CC 01-03-92 \. . . þ / C::rri OF aJPml'1}Ð, 8JM'F' OF CALIRRŒA 10300 'ltRæ AVENJE, C1JPERl'IK), CA 95014 'IßIF.PfUŒ: (408) 252-4505 MDVl'ES OF 'lHE ADJOORNED CI'lY CDUNCII,lCI'lY MANI\GER N:Rl<SIÐP HE[l) œ ~ 3, 1992 AT 'lHE CX11RlYARD BY HARRIOIT, aJPERl'IlÐ, CALIRRŒA CAIL TO œœR . 'D¡e meeting was called to order at 8:35 a.m, roIL CAlL CCA.InC. PL 1;[ ht: Dean, GoldllBn, Kqpel, Szabo, Mayor Sorensen staff ~ SEnt: City Manager Dan Brown 1. Rt:r<>rt Œ1 1991-92 City O::iuncil Goals 'D¡e city manager went: thrcugh item by item the 1991-92 goals update ~""t'UI.l that was c1istrib1ted to the city oounc:i1 in advance of the meetinq. 'lhe follcwin:¡ additi.a1al ctirec:tion and ç. ........Its were provided 00 this report. 1. -........H,.,... -......... Elm: 'lhe oamcil requested an estimate of the )'11-" of hcuxB allocated to each project sham in the matrix o."'t'UI.t. O::iuncil also reIJJ8Sted a DDre detailed report of the varlcus scbool sites that are slated to be ~..coC1tod by the city to in:lude the )'11-" of sites, the order of their inpravement, the timeline and the linn".. amcunt per site. Direction was also given to CCI1Sider doinJ a biddin;J Œ1 all the sites at CI'1e time to get the best pœsJble bid even t:hcugh the "-'Ot'k wculd be (.tIased CNer two to three years. ChI Jœy ocnoem Œ1 this issue was the ability to .....il...ul costs so that these scbool sites c:x:minq Œ1 line later wculd not face a fUnd shortage. 'lhe oounc:il's desire is to establish a _vi__ linl1ar amcunt per site that 1o'CW.d be authorized. U additiooal i:aptovements above this lI1<',dnlllft amcunt were to be amsidered, they wculd only CXIIIB after all the scbool sites had received their share. 1'iI!1 ~ RI~: 'lhe oamcil has tentatively agl..,.,d to not pm;ue this matter at this time. ~ 1J.œnse 1'Ix: O::iuncil as.~ the staff to verify that a ~ IIœnSiii tax update oculd be a<xx:.apli.shed by a vote of the city oamcil. If so, it may be ptUdent to begin the update Œ1 a P.ased bilsis SOCI1Ør rather than later. 'Ihe staff was also asJœd to look into the possibility of providiJ'g for offsets on the bJsiness li.œnse tax to ref1..ect the positive bpact fran retail sales of different kinds of bus.iJ'-.--as. 2. 3. ~lVUllellt: As <li......- Ell in the 1992-93 Goals report later Œ1 in this meetinq, the city oamcil wculd 1iJœ to take another look at redevel'¥'"'".t frail a political point of view versus a teduùca1 point of view, 5. &§ In· .tJ.w 2f SiW:II lU !Qr S2U1sæ: '!he city oounc:i1 will review this as part of the general plan review process in the œxt few mcnt:hs. 4. en a related matter, the city oounc:il instructed the city manager to review the status of iix:J:easing the construction tax and to report the status durinJ the ~t review process, " ~.. .. · PatJe 2 6. · Grand 1'nllevard: 'D¡e owncil agreed that to pmIUO this I«Uld nq.ù.re a brœd-ba~ ~"1ity <.ó.l lUSUS an1 cU.rec:tien was qiven in the 1992-93 goals 1oIOrlc pt~aua to IIICJIIe toward that kind of ..atsensus P'"~aua. 7. Narrow.tl» Def;nit';m S2t ~...i1": 'Ihe ocuncl.1 bel~ that this is an aw<-'"t'tiate matter ard shculd be included in the revised ZŒÚDJ cxxJe that is ~ dewloped 1:7¡ the """""'''1ity devel_1t staff. In additien, there _ a fair amcunt of ooocem with the historic use of the planned devel_d. zaúrq t:eåII1iq.¡a. 'lhere is a grcwinJ .:xn::ml. that the planned dsve1___1t za~,),/'ide8 too uu;:h n8ldbility to dsve1cprs and ocnsideratien be given to a mare precise zaúrq definitia1 for various lan:l uses. 8. General 5AD: 'D¡e city council _ -ad their desire to be able to revieor the p1arIni.n9 ,."..,."i-i.en's 1oIOrlc product well in advanCe of a joint meirtin;r With the ,."..,."i....ien. In additia1, the possibility of scbedulin;J a ~_ _~k "i 1m with the council ard =1'~_~ ~t~~~ to the joint ræeting with 9. Rorir1øt-, InfcmDi!l~i m: 'D¡e city manager with the S\1¡:v'( t of the aiUiCil c:xmaitted to cbiIJ;J a mare b......JqJLh lii..,.."....icn of the significance of sales tax to the City of 0Ip8rtin0 as part of the 0JPertin0 SCene bo~ 0CIII8t'aIJ8. 10. ,..,........~1 : '1be city CDJnCi.1 pœ1.iminarilr C-.DIÚ.tted to in the league of califŒT".:;..t Cities counc ~..-,i1di1Y;J wrlœhcp in JUne of this year. 2. 1992-93 ~ AND PRJGIW( DIRæl'Iœ: · AttaàIed to ther,p IIIin1tes are the results of the extensive di.....-i.CI'IS held 1:7¡ the city ownciland city manager en the 1992-93 9"""1... 'lbese goals Will "be reviewed 1:7¡ the city's department heads to identify lespaøibilities ard deadlines for ~lishi:aen'v. 3. RE:VIEH AND RE.VL'"E Cl'lY CXXJNCJL 1IR6: 'D¡e city cn1l1Cil n:mœ were reviewed h1t with an élr.jlee.uent to keep them intact. 'lbere was saœ additiooal di"",'1-icn en correspcn:ienoe frail individual oounci1........n..TS to ocnstituents. It was generally agreed that iniividual counc; 1.._.~ era may ..........~.d with ocnstituents ard such ........o.cSpOI'denoe shculd be cxpied to the other oounci1-.~ era ard city managa. In additia1, ..........~idenœ to ocnstituents shoold indicate whether the issue at hard is a view held ŒÙY 1:7¡ the city counci1~ writin;J the letter or if it. .is a shared vieor 1:7¡ others on the city council. ·_....~ _'._,.....~".';"..."';':"'" ~~;"':'~r.... . Page 3 4 , REVIBf 'DIE FœIAT AND IWŒ R:R C1'lY JWW;ER EVAIIJld'Iaf: Mayar SuL.....een offend an øvaJ.uat.icn faDat that "",.111 be used for the city ~ evaluaticn. '1ba __cd ......._IMUS ,.. that it _ a gocx1 fomat to use. '!be city IIIIIIIIII)IIr also CIIfA....ed a survey of organizat.ic:lllll effect.i,--- tbat ..".",lIt be a IIa1881t to the fœ:m ¡m::NidIId by the -z-. It,..~ tbãt the sw:vay of 0rgan1zaticnal --11-xa ( CJI,lIt be ......, DDt cnly by the ci~ CD.II1Cn.. J...... but by city ~ and a ~11'"9 of t&e _-. pJblic. 'n1e city ccunci1 and city IIIIIIIIII)IIr _-'1 that the faI::mal evaluatia1 sessiœ will be belct en FeiD:uuy 15, 1992 at 9 a.a. in ocnftoL......... roaa A at 0Jpertin0 City Ball. AD] Þ City 1992-93 ec.Js Action ~ . Deadline Primary . GOAL A. FINANCE/ECONOMIC 1. City Manager review w / Chamber potential Boon. Dev. Officer -report to coun& pros/cons/c:œts 2. New Rev, sources -review as part of budget process -åty manager do a report of budget process 3. 5- Year Forecast -tie closer to 1 year budget --show options a. Basic: needs worst case to run business b. Normal growth - projections on target c:. Luxury -Blaine does report .,-check bid process re 2-stage bids <_I?) 199243 GoØ Action sø . Deadline Primary . GOAL B. GENERAL PLAN 1. Finish it - set firm deadline 2. Protect hillsid~ 3. Finished product should be clear and meaningful 4. Revisit Goals Committee Report 5. Adopt Affordable Housing mitiga- tion policy 6. Subcommittee (2 counå1 and staff) - to develop strategy for redevelopment w /Bus. Comm. and County 7. Begin the interactive process to develop the consensus points of Grand Blvd. Committee . Action ~ Deadline 1992-93 Goals Primary . . GOAL C. ISSUES WJTH ADJACENT crrœs 1. Evaluate annex/deannex of San Jose area to Cupertino (Rainbow/Bollinger/ Blaney) 2. Evaluate rename Hwy. 9 to De Anza Blvd. (S'vale, San Jose, Cup.) D. REGIONAL ISSUES 1. Measure A Extension --Active monitoring/involvement -Council position at appropriate time 2. Regional Govt. -Adopt council position on regional consolidation and rev. sharing (include property tax) -Stay closely tied into process --Insure shared position(s) . 1992-93 Goù Action Strø . Deadline . GOAL E. TRAFFIC 1. Stevens Creek Blvd. -Proceed w/permissive left --Evaluate keeping interconnect on longer -Followup report to coundl on status of traffic committee -Consider hiring consultant to do an overall analysis of traffic flow improve- ments. (include eliminate barriers) F. CULTURAL DIVERSrrY 1. Ke-energize liaison committee (residents) of various cultures (mayor and åty manager) -Find ways to promote greater community partiåpation . \".¡o.;>" . , 19P2-93 Goals Action -. . n.....n111C . GOAL G. IMPROVE OPERATIONS --Better communicate w/Planning Commission (and ASAC) -minute orders -regu1ar study sessions --Provide structured orientation for new commissioners .- Transmit priority for customer service and "user friendly" environment --Volunteer program -pursue as part of budget H. MISCELLANEOUS 1. Sr. Center expansion -consider w l5-yr. CIP 2. Ordinances (update or new) --cigarette maclúne restriction -blight in side/front yards (Joe A- Gilroy) --Roofs-hillside -Sign ord. . -private tennis lessons preempt public . use . . . Action ~ Deadline 1992-93 GoùI Primary I GOAL I 3. Evaluate computer communication i w / cow\cil at homes I , 4. Review possible move council meetings to 1\1esday . . / , . e ,