CC 03-07-2017 Oral Communications Mayor Savita and Counci{ members. CC 3�� fC�
o �-�t- c�m�n�- :
My �ar�e i� .�im M��re. I r�aved to Cupertinc� in 1�76. A� a 40-y�ar
r�sident, my major concern is the inereasingly dangerous ievels of traffic
during commute hours and when students go to and from school. ! iive
wit�in one mile of four schools.
I`d like to read you a letter on Apple Park and future Vallco development
traffic. I submitted this letter yesterday far publication in the Cupertina
This is my letfier.
Cupertina residents need �o ask "Why the rush?" for the City to negotiate a
n�w Sand H�II praper�y Vallco deal? An opinion letter in last week's
Cupertino Courier mentioned a Change dot org petition that encourages
Sand Hill Prop�rty to retcarn to negotiate a new Vallca deal. The author
su�gests that Sand Hill Property would be satisfied with 1 million sqft less
office space than the 2 million sqft they included in their f�lleasure D
Initiative. Residents voted down "The Hills at Vallca" Measure D only four
manths ago.
A few Sand Nill Property s�pporters on Nextdoor believe that Sand Hiil
Property will use High Density housing to backfill the '! miliion sqft of Office
given up. When coupled with 1 miflion sqft ofi Office remaining, this
combination adds 8,000 office and residential commuters to our already
congested traffic. Since our community won't experience the fu(I effect of
14,fl00 Apple Park commuters until year end, why don't we wait until
January to see ifi lnterstate 280, Wo1fe Rd, Stevens Creek Blvd, our
Neighborhoods and Residential Streets, and Citywide roads survive when hit
by the full commuting traffic load of a fully operational Apple Park? Dan't
our City officials and Traffic Engineers need to experience this huge
Citywide traffic ioad before proceeding with a Vallco development plan? Ifi
the City doesn't wait, and approves a Vallco pian with ofd untested and
unproven Apple Carnpus 2 traffic predictions, we could all be stuck rrvith a
regrettable Vallco dev�lapment for deeades. So "W�y the rush?" with Sand
Hill Property Vallco negotiations?
To summarize, it just daesn't make sense for the City to start negotiating a
Sand Hill Property Va{Ico deal or asking a Citizer�s` Advisory Committee to
�tart wark untif Apple Park is fully aperational, and ACTUAL Apple emplayee
traffic is #actored into traffic impact projectians for any new Vallca
developr�en� prop�sal.
Thank you for listening.
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