CC 02-04-92
10300 ·1......... AVI!HJE, aJPI!Rl'DÐ, CA 95014
'IEU!:PtIH!:: (408) 252-4505
MDU1'ES œ 'DIE ID.!' ".... RI!ØJ[M .......L..uG
œ 'DIE crrr aIH:IL
HKU) Ql FEBRUARY 4, 19n., CDv-... lO:H1 aD,
CITf 1mIL,
11)300 '.lUU<lS AVJ!HJE, \..UrI>IU'uÐ, CAI.DaItUA
Mayor Sor818en nAlled the to .....:It... in CLuí_.........
Rcaœ C and D at 6:30 p.m.
Q:Junc, ~ _ rt.:
DeIIn, Q)låœIn, 1fqipe1, Szabo, Msyar !L..- -f!I1
staff Pl. 8 do:
City ~ Brown
Deplty City Clerk M)lfe
Director of Public 1I:Jrlœ visllDvidl
Assistant to the City ~ &....
Din!ctar of rnnnmity De\-1., .1 0:Mm
Director of Parks and ......-<1 inn DoIfliDg
City pll1111'1AT ......œu
City Att......I.ey Kilian
Mayor soœnsen mmcunœd tbIIt -- of tbe ..- of
people }'L s .L, the IIEIeting ~IM be _....d to tbe 0:II1rV'i 1
n.-..... .
At 6:35 p.m., the IIEIeting reca1W!DIId in fhWIM1"'" 1-4
with the ssœ a,.~ 1 u_.. ~a and staff 1& I íL.
AEIvi.eIf of pl_ing n-i_inn _jar pl"'H"'~
~. -....;...... p1........ to tile 6---1 P!m imd "'
opoaLal di1:ect.ia1.
Msyar soœnsen stated the pI.u.~ of the IIEIeting and tbIIt
0:Juncil ~ try to reaå1 u.a......18US œgm:diDg the Pl"""ing
Ccmni.ssia1 I..,.' ·..,....datiaJs. n-.nvoi 1 will JDBet with the
planning QmnÍssia1 on ØXIday, Pebrumy 10. ØIyOr 9oren8eD
said that tonil1t's meet;j¡¡g ,""cnM last until 9:00 p.m. with
the last 30 minutes being reBer-led far pd:Ilic ., ...,-·,L.
City Attorney Kilian said t:hIIt this .. not a meeting to
make final or even tentative deci.aions. 'D¡e intent is to
review Planning Carmission reamnerxIati.on and det.emine tt..
MINU'lES œ 'nIE FEBRUARY 4, 1992, ADXXJRNED ~ .......uI'C
they are Œ1 the r~ track, if they shoold CXIUIider other
alternative or if other alternatives are feasible. 0:Juncil
am ta1œ straw votes at this meeting or œIICh a pceition by
CXJOBeII8US. 1iJWeIIer, several p¡blic hearingB, by both
planning QmnÌ8siaJ. and City CkIuncil, IIIJ8t be held bef...... a
final deciAiaJ. am be Jœde. 0:Juncil will ,w..;riA if the
Planning QmnissiaJ. is '-HI1g with the issues they WIlt
them to deal with,
Director of Camunity Delle}, 'i",,,,,.l QMm said the Qmnissicn
r.,. .....~.dations CXJYe[' boo _jar areas: hillside ~~Lz'
and the City's axe area.
Mr. QMm shewed a BlIp of the hillside area and pointed out
the prq;erty bela1g:ing to the Dicx:ue I the area subject to
deIIelcpnent, the portÏ.a1 uJXier the Will; -... Act and the
~jrvny ~~li'. AnDtber BlIp Aho Jed sensitive q¡en e¡-
areas whic::h the Planning O'nm; -iœ r.,. .....-.Jt.d A.....,1t'I DDt
be deveJ.qIed.
Mr. QMm RIIIi.nded ,.,.,.,......, of the O'nm;-iœ r..........--ioot.ica
tbIIt the Di.,.~ne ....~Lz' be pxr:c::Msed by a roog:I......l ",r-y
and tbIIt boo years ....,M be ..l1'-Jed far this to occur or
for pL~_ to be 1IBie. If the ~~Lz' am't be
p1rCbased, 480 d-ll;'9 n"'1111" be built. 'lbere are
~ Lomities to work with the Omrcb. Mr. QMm said the
~lH'9" 0C0Jld be divided up into 290 øingJ&-úaily units
clustered in an area, 150 ......- and 40 8pIrtment8, IICIIIt
of them possibly in the affœ:dIIble price .....Y'.
Mr. QMm said
ticþ:ening up
Q:Junc. Go1åœn said he wculd liJœ to put the General P!m
~9 in J:'O'L~ve. TrAffic, hei91t and desi91 of
}-olilli;1'IgB and pr:eservaticn of open speœ were the àùef
a:acems of the r.n..1A O:Imd.ttee. Mr. Go1åœn said in his
opinion, Planning O'nm; A9iaJ.' s preliminary reccmnenr::Iati
have not cd:h.....sed traffic in a ~if'i~ IQó\ub.:IL and they
need to find a way to cb that.
tbIIt the Planning n-.nn; -im :r~" ·-··-d
hillside and ridgetop c:IeYo>JT·_·L
Mr. GolåMn said it _ a cpxi idea to have the _jar
corporations in tawn bring in~. '" _Is of future
expmsiaJ.. 'lbey have that, and we need to cd:h......
this so CXlzporatiaul am live and grow in CUpertino,
RegIsrding open space preøervsti.on, Mr. Golåalm said tbIIt
hðd been partially addressed by M!IIsure T, bIt t!IId.sting
ZICI1ing reIplatioos cb oot allow for adequate ......I~ul. 'DIe
rn....i_iœ did not ..1.h._s the hillsides ~y.
Mr. Golåalm said he hils alternatives. '1hey will .....1W
finllncial pain to CDIIIIJlÙ.ty ,,~..I...c8, bIt if we are to plan
the City in a way that protects the basic '1'vo1ity of life
we have to take this step.
Mr. Golåalm BlmlllBrized his Hillside Pr:otect.ia1 POlicy whit'tl
hðd been distributed earlier. 'D¡e policy included IMMID
points as folloWB:
1. creatia1 of hillside desÍ9Jaticn for hi l1..ide area of
City to fODll an open space buffer bel J'!! en
\JIIin.,., F.......Led area and hi.9ùY developed City land.
2. ~J"I..~,l within this area of DDre restrictive -ß1cpe
deosity- fnn'lllll... and est"Ah1i~ of IIIiniDuD 5, 10, 15
or 20 acre psrcels, ~. H'9 upcn area's natural
habitat and other factors.
3. Bstablisbœnt of private q&1 space 2%mi"'J district.
4. EF....H~ of stricter hliMing and ~J.,'.'-'L
staDdIIrds for hillsides to pmvide unciJøtructed viewø
of riÃJ"'H.- and require tbIIt hliMi'9' blend with
hi 11..ide envircnœnt.
5. I!:8tablisbœnt of natural bebitat pmtectjœ st:andIm:Is
to protect enviJ:taœntally sensitive areas.
6. ~Ii.auca.l tbIIt reøideotia1 œv-l" ·-<L of lots 0lI8l:' 5
acres be clustered œ lots œ DDt less than 1/2 acœ,
with 90\ of the land reserved i private qJeI1 ~.
7. De\-l.,'.-.L of st:andIIrds to pmvide far -- .......1.. ~
of ....'¥'LLy ......... lots are less than 5 acres, while
still pmtecting the hillsides.
~Jrr. Ifqipel questiœed the faimess of item 7. Mr.
Go 1"""" stated that be dido't inteDd to take I!lWI!I.Y the· ri9Jt
of ~'¥'L Li' owners to develop, b1t the City 0IIIl DBJœ a
.....iAim as to what the III!IXÌJIUD œv-1""-'L œ hill..ides
.......,M be.
rhnvo. Szabo said be ..."......d that we shculd ~ S!!rIIe as DUd1
open "'l"""" as pces;ble. A Bay visiœ 2020 study hils said
tbIIt we should not cause JJDre sprawl t-wo'aA of potential
traffic prà:>leJIB. He said be 'oICUld liJœ the Planning
camd.ssiœ to look at Q)unc. Golåœn's ideas and other
alternatives. He hðd CXJnœrns with the five acre DÚlÚJIUD
parcel size ~I- we cculd get into a situatial of having
a very few lots far sane very ~ich peq>le. . ~ "...-..:Iat.i.cœ
shculd ' .. - "'" ,I.xate as JJUCh In the Z'eIIIIUJUDg' gpace as
pcesible after l'L_serving as JJUCh open space as pD88ible.
Mr, S"'........ ""'l'L""",¡¡ed cxnceDl about provisÌCIIB far schcols in
the hillside area. He said we lb1't WIII1t 0Jpertin0 to cb
to the ørn,.nl district what San Jose did. It AhnllM be a
¡>.:-=t..quisite to developing a resic:lenti.a1 .....;.".~ ..,l......d tbIIt
there be ~s to schcols either by foot or bicycle.
Busing ~ not be an q:ticn in the future.
Q:Junc. DeIIn said tbIIt we am A"'{...ct the state to CXIIIB after
our DI:.I1eY; the state tiAf';cit DIllY grew to $12 billiœ.
OJpertÏnD's IIBin source of ~ is sales tax. P.._ly'
tax does not .".......aLe JJUCh~. 1I1en de\lAl.,..-.L
oocurs, cœts will 8). _:I what will CXIIIB in. At the eo:! of
the till; Mn.Jt cycle, fees will DDt lœep lYWII;ng in. In
r~ to 3CI1ing, Mr. Dean said the Parlœ and Rt.....~
f"nnni_inn wnted 20 acre sane time Ç). n".....n
JII]8t t:a1œ a ....--:tive stanœ en ZIOIling. Q:Junc. DeIm said
his """,".u is with the peq>le liVÏDq here DI::M, not tbœe
lYWII;ng later.
Q:Junc. J&tt-l said the i_ is h;9'7"'" thIm the Db B
1IIIIt:ter. 1-11y we <T'JI1ld pu...J -S8 the ...._L}T or DDt
RIIDIIe it fraa the ToJi 11i........ Act. Q:Junc. ¡rq¡pel said in
her rp;n;nn the City is DDt treating all ~_LJ' ..........
fairly; the fhnni...inn .......,1" look at wbat's fair
for everybody.
In --18r to a ~ fraa QJunc. szabo regrmIiDg lots of
J:.-.uLd, City ALtu......y If; 1 i..... said there are 110 vesting
r:i.çþts nnHl i_........ of a pmIIit far hlilliing of a bcu8e
or in the e.-L of a de\lAl,,'·-.L _..........iL. '1his vests in
thBn the ~ to hlild en that lot. In 8CIII!I œses
amstitut"i......l r:i.çþts IIIiçþt be a factor, b1t in ."
there is 110 sud1 thing as a vested ri¢t to hi; M en an
exiting lot of r-.u..d.
~ SUI ~ ell said &be had ......a.'CL1J with the fai.mess to
owners if the were ~. '!he positive part is it
wculd ~ a M 11AÏde orrH"""œ and protect
envi.rcaœntally 8el)8itive areas. She also had questions
about schcols, SBl _" and other infrastructure as well as
the 1'i_l Ï11pect. '!he IIIIIt:ter øhculd be referred b&ck to
Planning fhnn; ~icn with these ......IUCLUS to be cd::h._sed,
Counc. DeIIn said he did not WIII1t to see a ZIOIling œp of 20
acres ~I- future projects may need to be <XiI18idered
MDVŒS œ 'lJfE PEBRUARY 4, 1992, ADXXJRNED ~ ...,...~.UC
Hr. CbwBn said the City needs to look aheIId at least t:eD
years - that is what the Gerd.ðl Plan is. lie said he
thouIrt: the Planning ("nnni -ia1 Bhculd be directed to limit
their rI;..,..,~iœ to the City's ~ S IL urtJen service aœa.
He w"...ll get nnre Í11fOIJII!ItÎ.O regarding the unincoIparated
hillside lIInd.
0Junc. Szabo MÞrI when ~......,..l)' new in the unincoIparated
area wculd be fu1:oed to CDII8 into the City. Dizector of
Public tbrkø viskDlrich said this wculd occur 1IIben they
ne!:WI City servi.œs.
Hr, QJwIm said fJ:an a practical point of view there ~11ti
be large lot develo ,'.-.l in the 0::Iunty; there would be no
enti""""",il for them to de\Ie1q> small lots and CDII8 into the
Mayor !L.....<8eIl stated 0:11"""; 1 ' S CD18E!II8U8 to refer the
JIIItter back to the Planning ("nnn; -ia1 with direct:.i.œ to
CXJI18ider 0Junc. Golàllln's ~·v.eal as -n as the ..u"'",...
""'t"-...seð by the rest of the 0Juncil.
Mr. QJwIm then ilL S iLed the n-.nn; AIIiœ. :IV'. -........ -~'¡l'W1Ø
c:x:nœming the City's oore area. He said th.. C"nnniAAinn
bed spent time 1,V1Idng at tpHic. 'l'rRHic ~lA bed besD
done which jrt!lnr....t tb!! bridge at 280¡naa..."-"', and
Ifi.cþi&y 85 He lii"""18ged levels of service at
various int:erøec:t.iœs including n.o..a......~/steveœ creek
Planning """"';AA;nn bed also looIœd at wter &VAil....i1ity,
set:er ""1"""; ty and the schcol system, and amcluded that
blsic growth CV;1WJ8 can be eo·· ,.,., -dated as far as smviœs
are ...................d. 'l!Jey bed DDt ~ ]()Ñ....I at cIe\IIol."..-'L en
~Hic ~......,..L.ies.
Hr. CbwBn stated the C"nnniAeia1's hoaic tentative positial
as foll.cwø:
He!Irt of the City focn9""" in the '1\:M1 Center area.
{}rique form of dlM'l.,..~¡L at croøsrœds.
Major fiDœ to expand; shwld CXJI18ider how 8!~9ful
they would be at 'lDf and mixed use.
I.a1q-teIJII qr..ions for hcuøing in areas ~_s..4~Lly
1b.1Sing in Valloo Park am stevens Creek Boolevard
planning areas.
MDI11ES œ 'DIE FEBRUARY 4, 1992, AD.UJRNBD RI!GJI..AR ..........uG
In answer to a COOOI!Im of Counc. DeIIn, HI:". ~ said tbe
cw...,...l D level of traffic is ðo· "",otðble b1t not ideal.
O:JII. szabo ~.,..sed cxmcerns about level of service (Iœ)
projectia1s deteriorating frail the time the JlWle --pJa
bad been ewroved.
HI:" . visJwvidl said traffic patterns wills c:hIInge with the
"""Tleticn of Hi~ 85, b1t ..t..<>dI..B will fill up '--
of ~'iI cIerIImd,
Q:Junc. Golàn8n asked if the l"nnn;-im had loe>Jl-1 at
J:...,(.,¡ring our streets if _ plan -'----' , 'Jheir L"'i""'L bad
not cdh..,..sed hew to cb this.
HI:" . ViskDvidl said tbIIt _ JIIJ8t face the fact tbIIt III08t of
the trips reooxded are DUrS, DDt frail nei9Iboring cities.
If ~ weren't our trips, _ ocuM divert traffic, b1t_
JIIJ8t provide ~;ty for ~ residents. em- ..t........t.8
are at ~i.ty '001/II; ., have a lot of traffic in the
"""""nú.ty .
0:11...... Golåœn said he bel.iewJd tbI!Ire wculd be L..~Hic
shifts. 'D¡e plan - '" to look at ~~ic pl.aœs ~..
deve¡"~""".L will not jDpaCt t;r>tf'f'ic.
fh...... DeIIn said _ need pecple to spend IID1BY here.
HI:". visllDvidl stated tbIIt in the pII8t Clllpital i..t'L~. _.1 .
OOIl1M get us out of saae trRHic ~-. Bcr.llMlr,_
œn't widen Stevens Creek Boulevard and ~ -'1.._.1
f1ItI.Y mare. ~ 280 if at an F lev8l and Rit:Mfy 85 is
¡redicted to go to an F level. 118 JIIJ8t think of t....'fic _
a system, DDt just the loœl ..t..<>dI..B.
Mr. ec-n }II. B ....vto.1A sbDIdng ~ growth undIIr
the existing 'P....a.l plan and Preliminary pl.....tng
f"nnni-iœ Qmsensus p.o. u·,·-_iIotiaIs em Geua..a.l Plan
Devoelop'aent Real1oœti.a1ø. He as1œd if they were em the
ri9Jt track using this kind of tool.
Mr . ec-n shrJwed the use of a three-tier plim to allcw far
new growth by <nrpanies and asked if this "I:¥L--.!ì WIEII:8
Q:Junc. Golåœn said he had a ptà:)lEID with the d1art shewing
the 4,900 trip "..; lil'lg. He said it tells Iùm tbIIt 4,900
trips will go aaœwhere, not where tÞ.ey'll go and what
they'll look liJœ. He said he <XIUldn't a.1I...:uL until tbe
l"nnn; ASiœ is very spet'ific as to what will be OOilt
where. Mr. Golàn8n .........,..dt:.J the Qmnissiœ for tbe time
spent em their 1~...ICI.Jat.ia1s, He said he _ against the
MINt71ES CF 'mE PEBRI.IARY 4, 1992, AnXURNED RJ!DJU\R ...".uuoG
"first cane, first served" policy for business expmsion.
In reg¡m:i to the tiered ~, counc, DeIm said he
~'t cxmcerned with trips; if we can't pay far services
as ~'tksed can we gL!1'~ thBn to a fourth tier?
Mr. QJwIIm said the n-.....;-iœ is not finished with the
tiers. 'lbey feel there should be a IIBjor benefit to the
City frail devel''l..~.L, IIIIybe throucjl deveI.,'·-'L
At 8:09 p.m., the meet:inq _ recessed.
At 8:20 p.m., the meet:inq _ reccnwned.
Q:Junc. ~Ahn 1i;III"I1Ssed Iœ. He said if ooe intersecticn is
restricted, other are DpIcted, He felt it was too
big a jœp to tp fraa Iœ D to the UßI8I' end of level B.
Mr . -...... said he thcuIj1t that Wen businesses pI['CNide
m; ld œre services in the _ as a .....I.t-]~,
tplffif! is r-Io..-t. He aid he wnted to 8Œ1 tbIIt to the
C'nImri_ion's 'ltH plan as an incentive. He ,""",.-:I tbIIt
Planning n-.....;AIIJia¡ .......,M x...........ider the "¡irst CXIIII!I,
first served" ~--.h for business growth. It .......,1,.¡ be
alloœted OIl the basis of existing plan values.
Mr. ~."'-' aAt&~øed that the pBrkway .._,,~4....
l'L'~' nd ....,M further c:costrict SteveIs creek Bcu1evard
Ch...... Kqlpel ""'tAa:lsed m'"_'1I with the re-use of the Butb
and Rmwtley.industrial areas for residential. She -- if
the 1k" 't of the City is the lœy to the .intersect:ion
at a D level.
Mr. vislcDvi.d1 said tbIIt as ~'Y Bed, Iœ 1IICU1d not have to
be lIðCri.fioed.
o--vv-, DeIIn said he sees no need far hiql buildings.
Mr. QJwIIm said the n-.....;"'iJÍCI1 'oIBI1ts to get involved in
heiçþts 88 ''K,:sed to ,..- of stories. He said the
O:mni.ssion is fine tuning the plan for City Center.
OJunc. DeBn said the reaJIIIIi!DiIIt needs to be DDre
specific for the theme of a d::Jwntown.
Mr. QJwIIm said the Q:mai.ssÏ.a1 wnted to know if there
should bP. certain architectural theIœs in certain areas,
'D¡e ger¡eral plan new calls for no theme.
OJunc. DeIm BU<};Je&1:ed the eliminatial of aJlpact p8rIting to
make retail parking custaner frien:Uy.
Q:Junc. Szabo said tbIIt ~_íL pIIrldng lots ...,.,ltt\'t JIII!Iet
that criteria.
Mr. Golàœn said thoo!t GerIeral Plan shcuJ.d be a .w.. .l.
whiå1 So ~ 'tb.:> wnts to hi; lti in CUpertino am leak at
and have a re!1BJnAhle idea of what is """t'""-'t:ed of tbIa.
'D¡e ckx:ImIent shcu.ld be ~Hic - for _1'1~, 1Ibat_
CDlSi.der a major trmI8p:II:'t4t. corridor, 1oiI....... 1igÞt rail
will g>. RegIIrding BImdley and Butt> hcuøing, _ Day tBIt
to CDlSi.der tradinq the . . ...,-, to saœ other ImIIt of
the City, In regaro to the Heart of the City, the Iœy is
traffic. It DUBt be cd:h.Qløed IIDt8 ~if'ically. '!be plan
shcu.ld be BI-"i'f;c about heiçþts and what "'" will do with
hillsides. If "'" are ~;{ic "'" will gain cr-tihiHty
within the OCIIIIIImity. 'D¡e Heart of the City am't be
planned £ran the tq) å:Iwn; it is a sensitive issue to the
rTOIII'Imity. Mr. Golåalm said the ~ ann't
cd:h.....äed, We need to look at IllllÙlw nei¡ _~
and at big hcœes en IIIIBll lot. '!here IIU8t be a
nei4Jborhaod ~ iIL....-.B·
Q:Junc. KqIpel said she ti;_".-:) with Mr. Dean about
..,.~~ parking. She ....- wbat the Planning f"nnni_i...
,w..;Aja¡ _ in ~d to 1igÞt rail. (City Clerk's lI:Jte:
Ch....... KqIpel stated tbIIt if the City WIlt to st"....·1o.,d
parking sizes saae projects wuld not have ~ perId.Dg
City Planner tt>1:dell said the 1"'" .....-.daticn .. to
identify stevens Creek BDul.evaM and DeIInza RooIlleo.a..d as
potential 1igÞt rail corriå:Jrs.
Q:Junc. KqIpel said she had attend Board of ~
meet:ingB. 'D¡e Transportaticn l"nnn; RAja¡ had IIBie a .L.."""4
r.... ..........iItti.oo to the Board to ...........,¡e the 1i~ rail
projects in a part.i.cular serp!II1CIt with st:.ewœ Q. mt
Boulevmd ranJœd IJ"-" ene. '!be Board did DDt ~_.'8
this L\&o' ....-JdatÏa1 b1t will reccll8i.der it DI!IICt 1IIII!IeIt.
~ully stevens Creek Boulevmd will be p1aœd beàt in
firBt place for 1igÞt rail. '!here is a.......JUy
CDIS.ideratia1 of exterIding Measure A for of
H.icþirBy 85, HicþiBy 237 and 1igÞt rail.
Mayer Sorensen agreed with Q:Junc. Golåœn regm:dinq
~Hicity of the plan. She said she is pro 1igÞt rail.
She also said tbIIt she agreed there needs to be a Heart of
the City and that hliltiil1g heights need to be tiiA0J8øed.
She is in favor of architectural unity, not the ~ Sb.iL
eclectic~. Ms. Sorensen said that JIDI'e ..............i.c
infODlBtia1 is n~ -Wi.
MDUlES <F 'DIE PEBRUARY 4, 1992, AnJŒJRNI!D RI!X;[JI.AR ......~..uC
RegIIrding environœntal quality, Mayor Sorensen said she is
looking fonmd to Parks and Recreaticn rect'IIIIII!rda and
hopes they will help the Planning CX:Imú.ssioo. 9Iall palb
shculd be aDB.i.dI-..ted 8I1d growth alcng DeIUIza Boulevard IIU8t
be talœn into ~t,
Mayor SoreI18en introduced Betty MIInn, Pll'Inning
cœmissioner, who had pI"!B_,led written ........_il.8 to the
Cau. MIInn said she ~llt1 be unable to be p.. S il at the
February 10 meet:inq and wanted to ~_ her \AA1U:>LuB.
Ms. MIInn said tbIIt she didn't think Planning
teDœ shculd be limited to bio as there is no ccntim.d.ty.
In regard to the seminary i'L"¥"LLy, Ms. MIInn explained the
"_, .........- -"--....... . her .
t.1IJO-yesr .uJW.t I... ' ....~ .....~, \AA'o.a..u-.a In WI"1.tten
RIIIII.I'ks. She said 0:Juncil à:Iesn't have to stq> the
wil1-l--... .Act and allow deve]",..~.L. '!bey are f'''<*i with
a creative time. 'lhis is a åIallerJgB tbIIt 0Juncil IIU8t
face. '!bey am't have it both IIiIIIYB - if they cbl't ~
IIIbm1 ~_l they IIU8t g:J up. Ms. MIInn said the Mayor will
give the Clerk her written ...........,I.s to be c:Ii.stributed to
~il"~"""'D, Planning n-o....;Aøioo and City staff.
Mayor SorensEn opened the meet:inq for public inplt.
Pat Cala, 742 A8bby Drive, Palo Alto, said she had been
following the _i.....'Y JDBtter in the ~~D and had
~ . ..- fri.cþ:ened when &be I'ØIIId about strict 1œ sizes
'-i"9~' She believed 0:Juncil is cbing it C}XXI job,
tut the dIanges ,..- _u her. RequÏI1m!!I1t8 JDÏ91t be r+uonged
after the fact as had ~Y"...q to her wben she III:MId to
Palo Alto. She -- the 0:Juncil i'L S Il clt.tzen& with
IIDre worIœble and fair alternatives.
Father Eugene Boyle,.."¥L BMiLing the I)j¡xSBs of 81m ~,
~xIed to Q:Junc. GolålBn's ~''l-<Bed hillside policy. Be
said it is totally ,mf' to allow f__ than 40 baœs en
208 acres. It is an ,mf',.;r att:EIIpt to drastically rcaL...1ct
the O1urcb's existing rilrt:s to sell its ~"¥"LLy far
devel,¥,ICI,L, to dJange planning rules whim have been in
force 8I1d Wid1 the Dioo ,S relied upcn for a1Dœt a
der-iA. It is unfair beœuse it àJes not allow the Dio:ns
a fair return en i'L"¥"Lly the 01urcb has owned far IIDI'e
than 65 yeers. He called the policy a I'8dical schc."" tbIIt
treats the Diocr Hill ~"¥"LL}' far differently than
BIlI"ItIUDCÜ.ng private ~"¥"LLies have been treated. Other
~"¥"LLies en Foothill Boulevard are as steep or st"eepet
than portions of that belœging to the Dio:-H'ß and ~. \" Bsd
for 00uses. Father Boyle said this tactic is very unfair.
'!be 01Urch declined a chmJœ to mJœ t:be monri...... profit at
its ~<¥"- Lj. t}ùilœ IIII1'lY for-profit de\I'eJqIers, the
Dio:-T e has shewn a wil.linl;Jle88 to ~....I- and to IIII!I8t
ammmity needs with this ~<¥"- Lj including affardllble
hcuøing and maintaining open speœ. Father Boyle stated
that the hillsides at the Diot:uan ....<¥"- Li are protected
in the C'nnni_iœ's fu..".œal. '!be Dilxn! has pl-'glot' to
lœep IIDSt hillside porticmø of the ~<¥,,-li as ¡'-·"-·.-JL,
plblicly ."..-øible open ~. A1moøt half of the
~<¥,,-Lj, DDre thm1 99 acres, will be nsl!lrlled as dcnIIt:ed
open splICe including JID8t of the hillside. Housing will be
restricted priJœrily to the flat land with 110 grading at
slopes of 30' or JIDœ. Q1'w1?ing the poIRining D1o- n
~<¥,,-li with ather ~<¥,,-Lies is~. 'lbe
Die ~He ~<¥,,-lj that ....,M be deve1qIed with haœs
ocœists largely of land tbIIt is far differæt in d1m:acter
thm1 the foothills and other );IL<¥,,-Lt covered by Mr.
Golånlm's ~...,oeal.
Father Boyle stated that the DiI>:-!:! has alresiy sold 400
acres best suited far park uæ far the creaticn of R.tu...ù>
san Anta1io Park and port.i.œs of the ......pon;NII1la poogItw\a 1
~ SplIce District nature .... I ene. He said thøy are
anfident tbIIt the City O:II1JV!il will r....,"7'i- the
C'nnnills.ia1's );IL."......l as a fair I--.,>:-- -~ after thøy have a
chmJœ to -i11e it in detail.
}\TN'Ii.... GrmIt, 10463 Heney Q. !k, ....... I iLing CIIIœ, _boti
CD18i.derat:i.œ of the :following iq:ut in rn........l's
tiiAl"l18Sials. CIIIœ asks tbIIt the City rn........l .- at a
vis.ia1 of a city tbIIt .........h.._ to draw ~.. and
busi........BS --..- of the clarity of planning the City; the
City's CXIIIIIÍ1:JœI1t to a hi91 cpùity of life J:'I'Iinf"""....d by
sb:œg clear 7,itiAli.- as to growth and retentiœ of
<XX)t";7JD1J8 open "'.........; a bJe;- B eavhu-·-·L tbIIt aLL...-.1:s
enplayees, enployers and œs"...........; and the City's *i_l
BCJUDdness whidl al1'*B for flmtiing of the neoee"~ry IIIn.·. L
services. CIIIœ believes tbIIt to -+ti"'lle this plan there
needs to be a clear plan as suggested - desic;J1ate growth
areII8 while protecting open speœ. Effective traffic plans
will then eII'Olve. 'lbe City also n: [ ..... to JDBet state
mandated requirements in far the vis.ia1 to be
acx:e.pted. cwæ wuld ~L an open speœ zcning
ordinance to amply with state axle and ensure faimess to
all lanàJwners. Meeting state IIImdated requi:œœnts will
also f~i 1 itate regi.aIal funding potential. She said she
has received calls aw1...YlhllJ the City in open 8pIIICe
iBsues .
MDI7IES œ 'DIB l'EBR[]MY 4, 1992, JIDJI"--.) RI!O]IAR I A.uG
HuI1 Wire, ........ B ,Ung lh1l1l"i 1 of On....J.. of 8Bnta C1AIIra
CDmty, spoke regIII'ding the rotating sbeltar ......."...... a:..
look at it 118 ~_., <>. ary until lxJuøiDg is ~. Wo1e fat'
~. He cpI8tia1ed wbetbør or øx ....·-Liane giv.m
to the Planning n-.....iesiat t-....i~ precl.ude~~ 1....ar4"9
at hillsides as a place far affI.....~ bcœing. BIt Mid be
hcped (b.....i 1 wculd encourage the f"nnni _i.... to t-lIhdr ~
tbIIt 80 tbIIt hillsides are not aut...-.1i....l1y E'U_....d tier
cpen Ø[~ and the very walthy.
Mr. Wire said the I>.j.(';-ne plan far hnoWing now ..
pr:ovisions for ðffw.Loh1e hcuøing, lie -.., to
look at it as a JIIBtbcd for .""lping ~ PEUride
a!fox.Lohl.. hcuøing 118 1II8l1 118 p:ovide 8aIIB of the City's
tax bIIse.
At 8:55 p.m., IIIIyor Sanmsm adjoumed the 1m!" ing to
!bmy, FebruaJ:y 10, 6:30-8:00 p.m., for a joint - "ing
with the f"nnniasiat in n.,'_....ce RcaIII C and D.
-R~ J t )O.ß, _
DI!pJty City Clerk - ~