TICC 10-01-08Technology, Information &c Communications Commission Regular Meeting October l , 2008 MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Andy Radle called the meeting to order at 7:C~0 p.m. ROLL CALL Commissioners present: Andrew Radle, William (Billy Allen, Wally Iimura, Peter Friedland Avinash Gadre Commissioners absent: None Staff present: Rick Kitson, Colin Jung COMMUNICATIONS 2. Oral: None UNFINISHED BUSINESS - 5. Wireless Ordinance Update -Colin Jung distributed the draft wireless ordinance with the updates proposed by the Commission. Colin presented the ordinance changes to Community Development Director, Steve Piasecki. Colin said the City will need to do city- wide noticing before it goes to the Plarvzing Commission for review and recommendation to the City Council. Kitson has agreed to put the notice on the back of the Cupertino Scene. A date has not been set yet for the changes to the ordinance to go on to the Planning Commission. Colin discussed the idea of incorporating public art on cell phone towers and look for opportunities for artistic expression. This idea may be included in the draft wireless ordinance. Colin Jung asked the Commission to co~itact either Joint Venture Silicon Valley or Silicon Valley Leadership Group to discuss the cell phone initiative to attend the Planning Commission meeting. Kitson suggested contacting the Sheriffs Office and the Fire Department and discuss with them th~~ need for better cell phone coverage during a disaster. Kitson said he will let the Commission know who they can contact. Kitson said at the next meeting he will know when this will go to the Planning Commission. Kitson also reviewed with the Commission the preliminary results of the bi-annual community survey and specifically the results of the cell phone tower questions. APPROVAL OF SEPTEMBER 3, 2008 MINUTES 1. The commission moved and seconded to approve minutes. Motion passed 4-0-1, 1 abstaining (Gadre) COMMUNICATIONS 3. Written: The commission briefly reviewed the Comcast letter, dated August 28, 2008, regarding the notice of price changes. UNFINISHED BUSINESS - 4. Discuss Work Program Subcommittee reports. Wireless Tower Sub-committee - No other comments. Solar Power Sub-committee -Wally talked to Don Disney and got positive feedback on what the Commission is trying to do. Wzilly put a list together and will go back and add more details to each of the points and them prioritize them. Peter Friedland suggested the Commission make a presentation on solar at the next town meeting (Community Congress). • Technology Issues • Regulatory Issues • Economic Issues Avinash said he has already begun writing an article on solar for the Scene. Bill Allen said articles aren't detailed enough acid it might be good to consider putting the detailed information up on the web. Kitson said he would talk to Mayor Sandoval about a "solar" Community Congress. The commission had a question on the total length of service one can serve on the Commission, if they also serve a partial term. Kitson said he would clarify this. NEW BUSINESS Reports: None MISCELLANEOUS 12. Activities Calendar -The commission previewed the calendar. Bill Allen made a motion to move the November TICC meeting back to October 22°a Peter Friedland seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. 13. Action Item List: -- The Commission reviewed the action item list. The Commission asked if there was an update on the Bubb Road cell tower. Kitson said there was no update at this time. ADJOURNMENT Bill Allen /Wally Iimura moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed 5 - O. SUBMITTED BY: Linda Lagergren, Rec r in ecretary .APPROVED BY: .Andy Radl ,Chair