28626 - COFO1996 -7 (��er#iftratr a (�rru �txt Titg of Tupertinn 19ppartmptit. of Ittilling 3noppr #inn This certificate issued pursuant to the requirements of Section 307 of the Uniform Building Code certifying that at the time of issuance this structure nm in compliance with the various ordinances of the city regulating building. construction or use. For the following: Use Classification Residential /Retail, Parkin 28625, 28626, 28727 for Res. Bldg. Permit No.2R62R 9RA9Q Group B /R -1 (U aaragyoe Construction V1HR Use Zone _ 21 annari ne Ia Tnnment Owner of Building RarrrS,pns ^ Address Building Address 1 91 ,10 Q+PVPnQ rrppk R1 i rl Locality Cupertino 'California QQ By: .Toe Antoriucci Date: November 25, 1996 Building Official POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE row.....