10300 Torte Avenue, Cupertino, California 9S014
April 13, 1995
N~,M~F,R~ PI~F, SF, NT
Paul Roberts, Planning Commissioner;, Ciddy Word¢ll, City PJnnner, Carman Lynaugh, Public Works
Project Manager, Wally Dean, Mayor
Absent: Don Brown, City Manager, Bob Cowan, Planning Director
Norman Kobyashi, Community Member
-' Michele Bjorman, Planner II; Colin ~ung, Associate Planner;, Vera Oil, Planner II; and Nancy Souders,
The minutes of the meeting of February 08, 1995 were approved as submitted.
Vote 4-0
I. Application No: 4-Z-95 nnd 12-U-73 (Amendment) and 8-EA-95
Applicant: Marinnist Novitiate
Property Owner: Marinnist Noviti~e
Location: 22655 Mnrianist Way
This is a application for rezoning a .18 acre parcel from R2 (Residential Duplex)-4~25 to BQ (Q-~si=PubHc
Building) and a Use Permit for modification to allow retreats, education activities and receptions. The
applicants have purchased a residence located next door to meet their parking situation. The applicant
Would like to move their parking into the lot where the house is located. The applicant has not decided
whether or not they will use the house for storage or a residence. There are no si_tmificant impacts, the
applicant will not be moving eny trees and leave the turf a~a as it is. Staff recommended a Negative
._ Declaration. Paul Roberts moved for a Negative Declaration. Carmen Lynangh seconded the motion.
~ Vote 4-0.
ERC Minutes
December 8, 1994
Page -2-
2. Application No: 3-U-95 and 5-EA-95
Application: Emily Chen
Property Owner:. l~.mily Chen
Location: 10480 South SteHing
This a proposed Tentative Map to subdivide a .$1 acre parcel into 2 lots; and a Re, zoning proposai tO
rezone a .$1 acre parcel from RI-10Ag to Rl-?.5. The RI-10A(] is a remainder zoning from the earlier
1970's when the land was all agriculture, and on the outskirts of town during that time. What the applicant
is proposing is in order to achieve the two lot ~ubdivision, is to rezone the lot into two ?.$ lots sizes; which
is the majority of this area. There is no eflvironmontai impact, so the staff is reoommending a Negative
Declaration. Ciddy Wordell moved for a Negative Declaration. Carmen Lynangh sccondecl the motion.
Vote 40.
3. Application No. 81,004.18 and 3-EA-95
Applicant: City of Cupertino
Property Owner:. Various
Location: Cit~vide
This proposal is to amend various residential zones of the Cupet~no Municipal Code, which includes
sddlng provisions regarding residential group homes. This applicant will apply to all agriculture,
resideptlnl, and c~-public zoning districts in the city. Currently there is not~i,~g in any Ordlnnnce or
zoning districts to control the number ofhabitents per dwelling unit. The City is proposing some
guidelines and Use Permit restrictions to control these types of envinmments. The two types of living
environments arc, residential care types of facitities (groups of individuals who live in housing but have
ca~-eUdcers) and the other types that are not therapeutic are congregant care facilities (which are people who
live togctber, i.e.: a fraternity house). The City has determined the threshold of licanses and unlicansed
people who can Hve under one roof as defined by state law. For a residential carehome with seven or
more, Or a congregant care home that has eleven, .the City will place some restrictions. These restrictions
include buffering restrictions. This may be considered us paxt of the Use Permit process. This ordinance
will provide the City with some very specific findings that would have to be made in order for City
Council Or plnnning Commission to grant a conditional Use Permit. This will allow the City to have some
control over the proximity, the number of parkln5 spaces, and the square footage of outdoor aro~ This
also will aid the enviroumant because the ordinance is being created in comparison to what the City
currently has. Staff is recommending a Negative Declaration. Paul Roberts moved for a Negative
Decinration. ¢iddy Wordell seconded the motion.
Vote 4-0.
£RC Minutes
December 8, 1994
Pa~e -3-
4. Applichtion No.: 81,152 and 9-EA-95
Applicant: City of Cupertino
Propur~ Owner Various
Location: Properties along or near Stevens Cr~k Boulevard ~om
Highway 85 to the enstern City limits.
This application is the Hen~ of the City Specific Plnn. The Specific Plan itself is an implementing tool for
the General Plan. It is designed to be implemented with the concept of the General Plan, guidance for the
allocation of the development in and nround Stevens Creek Boulevard, and designed to provide some
additional development standards of architectural guidenc~ for new development. Most of the physical
impacts with a project of this size has been analyzed in the 1993 General Plan Environmental Impact
Report. The Specific Plan provides some additional refinement and detail to where exactly the new
housing units will be locamd, the density, the design of the buildings, the sitting of the buildings, and the
stmeUcapu. The environmental impacts of this project in the public improvements and the specific land
use, use dimcfious that were called for in the current plan being drafted for the Plnnning Comm~sion, to
verify the difference with the General Plan. The schools .,t~d they were neutral in regards to this project
as they could not foresee any futu~ environmental impacts. Other potential impacts that have been
analyzed, is that some street ~rees may be removed and replanted with the ~ees that have been
recommended in the Specific Plan. The staff feels the trees being removed will be compensated by the
large number of additional irees the City will be planting in and along Stevehs Creek Boulevard. In
regards to other Environmental Impacts the staff believes there will be some short term noise impacts due
to consm~ction renovations, and the noise while moving the sidewalks. The staff expects there to be a
short-term increase in the rate of removal of natural resources, such es reck, sand and ~avel for the
purpose of installing the sidewalks. Traffic impacts were analyzed in the 1993 Cupertino General Plan
Environmental Impact Report. In that report it was forcasted that there was going to be minor traffic
congestion. There are two exceptions, those are intersection of Stevens Creek Boulevard and De Anza
Boulevard, as well as De Anza Boulevard and Bollinger Road. The General Plan accepted the level of
service of"E" with no more then a 45 second delay in order to implement the Heart of the City concept
Public Services impacts of additional development was again analyzed in the 1993 General Plan, and this
was well within the capacities of the City without a need for substantial increase in services. Most
neighborhoods have parklands with over 3 acre per thousand, and have a residential park. Staff is
recommending a Negative Declaration reco?i~ing that this an implementing tool for the General Plan.
Paul Roberts moved for a Negative Declaration with the agreement that a minute order would be attached.
Carmen Lynangh seconded the motion.
Vote 4-0.
c/Nnncylere/min 141395