CC 01-06-92
10300 'lœRE AVJ!HJE, aJPI!Rl'IW, Cl 95014
'ŒIEPIDiB: (408) 252-4505
HI!Z'l'D(; œ 'nIB RIGJIAR crrr CDH:IL ..........uG JIBU) (Jf
.DINID\RY 6, 1992, CDH:IL OW ..., crrr BaLL,
'DE meeting _ called to mdBr at 6:45 p... by Mt.z--.
Q:Junc. PoL S IL:
Dean, Golåœn, ~l, szabo, Mayor!L.~ BD
staff ~ SML:
City Clerk a....,_lhI8
Director of Pdñ1c 1tJrIœ VisIIDviå1
Director of n-.....wnity ~J.1. ---IL CDrIIn
Director of pi.....- ~
Director of PIIrIœ and ..... -<I i,.,
Assistant to the City ~ BmIII1
Public TnF... ..-Liœ nHioer Krey
City Attamey Ifi 1 i....
Rsque8t amt:imVInnA of Item No. 23 to the
~ 21, 1992.
It _ IIDIIed by (bmc. Goldaim, ..... ..,- by ~...., .-
and pe.,sed .........iIlrllJ81y to cœtimJe Item No. 37 to the
meeting of ~ 21.
. h'l} of
It _ IIDIIed by Q:Junc. Kq:ipeoI, ..... .....wI by ,.",...... GoJdBl
and r-ased urvonillrllJ81y to cœtimJe Item No. 23 to ''''"'''''"''Y
Mayor Sorensen 8IJIY1Inv-' the pel88ÌDg oX vic JIdIIaB, f~
Planning o:mnissi.cner for the City of 0Jpert.iD0.
. ,'"'
...~ -_.,.-- --~.
MDUlES œ 'IHE .:DINUI\RY 6, 1992, RIGIU\R CITf a:ucn.
-..:i:".uC (œ-827)
Ployd Heyer prot:ested to 0:Juncil that his request to be
plaœd œ the agenda WI!I8 not hcr& He reviewed his
œteg:ries of civil servants.
QJunc. Goldœm rEIIDII'ed Item No. 19. Ployd Heyer ..-., JOed
Item No.6. It _ DDved by QJunc, JI'qpe], ...........dbd by
QJunc. Goldœm and ¡-,sed UDIIIÚJIDUBly to "M'L'^"" tile
balance 01 the a:r.-.iL Calendar as sutmitted.
1. !b1th1y Jlctivity Rty....L, NoI....Ib...., 1991. Receive.
2.!b1th1y Treasurer's ~L and Budget t4ùrte, NoI.~,
1991. Receive.
3. A¡:plicaticn 23-ASIIC-91 - ~)Q" - ~~ for I'8ITÏeIf
and a(.p1'OVal of arå1i.t:ect:ural lWYtif'iœt:i.a18 and a
pl.....-i devel.,.,-.L ~ ~uyo.œu for an existing
fumitme stæ:e located œ the mrth IÚdIt of ~
creek BauJ.evaxd ~y 100 feet -.t of POrtal
Avenue. RÞ- . ....- .iAit for GHM-U9IIÙ.
4. JI¡pli.aItia1 ASIIC 21-tJ-90 - Dale Heyer
F-;p-t far review and "M'LU9IIÙ of a pnM-
de\,IIol·,'·-,l plan for an existing œtail center ~"""
at the ~ .............. of ~ creek Bouleva1'd and
R1'""""Y Avenue. Reo· ..,.-.-., for "M'LU9IIÙ.
5, Req!1""It far waiver of bwJi......s 1-1____ fea, CleIIn 1Ister
Act:.ic.o, for calendar year 1992.
6. P---m frail the n-.n--It Calendar.
7. ~-t for waiver of œrt:ain fees for 1_,_i,. 9ociet.y
of America ....løhrity Waiters fundraising luncbeoo,
QIlinl..... Q:mmmity Center, April 24, 1992.
8. A¡:pliœticn for Alcx:iÐlic Beverage a...L...ol 1 i~:
Rekhi Brothers, Inc., 10991 North 1"""'-" Bouleva1'd
(fUuucLly Circle K Mini Mart),
9. Çroval of minutes of the adjourned p?,l,.r meeting of
De. -,~ oer 2, 1991.
MDVŒS œ 'DIE .JJ\NUARY 6, 1992, RIGIIAR crrr <XUICIL'G (œ-8Û)
10. Reøolutial No. 8562: "A Resolution of the City 0:11........1
of the City of 0Jpert.in0 Autharlzing --....i.... of Pint
JIII....du.:..L to ly..........tL I'~-t:ed With the Q:Junt:ywide
IiJusAhnld NII8t:e Q) 1'.1...."...... ßeb I m the 0:Iunty
of santa Clara and the City of Op!rtino."
11. Resolutial No, 8563: "A Resolution of the City fh........l
of the City of 0Jpert.in0 ~i"9 Qui~"l.i... Deed and
AiItharizatiœ for UI.Jt:...'! Mater Ri4Jts frail 'l\u.........
R. and Renee A. MIIttoon, 81m P8mIIndo Q)urt.".
12. Reøolutiœ No. 8564: "A Resolution of the City fh........l
of the City of 0Jpørtin0 JI¡:proving n.ut...~ n-.g..
order No. 2 for ¡rIl...... P8rlt Ikta-.......-Ä.B, Project
9104. "
13, Reøolutiœ No. 8565: "A Resolution of the City fh........l
of the City of 0Jpørtin0 AßEoYing ~~ n-.g..
order !Io. 1, for SI.....øt. ~uny seal,
Project 91-105."
14. J't"t'V..""" of City project t""Lf·....-1 UDder ......d,.....~:
Sluny Seal, Project 91-105 (Va1.1ey Sluny Seal)
(No Œx:aœntati.Œ1 ~.)
15. Reøolutial No. 8566: "A Reøolution of the City fhlrV'il
of the City of 0Jpert.in0 Allowing 0IIrtaiD ,....1_ aDd
DI:..a.m ~ in the JIIDuDt8 aDd FraI the PImds -
Hereinafter Described fŒ Salaries aDd 1IIgII8 for the
~ll Period _ing ~ J"",. 3, 1991."
16. Reøolutiœ No. 8567: "A Resolution of the City 0--.......1
of the City of 0Jpørtin0 Allowing 0IIrtaiD M.i_ and
~.~, "ill Payable in the JIIDImte and FraI the PImds _
Heœinafter Described for and MLøœ11aneaus
Exper¥ti.tures for the Period Ending ItJ\. J...r 27, 1991."
17. Reøolutiœ No. 8568: "A Resolution of the City Cbmcil
of the City of CIpIrtinn Approving Deøtzucti.œ of
Certain Rec.ords (City Clerk and Rlli l~ing Divisiœ."
18, Resolutiœ No. 8569: "A Resolution of the City fh.......1
of the City of 0Jpertin0 Allowing 0IIrtaiD ,.l.i_ and
Dt:.....oos Plly8ble in the J!mJunts and FraIl the J!'Unds _
Hereinafter Desc:ribed for Gerleral and Hi.sœl1aneous
ExpeIId.itures for the Period ErxIing 6, 1991."
19. Ra1Dved £ran the Consent Calenillr.
MCC Program
Va<;atl...:'In of
Por tion "f
Alcazar Av~.
-.¡. ic
hear in~
KI!VŒS œ 'l1fE JJ\NUAKY 6, 1992, REGUU\R Cl'l'f O.:ucn.
......u·.u«; (CC-827)
20. Request for ~,¥ £ran General l"Imd for the
pmpose of plan meddnq expenditure needs.
YQt§ .......1 oÂ. I:t of the City n..1IV'!; 1
DeIm, Golàœn, Keppel, Szabo, a...~ !11
6. J!dcpt.icn of reeolutial and ~V>IIÙ. of ooop-aLive
_..........L for antimúng pIIrticipIIticn in the ItJrtgIIIgB
credit OBrtificate (KX:) P......,...cou,
(a) Reeolutial No. 8561: "A Reso1utial of the City
O:IIVV'i 1 of the City of 0Jpertim AIlthori.zing
Rxecut:i.œ. of a C«t-.a:Live ~..........l BetJ~ e en the
Q]unty of Santa Clara and the City of ~
for Pðrti.cipIIti.c in a ItJrtgIIIgB Cnldit 0IIrtifiœte
(KX:) P1.....,...cou aDd Authorizing App].iœtia1 for
Al1oœtia1 of ØJrtgIIge credit certifiœte
Insuranœ Autbority."
It _ IIDV'8d by 0Junc. ~l, ...........Jt.J by 0Junc. Goldalm
and r--ncf I.......;_ly to ~ Resolutial No. 8561.
19. ~ of IIIÌm.JteØ of the ro>9"l.... meet:inq of De- -..1 ~I
2, 1991.
It _ IIDV'8d by 0Junc. Goldalm, ...........Jt.J by 0Junc. szabo
and p-øecI urumi_ly to "H'Lu./8 the minutes.
21. Public hearing to <XJII8i.der vaœtia1 of a portion of
AJ ........... Avenue.
(a) Resoluti.œ No. 8570: "A Resolutial of the City
0:11""'; 1 of tho City of 0Jpertim ar:derinq Vaœt.ia1
of a l'CrtÏ.a1 of Alcazar Avem¡,e, BetL: ell OLaay:>
Avenue and :n..,......ial Avenue as Provided in Sect.iœ
8320 Et Seq. of the Streets and }li<1-YB axle of
the state of califomia,"
Following staff repnt, as there _ no public .. ...,~.l,
Mayor Sorensen closed the public hearing and bI:cur;#lt the
Ii; Al"'lJBsi.a1 to Camcil.
MINUTES CF THE .DIN(U{y 6, 1992, RI!GJIAR crrr axø::n.
......~-.LrG (<X:-827)
It _ DDUed by fh....., lfqpel, _n,Lt by Qœc. Q)låIIm
and parsed to adept the resolut.iœ.
22. Jlß-l of staff ,w...¡..ioo filed by JæIBs C. and Jeoay A.
Hoffmlm. (I88UØ settled, Request nm:JYal ñaD ~.)
'1his itEm bad been .._.led fxaD the ~.
23, AR>liœtia1 No. 1G-U-89 (JIo..--....1) a...1.;>filY\
DeYe1..,'.-.L Qnporatia1 - JII-""-.L of a use Fel:JDit to
IInrH fy the ard1i.t:ectural desjq1 of ~ II IDS a-
III of the residI!atial \DÚts. 'D¡e ~_lz is I............
en the .............. of Del!W'A BculeIIard and a...-Le6o:I RDIId.
EnvL.. - .tal Døt:eI:IDinati.: 'DIe ~i-inn
.Leo.............. the ~ing of a ~hM n-l_inn.
Reo ....._.iM fer .....;..1. ("""-'11ed to be œsm by no-i_inn CD .TAm""'}' 13, 1992. Þl-t
a:.ot:im.....",. to .--''''''1' 21, 1992.)
'1his item _ "".,Hm_ to .TAm""'}' 21, 1992 earliE in the
24. None.
25. None.
26. CDI8idBratiœ of œñiNmnlll _ Al1i-'IwhJ"
Hcœing Qmaittee.
(a) Pirst p-ting of OErli- No. 1576: "AD
OrdiNmnlll of the City C"n"""'¡ 1 of the City of
t\1pertino JIàJpting l"hto.(F- 2.86 of the ~
}III"';";pnl Cbde to Est"AhHodt an A!f1.....IwhI. B:Jusing
Qmaittee. "
Pollawinq revi.uw of his o."'t'UI.L, Db:ect:ar of n-ro...ity
J)evIool''I.,.-.l 0::IIiIm told Councll that .......,M they _...... the
œ:tIinIInce, the pl......;ng I' is r'" ....._..-1-Ing .u.z
H!Inn as the I'hnni_iœ's L<¥L B
It _ DDUed by C"n...... ~, ~..;bl by Qœc. Q)låIIm
and pllBsed unanimJusly to ~uoJe the staff L~ .....- .1Rtiœ.
Ron. No. 8570
Affordable Housin
Firs tread lng
Ord. 1576
Council posi-
MDVŒS œ 'DII!: .DINUARY 6, 1992, RI!nD:AR crrr ancn.
......~- uC \ CC-821 )
It _ 11DIIed by (bmc. l{q:pel, -....aitod by Qxmc. ~1"""
and J?"aCJed 11nMI''''''''lBly to read Ordinance No. 1576 by title
only and the City Clerk's reading to oonstitute the first
t-iing tbel::eo£.
27. 0:11.....; 1 positial regBrding regi.œal cpIn:oL........L.
City MI!Inðger 8mIm stated he Ms received a revised <qJy of
SB 797. He also distributed stille notes ~ by fhWlt".
Golåœn pert"Aining to this 1egislat:.i.œ. Mr. &....
IRIIIIIIIrized points of a dt'aft letter he is ....'¥"'ing to bna
sent to SerIator H...."""'.. 0X1cems ........_øed by fhwvoil
iJr.ludsd the ... ".: IBd JDBthcd of voting, ~. ". &ad -- of
revenue sharing, the pcesibility of using loœl diV'IIIDJity,
and JDBthcd of se1ect:ir¡g.."'l4 B!nt.atiWS,
It _ 11DIIed by (bmc. Kqpù, _n.iAd by Qxmc. Gol......
and ~CJed .........inr!llBly to direct. Msyar !L........... to send a
letter to --.... H...."""'. DBking the follawiDg points:
A. 'Ibe of single-purpoøe r-gJt'W\al .._.,..-........
Ahnll1ti ~t in a mini...... cost saving of 25\.
B. 'DIe interim boIIrd Ahnn1ti have edvisoIy ¡.uwaLD only
and DO œt gain of paIiIBr and authorities ovoar
t:hcøe alnmy in me..."..d '9"'"""i es.
C. Ead1 CXU1ty Ahr.IIM be ..~ J-::Led ...."¥41 itwllOt--ø to
P'1"'l....i.... with ..~ s all elected
D. "a.ll:..- up" pllmninq efíw.L.
B. As per No. 5 in the draft, with the additi.œ tbIIt
I!!IßY l'8I/I!!DU8 sbariDg A.....,1ti i.....lI... ~_LJ' tax
and otbI!Ir t:axes with a IICIl cIi.scret.i.œar rate.
'D¡e ---mt received Ahnn1ti be pE"qJOrtionste to the of t:axes paid and J:leuxws Ahnll1ti DOt be
aJDBidb...:d. staff _ dh:ect:ed to cb an analysis
at our i'L_ Lz> tax fi9Ires and in regeu.d to
police, fiIe, etc., but the 1""9""9'" is to r-in
eo·, 'bat ~ in the letter.
F. 'D1ere is stille <XX1oem regrmting the geo.".."l>¡"",l
11Blœup of the reg:iœal body.
'D1ey also requested clarifiœtiœ in the IŒ!ttxxI. of
of the interim boIIrd, 'D1ey pœ1:erred it be clarified thIIt
nooe of the cities' fuOOs IoUIÙd g;J to fund this øt.pA-y noW'
or in the future.
'-.' - ~~. ···Y'·
MIl«m!:S CP 'DIE JJIMDIRY 6, 1992, RI!G1IAR crrr ancn.
...........ur; (œ-827)
By ocnsensus, o,oVY'i 1 diæcted the DUIØCt:.œ" of Pi........... to
reI -rœ and cb an analysis regm:ding }IL"i'""LLz' tax fi9u:es,
fire, police, etc.
Mr. Brown stated that a ~ittee of city ~ is
J 001<; '19 into this IIIIItt:er and I!!IßY wœ:k àJne by Mr. Sbzdb¡.
wculd be incotporated into it.
28. 8electia1 of <Dmcll.."t'L I ILlltive to serve (Xl Sports
Center QJntract NeI;ptiaticD QDldttee.
It _ IIDII'8d by <bmc. J{qp1, _...""1 by <bmc. Szabo and
r-sed urvmilrl\J81y to 8ßlCÚut <bmc. DBIm to serve (Xl the
Sports Center a...d........"t ~ QDldttee,
29. Setting date for pJb1ic œuing, joint City n-a........l and
Planning n-onni_ia1 . E CO ing, to Iii..".,. pt"'Hmhllny
General Plan.
o,olrV'il set 6:30 p.m., l'\!ibruIIty 4, n.,,___ RDaœ C and
D, for a tti......./study B -i... of n-a"""¡1 and 6:30-8:00
p.m., l'\!ibruIIty 10, for a joint ue.i... with the aaian.
30. RitJ-Y 85 _-·-'lB
(a) No. 8571: "A Rssolutiœ of the City
n-a........l of the City of ~ .Al1t-hm-i...hog
~1t-i... of ~ .. Bel '1 m the senta Clara
Cbmty Trsffic JlJ1t-lvwi.ty and the City of ~
ØDut:e 85, lh.....-llA RoIhinrt YanI at
MIu:y Avenue."
(b) Rssolutiœ No. 8572: "A Rssolutiœ of the City
n-a........l of the City of ~ .AI1tbr:Irizing
BIBcuticn of ~ -.l. Bet:I! en the senta Clara
Cbmty '!'rJtffic Autharity and the City of ~
ØDut:e 85, .............. BoulevImi BridIJe ""_ing
Project, "
Counc. Szabo !IIIOOUIlOE!d that he hils a aJIIflict of
interest in this IIIIItt:er and, th.u.afw.a, he WDUld step
à:Jwn. Counc. szabo took a seat in the Alv'li"")œ.
It _ IIDII'8d by <bmc. Golåalm, ~d:d by Counc, J{qp1
and plUlsed 4-0, with Counc. Szabo IItB_Il., to ðdqJt the bID
QJunc. Szabo retumed to the dIús.
Sports Center Con-
tract Negotiation
Rilhway 85 agree-
Res. 8571 & 8572
First reading
Ord. 1577
Park dedica-
tion credit
Sess ion
..... ,- -,- ."......."~,.~-,~~"'~.~'.-
". "..~......_~"._.....",.,..-
~ ~ -" .~- ......,.,,...~_.,....~. -.... ~.,.-..."',,~,."':""1'~~~
MD«JmS œ 'DIB JAt«JARY 6, 1992, RI!ØJIM crrr aDCIL
.......a:.uG (œ-827)
31. n-.n..i~i..... of RIIDVing 110 PIIrking Zelle, 80Uth sidII
of ~ AWImB, eII8t of Al.....y AwIIue.
(a) First reeding of (krfi....- 1i:). 1577: "An
Qr,ti""""", of the City fh.......l of the City of
~ ~i"9 ~- 11.24.150 of tba
~ ltJD!cipBl 0XIe, to
BF....1i..-..; of PIIrking P.tddbitia1 .1""'9 Qa:tain
Sa... . s."
It _ IIIM!d by QuIc. 1fq:Ipel, .~n_""1 by fh...... GoldlBl
and pr uel 11I1III' to r.s Cküi....- 1i:). 1577 by t'.it1e
aày aacI the City C!edt's r-ting to amstitut.e the fiDIt
r.....1i 119Æ.
32. ~-t far amt-im_i.... of dIIte far intervi-. and
'ß""'io.I.._-.JI to &.a'4 n--4_4f'W\.
It _ IIIM!d by QuIc. SZIItIo, _n-..... by fh...... J"qp'1 and
P- Be:! .......i.....Jy to r.s .....i..... this -~ to ~
33. lbIe.
œDnlllr xA
34. lbIe.
35. lbIe.
STAft' 1CI5t'\&CL'D
36. Oral ~~l8 by staff ··-·.I'al.D.
credit far pII[tt ....i..-i.... and I"'"fhJ.,
(a:ntimJed ãaa tba 1"1 [L;ng of 1i:)~ 4,
37. Rq.ut L on
1991. )
Previously cxat.inued to .TImI..."Y 21.
City AtLuLneoy r; H.... ..................t tbIIt a "1· reel nisi.... wculd
be held :œgrm:IiDg iteIIB of ~-V;"1 liti.gllti.on: Hðze v.
City of ~, Bames v. City of ~.
At 8:05 p.m., .:buncil adjourned to a clœed sessiœ in
Om!....e«:e lb:m ~.
MnI7mS œ 'DIE .DHJIIR!' 6, 1992, RIDJIM Cl'1'f CXXH:IL
......~.uG (œ-827)
At 8:40 p.m., 0--""';1 recarM!DeI1 in cpm _iœ in
City AttoAney J[i1;.... .......-- that in ~ to Rae v.
City of ~ and A... .- v. City of ~, aft:.a
1'1; ....._iœ, the City f"n"""'¡ 1 C}!IMt diœct:ion to the City
Attarn8y to .......Jf1!I their .-,..¡.........
At 8:45 p.m., n,o........l adjaumed to 7:00 p.m.,~" Å.J't
JanuID:y 8, a..4..u....... RealI A.