name (1) Gina Vicari (2) -------,-~., .-----Address City Zip Phone
(Hereinafter referred as CONTRACTOR), in consideration of their mutual covenants, the parties hereto agree as foll.ows:
CONTRACTOR Shall provide or furnish the following specified services and/or materials:
Preparation of file materials for microfilming
EXHIBITS: The following attached exhibits hereby are made part of this Agreement:
TERMS The services and/or materials furnished under this Agreement shall commence on July 1, 1983
and shall be completed before June 30. 1984 Min. of 30 hours a week,
max. of 40 hours a week.
COMPENSATION For the full performance of this Agreement, CITY shall pay CONTRACTOR:
$6.25 per hour
Hold Harmless. Contractor agrees to save and hold harmless the City, its officers, agents and employees from any and
all damage and liability of every nature, including all costs of defending any claim, caused by or arising out of the per-
formance of this agreement. City shall not be liable for acts of Contractor in performing services described herein.
Insurance. Should the City require evidence of insurability Contractor shall file with City a Certificate of Insurance
before commencing any services under this agreement. Said Certificate shall be subject to the approval of City's
Director of Administrative Services.
Non-Discrimination. No discrimination shall be made in the employment of persons under this agreement because of
the race, color, national origin, ancestry, religion or sex of such person.
Interest of Contractor. It is understood and agreed that this agreement is not a contract of employment in th.e sense
that the relation of master and servant exists between City and undersigned. At all times Contractor shall be deemed to
be an independent contractor and Contractor is not authorized to bind the City to any contracts or other obligations in
executing this agreement. Contractor certifies that no one who has or will have any financial interest under this
agreement is an officer or employee of City.
Changes. This agreement shall not be assigned or transferred without the written consent of the City. No changes or
variations of any kind are authorized without the written consent of the City.
CONTRACT CO-ORDINATOR and representative for CITY shall be:
J h B t Building Name __ o_n __ u_s_o,,__ ___________ Department ________________ _
Address 10300 Torre Ave. Cupertino, CA 95014 Telephone 252-4505
This Agreement shall become effective upon its execution by CITY, in witness thereof, the parties have executed this
Agreement the day and year first written above.
YITY ~'/11,TINO' ~~-0fun __ d_,,1_l_1_· L!_iA_ __ A_7-A.._ • .; ____ Titl' ~~
y:~, I '!fl! 1§.
, ,. , •.'.i. IU,J.(.;, 76'
....... ./..(1 / "'<-·> ~:~~· <(:ai t:',;;,
t !:: "~ !:~::~ /:-!>:I City of Cupertino
#tf:St-77 ;;>-No. _____ _ /(-:C/ A.((~'~)....::/
•\\.\\ .. ~})/
, 'i'i$1~~{EMENT made and entered into on the 22nd day of_--'J=--u=l:=,Y,,___ __ ;__ ___ 19 83
by and between the CITY OF CUPERTINO (Hereinafter referred to as CITY} and
Name (1) velyn Jobe (2) ; Address City _____ Z-ip'-: 9 3=--p--h_o_n_e"""'2
(Hereinafter referred as CONTRACTOR), in consideration of their mutual covenants, the parties hereto agree as follows:
CONTRACTOR Shall provide or furnish the following specified services and/or materials:
16 hours of training in the multi-mate word processing program on 8/2/83 and 8/3/83.
EXHIBITS: The following attached exhibits hereby are made part of this Agreement: Training Agenda
TERMS The services and/or materials furnished under this Agreement shall commence on 8 /2/83 at 8: 00 A.M.
and shall be completed before 5: 00 P .M. 8/3/83
COMPENSATION For the full performance of this Agreement, CITY shall pay CONTRACTOR: $12 .00/hr. for
16 hours.
Hold Harmless. Contractor agrees to save and hold harmless the City, its officers, agents and employees from any and
all damage and liability of every nature, including all costs of defending any claim, caused by or arising out of the per-
formance of this agreement. City shall not be liable for acts of Contractor in performing services described herein.
Insurance. Should the City require evidence of insurability Contractor shall file with City a Certificate of Insurance
before commencing any services under this agreement. Said Certificate shall be subject to the approval of City's
Director of Administrative Services.
Non-Discrimination. No discrimination shall be made in the employment of persons under this agreement because of
the race, color, national origin, ancestry, religion or sex of such person.
Interest of Contractor. It is understood and agreed that this agreement is not a contract of employment in th.e sense
that the relation of master and servant exists between City and undersigned. At all times Contractor shall be deemed to
be an independent contractor and Contractor is not authorized to bind the City to any contracts or other obligations in
executing this agreement. Contractor certifies that no one who has or will have any financial interest under this
agreement is an officer or employee of City.
Changes. This agreement shal I not be assigned or transferred without the written consent of the City. No changes or
variations of any kind are authorized without the written consent of the City.
CONTRACT CO-ORDINATOR and representative for CITY shall be:
Address 10300 TORRE AVENUE
Cupertino, CA 95014 Telephone(408) 252-4505
This Agreement shall become effective upon its execution by CITY, in witness thereof, the parties have executed this
Agreement the day and year first written above.
City of Cupertino
BY THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into on the 6th day of 'June 19__,,8..,3~---
by and between the CITY OF CUPERTINO (Hereinafter referred to as CITY) and
Name (1) Olsten Temporary Services (2) ,
Address 3220 Stevens Creek Blvd. City San .Jose Zip 95117 Phone (408) 246-4220
(Hereinafter referred as CONTRACTOR), in consideration of their mutual covenants, the parties hereto agree as follows:
CONTRACTOR Shall provide or furnish the following specified services and/or materials:
Services rendered by Evelyn Jobe to enter General Plan Documents into
Multi-Mate Word Processing System.
EXHIBITS: The following attached exhibits hereby are made part of this Agreement:
TERMS The services and/or materials furnished under this Agreement shall commence on June .6, l 983
and shall be completedBfiK within three weeks
COMPENSATION For the full performance of this Agreement, CITY shall pay CONTRACTOR: $12 .15 per hour
Hold Harmless. Contractor agrees to save and hold harmless the City, its officers, agents and employees from any and
all damage and liability of every nature, including all costs of defending any claim, caused by or arising out of the per·
formance of this agreement. City shall not be liable for acts of Contractor in performing services described herein.
Insurance. Should the City require evidence of insurability Contractor shall file with City a Certificate of Insurance
before commencing any services under this agreement. Said Certificate shall be subject to the approval of City's
Director of Administrative Services.
Non-Discrimination. No discrimination shall be made in the employment of persons under this agreement because of
the race, color, national origin, ancestry, religion or sex of such person.
Interest of Contractor. It is understood and agreed that this agreement is not a contract of employment in the sense
that the relation of master and servant exists between City and undersigned. At all times Contractor shall be deemed to
be an independent contractor and Contractor is not authorized to bind the City to any contracts or other obligations in
executing this agreement. Contractor certifies that no one who has or will have any financial interest under this
agreement is an officer or employee of City.
Changes. This agreement shall not be assigned or transferred without the written consent of the City. No changes or
variations of any kind are authorized without the written consent of the City.
CONTRACT CO-ORDINATOR and representative for CITY shall be:
Name Peggy Crissman
Address 1 0300 Torre Avenue
Department Planning & Development
Cupertino, CA 95014 Telephone (408) .252-,4505
This Agreement shall become effective upon its execution by CITY, in witness thereof, the parties have executed this
Agreement the day and year first written above.
By *U:fiYS Title ~ Qfu: ~ ~~~·~~~"~.:;...Q-hr-C"'rU-.,,P..-ER_T_l...,,NO-:..::;;,..~..::;-f-L~~:.....:-.. -·£7~====·---
, ,
Carol McDaniel Agreement entered into on the 8th ,,,day bf Februar:t_~~982· and shall
be completed before March 8, )982 . '7/Y~,____r .,j JJ-f .;:i.~ --4->,__,.L.,_., / ~ 1., /:f,; >-')
Robyn Soares Agreement entered into on the 17th day of February 1982 and
this contract is open.
Gina Vicari contractor for preparation of file materials for microfiliming.
Contract~:::shall commence on Novemer 30, 1981 not to exceed 3 months.
NEW CONTRACT entered into on March 31 1 1982 and shall not exceed 3 months. Good until
June of 1982.
City of Cupertino
NO .. _____ _
BY THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into on the 9th day of March 19 82 ......-'~---
by and between the CITY OF CUPERTINO (Hereinafter referred to as CITY) and
Name (1) ar aniel 2) Address City _____ Z_i_p _P_h_o_n_e_
(Hereinafter referred as CONTRACTOR), in consideration of their mutual covenants, the parties hereto agree as follows:
CONTRACTOR Shall provide or furnish the following specified services and/or materials:
Prepare data and input in computer for productivity units for Service Center
EXHIBITS: The following attached exhibits hereby are made part of this Agreement:
TERMS The services and/or materials furnished under this Agreement shall commence on __ M_a_r_c_h_9~,_1_9_8_2 __
and shall be completed before May 7, 1982
COMPENSATION For the full performance of this Agreement, CITY shall pay CONTRACTOR: $6. 00 per hour
Hold Harmless. Contractor agrees to save and hold harmless the City, its officers, agents and employees from any and
all damage and liability of every nature, including all costs of defending any claim, caused by or arising out of the per-
formance of this agreement. City shall not be liable for acts of Contractor in performing services described herein.
Insurance. Should the City require evidence of insurability Contractor shall file with City a Certificate of Insurance
before commencing any services under this agreement. Said Certificate shall be subject to the approval of City's
Director of Administrative Services.
Non-Discrimination. No discrimination shall be made in the employment of persons under this agreement because of
the race, color, national origin, ancestry, religion or sex of such person.
Interest of Contractor. It is understood and agreed that this agreement is not a contract of employment in th.e sense
that the relation of master and servant exists between City and undersigned. At all times Contractor shall be deemed to
be an independent contractor and Contractor is not authorized to bind the City to any contracts or other obligations in
executing this agreement. Contractor certifies that no one who has or will have any financial interest under this
agreement is an officer or employee of City.
Changes. This agreement shall not be assigned or transferred without the written consent of the City. No changes or
variations of any kind are authorized without the written consent of the City.
CONTRACT CO-ORDINATOR and representative for CITY shall be:
Name ___________________ Department ________________ _
Address Cupertino, CA 95014 Telephone--------
This Agreement shall become effective upon its execution by CITY, in witness thereof, the parties have executed this
Agreement the day and year first written above.
By eaqUt,/ 6. mc£2,,<k?1,;t: /' By __________ _
Title ___________________ Title __________________ _
City of Cupertino
NO. ______ _
BY THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into on the 31 day of March 19 82 -----by and between the CITY OF CUPERTINO (Hereinafter referred to as CITY) and
Name (1) Gina Vicari (2)
Address . City _____ Z-ip ____ P_h_o_n_e
(Hereinafter referred as CONTRACTOR), in consideration of their mutual covenants, the parties hereto agree as follows:
CONTRACTOR Shall provide or furnish the following specified services and/or materials:
Preparation of file materials for microfilming
EXHIBITS: The following attached exhibits hereby are made part of this Agreement:
TERMS The services and/or materials furnished under this Agreement shall commence on March 1, 1982
and shall be completed before upon completion of work, Min. of 30 hours a week,
not to exceed 3 months. max. of 40 hours a week.
$5.00 per hour 2~· ; _.-Jh,,,.ft/) I fo .?-
COMPENSATION For the full performance of this Agreement, CITY shall pay CONTRACTOR:. ·?/ / ,_po.-.,..
Hold Harmless. Contractor agrees to save and hold harmless the City, its officers, agents and employees from any and
all damage and liability of every nature, including all costs of defending any claim, caused by or arising out of the per-
formance of th is agreement. City shall not be liable for acts of Contractor in performing services described herein.
Insurance. Should the City require evidence of insurability Contractor shall file with City a Certificate of Insurance
before commencing any services under this agreement. Said Certificate shall be subject to the approval of City's
Director of Administrative Services.
Non-Discrimination. No discrimination shall be made in the employment of persons under this agreement because of
the race, color, national origin, ancestry, religion or sex of such person.
Interest of Contractor. It is understood and agreed that this agreement is not a contract of employment in th~ sense
that the relation of master and servant exists between City and undersigned. At all times Contractor shall be deemed to
be an independent contractor and Contractor is not authorized to bind the City to any contracts or other obi igations in
executing this agreement. Contractor certifies that no one who has or will have any financial interest under this
agreement is an officer or employee of City.
Changes. This agreement shall not be assigned or transferred without the written consent of the City. No changes or
variations of any kind are authorized without the written consent of the City.
CONTRACT CO-ORDINATOR and representative for CITY shall be:
Name ,John BJJsto
Address 10300 Torre Ave.
Department _--=Bo...:u=i=l::..:d=i::..:n=g"--------------
252-4505 Cupertino, CA 95014 Telephone _______ _
This Agreement shall become effective upon its execution by CITY, in witness thereof, the parties have executed this
Agreement the day and year first written above.
CONT:CTJR:•· CIT(")CUPERTI~ f!/.· ~it~.-~ ___ 4'-' __ l_~--~-----·-----~r,~~
City of Cupertino
AGREEMENT NO., _____ _
BY THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into on the 8th day of February 19_8~2~---
by and between the CITY OF CUPERTINO (Hereinafter referred to as CITY) and
Name (1) Carol McDaniel (2) _______________ _
Address City Zip Phone
(Hereinafter referred as CONTRACTOR). in consideration of their mutual covenants, the parties hereto agree as follows:
CONTRACTOR Shall provide or furnish the following specified services and/or materials:
Prepare data and input in computer for productivity units for Service Center.
EXHIBITS: The following attached exhibits hereby are made part of this Agreement:
TERMS The services and/or materials furnished under this Agreement shall commence on February 8/, 1982
and shall be completed before ;i:eErN2ncyxxil¥xi9-Q-2x March 8, 1982
COMPENSATION For the full performance of this Agreement, CITY shall pay CONTRACTOR: $6. 00 per hour
Hold Harmless. Contractor agrees to save and hold harmless the City, its officers, agents and employees from any and
all damage and liability of every nature, including all costs of defending any claim, caused by or arising out of the per-
formance of this agreement. City shall not be liable for acts of Contractor in performing services described herein.
Insurance. Should the City require evidence of insurability Contractor shall file with City a Certificate of Insurance
before commencing any services under this agreement. Said Certificate shall be subject to the approval of City's
Director of Administrative Services.
Non-Discrimination. No discrimination shall be made in the employment of persons under this agreement because of
the race, color, national origin, ancestry, religion or sex of such person.
Interest of Contractor. It is understood and agreed that this agreement is not a contract of employment in th,e sense
that the relation of master and servant exists between City and undersigned. At,all times Contractor shall be deemed to
be an independent contractor and Contractor is not authorized to bind the City to any contracts or other obligations in
executing this agreement. Contractor certifies that no one who has or will have any financial interest under this
agreement is an officer or employee of City.
Changes. This agreement shall not be assigned or transferred without the written consent of the City. No changes or
variations of any kind are authorized without the written consent of the City.
CONTRACT CO-ORDINATOR and representative for CITY shall be:
Name ___________________ Department ________________ _
Address Cupertino, CA 95014 Telephone--------
This Agreement shall become effective upon its execution by CITY, in witness thereof, the parties have executed this
Agreement the day and year first written above.
City of Cupertino
NO .. _____ _
BY THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into on the Btl day of-=-F-"'e.!!.b..:::.r..::::u..::::a..:::.r..I-y _____ 19 82
by and between the CITY OF CUPERTINO (Hereinafter refurrJ'd to as CITY) and
Name (1) Robyn Soares (2) _______________ _
Address City Zip Phone
(Hereinafter referred as CONTRACTOR), in consideration of their mutual covenants, the parties hereto agree as follows:
CONTRACTOR Shall provide or furnish the following specified services and/or materials:
Contractor shall survey local business community to verify compliance
with business license requirements.
EXHIBITS: The following attached exhibits hereby are made part of this Agreement:
TERMS The services and/or materials furnished under this Agreement shall commence on February 17, 1982
and shall be completed before (contract is open)
COMPENSATION For the full performance of this Agreement, CITY shall pay CONTRACTOR: $3. 35 per hour
plus mileage for use of own vehicle at the current City's reimbursement rate
Hold Harmless. Contractor agrees to save and hold harmless the City, its officers, agents and employees from any and
all damage and liability of every nature, including all costs of defending any claim, caused by or arising out of the per-
formance of this agreement. City shall not be liable for acts of Contractor in performing services described herein.
Insurance. Should the City require evidence of insurability Contractor shall file with City a Certificate of Insurance
before commencing any services under this agreement. Said Certificate shall be subject to the approval of City's
Director of Administrative Services.
Non-Discrimination. No discrimination shall be made in the employment of persons under this agreement because of
the race, color, national origin, ancestry, religion or sex of such person.
Interest of Contractor. It is understood and agreed that this agreement is not a contract of employment in th.e sense
that the relation of master and servant exists between City and undersigned. At all times Contractor shall be deemed to
be an independent contractor and Contractor is not authorized to bind the City to any contracts or other obi igations in
executing this agreement. Contractor certifies that no one who has or will have any financial interest under this
agreement is an officer or employee of City.
Changes. This agreement shall not be assigned or transferred without the written consent of the City. No changes or
variations of any kind are authorized without the written consent of the City.
CONTRACT CO-ORDINATOR and representative for CITY shall be:
Name ___ B_l_a_i_n_e_S_n...,y_d_e_r _________ Department _---'-F'--'i'--'n'--'a'--'n;;;.c:..e"--------------
Address __________________ Cupertino, CA 95014 Telephone--------
This Agreement shall become effective upon its execution by CITY, in witness thereof, the parties have executed this
Agreement the day and year first written above.
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