Audit 07-23-98 am Cupertino City of Cupertino CUPERTINO AUDIT COMMITTEE Regular Adjourned Meeting July 23,1998 MINUTES 1. CALL TO ORDER Carol Atwood called the meeting to order at 8:09 a.m. in Conference Room A of Cupertino City Hall, 10300 Torre Avenue. 2. ROLLCALL Council members: Sandy James City Staff: Don Brown, Carol Atwood and Jennifer Chang Community Representatives: Tom Hall, Emily Wagner Absent: Wally Dean 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Motion by Tom Hall, Second by Don Brown, Approved by all present. 4. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None 5. NEW BUSINESS Workers Compensation Actuarial Audit - Carol reviewed the audit and pointed out that the City's liability for workers compensation decreased approximately $100,000 over the prior audit period. This decrease is due to 1) increased awareness of employees through back prevention and safety classes, 2) new management at the service center and human resources, and 3) several older claims that were settled and retired. 1997-98 Audit Schedule - Jennifer stated that Grant Thornton is scheduled to commence final audit fieldwork on September 21st and will be at the city for approximately three weeks. At that time city staff will have closed the books and prepared audit work papers and draft financial statements. Investment Review/GASB #31 - Carol reviewed the May investment report-highlighting year to date financial trends. City sales tax, property tax and investment income is all above budget expectations. The investment portfolio was reviewed along with a new accounting rule that requires us to recognize the umealized gain/loss on our portfolio even though the city intent is to hold the investments to maturity. This new requirement will result in approximately $100,000 of mark- to-market income for the 1997-98 fiscal year. Page 2 Finance/HR Computer Conversion - Carol gave an update on the computer conversion, which will continue through June 1999. Other - Don updated the committee on the governor's proposal to refund the VLF revenue. This would amount to approximately $2 million dollars per year for the city. Discussion followed. ADJOURNMENT Qkobd éJ:J- The meeting was adjourned at 9:17am to :!'¡UlU<UY 21, 1999 at 8:00am, Conference room A. ~d áYu~ Carol Atwood, Chair c:\winwordlauditlminutes.doc