FAC 10-26-04 APPROVED MINUTES CUPEIQ1NO FINE ARTS COMMISSION Regular Meeting, Conference Room A 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino October 26, 2004 CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL Present: Chairperson Nancy Canter and Commissioners, Hema Kundargi, Shirley Lin-Kinoshita (7:05), Janet Mohr, and Carl Orr. Staff present: City Clerk Kimberly Smith. APPROVAL OF MINUTES I. Minutes of the regular meeting of September 28, 2004. Commissioner Carl Orr moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of September 28, 2004. Commissioner Hema Kundargi seconded and motion passed unanimously with Commissioner Shirley Lin-Kinoshita absent. PRESENTATIONS - None ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - None WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS City Clerk Kimberly Smith distributed copies of the Santa Clara County Library Policy and Procedure Manual. She indicated that the policy is very specific regarding donations and that the commission may want to streamline or add to its own guidelines. Chairperson Nancy Canter updated the commission on Stanford University's decision to refuse a public art donation. COMMISSIONER REPORTS 2. Monthly meeting with Mayor James (3rd Tuesday, 7 a.m., Hobee's Restaurant) Commissioner Hema Kundargi informed the commission that she was not able to attend the September meeting, but will attend the November meeting. 3. Arts-related news updates ITom Commissioners City Clerk reported that she had sent out the current public art guidelines to City Council on October 14. October 26, 2004 Cupertino Fine Arts Commission Page 2 UNFINISHED BUSINESS 4. Continue plans for a public hearing at the Quinlan Community Center regarding a location for the donated statue of Cyrus the Great. City Clerk reviewed a draft staff report for the public hearing regarding the placement of Cyrus the Great and requested that the commission review the report. She also requested that the commissioners look around the city for additional locations that they felt would be good for placement of art. NEW BUSINESS 5. Review schedule for General Plan amendment hearings, including joint Planning Commission/Fine Arts Commission meeting of January 25,2005. City Clerk reported that Council suggested that various boards and commissions do joint meetings so that they could be present when items related to their work were being discussed as it relates to the General Plan update. She indicated that a schedule was created and that the Fine Arts Commission is scheduled to attend a joint meeting with the Housing Commission and Planning Commission on January 25. She indicated that commissioners should be prepared to provide their input regarding the percent for art program. STAFF REPORTS 6. Committee Roster (information item) NEWS ARTICLES 7. Media coverage - None ADJOURNMENT At 7:50 p.m. the meeting was adjourned. Kimberly Smith,