88-037 Hughes, Heiss & Associates, Management Audit of the Planning Division, Resolution No. 7517AGREEMENT#'
P.O. Box 580
Cupertino, CA 95015
252-4505 NO. ____ _
BY THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into on the 29th day of June 19 88
by and between the CITY OF CUPERTINO (Hereinafter referred to as CITY) and -"~---
Name (1) lIughes. Heiss & Associatf'S (2)
Address 675 lJ;ari De,'> T'5 hne. "'l-VQ '!:i!'b Sen t'.a:;-;:t::e::o::--.Mc"t>,--'Z"'ip-'O:;";4;-4'O=l,';;pT"ho-n-e-47-::] .. 5'"""'S=70-611l
(Hereinafter referred as CONTRACTOR1.1'Iltt~rt.faer~ of their mutual covenants, the parties hereto agree as follows:
COl"TRACTOR Shall provide or furnish the following specified services and/or materials: speci f ied in the
Ciocument entitled, "A Proposal to Conduct a £".ana"eLlent Audit of the
Pla.nning Division", label eO. Exhibit A and a 3epa~ate addenaum
labeled &~hibit B.
EXHIBITS: The following attached exhibits hereby are made part of this Agreement:
Exhibits A and B -Planning Division ¥.anageuent Audit dated ¥.ay 20, 1988
TERMS The services and/or materials furnished under this Agreement shall commence <2liX upon execution of this
and shall be completed bllfllt!c ...llr:L!:hin tTW nontbs following agreenent
execution of this agreement. ____ _
COMPENSATION For the full performance of this Agreement, CITY shall pay CONTRACTOR: [1 .. 11 anount not to
e=ccel=9 $15,000. The emOUiJ.t nay be increased subject to E.. si<>ned amendment Gf~ElalfEIlM3L..tl,m¥:O~DlTI&<8ntractor nay bill nonthly fo..:: service~.
Hold Harmless. Contractor agrees to save and hold harmless the City, its officers, agents and employees from any and
all damage and liability of every nature, including all costs of defending any claim, caused by or arising out of the per·
formance of this agreement. City shall not be liable for acts of Contractor in performing services described herein.
Insurance. Should the City require evidence of insurability Contractor shall file with City a Certificate of Insurance
before commencing any services under this agreement. Said Certificate shall be subject to the approval of City's
Director of Administrative Services.
Non.Discrimination. No discrimination shall be made in the employment of persons under this agreement because of
the ra.ce, color, national origin, ancestry, religion or sex of such person.
Interest of Contractor. It is understood and agreed that this agreement is not a contract of employment in the sense
that the relation of master and servant exists between City and undersigned. At all times Contractor shall be deemed to
be an independent contractor and Contractor is not authorized to bind the City to any contracts or other obligations in
executing this agreement. Contractor certifies that no one who has or will have any financial interest under this
agreement isan officer or employee of City.
Changes. This agreement !.hall not be assigned or transferred without the written consent of the City. No changes or
varialions of any kind are authorized without the written consent of the City.
CONTRACT CO-ORDINATOR and representative for CITY shall be:
NAME Robert S. Cowan DEPARTMENTPlanni.ng and Development
Tilis Agreement shall become effective upon its execution by CITY, in witness thereof, the parties have executed this
Agreement the day and year first written above.
By $. w. \.AF. •
Titl~ghes, Heiss & Associates
Soc. Sec. # <:0", .,.,,~ 'J:.D 11'1-1'l12."'I.b 7
White· City Cle'" Copy Green -Finance
By OJ Tille~
Goldenrod· Department Copy
May 20, 1988
A Proposal to Conduct
a Management Audit
of the Planning Division
Hughes, Heiss & Associates
675 Mariners Island Boulevard
Su I te 108
San Mateo, CA 94404
675 Mariners Island Blvd. / Suite 108
San Mateo, California 94404
Mr. Robert S. Cowan
Director of Planning and Development
City of Cupertino
10300 Torre Avenue
Cupertino, CA 95014
Dear Mr. Cowan:
May 20, 1988
We appreciate the opportunity to submit our proposal to conduct a
management audit of the Planning Division. We feel that our firm and project
team present a unique set of qualifications and skll Is to work with the City
of Cupertino In this analysis.
Hughes, Heiss & Associates and Its staff special ize In conducting
In-depth management analysis of city and county operations. Over the last 14
years, nearly 60% of the firm's work has Involved evaluation and analysis of
opportunities to Improve productivity and service levels for municipal and
county governments. Th I s I nc I udes a ani31 ys I s of P I ann I ng serv I ces for San
Mateo County; Tulare County; Sioux City, Iowa; Solano County; Santa Rosa; and
San OTego County.
We have assembled from within a firm a highly qualified group of senior
professionals who have the experience necessary to conduct a thorough
analysis of hIgh quality of the Planning DIVision.
John W. Heiss will serve as the "lead analyst" and project
manager for the consulting team. He has 17 years experience
·as a consultant and has evaluated planning operations and physIcal
development and control procedures In the San Diego County
Department of Land Use and Env I ronmenta I Regu I at Ion, the San
Mateo County Planning Department, the City of Santa Rosa's
Planning unit, Tulare County, and Sioux City, Iowa. He also has
conducted a number of Important feasibility studies of Inter-
governmental programs.
RIchard W. Perry wll I work wIth Mr. Heiss as an analyst. He has
broad experIence as both an anaiyst of plannIng operations and
staff productIvIty as well as a manager of a planning 'agency.
Mr. Perry aiso has seen the development review process from the
applicant's perspective, functIonIng as a developer In several
major proJects. He was a lead analyst on the firm's study of
development revIew and planning processes In Sioux CIty, Iowa,
and was former I y Ass i stant Director of the San Mateo County
Planning Department.
Gary Goalltz also wi I I function as an analyst on. the consulting
team with emphasis on work simpl iflcation and staffIng needs
assessment. He has conducted sImIlar studies for such agencies
as Sioux City, Iowa and Solano County. Mr. Goelltz has been a
senior associate with the firm for over eight years.
The proposal, which fol lows, contains three sectIons: (1) our approach
to the project; (2) background and qual If ications of our project team; and
(3) consultant fees.
The sections which fol low describe the approach we would utilIze in
conducting the management audit of the PlannIng Division.
Task 1 Conduct Initial Interviews to Identify Trends and Key Service
To realistically evaluate the Planning DIVIsIon, It is Important to
develop some sense of where CupertIno Is going --the key issues which Impact
and shape service requirements and the projected growth and 'development. To
develop this perspective, we plan to conduct a serIes of Inltiai Interviews
with the Director of Planning and Development and the Asslstant DIrector to
Identify the key factors impactIng the DivIsIon's operatIons. SpecIfic
Issues receiving emphasIs by the proJe~t team would Include the fol lowing:
Bas I c serv ice de I Ivery goa I s and object I ves of key operat I ng
areas I ncl ud I ng current p I ann i ng, long-range p I ann I ng, and the
I Ike.
IdentIfIcatIon of key problems Impacting service del Ivery by the
Planning DIvIsion. This would Include exp'lorlng areas where the
services of the Planning Division might differ from other citIes
due to the unique needs of applIcants or the polIcies of the City
Council, the I imlted long-range planning abl I Ity of the DivIsion,
etc. '
Documenting key trends in Cupertino related to physical ~rowth
These Initial IntervIews will provIde an opportunity to IdentHy and
Isolate factors and constraInts which Impact current or near-term operations
of the Planning DivIsIon.
Task 2 --Develop a De~ailed ProfIle of ~he DIvIsion's Opera~lons.
To develop de~ajled understanding of ~he Division's organization and
operations, the fol lowing basiC work s~eps wll I be accomplIshed:
I nterv I ew a II managers to document the current p I an of
organization and staffing for the Planning DIvision.
Review the operations manual of the development review process to
ga I n a genera I understand I ng of the process I ng steps and the
parties Involved In each step.
IdentIfy major plannIng Issues facing the City Including the type
and anticipated tImIng of projected planning efforts to deal with
these Issues.
content of
the nature and scope of
Including meeting frequency
Issues dealt wIth.
the PlannIng CommIssIon
and workload and scope and
Interview al lather staff of the DivIsion focusing on such Issues
Basic work responslbll ities.
Basic workload and allocation of available time by major
task and work responsibility.
Documenting IndIvidual's attitudes toward key strengths
and weaknesses of the existing organization. This would
Include its abi I ity to handle current and expected future
In addition, we would revIew the
descr Ib I ng the al I ocati on of
Incorporates two years data.
stUdy prepared by the Division
Individual staff time, which
Deve lop a deta I led descr I pt I on of serv I ce demand and work load
trends faced by the DIvision over the past <five years (f .e.,
major/mInor subdIvisIons, use permIts, variances, etc.).
Document the long-range planning projects currently ,being handled
by the Division, as well as those being consIdered In the near-
term. '
Document major management systems available to support operations
within the DivisIon including:
Work plannIng and control.
, .
Automated Information systems.
Word processing systems.
Document staffing and expenditure trends for the Division for the
past five years.
Once these Initial data collection activities have been completed, we
wll I prepare a profile describing the Division's operations. Once the profile
has been prepared, It will be reviewed with management to determine Its
Task 3 Evaluate the Development Review Process.
In this third task, we would analyze the development review process to
Identify opportunities to stream I Ine and more proactively manage the process.
Whi Ie the turnaround time required for review of development applications
appears to be short, the amount of staff time required apparently has
Increased over the past several years, reducing the time available for long-
range planning. Thus, this evaluation also needs to assess methods of
reducing the staff time required to process applications. The steps we would
fol low in this task Include the fol lowing:
Document, In deta II, the current deve I opment process i ng opera-
tions, methods, and procedures uti I ized by the Division.
Through In-person Interviews and a review of. the operations
manua I, we wi I! f.ocus on such issues as the fol! ow i ng:
Work assignments! job responsibilities of each staff member
as It relates to processing of development plans.
Determining the structure and content of each of the major
development review processes. This would Involve document-
Ing those steps which comprise each process, points In the
process where application review requires Input or coor-
dination with other departments, etc.
Process I ng performance
dec is i on-mak i ng) for
(e lapsed t I me from app I i cat I on to
major types of deve i opment
Review of application forms and other documents.
Document the methods utilized to assign, schedule, and
mon i tor work load an.d process I ng time and the rol e manage-
ment within the Division "p·lays" In fulfillment of this
respons I b i Iity.
Document case fll·e organization and content; determine the
extent to which checklists have been developed.
Current status of key ord I nances and spec i f I c Improvement
needs as perceived by staff.
Develop a list of key Issues Impacting the management of the
deve I opment rev I ew process such as the extent to wh i ch sched-
u I I ng systems are ut I I I zed to mon I tor the progress of i nd I v I d-
ual applications to document "turnaround" times, length of
average processing cycles, and the I Ike.
I dent I fy and eva I uate deve I opment' rev I ew approaches uti II zed by
other Jur I sd i ct Ions. The purpose of th I s task I s to I dent I fy
alternative approaches to both simplifying as well as upgrading
the effectiveness of managing the process and their appl icabl I Ity
to Cupertl no.
Deve I op a deta II ed set of Improvement recommendat Ions for the
deve I opment rev I ew process. These recommendations w I I I prov I de
spec I f I c documentat I on and wou I d I nc I ude such opportun It I es for
Improvement as check I Ists, a work planning/scheduling system for
development applications, project status reports to keep track of
development application, revision of ordinances, and the I ike.
Once these recommendations are developed, we would review them with you
and the Assistant Director In draft form and modify as necessary.
Task 4 Evaluate Staff utilization, Staff Productivity and Division
Service Levels.
This fourth component of the analysis Involves an evaluation of staff
uti I Izatlon, productivity, and staffing requirements. We will address this
Issue by employing several different approaches including the fol lowing:
We wll I conduct work sampling observations to develop a portrait
of staff' utilization. Work sampl lng, a standard analytical
techn I que, I s based on conduct I ng a pre-estab I I shed number of
observations to determine the level of "working" versus "Idle" or
non-productive time.
Work load data co I I ected I n construct i ng the prof I lew II I be
analyzed to provide relevant Input to the staff utilization
equation. This would Include reviewing the application pro-
cessing volume data In light of standards developed for the
amount of staff time required to process these applications.
I dent i fy what key proJects or work tasks are not ,be I ng accomp-
I I shed due to I ack of staff. One of the potent 1 a I areas cou I d
be ,long-range planning, to' which only 9% of the staff time of
the Division Is al located.
Evaluate the adequacy of major work practices within the
Division. This analysis wi II focus on Identification of
opportunities to streamline work practices to Increase the level
of service and/or reduce staffing requirements. For example, one
of the concerns 'expressed was the uti I Izatlon of personal
Evaluate how other similar cities staff their planning services.
computers by professional planning staff to type documents
rather than dictation or writing the document. Another possible
concern cou I d be the I ength of staff reports for the P I ann i ng
CommIssIon and CIty CouncIl and whether opportunities exIst to
reduce the length of these reports.
Evaluate opportunItIes to simp! Ify or reduce the clerIcal
workload. ThIs analysIs would focus on how these clerIcal staff
are utilIzed, the types of tasks these staff perform, whether
opportunIties exIst to el imlnate or sImplify some of the tasks
performed by these clerical staff, and the I Ike.
Ana I ys I s of these Issues w II I resu I tin the deve I opment of deta I led
recommendatIons for Improving staff utilIzation to Include:
• SpecIfIc staffing required given acceptable utilization levels •
Specific levels of service whIch can be enhanced (e.g., long-
range planning) If work methods are simplified or el imlnated.
,Specific steps whIch need to be taken to reach reasonable
uti Ilzation levels to Include:
Specific changes In existing work methods and practices.
Where appropriate, specIfic asks which could be eliminated
with positive Impact on staff utilization.
Once these findings and recommendations are developed, we will review
them with you and the Assistant Director In draft form and modify as
Task 5 -Evaluate the Adeguacy of the Management Information System.
In this task, the consu.lting team wi I I evaluate the adequacy of the
management Information system uti I ized by the Planning Division. In per-
forming this task, we will compare what exists In the Division to what the
consulting team would expect In a modern and progressive planning division.
In determining the adequacy of the InformatIon system, we would ask such
I I lustratlve questions as:
Does the system enable the Assistant Director to assign,
schedule, and monitor development applIcatIon workload and
processing time?
Does the system facilitate IdentifIcation of workload, effIcI-
ency, and effectIveness?
Can the costs of processIng development appl ications be readi Iy
Can the actual processing times be compared to performance
targets which exist for development applications?
The product of thIs task wIll be an Inventory of the problems and gaps
whIch exIst In the management InformatIon system of the DIvIsion and recom-
mendatIons for meetIng these needs.
Task 6 Evaluate OpportunItIes to Improve COmmunicatIons and WorkIng
Relationships with other Divisions.
This task would focus on two Issues: (1) the relationship of the
PlannIng Division wIth other agencies, departments, and support services; and
(2) the relationship of the PlannIng to the BuIlding Inspection DivIsion.
In comp I et I ng the first task, a number of ana I yt I ca I approaches w I I I be
utI II zed I ncl ud I ng the foil ow I ng:
Through an Interview wIth the AssIstant Director,
relevant managers of the agencIes, departments,
servIces the DivisIon frequently Inferfaces wIth. -
Identify the
and support
Through telephone or personal IntervIew, document how these
managers feel about the workIng relationship of theIr units wIth
the Planning DivisIon. The focus of these Interviews wIll be to
IdentIfy the posItIve and negatIve aspects of the relationship and
how these managers feel the relatIonship can be Improved.
RevIew these comments wIth the AssIstant DIrector to determine
how "real istlc" these Improvements are from the vIewpoInt of the
AssIstant DIrector.
WorkIng wIth the AssIstant Director, develop a plan of actIon for
ImprovIng the relatIonships wIth these other agencIes, depart-
ments, and support services where relevant.
In considerIng the workIng relatIonshIp of the PlannIng and BuildIng
I nspect I on D I v I s Ions, the ana I ys I s wou I d focus on what serv I ces these two
dIvisions have In common (I.e., counter, clerIcal, etc.) and the potential,
If any, for functional consolidatIon of these services. In considering how
these "common" services might be merged, the following tasks would be
I nterv I ew the 0' rector, Ass' stant 0' rector, and Ch I ef Bu' I dIng
Official to obtaIn their Input on how these two divisions might
work together better.
The costs and benef I ts of potent I a I
will be Identified and evaluated.
better coverage of the telephones,
Costs could Include perceived loss of
merger of "common" serv I cas
Potent i a I benef I ts I nc I ude
I eave, and peak work I cads.
IdentificatIon of how services can be Improved or merged.
The product of thIs task would be a specIfIc plan of actIon to Improve
. workIng relationshIps wIth these other agencies, departments and 'support
services as wei I as Improve or merge services between the Planning and BuIld-
Ing Inspection DivisIons.
Task 7 -Evaluate OpportunitIes to Streamline or Simplify the Records
Management System.
One of the concerns expressed I n the Request for Proposa I was the
records management system. Specifically, the current process of retrievIng
records from fIles Is tIme consumIng, frustrating both staff and clients.
In addressing this Issue, the fol lowIng tasks wIll be performed:
• I nterv I ell' the D I rector and Ass I stant D I rector to I dent I fy the
causes of thIs problem and the potentIal solutIons from their
• IntervIew the professIonal staff who serve the counter to
Identify the common reasons for acceSSing these fIles, and obtain
their Input on potential solutions to thIs problem.
• Determine If other methods or Information sources can be dev-
e loped --such as automated I n format I on sy sterns --to reduce
the need for accessIng these fIle systems.
Determine whether processes or tasks can be engIneered to
generate less paperwork or filing retrieval requirements.
The result of this task would be the IdentificatIon of methods .whlch
could be utilized to resolve this Information retrieval problem.
Task 8 -Prepare a FInal Report and ProvIde Detailed Plans for Implemen-
ting Identified Improvement Opportunities.
Upon conc I us I on of the ana I ys I s, we 11'111 prepare a· deta II ed f Ina I
report which wIll summarize the results of the prevIous work tasks describe
above. The report will Include the following:
A detailed evaluation of dIvisIon.
Improvement opportunitIes In work plannIng and control approaches.
and major management systems.
IdentIfIcatIon and evaluation of key service levels IncludIng the
gaps between target and actual service levels. The analysis will
Include defInItion of the relationship between staff utIlization
and these servIce levels and explanation of enhancement
A specific Implementation plan covering all recommended Improve-
ments cons I stl ng of:
SpecifIc ImplementatIon work steps.
Suggested responsibIlity for Implementation.
<TIming for accomplishing each work step.
Cost and/or savings Impact of each recommended Improvement.
A highly experienced project team has been formed to assist Cupertino
In the analysis of planning services. The specific qualifIcations of this
consultIng team and those of Hughes, HeIss & Associates are summarized below:
(1) Project Team Members And Their Backgrounds.
The ana I ys I s of P I ann I ng serv I ces In Cupertl no and the subse-
quent design of practical and stream I ined procedures, programs and
staffing patterns requires a consulting team with a broad range of
experience In: the management of plannIng processes, regulations and
programs In a local government setting; general plan update and
ordinance revisions; operations analysis; Including work simplification
and staffIng needs assessment as they apply to planning and other local
government programs; and feasibility studies of Inter-governmental
service coordination or consolidation.
Our consulting team has been assembled, conSistent with these
reqUirements, and Is characterized by the fol lowing:
Experience In analyzing county and city physical development and
control processes, I nc I ud I ng 5 I mp l1fy I ng and exped I t I ng app I I ca-
tion and permit processing steps and tImes, establishing work
output measures, forms redes I gn, records management and estab-
lishing management controls. This facet of the team's consult-
Ing work was done for such clients as the CIty of Santa Rosa;
San Mateo County; Tulare County: Sioux City, Iowa; and San Diego
County's Department of land Use and Environmental Regulation.
Actual, line experIence In directing plannIng operations in the
Local government setting and private development. One team
member has had th I s management exper I ence I n a county p I ann i ng
department and municipal government and has been a private
Experience In operations, productivity and staffing analysis of
planning services In local government, particularly method
Improvement, work simplification and manpower uti Ilzatlon.
Selected clients served by team members In this phase of consult-
Ing activity, Including plannIng programs and operations, such
as: San Mateo County; Sioux City, 10Wal Solano County; San
Diego County; and Tulare County.
, • ExperIence In feasIbility studies InvolvIng Intergovernmental
service coordination and consolidation such as those done by team
members I n Contra Costa County, San Mateo County and other agenc I es.
John W. Heiss will serve as the "lead analyst" and project
manager for the consu I tl ng team. He has 17 years exper I ence as a
consultant and has evaluated planning operations and physical devel-
opment and control procedures In San Diego County Department of
Land Use and Environmental Regulation, the San Mateo County Planning
Department, the City of santa Rosa's Planning unit, Tulare County, and
Sioux CIty, Iowa. He also has conducted a number of Important feasl-
bl Ilty studies of Intergovernmental programs.
Richard W. Perry wIll work with Mr. Heiss as an analyst. He Has
broad experIence as both an analyst of planning operations and staff
productivity as wei I as a manager of a plannIng agency. Mr. Perry also
has been the development review process from the applicant's perspect-
Ive, functioning as a developer In several major projects. He was a
lead analyst on the firm's study of development revIew and planning
processes InS loux City, Iowa, and was former I y Ass I stant D I rector of
the San Mateo County Planning Department.
Gary Gearltz also will functIon as an analyst on the consulting
team with emphasis on work slmpl ificatlon and staffIng needs assess-
ment. He has conducted simIlar studIes for such agencies as SIoux
City, Iowa and Solano County.
(2) QualIfIcations of Hughes, Heiss & Associates.
Hughes, Heiss & ASSOCiates, a, California Corporation, began
operat I on over 14 years ago. Since th at t I me, I t, has served over 200
clIents on more than 450 separate assignments. Some of the clients
served by the firm and type of work performed are summarIzed In the
attachment to th I s proposa I. It shou I d be noted that the firm's
,experience, could wIth that_of Individual team members, provides the
capabilItIes and skI lis needed to evaluate planning services In
Cupertl no, deve lop Improved procedures and estab I I sh needed staff Ing
The listing, which follows, provides cl lent references, pOSitions,
and telephone assignments for sImilar analytical assignments. We
encourage you to contact them In order to obtain first-hand evIdence of
their perceptions of the completeness and high quality of our work.
Tulare CounTy -Conducted study to 'Identify opportunities to
streamlIne and consolIdate planning servIces In Tulare County.
Reference: RIta Hili, Ass I stant P I ann I ng D I rector, County of
(209) 733-6303
• San Diego -Deve loped work standards and eva I uated staff pro-
ductivity In the Department of land Use and EnvIronmental
Reference: Paul KoenIg, now DIrector of EnvIronmental Management,
San Mateo County
(415) 363-4000
San Mateo· County -Multiple studies Involving establishIng ,a
consol r dated development rev lew/one-stop perm It center;
ImplementatIon of a records management program for the Plan-
n I ng Department.; and conduct of a management and staff I ng
analYSis of the Community Development Department.
Reference: Paul Koenig, Director of EnvIronmental Management,
(415) 363-4000
Sioux City. Iowa -Evaluated the development review process.
Reference: DennIs Sederholm, currently DIrector of the Chamber
of Commerce In Bellevue, Washington
(206) 454':'2464
The table, which follows, snows a ~reakdown of costs associated wIth
accomplishing the proJect.
Staff Member
John HeIss
RIchard Perry
Gary Goo I I Tz
Report Prlntl.ng
Clerical Support
Person Days
$ 100
$ '!680
$ 4.,080
IT Is our praCTIce TO bl I I monthly for our actual charges for sTaff
i'lme and reimbursable expenses. We would be pleased to enter Into a fixed
price contract for the amount shown above.
The TentaTive work schedule prepared for This project Indicates the
analysis of the Planning Division would require ,two monThs to complete.
* * * * *
We appreciate the opportunIty to sUbmit a proposal. If you have any
questIons concerning the proposal, please do not hesItaTe to contact me.
We vIew thIs as an InTerestIng and challengIng project and hope TO have The
opporTun I ty to meeT wiTh you and your se I ect r on comm I ttee to present our
approach and qualIfIcatIons In greater detaIl.
John W. Heiss
Sincerely yours,
• •
~ OF C!IP.ll:RI'lNO, CIU.ilFCl!m.IA"
Dated: May 2.0, 1988
'lhe above described proposal should be amended and clarified as follows:
1. Task 3: S~ to the last "bullet" on page 5.
'lhe task should be augmented to evaluate and compare the case load
and complexity as well as the development. review approach of swlar
jurisdictions. Evaluate the complexity of applications relative to
General Plan policies, Zon.i.ng Ordinances and other regulations. 'lhe
degree of complexity relates to the amount of staff work that is
required to complete a typical case. .
2. Task 4: 'lhe fifth ''bullet'' located located at the botto.m of Page 5.
'lhe task Should be augmented as follows:
Evaluate how other s:l:milar cities staff their planning services.
Dete:r:mine the degree to which various departments in s:l:milar cities
participate in planning activities. For example, analyze the role of
the city Attorney's office in the preparation of m:dinances,
findings and resolutions for cases, research and analysis of State
I.egislation, and the review of agreemants, CC & R's,etc.
Another example is to assess the role of the Engineering staffs of
other cities l:elative to their participation in Planning staff
reports. ]);)eS the engineering staff prepare the traffic, parking,
and public:improvements assessment component of applicatiOn staff
Evaluate how other deparbnen:ts function in terms of cede
3. Task 8: Add an additional bullet on page 9 which reads as follows:
Identify work load standards and indicators to :measure performance
of individual planners for various tasks.
HlJGHFS (l?9)
WHERFAS, a contract between the City of 0Jpertin0 a:rd Hughes-Heiss a:rd
Associates outl:iltl.n,J the terms a:rd oor:ditions for ~ a management
audit of the Planning Division of the Department of Planninq and
Development, has been presented. to the City Council1 a:rd said agreement havID1 been approved by the Director of Planning a:rd Develoment a:rd the
City Attorney;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mayor a:rd the City Clerk are
hereby authorized to execute the agreelIlmt he:rein referred to in behalf of
the City of 0Jpertin0.
PASSED AND AOOPl'ED at a regular IEetirq of the city Council of the
city of OJpertino this 6th day of June , 1988 by the followi.rJq vote:
Vote Members of the City Council
AYES: Koppel, Plungy, Rogers, Gatto
NOES: None
ABSENT: Johnson
lsI Roberta A. Wolfe
City Clerk, Deputy
lsi John M. Gatto
Mayor, City of 0Jpertin0