DRC Summary 102004 City of Cupertino 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014 (408) 777-3308 To: Mayor and City Council Members Planning Commissioners From: Steve Piasecki, Director of Community Development Date: October 26, 2004 Subj: REPORT OF DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE FINAL DECISIONS MADE October 20, 2004. Chapter 19.136 of the Cupertino Municipal code provides for A eal of decisions made b the Desi Review Committee 1. Application R-2004-34; Shahrokh Deilami, 10614 Randy Lane Description Residential Design Review for a new, two-story 3,422 square foot residence in the RI-A zoning district. Action The Design Review Committee approved the application on a 2-0 vote. This is effective October 20, 2004. The fourteen-calendar day appeal will expire on November 3, 2004. Enclosures: Design Review Committee Report of October 20, 2004 Resolution No. 181 Plan Set G:planningIDrc/l 02004 summaryletter.doc To: From: Subject: Location: Design Review Committee Peter Gilli, Senior Planner Application: R-2004-34 10614 Randy Lane Date: October 20, 2004 Project Description: Residential design review for a new two-story 3,422 square foot residence in the R1-a zoning district. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Design Review Committee: 1. Approve R-2004-34, subject to the model resolution. BACKGROUND On November 17, 2003, the City Council enacted an ordinance that rezoned the Linwood Acres neighborhood from Al to Rl-a. The Linwood Acres neighborhood consists of 68 single-family residential homes in Randy Lane and Larry Way between Merritt Drive and Lucille Avenue. This application is the first two-story residence proposed in the neighborhood since the Rl-a zoning was enacted. The subject site has a new two-story house to the north, single-story homes across Randy Lane to the west, and single-story homes to the south. A church parking lot is located to the rear of the subject site. Less than 15% of the homes in the Linwood Acres neighborhood are two-story. DISCUSSION Floor Area The new house is approximately 3,900 sq. ft. in area, which is floor area ratio of about 40%. The applicant could have built up to 4,400 sq. ft. Second Floor Area The Rl-a district allows a second-story to be up to 40% of the first story with a maximum of 1,100 sq. ft. The proposed second story is 1,112 sq. ft. in area. As a condition of approval, the applicant must reduce the second story by 12 sq. ft. Despite having a large amount of underutilized space in the middle of the second story, the proposed second story easily accommodates two bedrooms and a large master suite. Side Setback The original Al zoning required a side setback of 20 feet from both property lines. This would have resulted in the owner having to keep one of the existing walls of the old house and extend it. The Rl-a zoning reduced the side setback to 10 feet on both sides, which allows the owner to completely demolish the original house and build a new structure. I-I R-20Q4-34 October 20. 2004 Page 2 of3 Landscaping The Rl-a district requires a landscaping plan for all additions to ensure that landscaping improvements are provided with home improvement projects. The landscaping plan is provided on Sheet A.2. The intent of this requirement is not to review the contents of the landscaping plan, but to ensure that some landscaping improvements will be made. Privacy The Rl-a district has a guideline that calls for side facing second-story windows to have sill heights of at least five feet, or be obscured and unopenable. The proposed house meets this guideline. All side facing second story windows have sill heights of at least five feet. One or two privacy trees will be required in each of the back corners of the lot to screen views from the circular windows in the sitting area. A condition of approval has been added to the model resolution to that effect. Heights The total height is 25' -3", well below the maximum height of 28'. The first and second story plate heights of the house are 8'6" and 8'. In the rear half of the house, the first and second story plate heights are 9' and 9'. The master bedroom on the second story utilizes a vaulted ceiling to achieve an area with a 10' plate height. The design achieves the goal of reducing the neighborhood's perception of mass and bulk while still having a taller plate height in many of the rear rooms. Porch The Rl-a district encourages front porches by allowing them to encroach into the front setback because porches, instead of entry features, provide a friendlier façade to the neighborhood. This design encroaches two feet into the required thirty-foot front setback. To emphasize the entry, a taller gable element is used. The height of this element relates well to the eave line of the porch. Detailing and Materials The exterior of the house will be stucco with a concrete tile roof. A wood trellis is proposed above the garage door, supported by two columns that are used in the front porch design. Most of the windows will have a heavy trim and sills, which are part of the Mediterranean style. To add a level of interest to the base of the second story wall, a trim piece has been added. Second Story Wall Offsets The R1-a zoning regulations include a guideline that requires second story wall offsets every twenty-four feet. These offsets should be at least four feet deep and ten feet wide. Along the right side elevation, there is a span of nearly thirty feet without a four-foot deep offset, instead using a two-foot offset. Staff believes that given the overall design, the right side elevation is sufficiently articulated and the intent of the guideline is met. I-.;L R-2004-34 October 20, 2004 Page 3 of 3 Second Story Wall Perimeter The standard Rl regulations require 50% of the perimeter of the second story walls to have visible wall heights of less than six feet in height, and that these walls need to be offset at least four feet from the first story wall plane. This regulation discourages two-story wall planes and wall planes that are not sufficiently offset from the first story. The R1-a district considers this regulation as a guideline. The entire front elevation of the proposed project has visible wall heights of six feet or less. Most of the rear elevation has visible heights over six feet, but there are no residences to the rear of the site. Overall, staff believes that by reducing the wall heights on the front, the applicant has met the general intent of the regulation. Approval Findings In order to approve this project, the Design Review Committee must make all of the following findings (staff recommendations are included for each): a. The project is generally compatible with the established pattern of building forms, building materials and designs of homes in the neighborhood. The applicant has taken every reasonable effort to make the home compatible with the established pattern of homes in the neighborhood by not utilizing exaggerated wall and entry heights. b. The project is consistent with the City's single-family residential design guidelines and the guidelines in this chapter and any inconsistencies have been found to not result in impacts on neighbors. As stated in the report, the project conforms to the design guidelines. Staff believes that the areas where the project is somewhat inconsistent with the guidelines, including visible second-story wall heights and wall offsets, do not cause impacts on neighbors. c. Significant adverse visual and privacy impacts as viewed from adjoining properties have been mitigated to the maximum extent possible. Privacy impacts have been reduced to the maximum extent. Except for the views from the sitting room window into the rear corner of neighboring yards, there are no direct views from second story windows into neighboring yards. Visual impacts have been reduced to the maximum extent possible by the use of moderate plate heights and sufficient detailing on the building. Prepared by: Peter Gilli, Senior Planner r::t::. Attachments: Model Resolution Plan Set 1-3 R-2004-34 CITY OF CUPERTINO 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, California 95014 RESOLUTION OF THE DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO APPROVING AN NEW TWO-STORY RESIDENCE IN THE R1-A ZONING DISTRICT. SECTION I: PROTECT DESCRIPTION Application No.: Applicant: Location: R-2004-34 Shahrokh Deilami 10164 Randy Lane SECTION II: FINDINGS WHEREAS, the necessary public notices have been given in accordance with the Procedural Ordinance of the City of Cupertino, and the Design Review Committee has held one or more public hearings on this matter; and WHEREAS, the applicant has met the burden of proof required to support said application; and has satisfied the following requirements: 1. The project is consistent with the Cupertino General Plan and Title 19 of the Cupertino Municipal Code. 2. The granting of this permit will not result in detrimental or injurious conditions to property or improvements in the vicinity, or to the public health, safety or welfare. 3. The project is generally compatible with the established pattern of building forms, building materials and designs of homes in the neighborhood. 4. The project is consistent with the City's single-family residential design guidelines and the guidelines in this chapter and any inconsistencies have been found to not result in impacts on neighbors. 5. Significant adverse visual and privacy impacts as viewed from adjoining properties have been mitigated to the maximum extent possible. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That after careful consideration of maps, facts, exhibits, testimony and other evidence submitted in this matter, the design review application is hereby approved subject to the conditions which are enumerated in this Resolution beginning on page 2 thereof; and That the subconclusions upon which the findings and conditions specified in this resolution are based and contained in the public hearing record concerning Application R-2004-34 set forth in the Minutes of the Design Review Committee meeting of, October 20, 2004, and are incorporated by reference as though fully set forth herein. SECTION III. CONDITIONS ADMINISTERED BY THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT. [-1 Resolution Page 2 R-2004-34 October 20, 2004 1. APPROVED PROTECT The proposed two story house is approved, based on the conceptual plans entitled "Custom Home: Owner: Mr. Deilami / Mrs. Barnia: Address: 10614 Randy Lane Cupertino, California," by Glush Design Associates dated March 2004 last updated September 9, 2004, except as amended by this resolution. 2. PRIVACY TREES One to two privacy trees will be required in each rear corner of the lot, subject to Planning staff approval. A covenant shall be recorded on the property to ensure the preservation of these trees. The language of the covenant will be subject to Planning staff approval. 3. LANDSCAPING PLAN The applicant may adjusted the landscaping plan to remove proposed trees in the side yards in areas where privacy planting is not required, subject to Planning staff approval. 3. SECOND STORY AREA The maximum second story area shall be 1,100 sq. ft. 4. NOTICE OF FEES, DEDICATIONS, RESERVATIONS OR OTHER EXACTIONS The Conditions of Project Approval set forth herein may include certain fees, dedication requirements, reservation requirements, and other exactions. Pursuant to Government Code Section 66020( d) (1), these Conditions constitute written notice of a statement of the amount of such fees, and a description of the dedications, reservations, and other exactions. You are hereby further notified that the 90-day approval period in which you may protest these fees, dedications, reservations, and other exactions, pursuant to Government Code Section 66020(a), has begun. lf you fail to file a protest within this 90- day period complying with all of the requirements of Section 66020, you will be legally barred from later challenging such exactions. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 20th day of October 2004, at a Regular Meeting of the Design Review Committee of the City of Cupertino, State of California, by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: ATTEST: COMMISSIONERS: COMMISSIONERS: COMMISSIONERS: COMMISSIONERS: APPROVED: Ciddy Wordell City Planner Gilbert Wong, Chairperson Design Review Committee I-~ R-2004-34 CITY OF CUPERTINO 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, California 95014 RESOLUTION NO. 181 OF THE DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO APPROVING A NEW TWO-STORY RESIDENCE IN THE RI-A ZONING DISTRICT. SECTION I: PROTECT DESCRIPTION Application No.: Applicant: Location: R-2004-34 Shahrokh Deilarni 10614 Randy Lane SECTION II: FINDINGS WHEREAS, the necessary public notices have been given in accordance with the Procedural Ordinance of the City of Cupertino, and the Design Review Committee has held one or more public hearings on this matter; and WHEREAS, the applicant has met the burden of proof required to support said application; and has satisfied the following requirements: 1. The project is consistent with the Cupertino General Plan and Title 19 of the Cupertino Municipal Code. 2. The granting of this permit will not result in detrimental or injurious conditions to property or improvements in the vicinity, or to the public health, safety or welfare. 3. The project is generally compatible with the established pattern of building forms, building materials and designs of homes in the neighborhood. 4. The project is consistent with the City's single-family residential design guidelines and the guidelines in this chapter and any inconsistencies have been found to not result in impacts on neighbors. 5. Significant adverse visual and privacy impacts as viewed from adjoining properties have been mitigated to the maximum extent possible. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That after careful consideration of maps, facts, exhibits, testimony and other evidence submitted in this matter, the design review application is hereby approved subject to the conditions which are enumerated in this Resolution beginning on page 2 thereof; and That the subconclusions upon which the findings and conditions specified in this resolution are based and contained in the public hearing record concerning Application R-2004-34 set forth in the Minutes of the Design Review Committee meeting of, October 20, 2004, and are incorporated by reference as though fully set forth herein. SECTION III. CONDITIONS ADMINISTERED BY THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT. Resolution No. 181 Page 2 R-2004-34 October 20, 2004 1. APPROVED PROTECT The proposed two story house is approved, based on the conceptual plans entitled "Custom Home: Owner: Mr. Deilami / Mrs. Barnia: Address: 10614 Randy Lane Cupertino, California," by Glush Design Associates dated March 2004 last updated September 9, 2004, except as amended by this resolution. 2. PRIVACY TREES One to two privacy trees will be required in each rear corner of the lot, subject to Planning staff approval. A covenant shall be recorded on the property to ensure the preservation of these trees. The language of the covenant will be subject to Planning staff approval. 3. LANDSCAPING PLAN The applicant may adjusted the landscaping plan to remove proposed trees in the side yards in areas where privacy planting is not required, subject to Planning staff approval. 3. SECOND STORY AREA The maximum second story area shall be 1,100 sq. ft. 4. NOTICE OF FEES, DEDICATIONS, RESERVATIONS OR OTHER EXACTIONS The Conditions of Project Approval set forth herein may include certain fees, dedication requirements, reservation requirements, and other exactions. Pursuant to Government Code Section 66020(d) (1), these Conditions constitute written notice of a statement of the amount of such fees, and a description of the dedications, reservations, and other exactions. You are hereby further notified that the 90-day approval period in which. you may protest these fees, dedications, reservations, and other exactions, pursuant to Government Code Section 66020(a), has begun. lf you fail to file a protest within this 90- day period complying with all of the requirements of Section 66020, you will be legally barred from later challenging such exactions. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 20th day of October 2004, at a Regular Meeting of the Design Review Committee of the City of Cupertino, State of California, by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Commissioner Miller and Chairperson Wong COMMISSIONERS: COMMISSIONERS: COMMISSIONERS: ATTEST: APPROVED: Isl Ciddy Wordell Ciddy Wordell City Planner I sl Gilbert Wong Gilbert Wong, Chairperson Design Review Committee ;1¡ w (j) .... >- ~ ¡:: Z - « (f) 0:: Z ~ W 0 ....J w § ::::> z Ii: (j) a w z :::> w Z w 0 z .... .... a 0 ri. ë§ z Ü >- w => .... >- eJ 0 oc :; :::> w Õ oc z >- w 00 " ....I 0 ¡¡: ~ W oow w:( g ~~ c a:~~~ Yo! ðlll 2 ~ ~ f-W æ ~ 0;;5 iii "'- ¡:¡ wO 0 ~ ;?;:::; < 0 Iii b 0 -'~:ið !t! ¡i"'- ::;~ ~ if~ W ~za; ~~~ffigõ ~ª ~g ~ ~ð~ffi~ ~~~ª Õ ~ffi~ffið~ð5~o~ ~~~~-,~OQ~ffi Œ ~~£!L~~~~ ffi~ ~I~*~¡~i~ª¡ª~~~~~~~§~~~~~~;i~~~~~~~~i ~ . g. u.:æ: . r2 UJ...! ~~Q~0d~g~c~:::;~~~9~...!~~q-,-,-,~<Æp~x~~~~ ~~ a;a;UJoo~~~>~~~a:~ØI~~~ZOoo~",-~~a;&~womo~~I~ LL LL 0 LL "- "-00 .... 0 0 0_ 00 LLW 00 LLu....:5lL 0 00:: moo 00", 0 00 tI oow ....a>. 00(1)0 ... om "'''' C/JC/J(1)W ~ 0 't m> on'" C'lu ~ <of "'0 .... ..... ~~r!,~ ":0 <>iN ... . , II øo:: ~~Ñ"-A '1 Ò "'- ",-'" 1 : :- m . . oi 0 m "'''' i!i N ~ : « w ~ ~ ~ ò ui ~ « jei 00 eJ « : ~~ ~ ~ ò 0 .. 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