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CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING PERMIT BUILDING ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR: PERMIT NO: B72016-3161 20959 GREENLEAF DR CUPERTINO, CA 95014-1820 (326 09 015) SOLARCITY CORPORATION SAN MATEO, CA 94402 OWNER'S NAME: RAVURI VINAY AND LAHARY TRUSTEE DATE ISSUED: 11/23/2016 OWNER'S PHONE: PHONE NO: (650) 963-5100 LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION BUILDING PERMIT INFO: License Class C-10:C-46:B Lic. #888104 Contractor SOLARCITY CORPORATION Date 12/31/2016 X BLDG —ELECT _ PLUMB I hereby affirm that I am licensed under the provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing _ MECH X RESIDENTIAL _ COMMERCIAL with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business & Professions Code and that my license is in full force and effect. JOB DESCRIPTION: (N) 30-PANEL ROOF MOUNTED PV SYSTEM (9.45 KW) I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following two declarations: t: I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self-insure for Worker's Compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the ---performance of the work for which this permit is issued. ' 'I have and will maintain Worker's Compensation Insurance, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this Sq. Ft Floor Area: Valuation: $18000.00 permit is issued. APPLICANT CERTIFICATION certify that 1 have,readthis application and state that the above information is correcfl. agree to comply with all city and county ordinances APN Number: Occupancy Type: and state laws relating to building construction, and hereby authorize 326 09 015 representatives of this city to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. (We) agree to save indemnify and keep harmless the City of Cupertino against liabilities, judgments, costs, and expenses which PERMIT EXPIRES IF WORK IS NOT STARTED may accrue against said City in consequence of the granting of this permit. WITHIN 180 DAYS OF PERMIT ISSUANCE OR Additionally, the applicant understands and will comply with all non-point source regulations per Cupertino Municipal Code, Section 9.18. 180 DAYS FROM LAST CALLED INSPECTION. {{the Signature 3i Date 11 /23/2016 Issued by: AbbLyende OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION Date: 11/23/2016 I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for o ic of the RE-ROOFS: All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. If a roof is following two reasons: 1. I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their so installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove all new materials for -. compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for inspection. sale(Sec.7044, Business & Professions Code) 2. 1, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed Signature of Applicant: contractors to construct the project (Sec.7044, Business & Professi s Code). Date: 11/23/2016 1 hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following three declar tions;,, AR BETTER ALL ROO COVERINGS TO BE CLASS "" .O 1. I have and will maintain a Certificate of Consent to self-insure for V forker's Compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE 2. I have and will maintain Worker's Compensation Insurance, as pro 'ded for by I have read the hazardous materials requirements under Chapter 6.95 of the Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this California Health & Safety Code, Sections 25505, 25533, and 25534. 1 will maintain compliance with the Cupertino Municipal Code, Chapter 9.12 and the permit is issued. 3. I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I Health & Safety Code, Section 25532(a) should I store or handle hazardous material. Additionally, should I use equipment or devices which emit hazardous shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the air contaminants as defined by the Bay Area Air Quality Management District I Worker's Compensation laws of California. If, after making this cei tificate of will maintain compliance with the Cupertino Municipal Code, Chapter 9.12 and exemption, I become subject to the Worker's Compensation provisions of the the Health & Safety CodtSections 2 505, 15533, and'25534. Labor Code, I must forthwith comply with such provisions or this p t shall - C be deemed revoked. * Owner or authorized agent: APPLICANT CERTIFICATION Date: 11/23/2016 I certify that I have read this application'and state that the above information is CONSTRUC ON LENDING GENCY I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance correct. I agree to comply with all ;city and county ordinances and statews of work's for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097, Civ C.) this city relating to building construction, and hereby authorize representativesZe)'agree to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. Lender's Name to save indemnify and keep harmless the City of Cupertino against liabi ities, judgments, costs, and expenses which may accrue against said City in Lender's Address' consequence of the granting of this permit. Additionally, the applicant understands ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION and will comply with all non-point source regulations per the Cupertino Municipal I understand my plans shall be used as public records. Code, Section 9.18. Licensed Signature Date 11/23/2016 Professional -- CUPERTINO ALTE1:2I!iAT11iE ENERGY PERMIT APPLICATION COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT • BUILDING DIVISION 10300 TORRE AVENUE • CUPERTINO, CA 95014-3255 AE (408) 777-3228 • FAX (408) 777-3333 • building @cuoertino.orq PROJECT ADDRESS '%tq 6—ree— (�i AM f� v OWNER NAME L ,saL•l�s�`�( j , �p� �/ (� PHONE E��_ s pp yy STREBT ADDRESS 9_Fy , � , � CITY, STATE J F CONTACT NAME PHONE E-MAIL STREETADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZPC% yGaj- FAX ❑ OWNER ❑ OWNER -BUILDER ❑ OWNER AGENT CONTRACTOR ❑ CONTRACTOR AGENT ❑ ARCHITECT ❑ ENGINEER ❑ DEVELOPER ❑ TENANT CONTRACTOR NAME 4, F LICENSE NUMBER TLICENSE TYPE p (�P BUS. LIC 9 �g (✓ COMPANYNAME �Y1s// E- s� �✓L�c�� FAX - STREET ADDRESS ,) ,,� oa le v va% CITY. STATE, ZIP C� ��r ,�9 Lt 1 G� `' t PHONE . -?7,7L -e 0 ARCHTTECTIENGINEER NAME LICENSE NUMBER BUS. LIC # COMPANY NAME E-MAIL FAX STREETADDRESS CIfY,STATE zIP PHONE USE OF S or Duplex ❑ Multi -Family STRUCTURE: ❑ Commercial PROJECT IN WILDLAND URBAN INTERFACE AREA ❑ Yes ❑ No PROJECT IN FLOOD zoNE ❑ Yes ❑ No SOLAR PANELS ❑ ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGING STATION ❑ SOLAR WATER HEATING ' : ❑ OTHER: FOR SOLAR PAN J.8. NUMBER OF PANELS/UNrrS: ® KILOWATTS (COMMERCIAL ONLY); TOTAL VALUATION: if � 010 DESCRIPTION OF WORK � 3o 20 co"1 o c9 / ,� `R fj q ,�j Vqc e _�Oa ^„ E By my signature below, I certify to each of the following: I am the property owner or authorized agent to act on the property owner s beha f.• I hav read this application and the information I have provided is correct. I have read the Description of Work and verify it is accurate. I agree to comply with all applicable local ordinances and state laws relating to buildin nstructio I authorize representatives of Cupertino to enter the above-iden fled prope for inspection purposes. Signature of Applicant(Agent: Date: � S T J.PPLEMENTAL INFORMATION REQUIRED �.' FYApp 2011.doc revised 03/16/11 DocuSign Envelope ID: C3D2FC53-D93C-48DA-9AAE-C3AE3EA35A5E SMOKE / CARBON MONOXIDE ALARMS Is OWNER CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT • BUILDING DIVISION CUPERTINO 10300T©RRE AVENUE • CUPERTINO, CA 95014-3255 (409) 777-3228 • FAX (408) 777-3333 - buiidiM@culaertino.orra Address 20959 Greenleaf Dr Cupertino, CA 95014 "73 L [oil F:o %M C 1V '!T{l BE F]NALEi}: AND Ct)MPJt �TEIi LiNTIG THIS. C_kA IFXCA. ISE 2 l�f PURPOSE This affidavit is a self -certification for the installation of all required Smoke and Carbor L Monoxide Alarms for compliance with 2013 CRC Section R314, 2013 CBC Sections 420.6 and 907.2.11.2 where no interior access for inspections are required. GENERAL INFORMATION Existing single-family and multi -family -dwellings shall be provided with Smoke Alarms and Carbon Monoxide alarms. When the valuation of additions, alterations, or repairs to existing dwelling units exceeds $1000.00, CRC Section 8314 and CBC Sections 907.2.11.5 and 420.6 require that Smoke jlarrns and/or Carbon Monoxide Alarms be installed in the following locations: AREA SMOKEALARM I CO ALARM Outside of each separate sleeping area in the immediate vicinity -of the bedroom(s) X Contractor Nagle: X On every level of a dwelling unit including basements X j X Wiftia each slue in 'room X Carbon Monoxide alarms are not required in dwellings which do not contain fuel - do not have an attached garage. Carbon monoxide alarms combined with smoke CBC Section 420.6 and shall be approved by the {office of the State Fire Marshal. Power Supply: h1 dwelling units with no commercial power supply, alarm(s) may be In existing dwelling units, alarms are permitted to be solely battery operated where r( not result in the -removal of wall and ceiling, finishes or there is no access by means of space. Refer to CRC Section 8314 and CBC Sections 907.2.11.4 and 420.6.2. An electric alarms which trust be connected to the building wiring. As owner of the above -referenced property, I hereby certify that the alarm(s) referen installe d in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and in compliance with appliances and that shall comply with Lely battery operated. airs or alterations do tic, basement or crawl permit is required for above has/have been California Building and California Residential Codes. The alarms have been tested and are operational, as if the date signed below. i 1 have read and agree to comply with the terms and conditions of this Omer (or Owner Agerlfs) Name: Doeusipnea by: Lahary Ravuri ........................................................................... -. Qate lz/16/zo Contractor Nagle: 87E48DE44NE4H... Signature........................................................... Lie.# ................ .Date: i Shake and COform.dae revised 03118IJ4 L6 DocuSign Envelope ID: C3D2FC53-D93C-48DA-9AAE-C3AE3EA35A5E WATER -CONSERVING PLUMBING FIXTUR OWNER CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE COMMUNITY DEVELf MAENT DEPARTMENT • BUILDING DIVISION CUPERTIhtU 10300TORRE AVENUE • CUAERTINO, CA 95694-3255 (408) 777-3228 • FAX (408) 777-3333 • buiiding0cupertino.org Owner Name Lahary Ravuri Permit Na. Address 20959 Greenleaf Dr, Cupertino, CA 95014, US (SANTA CLAF Please refer to the attached California Civil Code Sections 1101.1-1101.8 which are part of this F- I I oxilr� . ;016-361 County) II'ICATE on form. 1. Is your real property a registered historical site? © Yes Civil Code Sections 1101,1 through 1101.8 do not apply. Sign below and skip the rest of the form. DocuStgned by: Owner' Signature: E „�,,,yy, Date: 2/16/2016 ® No Go to Question 2.����' __ff 87E46DE44B6E4F2... i 2, Does your real property have a licensed plumber certifying that, due to the age or configuration+of the property or its plumbing, installation of water -conserving plumbing fixtures is not technically feasible? f f © Yes Civil Code Sections 1101,1 through 1101.8 do not apply. ❑ The licensed plumber's certification has been provided to the Building Division. Sign below and skip the rest of the form. DocuSigned by: 0%yner' Signature:E q yY,� Date: 12/16/2016 1� No Go to Question 3.g7E46DE►►44B6E4F2... 3. Is water service permanently disconnected for your building? © Yes Civil Code Sections 1101.1 through 1101.8 do -not apply. Sign below and skip the rest of the form. DocuSigned by: � Owner' Signature: E _t � Date: 12/16/2016 [A' No Go to Question 4. 87E48DE44WW2... 4• Is your real property built and available for use or occupancy on or before January 1, 1944? ® No My real property is built and available for use or occupancy after January 1, 1994. Civil Code Sections 1101.1 through 1101.8 do not apply. Sign below anal slop the rest of the form. '' ,,Dmuftned by: Owner' Si -nature C�'"""1 �� Date: 12/16/2016 El Yes 67E46DE64JTF2... My real property is built and available for use or occupancy on or'befare January 1, 1994. Civil Code Sections 1101.1 through 1101.8 apply. Refer to the attached. ® My property is a single family residential real property. See Civil Code Section 1101.4. j On and after January 1, 2014, building alterations or improvements shall require all non-compliant plumbing fixtures to be replaced with water -conserving plumbing fixtures throughout the building• oil or before January 1, 2017, all non-compliant plumbing fixtures shall be replaced with water -conserving plumbing fixtures (regardless of whether property undergoes alterations or improvements), El My property is a nn tlhfamily residential real property. See Civil Code Section 1101.5. On and after January 1, 2014, specified building alterations or improvements shall require non- compliant plumbing fixtures to be replaced with water -conserving plumbing fixtures, I On or before January 1, 2019, all non-compliant plumbing fixtures shall be replaced with wafer - conserving plumbing fixtures throughout the building (regardless of whetherproperty undergoes alterations or improvements). ❑ Myproperty is a commercial real property. See Civil Code Section 1101.5. On and after January 1, 2014, specified building alterations or improvements shall require nol compliant plumbing fixtures to be replaced with water -conserving plumbing .fixtures. 2014 doc revised 03118114 DocuSign Envelope ID: C3D2FC53-D93C-48DA-9AAE-C3AE3EA35A5E On or before January 1, 2019, all non-compliant plumbing fixtures shall be replaced with water- conserving plumbing fixtures throughout the building (regardless of whether property undergoes alterations or improvements). JAVe, the owner(s) of this properly, certify under penalty 66p- that non-compliant plumbing � ixtures have been replaced with water -conserving plumbing fixtures in accordance with Civil Code Sections 1101.1 through 1101. S, the current California Plumbing Code and California Green Building Standards Code, and manufacturer's installation requirements, and that the water conserving plumbing fixtures comply with the r uirements as indicated in the table below. C3wlmer's (or Owner Agent's) Si nakure: Dake: 12/16/2016 Upon completing and signing this Certificate, please return it to the Building Division in order t� final your permit. If the existing plumbing fixture water usage/flow rate is equal to or lower than the figure shown, it is not required to be upgraded. SBi4072014.doc reviser! 03118114 I Non -Compliant Water-Conserying Plumbing Fixture Plumbing Fixture! (Fixture Complying with Current Code Applicable t% New Construction) Fixture Type Maximum Water Usage/Flow Rate 2013 CPC Ch. 4 2013 CPC Ch. 4 1 2013 CPC Ch, 4 Water Usage 9 /Flow Rate 2013 CALGreen Div. 4.3 2013 CALGreen Div. 4.3; 20'13 CALGreen Div. 5.3 Single -f=amily Multi- Family Commercial Residential Residential { Water Closets Exceed 1.6 Single flush toilets: 1.28 gallonsiflush (Toilets) Gallons/flush Dual flush toilets: 1.28 gallons/flush effective flush volume (the composite, average flush volume of two reduced flushes and one full flush Urinals Exceed 1.0 Gallons/flush 0.6 gallons/flush � Showerheads Exceed 2:5 2.0 gallons per minute @ 80 psi. Also; certified to the performance criteria of gallons per minute U.S. EPA WaterSense Specification for Showerheads (A hand-held shower is considered a showerhead.) For multiple showerheads serving one, shower, the combined flow rate of all showerheads and/or other shower outlets controlled by a! single valve shall not exceed 2.0 gallons per minute @ 80 psi, or the shower s�all be designed to allow only one shower outlet to be in operation at a time. Faucets— Exceed 2.2 gallons Maximum 1.5 gallons per Within units: 0.5 gallons per minute @ 60 Lavatory per minute minute @ 60 psi; minimum Maximum 1.5 gallons psi Faucets 0.8 gallons per minute @i per minute @ 60 psi; 1 20 psi minimum 0.8 gallons I per minute @ 20 psi I In common and public use areas: 0.5 gallons per minute @ 60 psi 1.8 gallons per minute 60 psi Faucets — Exceed 2.2 gallons 1.8 gallons per minute @ 1.8 gallons per minute 1.8 gallons per minute @ 60 Kitchen per minute 60 psi @ 60 psi si i� Faucets May temporarily increase May temporarily up to 2.2 gallons per increase; up to 2.2 minute @ 60 psi, and must gallons {ler minute cr. default to maximum 60 psi, and must' 1.8 gallons per minute @ default to maximum 60 psi 1:8 gallons per minute Where faucets meeting @ 60 psi the above are unavailable, Where faucets meeting aerators or other means the above are j may be used to achieve unavailable, aerators or reduction, other means may be used to achieve reduction. If the existing plumbing fixture water usage/flow rate is equal to or lower than the figure shown, it is not required to be upgraded. SBi4072014.doc reviser! 03118114 I ABBREVIATIONS ELECTRICAL NOTES JURISDICTION NOTES A AMPERE 1. THIS SYSTEM IS GRID-INTERTIED VIA A FLASHING WILL BE PAINTED TO MATCH EXTERIOR AC ALTERNATING CURRENT UL -LISTED POWER -CONDITIONING INVERTER. BLDG BUILDING 2. THIS SYSTEM HAS NO BATTERIES, NO UPS. CONC CONCRETE 3. A NATIONALLY -RECOGNIZED TESTING DC DIRECT CURRENT LABORATORY SHALL LIST ALL EQUIPMENT IN EGC EQUIPMENT GROUNDING CONDUCTOR COMPLIANCE WITH ART. 110.3. (E) EXISTING 4. WHERE ALL TERMINALS OF THE DISCONNECTING EMT ELECTRICAL METALLIC TUBING MEANS MAY BE ENERGIZED IN THE OPEN POSITION, FSB FIRE SET -BACK A SIGN WILL BE PROVIDED WARNING OF THE GALV GALVANIZED HAZARDS PER ART. 690.17. GEC GROUNDING ELECTRODE CONDUCTOR 5. EACH UNGROUNDED CONDUCTOR OF THE GND GROUND MULTIWIRE BRANCH CIRCUIT WILL BE IDENTIFIED BY HOG HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED PHASE AND SYSTEM PER ART. 210.5. I CURRENT 6. CIRCUITS OVER 25DV TO GROUND SHALL Imp CURRENT AT MAX POWER COMPLY WITH ART. 250.97, 250.92(B). Isc SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT 7. DC CONDUCTORS EITHER DD NOT ENTER kVA KILOVOLT AMPERE BUILDING OR ARE RUN IN METALLIC RACEWAYS OR kW KILOWATT ENCLOSURES TO THE FIRST ACCESSIBLE DC LBW LOAD BEARING WALL DISCONNECTING MEANS PER ART. 690.31(E). MIN MINIMUM 8. ALL WIRES SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH STRAIN (N) NEW RELIEF AT ALL ENTRY INTO BOXES AS REQUIRED BY NEUT NEUTRAL UL LISTING. NTS NOT TD SCALE 9. MODULE FRAMES SHALL BE GROUNDED AT THE OC ON CENTER UL -LISTED LOCATION PROVIDED BY THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPART PL PROPERTY LINE MANUFACTURER USING UL LISTED GROUNDING BUILDING DIVISION -CUPERTINO POI POINT OF INTERCONNECTION HARDWARE. \ APPROVED PV PHOTOVOLTAIC 10. MODULE FRAMES, RAIL, AND POSTS SHALL BE SCH SCHEDULE BONDED WITH EQUIPMENT GROUND CONDUCTORS. This set of plans and specifications MUST be kept at S STAINLESS STEEL site during construction. It is unlawful to make any chan STC STANDARD TESTING CONDITIONS alterations on same, or to deviate therefrom, without ap TYP TYPICAL from the Building Official. UPS UNINTERRUPTIBLE POWER SUPPLY The stamping of this plan and specifications SHALL INK V VOLT held to permit or to be an approval of the violation of VICINITY MAP I� Vmp VOLTAGE AT MAX POWER Voc VOLTAGE AT OPEN CIRCUIT BY e PV1 COVErA 3R NEMA 3R, RAINTIGHT _ PV2 SITE rl[!A)11r No B-2096-3969 PV3 STRUCTURAL VIEWS PV4 UPLIFT CALCULATIONS THREE LINE DIAGRAM LICENSE GENERAL NOTES x - utsheets C Cut Attached CA H 888104 1. ALL WORK TD BE DONE TO THE 2013 C-10 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE, 2013 CALIFORNIA PLUMBING CODE, AND THE 2013 CALIFORNIA i • RESIDENTIAL CODE. 2. ALL ELECTRICAL WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH THE 2011 NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE AS AMENDED BY THE 2013 CALIFORNIA ELECTRIC CODE. ' REV BY DATE COMMENTS REV AIJAML DATE COMMENTS MODULE GROUNDING METHOD: ZEP SOLAR AHJ: Cupertino UTILITY: Pacific Gas and Electric Company f •!! -0 as-'�- CONFIDENTIAL - THE INFORMATION HEREIN JOB NUMBER: JB -9507858 00 PREMISE DNNER: DESCRIPTION DESIGN: CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR 7HE BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT SOLARCITY INC., LAHARY RAVU CUPERTINO Lahary Ravuri RESIDENCE Abid Anwar �_ �\`!°SQ�clfClt�/ �•.,.c MOUNTING SYSTEM: NO SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN ZEP Mighty Hook 20959 GREEN Building DepartmenQ.45 KW PV ARRAY ►�� PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE RECIPIENTS CUPERTINO, C _ /U__ MODULES. (30) LG # LG315N1C-Z4 3055 CI,,.vl4V W.' ORGON IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE ANDION, USEEXCOF SOICARTHE SALE AND USE OF THE UT THE EOUIPMENT, THE WRITTEN REVIEWED FOR CODE COMPLIANT NAME: Son Note., CA 94402 (65D) 4:(650) 836-1029 INVERTER: SHEET. REV: DATE: PERMISSION PERMISSION OF SOLARCITY INC. TY INC. Delta Solivia 7.6 TL COVER SHEET PV 1 11/14/2016 (BBB) -SOL -CITY (765-1989) vxxsolortily.cw CITY (765 Date: 12/05/16 ENT s job as or roval Date: 12/05/16 PITCH: 18 ARRAY PITCH: 18 MP2 AZIMUTH: 270 ARRAY AZIMUTH: 270 MATERIAL: Low Profile W -Tile STORY: 2 Stories PITCH: 19 ARRAY PITCH: 19 MP3 AZIMUTH: 270 ARRAY AZIMUTH: 270 MATERIAL: Low Profile W -Tile STORY: 2 Stories PITCH: 19 ARRAY PITCH: 19 MP4 AZIMUTH: 90 ARRAY AZIMUTH: 90 MATERIAL: Low Profile W -Tile STORY: 2 Stories PITCH: 19 ARRAY PITCH: 19 MP5 AZIMUTH: 90 ARRAY AZIMUTH: 90 ° MATERIAL: Low Profile W -Tile STORY: 2 Stories D O IN 58 0 LEGEND 0- D . (E) UTILITY METER & WARNING LABEL E INVERTER W/ INTEGRATED DC DISCO & WARNING LABELS ® © DC DISCONNECT & WARNING LABELS FAC I AC DISCONNECT & WARNING LABELS u O DC JUNCTION/COMBINER BOX & LABELS ) DISTRIBUTION PANEL & LABELS LD LOAD CENTER & WARNING LABELS F`otOfH.— O DEDICATED PV SYSTEM METER RSD RAPID SHUTDOWN 0 STANDOFF LOCATIONS — CONDUIT RUN ON EXTERIOR --- CONDUIT RUN ON INTERIOR (E7 auvEwnv GATE/FENCE 0 HEAT PRODUCING VENTS ARE RED 2D959 Greenleaf Or I�iI INTERIOR EQUIPMENT IS DASHED L.J SITE PLAN N TOTAL ARRAY AREA (SF): 540 TOTAL ROOF AREA (SF): 3768 le:/ 1'16" 1 = ScaWE TOTAL ARRAY AREA IS - 14.34 01' 16' 32' PERCENT OF TOTAL ROOF AREA S CONFIDENTIAL - THE INFORMATION HEREIN JOB NUMBER: JB -9507858 00 PREMISE DNNER: DESCRIP110N: DESIGN: CONTAINED SHALL NOT DE USED FOR THE BENEFIT D ANYONE NOT TSOLARCITT INC., LAHARY RAVU CUPERTINO Lahary Ravuri RESIDENCE Abid Anwor '��, SolarCity. MOUNTING SYSTEM: ZEP Mighty Hook NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN 2D959 GREEN Building De artmerli.45 KW PV ARRAY g p PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE THE RECIPIENTS CUPERTIN( C _ -�— MODULES: (30) LG # LG315N1C–Z4 3055 Cleorvie, Way ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE SOLARCITY EQUIPMENTWITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF SOLAR', CITY INC. REVIEWED FOR CODE COMPLIANIGYE NAME: Son Mate% CA 94402 T:(65D) 636-1D28 F:(65D) 636-1029 INVERTER: SHEET: REV: DATE: Delta Solivio 7.6 TL Reviewed By: SITE PLAN PV 2 11/14/2016 ERE) -SOL -CITY (765-2489) -.ml Date: 12/05/16 JB�- SIDE VIEW OF MP2 NTS MP2 X -SPACING X -CANTILEVER Y -SPACING Y -CANTILEVER NOTES LANDSCAPE 72" 24" 52" 24" 24" PORTRAIT 48" 20" 52" TOP CHORD 2X4 @ 24" OC BOT CHORD 2X4 @24" OC ROOF AZI ARRAY AZI 270 PITCH 18 STORIES: 2 270 PITCH 18 Low Profile W -Tile SIDE VIEW OF MP4 NTS v SIDE VIEW OF MP3 NTS (C� MP3 X -SPACING X -CANTILEVER Y -SPACING MP4 I X -SPACING X -CANTILEVER Y -SPACING Y -CANTILEVER NOTES 52" LANDSCAPE 72" 24" 52" 24" TOP CHORD 2X4 @ 24 OC BOT CHORD 2X4 @24" OC ROOF AZI 270 PITCH 19 STORIES: 2 ARRAY AZI 270 PITCH 19 Low Profile W -Tile PORTRAIT 48" 20" 52" 24" TOP CHORD 2X4 @ 24" OC BOT CHORD 2X4 @24" OC ROOF AZI ARRAY AZI 90 PITCH 19 STORIES: 2 90 PITCH 19 Low Profile W -Tile CONFIDENTIAL - THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT SOLARCITY INC., NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE THE RECIPIENT'S ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE JOB NUMBER: JB -9507858 OO PREMISE OWNER LAHARY RAVU 20959 GREEN CUPERTINO, C MOUNPNG SYSTEM: ZEP Mighty Hook NODULES (30) LG # LG315N1C—Z4 SIDE VIEW OF MP3 NTS (C� MP3 X -SPACING X -CANTILEVER Y -SPACING Y -CANTILEVER NOTES LANDSCAPE 72" 24" 52" 24" 24" PORTRAIT 1 48" 20" 52" TOP CHORD 2X4 @ 24 OC BOT CHORD 2X4 @24" OC ROOF AZI 270 PITCH 19 STORIES: 2 ARRAY AZI 270 PITCH 19 Low Profile W -Tile CE�- SIDE VIEW OF MPI NTS m MP5 X -SPACING X -CANTILEVER Y -SPACING Y -CANTILEVER NOTES LANDSCAPE 72" 24" 52" 24" 24" PORTRAIT 1 48" 20" 52" TOP CHORD ZX4 @ 24° OC BOT CHORD 2X4 @24" OC ROOF AZI ARRAY AZI 90 PITCH 19 STORIES: 2 90 PITCH 19 Low Profile W -Tile CUPERTINO Lahary Ravuri RESIDENCE Building DepartmerA.45 KW PV ARRAY SOLARCITY EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN INVERTER REVIEWED FOR CODE COMPLIANff NAME: PERMISSION OF SOLARCITY INC. Delta Solivia 7.6 TL Reviewed B STRUCTURAL VIEWS Date: 12/05/16 Abid Anwar % SHEET V: OA PV 3 11/14/2016 =SolarCity. 3055 CI -vi. Woy Son Motm CA 94402 T:(650) 636-1029 F:(650) 638-1029 (898) -SOL -CITY (765-2469) xxx.sdxrcity.cxm ZEP SPANNER BAR (6) CIA BOLT & NUT FEP SPANNER STANDOFF J (E) TILE (E) ROOF DECKING (5) (4) 5/16" DIA STAINLESS STEEL LAG BOLT (2-1/2" EMBED, MIN) LOWEST MODULE SUBSEQUENT MODULES (E) RAFTER STANDOFF S1Scale: 1 1/2" = 1' INSTALLATION ORDER LOCATE RAFTER, MARK RAFTER LOCATION, AND REMOVE TILE. (1) PLACE STANDOFF BASE & DRILL PILOT HOLES AT THE RAFTER LOCATION. (2) CLEAN PAPEHR AROUND PILOT OLE. 3) ADJUST STANDOFF TO BATTEN HEIGHT. SEAL PILOT HOLES AND BOTTOM (4) OF STANDOFF WITH POLYURETHANE SEALANT. 5) LAG STANDOFF INTO RAFTER. (6) NOTCH TILE WEATHERING TO FIT AROUND STANDOFF. (7) REINSTALL TILE. UPLIFT CALCULATIONS 11.14.2016 SolarCity PV System Structural Version #63.9 Design Software Mounting Plane Information Roofin Material DESORIPION: Spanish Tile Roof DESIGN: Roof Slope SHALLO SSOLARCITYED FORHNC.. 19° Rafter Sparing 24" O.C. Framing Type / Direction �'�±SolarCity. Y -Y Rafters MOUNTING SYSTEM: ZEP Mighty Hook PV System Type 20959 GREEN SolarCity SleekMount' Buildin De artmerA.45 KW PV ARRAY 9 P "p System Type ZS Span PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE THE RECIPIENT'S Standoff Attachment Hardware Mighty Hook HDG ST Tile Reveal 13 The Attachment System (30) LG # LG315N1C—Z4 SM Span Wind and Snow Desicin Criteria SOLARCITY EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN Wind Design Code ASCE 7-10 Wind Design Method Saa MOLea, CA 9440z T:(650) 636-1028 F:(650) 638-1029 P.,Hally/Fully Endosed Method Delta Solivia 7.6 TL Ultimate Wind Speed v-UEt 110 mph Fig. 1609A Ex sure Cale o C Section 26.7 Ground Snow Load pg 0.0 psf ASCE Table 7-1 5urrounding Roof Snow O:O psf ASCE Eq: 7.41 Roof Snow Over PV Modules 0.0 Psi ASCE Eq: 7.4-1 Wind Pressure Calculation Coefficients Wind Pressure Exposure Kz 0.95 Table 30.3-1 Topographic Factor Kzt 1.00 Section 26.8 Wind Directionality Factor Kc! O.B5 Section 26.6-1 Im ortance Factor I NA Velocity Pressure qh qh = 9.811256 (Kz)(Kzt) (Kd) (V12) 24.9Psf Equati on 30.3-1 Wind Pressure Ext. Pressure Coeffldent U GC U -0.88 F9 --zgla/c-sA/a Ext Pressure Cnefhcierd Down GC Down 0.45 ng. 3GA-2A/s/111jP Design Wind Pressure P = qh (CCP) Equation 3a.4-1 Wind Pressure U u -21.8 Psr Wind Pressure Down down 16.0 rf ALLOWABLE STANDOFF SPACINGS X -Direction Y -Direction Max Allowable Standoff Spacing Landscape 72" 52" " Max Allowable Cantilever landscape 24" 24 Standoff Confi oration Landscape Not -Staggered Max Standoff Tributary Area Tdh 26 sf PV Assembly Dead Load W -PV 3.0 psi Net Wind Uplift at Standoff T-actual -2961hs Uplift Capacity of Standoff T -allow 431 Its 5ta..ndoff Demand/CapacitV DCR 68.6% X -Direction Y -Direction Max Allowable Standoff Spacing Portrait 48" ST' Max Allowable Cantilever Portrait 20" 24" Standoff Confi uration Portrait Not -Staggered Max Standoff Trihulary Area Trih 17 st PV Assembly Dead Load W -PV 3.0 psf Net Wind Uplift at Standoff T -actual -19716s Uplift Capacity of Standoff T -allow 431 lbs Standoff Deman Ca c DLR 45.7% CONFIDENTIAL - THE INFORMATION HEREIN i06 NUMBER: JB -9507858 00 PREMISE OWNER DESORIPION: DESIGN: SHALLO SSOLARCITYED FORHNC.. LAH ARY RAV" CUPERTINO Lahary Ravuri RESIDENCE Abid Anwar �'�±SolarCity. B�NEFIT OF ANYONENTAINED EXCEPT NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE DR IN MOUNTING SYSTEM: ZEP Mighty Hook 20959 GREEN Buildin De artmerA.45 KW PV ARRAY 9 P PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE THE RECIPIENT'S MODULES CUPERTINO, C _ A�-r— -7— ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE (30) LG # LG315N1C—Z4 3055 Clearvi" Way SOLARCITY EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN INVERTI:R REVIEWED FOR CODE COMPLIANff NAME: SHEET: REV: DATE: Saa MOLea, CA 9440z T:(650) 636-1028 F:(650) 638-1029 PERMISSION OF SOLARCITY INC. Delta Solivia 7.6 TL Reviewed e UPLIFT CALCULATIONS PV 4 11/14/2D16 BBB) -SOL -CITY (765-2469) xvx.sdarcity.cam Date: 12/05/16 GROUND SPECS MAIN PANEL SPECS GENERAL NOTES INVERTER SPECS MODULE SPECS LICENSE OND (N) #8 GEC TO (E) UFER AT PANEL WITH IRREVERSIBLE CRIMP Panel Number: SC204OM20OF Meter Number: 1009594466 Inv 1: DC Ungrounded 1 )Delta # Solivio 7.6 TL LABEL: A Inverter,750OW, 24DV, 97.5%. Zigbee, PLC — (30)LGLG315N1C—Z4 PV�Module; 315W, 292.7 PTC, 40mm, Elk Frm. Wht Back Sheet, MC4, ZE CA # 888104 , Mono C -1D INV 2 Underground Service Entrance Voc: 40.6 Vpmox: 33.2 INV 3 Isc AND Imp ARE SHOWN IN THE DC STRINGS IDENTIFIER (E) 200A MAIN SERVICE PANEL E 2DOA/2P MAIN CIRCUIT BREAKER SolorCity Inverter 1 IND 5 Delta 4 A t Uc« 20DA/2P Solivia 7.6 TL DE MP 3: 1x87-1 (E) LOADS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ EGC _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r- - - - - - ------- f- L' z lz DC, Uc« oa 3 MP 2: 1x11 40A/2P EGG Uc« c« 1 A----------------------------------------------- — c6c ---TN Uc c MP4/5: 1X11 6 GND __ EGC_ ___________—___________ __+____ __— G�_________________J I (1)Cwd.il Kit; 3/4" ENT N I J FEGGGEC — EC To 1zD/24DV SINGLE PHASE UTILITY SERVICE I I BACKFEED BREAKER WILL BE PLACED AT THE BOTTOM OF THE BUSBAR. Voc* = MAX VOC AT MIN TEMP 1)SOUARE D pp HOMT1515240 PV gACKFEED BREAKER ( Breaker; i5A/1P-40A/2P-15AIP. 2 Spoces, Ouotl Ford— AC 1)SolorCitpp // 4 STRING JUNCTION BOX ( 2.2 STRMGS, UNFUSED, GROUNDED DC OITT (1 )AWG /8, THWN-2, Block 13F (1 )AWG /B, THWN-2, Retl ITT (1) AWG pe, THWN-2, Block Voc* = 487.87 VDC T. = 20.04 ADC O F -T (1) AWG pe, THWN-2, White Vmp = 365.2 VDC Imp= 19 ADC E-1(1)AWG r�IQT� (2 )AWG /10, PV Wire, 60DV, Block Voc* = 354.81 VDC T. = 1D.02 ADC (7 )AWG /10, Sold Bare Copper EGC Vmp = 265.6 VDC Imp= 9,5 ADC O L (1)AWG /10, THWN-2, White NEUTRAL Vmp =240 VAC Imp=31.7 AAC ()10, THHN/THWN-2, Green EGC-(1)Cond,t Kit; 3/4" EMT CJ J -(1)AWG /8, THWN-2, Green EGC/GEC.-(1)Contluit Kit; 3/4" ENT ETT(1)AWG #THWN-2 Block Voc' =354.81 VDC T. =1D.02 ADC ® I4F (1) AG pjD, 0, THWN-2 White Vmp = 265.6 VDC Imp= 9.5 ADC II�TT(4)AWG /10, PV Wire,60DV, Block Voc* =487.87 VDC T.=1D.02 ADC O IQF (1 )AWG /10, Solid Bare Copper EGC Vmp = 365.2 VDC Imp= 9,5 ADC LL. LLL(1)AWG p10. THHN/THWN-2.. Green EGC.-(1)Contlut Kit:. 3/4" EMT II.JJ. CONFIDENTIAL - THE INFORMATION HEREIN JCB CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT IN WHOLE INC., IN WHOLE 0R IN NOR SHALL IT BE OUTSIDE PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE ON RECIPIENTS ORGANIZATION, USEEXCEPTOF IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE UT THE EOUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF SOLARCITY INC. INVERTER: PERMISSION NUMBER:PREMISE JB -9507858 00 DIVINER. DESCRIPTION: LAHARY RAVU CUPERTINO Lahary Ravuri RESIDENCE 20959 GREEN Building DepartmeE}Q.45 KW PV ARRAY CUPERTINO, C REVIEWED FOR CODE COMPL AN tL NAME: THREE LINE DIAGRAM DESIGN: Abid Anwar ''`s'SolarCity I•• A \\ MOUNTING SYSTEM: ZEP Mighty Hook MODULES: (30) LG # LG315N1C—Z4 3055 Cle 0r . Woy Son Noteo, CA 944x2 -) 636-1x26 F:(65a) 838-1029 fiB6)SOLSaL-CI (7652489)v�x. olorcily.cam Delta Solivia 7.6 TL SHEET. REV: DATE: PV 5 11/14/2016 Date: 12/05/16 \ \ \ 3 )\ \ / \! \ k\ Eq 3 \\\/§ U » �� ! )T....,� 2 :Q= ` W/ w ! !%» 2 �m��§ 2 rq\§ ZG®B#!z!§§)� §r!`§�;@=ate O %` z\§) 2222 °` 2 R2§E§ 2 §§-eq 2>`;E\:§bse\E/§ Q ~! RI0� �)� „ m I°§$� �l��� R!�°�w§�§�w;12a o c )/ _®�§ [ ( « °�:@° « o�k� ®oz= §§j©!§loe; [|§/G 4 y! <E§, _ % (\(j( , } R& §�§)§())��� § § � }� gam:; k`» _ $ rj& § ar) � / ! \ \ \ 3 )\ \ / \! \ k\ 3 \-Z<z \ \ < z _ _ �rEr��� 2 �__� 2 :Q= < z P z / z G�2*>§7 Z.0-.`��+a( -o�� 2 25$22 \ z z o UAD ow +�§§ial;2 33tbe g > G ®0|§ \ / A d « })g2LL, Uw « &2/R; / / k\k( e_ „ m [77°,- o c M°z > 0200§ 0 3 !} ! w W6 < �§ \ \ )_ ƒ ® , ® � -6'SolarClty I ®pSolar Next -Level PV Mounting Technology .6,SolarClty I ® pSolar Next -Level PV Mounting Technology .ZS Span for concrete Rile roofs M)u�Mlykry Hack MPA W Description cj@(W PV mounting solution for concrete file roofs "ay ¢ Works with all Zep Compatible Modules mvk� Auto bonding UL -listed hardware creates structural and electrical bond • Zep System has a UL 1703 Class "A" Fire Rating when installed using modules from UL LISTED any manufacturer certified as "Type 1" or "Type 2" Specifications ETI_ • Designed for pitch roofs : Installs in portrait and landscape orientations I �/ Zep System supports module wind uplift and snow load pressures to 50 psf per UL 1703 Wind funnelreport to ASCE 7-05 and 7-10 standards • Zep System grounding products are UL listed to UL 2703 and ETL listed to UL 467 • Zep System bonding products are UL listed to UL 2703 • Engineered for spans up to 72" and cantilevers up to 24" • Zep wire management products listed to UL 1565 for wire positioning devices • Attachment method UL listed to UL 2582 for Wind Driven Rain zepsolar.com Components 1x 3x 4x Spanner Bar Pad Nos. 850-1400-4x 580-1399-3x 850-1398-1x OOP % Splice Kit Spanner Clamp Pad No. 850-1401 Pad No. 850-1194 Listed to UL 2703 Listed to UL 2703 Mighty Hook V2, HDG Interlock Cam Foot Pad No. 850-1461 Pad No. 850-1388 Pad No. 850-1413 Listed to ILL 2703 Listed to ILL 2703 Listed to ILL 2703 1kh Mai-' Ik k%, Ground Zep Array Skirt, Grip, End Caps DC Wire Clip Pad No. 850-1172 Pad Nos. 850-0113,850-1421, Pad No. 850-1448 ETL listed to UL 467 850-1460,850-1467 Listed to UL 1565 zepsolar.com Listed to UL 1565 This document does not create any expresswarranty by Zep Solar or about its products or services. Zep Solar's sole warranty is contalnetl In the.,lite, pro duct warranty for Thls d ocu mens does not create any express warranty by Zep S bl a,o,aboutitsprod, ds or seMces. Zep Solar's so le warranty is contained In the written protluci warranty for a ch pro d,. The end-user docume,taton shl,ped with Zep Solar'sprod,ds co,st,ntes the sole speclticatl ons referred to In the protluciwarranty_The customer is solely ach protlucL The end-user tlocumeniailon shipped with Zep Solar's protluds constitutes the sole speclficailons referred to In the protluciwarranty_ The customer is solely responsible for verifying the s tbir11ty of ZepSol— products for each use_Speclticato,s are su bject to change without, otice_ Patents and Apps: z pats com. /� -,,i for verifying the suitability of ZepSola products for each use_Speclticailons are su bject to change.Iihout notice_ Patents an d Apps: zspats com_ Rocu b— 500-17-001 RevA Rate last exported: Ap11120, CU PERT-INGe0D 1730 001 RevA Rate last exported: Ap,t 20, 20152.14 PM Building Department REVIEWED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE Reviewed By: Abby Ayende Date: 12/05/16 a Solar Inverters Transformerless (TL): 3.0 kW, 3.8 kW, 5.2 kW, 6.6 kW, 7.6 kW Wide Operating Voltage Range: 85 - 550V Wide Operating Temperature Range: -13 - 158°F (-25 - 70"C) High CEC Efficiency: 97.5% Integrated AFCI (Arc Fault Circuit Interruption) NEMA 4X plus Salt Mist Corrosion Protection Natural Convection Cooling - Dual MPPT (5.2kW / 6 6k / 7.61,W) - Compact and Lightweight - LIL 1741/ IEEE 1547/ IEEE 1547.1/CEC f.-. Listed /L11-1699B(Type 1) / NEC 690.11 o u6 WARRRRTY «®ex mom m mr.m oswr, vsr c+aanr�m noaa.y.� CUPERTINO Building Department REVIEWED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE Reviewed By: Abby Ayende Date: 12/05/16 Delta Solar Inverters Datasheet for SolarCity ,a.oA saoo w@zwyr m..A zsoAr•,MPP ---p—, eso w 1114208VI aw@zaevr —W sizos yr 1W020evr —0-V aeon w@z4ov =0W@24DV ow®mov reoow@uav - ev®vrz++- ze4v®z V zos 4AGroevr ns A®zmv eA@mew aA®zoevr,A®zoavr +s s.6—v eA®z4av z7 sA®znov rA2 Myr a,.rA4szwv sn�zaev�e7ssaez— ra rse rtzs-roC/ i mramremo.a izz•v e1ct .40- srl.ao-enrol ta.5 x+S.9. e.e in (aee.4a�.z�amml za.exi 5.n leeox4ar. zre nm) w.a icsne.s�v es.om4 ¢o.s n� swirere��.r,� neo. - wcacoacariA�m�remrascaro.rsr w v �s �.m•ra��zw,a w�nmw+arere.m.wa��R.am�m. �Awc rz-Awc aCow.,cA�mMaro aec seo.e r Z� u11141=zzxouw.- UL ease'r-1), rvcc aeon UL 1741 azlsrnARi Rssl z+t -A- ceb,��e R.1ezr, sato —o.1 ieeRrsn e AELTA LG NeON"2 LG31 SN 1 C -Z4 60 cell LG's new module, NeONT 2, adopts Cello technology Cello technology replaces 3 busbars with 12 thin win enhance power output and reliability. NeON— 2 demonstrates LG's efforts to increase cuss beyond efficiency. Ii features enhanced warranty, dur P,,,= under real environment, and aesthetic d for roofs. DVE E14- cc Inte— Key Features EN v Enhanced Performance Warranty LG Ne( NT' 2 has anenhanced pertormance High Power Output Compared with previous models, the LG NeONT"' 2 LG31SNlC-Z4 anty. The annual degradation has fallen has been designed to significantly enhance LG NeONT 2 from-0.7%/yr to-0.6%/yr. Even after 25 years, its output efficiency making it efficient even in thecell guarantees 2.4%p more output than limited space. the previous N.ONT. modules. + �J Aesthetic Roof 2 Improved Product Warranty LG NeONT"' 2 has been designed with aesthetics As well as the enhanced performance warranty, �s Nmvv) �x pmvv) mind; thinner wires that appearall black at a LG has extended the product warranty fthe distance. The product can increase the value of a LG NeONT"' 2 for an additional 2 years. M property with its modern design. aux Ord Better Performance on a Sunny Day Double -Sided Cell Structure Jl LG NeONT' 2 now pertorms better on a sunny The rear of the cell used in LG NeONT- 2 will days thanks to its improved temperatureontnbute to generation, just like the front the coefficient light beam Rected from the rear of the module reabsorbed to generate a great amount of additional power: Ab LGE. ® LG �o wAeo niois is, wn rnTem �xc so aae ax ona�The fpr �T ry ) Toe me —the axe.- Life, Good EN LG31SNlC-Z4 LG NeONT 2 Electrical Properties (STC*) Mechani®1 Properties �s Nmvv) �x pmvv) M [A] mse va) M aux Ord [A] een o�me rss cne� tz (now<wire e�,aal� P11 - - 4. M [A] 2. �] Electri®1 Pmpert es (NOCT*) Certficobi and warranty M] �se(vmvv 1A � mao� cen) - - a�xpmvv) mse (va) [A] N] @(uc) T- 2 Nocr io ( �. [A a aoowr n zo a a T C- (IEC) 12 1— T) r ss°i z)aher r osi....,a a o0,,, 1) 1, r Dimensions(mm) Temper re Characteri- U°p Characteristic Curves u CUPERTINO Building Department REVIEWED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE Reviewed By: Abby Ayende Date: 12/05/16 ALL n. n