DRC Reso 067CITY OF CUPERTINO 09-EXC-01 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, California 95014 RESOLUTION 67 OF THE DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO APPROVING A SIGN EXCEPTION TO ALLOW WALL SIGN HEIGHTS OF 36 INCHES AND 30 INCHES WHERE 18 AND 24 INCHES ARE ALLOWED ON AN EXISTING OFFICE BUILDING. SECTION I: PROJECT DESCRIPTION Application No.: 09-EXC-01 Applicant: Steve Peterson (California Sign) Location: 20425 Stevens Creek Boulevard SECTION II:. FINDINGS WHEREAS, the Design Review Committee of the City of Cupertino received an application for a Sign Exception, as described in this Resolution; and WHEREAS, the Design Review Committee finds that the changes are beneficial and compatible with the surrounding area; 1. That the literal enforcement of the provisions of this title will result in restrictions inconsistent with the spirit and intent of this title. That the sign code balances the need for effective business identification with the need to maintain the architectural and aesthetic harmony of signs as they relate to building design and surrounding landscaping. Good design practices center signage above the business entrance. Signage naturally draws the attention of a person and placing it in the appropriate location, like a business entrance, directs that person to the right location. 2. That the granting of the exception will not result in a condition that is materially detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare. Bunching the signage above the entrance, rather than extending it out along building wall, will be less distractive to passing motorists and increase safety. 3. That the exception to be granted is one that will require the least modification of the prescribed regulations and the minimum variance that will accomplish the purpose because each line of wall sign copy will be less than the maximum sign height allowed. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That after careful consideration of maps, facts, exhibits, testimony and other evidence submitted in this matter, the application no. 09-EXC-01, is hereby approved; and That the subconclusions upon which the findings and conditions specified in this Resolution are based and contained in the public hearing record concerning Application 09-EXC-01 as set forth in the Minutes of the Design Review Committee Meeting of November 7, 2001, and are incorporated by reference herein. Resolution No. 67 09-EXC-01 November 7, 2001 Page 2 SECTION III: CONDITIONS ADMINISTERED BY THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT. 1. APPROVED EXHIBITS Approval is based on a plan set entitled: CAP GEMINI / ERNST & YOUNG, 20425 STEVENS CREED, CAPERTINO, CA" and consisting of four sheets that are unnumbered and dated 9/20/01 and 8/29/01, excepted as may be amended by conditions contained in this resolution. 2. EXCEPTION LIMITATIONS The exception is granted for only the wall sign copy arranged in two lines of text, and the corporate logo centered above the building entrances as documented in the approved plan set. The illuminated wall cabinets are not approved. 3. NOTICE OF FEES, DEDICATIONS, RESERVATIONS OR OTHER EXACTIONS The Conditions of Project Approval set forth herein may include certain fees, dedication requirements, reservation requirements, and other exactions. Pursuant to Government Code Section 66020(d) (1), these Conditions constitute written notice of a statement of the amount of such fees, and a description of the dedications, reservations, and other exactions. You are hereby further notified that the 90 -day approval period in which you may protest these fees, dedications, reservations, and other exactions, pursuant to Government Code Section 66020(a), has begun. If you fail to file a protest within this 90 -day period complying with all of the requirements of Section 66020, you will be legally barred from later challenging such exactions. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 7th day of November 2001, at a Regular Meeting of the Design Review Committee of the City of Cupertino, State of California, by the following roll call vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Chen and Chairperson Corr NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSTAIN: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: ATTEST: P Ciddy Wordell City Planner g: /planning/dre/09-EXC-01 res. doc APPROVED: Charles Corr, Chairperson Design Review Committee