DRC 11-03-04 Design Review Committee November 3, 2004 Cupertino, CA 95014 (408) 777-3308 APPROVED MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE HELD ON NOVEMBER 3, 2004 ROLL CALL Committee Members present: Gilbert Wong, Chairperson Marty Miller, Commissioner Committee Members absent: None Staff present: Colin Jung Staff absent: None APPROVAL OF MINUTES: October 20, 2004 Minutes of the October 20, 2004 Design Review Committee were approved. October 27, 2004 Minutes of the October 27, 2004 Design Review Committee were approved. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: POSTPONEMENTSjREMOV AL FROM CALENDAR: ORAL COMMUNICATION: None CONSENT CALENDAR: None PUBLIC HEARING: 1. Application: Applicant: Location: EXC-2004-14 Alan Ford (Pick Up Stix) 20530 Stevens Creek Boulevard 2 Design Review Committee November 3, 2004 Exception to the sign ordinance to allow a sign that is 3 feet, 4 inches in height when 2 feet in height is allowed. (Crossroads Shopping Center) Design Review Committee decision final unless appealed. Staff Presentation: Colin Jung, Senior Planner, briefly described the project. Staff recommends approval. John Blue, San Pedro Electric Sign Company, stated that the logo is a little different than the national chain. Since they cannot use a yellow background, the sign size a little larger. MOTION: SECOND: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: VOTE: Commissioner Miller moved to approve EXC-2004-14. Chairperson Wong None None 2-0 2. Application: Applicant: Location: R-2004-36 Louie Leu (Iqbal residence) 1358 S. Stelling Road (Lot 2) Residential Design Review for a new two-story 3,980 square foot residence. Design Review Committee decision final unless appealed. Staff Presentation: Colin Jung, Senior Planner, briefly described the project. Regarding privacy protection on the north side of the property, there are four windows on the second story. The three furthest windows to the left need to be raised about I-inch on the sill height for privacy protection. The architect has been notified. The fourth window is not a concern. The sizes of the trees in relation to what is being proposed is a little out of proportion to what is required. The architect is aware that this will need to be changed at the building permit stage. Discussion continued regarding privacy trees, curbs and gutters. Louie Leu, architect, stated that the windows on the right hand side of the house will be above five feet and one of the windows on the left side has been eliminated. Ann Orom, neighbor north of the property, was concerned about on-street parking. 3 Design Review Committee November 3, 2004 Preston Oka, neighbor, was concerned about his mother who lives at 1382 S. Stelling Road. Mr. Oka wanted to confirm that the large pine tree in the front would be removed. Mr. Jung stated that that tree will be removed. Mr. Oka also asked if the eucalyptus near the curb area could be trimmed back. Due to budget considerations, the City cannot trim the tree. Mr. Oka expressed interest in sharing the expense of the trimming. Another question was if the soil grade was going to remain the same. Mr. Jung stated that he would have to get back to Ms. Orom regarding the on-street parking. He also stated that the story poles are accurate and the lot will not be elevated, soil wise. Discussion continued regarding the eucalyptus trees and right-of-way. MOTION: SECOND: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: VOTE: Commissioner Miller moved to approve R-2004-36. Chairperson Wong None None 2-0 OLD BUSINESS: None NEW BUSINESS: None Respectfully submitted: ~A4~ WUf-, Kiersa Witt Administrative Clerk g:planning/DRC CommitteejM.inutesll 0304