ERC 07-13-95 CITY OF CUPERTINO 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014 MINUTES OF TI=IE REGULAR MEETING OF TUg ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMrl'rEE July 13, 1995 8:00 A.M. CONFERENCE ROOM C (LOWER ORI~ER OF BUSrNI~.SS I~V.M~IV.R,~ PRV. S~NT Bert Viskovich, Public Works Director, Wally Dean, Mayor, Don Brown, City Manager, Bob Cowan, community Development Director Absent: Paul Roberts, Planning Commissioner Non Voting Member Absent: Norman Kobayashi, Community Member STAI~F PR~SI~.NT - Colin Jung, Associate Planner, Vera Gil, Planner H; and Nancy Souders, Secretary APPROVAl. O1~ MINUT~.S The minutes of the meeting of Sune 8, 1995 were approved as submitted. Vote 4-0 NEW RUSrN~.SS 1. Application No: 3-TM-95 and 11-EA-95 Applicant: Marguer/te V. Roberts & Blanche Grose/Leroy Grose Trustee Property Owner:. Marguerite V. Roberts & Blanche Grose/Leroy Grose Trustee Location: 11545 Upland Way and 11571 Upland Way TENT-ATIVE MAP: To subdivide two parcels totaling 1.97 acres into six parcels. ZONING: To assign a minimum lot size (10,000 sq. ft.) or other appropriate zoning designations. This application is for parcel 7 and 8 on Upland Way. The majority of the existing slope is 10%. The geological report that was prepared by a private consultant stated that due to the fault line, the setback should be 4~ feet from the southwest comer of the site. The staffdoes not believe there are any negative environmental effects. -- Staff is recommending a Negative Declaration. Bert Viskovich moved for a Negative Declaration. Don Bwwn seconded the motion. Vote: 4-0 ERC IVflnutes December 8, 1994 Page -2- 2. Application No: 2-GPA-95, and 18-EA-95 Application: Citation Homes Central Property Owner; Citation Homes Central Location: Southeast comer of DeAnza Boulevard/Homestead Road GENE~ PLAN AMENDS: To change the land use designation for an 18 plus acre site from 20-35 to 10-20 dwelling per gross acre. The site is located in the southeast quadrant of the intersection of Homestead Road and DeAnza Boulevard.. The applicant is requesting to build a lower density project on the eighteen acre site. The existing C-eneml Plan range is between 20 to 35 dwellings per acres. The applicant would like to do 10 to 20. dwellings per acre. The staff does not foresee any environmental impact. Don Brown moved for a Negative Declaration. Bert Viskovich seconded the motion. Vote 4-0. 3. Application No. 10-U-89 (Mod.) and 19-EA-95 . '- Applicant: P./3. & E. Property Owner: P.O. & E. Location : 10900 North Blaney Avenue USE PERMIT: Modification to in~ll a soils recycle powerscreen Continued until the nex~ meeting. 4. Application No.: 7-U-95 and 17-EA-95 Applicant: Target Homestead Property Owner _ Target Homestead Location: 20956//Al Homestead Road USE PERMIT: To locate a restaurant in an existing shopping center. This is a 2,200 sq. ft. retail space located in a shopping center where the restaurant will be located. The city requires 12 parking stalls. The applicant is willing to do some re-striping in the parking lot in order to obtain the correct number of stalls. The Staffdoes not see any other env/ronmental impacts. Staff is recommending a Negative Declaration. Don Brown moved for a Negative Declaration. Bert Viskovich seconded the motion. Vote 4-0 e.~N~ncy/erc/min71395 NOTICE OF ABJOURNM~..NT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the regular meeting of the Environmental Review Committee scheduled for June 22, 1995 will be adjourned due to a lack of quornm. DATED: June 20, 1995 Signature Title STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA) ss. CITY OF CUPERTINO ) AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING NOTICE OF ADJOURNMENT I, Nancy Souders, Clerk Typist, of the Community Development Department, declare: I posted the above NOTICE OF ADJOURNMENT at 5:00 p.m. within 24 hours of the adjournment of the meeting in a conspicuous place on the door of the Conference Room C. I declare under penalty that the foregoing is true and correct. Exocuted this 20th day of June, 1995. win/adjourn