CC 02-10-92 , · · · . '. CIT!' Œ aJPIIRl'DD, STAm Œ CALIl"CHIIA 10300 '.lUU<ß AVIRB, ~".uÐ, CA 95014 'ŒI.£PtIH!:: (408) 252-4505 œ-829C MDI1JBS œ 'DIE m". --.. RI!OJIAR ...........u«; Œ 'DIE crrr a:ocn., HKU) (If., ....IR!' 10, 1992, a:H'I!RI!KZ RXHI C All) D, Cl'1'f HAIL, 10300 '.lUQQ5 AVI!HE, \,u.....\.dìÐ, CAI.JJI'CRIIA CAlL 'IO IA<U!OK 'D¡e meet:inq _ called to ....deI: at 6:30 p.m. by It.zu¡. Sorensen. DL CAlL 0:Juncil ?L _S 1L: DeBn, Gol"""", szabo, MIIyor SareIISeD n-.~. Abs "L: ~ Plam1ing n..n;..i~D P1._B tL: Austin, ~ .1.__7-;_, MabcnII!Iy, ~ pl........illg o-.-i_i........ JIbs_Jl: MImn Staff P.L s ~L: City ~ BraIiD City Clerk n,......1ius Director of Pdñic 1tJrlœ VisIIDY'id1 Dizector of n-mity Dellel> ~ ·L QMm City pl~....-- ....d&ll City Att.u..a-t 1tilian MIIyor Sw..,..aen ..................t that the IIII!I8t:iDg is ~ing _....d to 0:Juncil Q\-.J -er- . 0:Juncil recaM!Ded in (bIrV'U "".,.,.".. at 6:35 p.m., at ....i~ ti.me all Q)urV'!i 1.._.J ~LD were ,ioIL _11 aL. œAL aHDIICATIœs - NDDe, Review of Planning recx:IIIIEßiati related ~.....a.l di.rectiœ. n-onni_iœ IIBjar pr""'H1IIi"'"'Y to the General Plan and dF.......ining -1- .. Mayor Sorenser. stated that the meeting will end ~UU¥llY at 8:00 p.m, 'lbere will be 1/2 hour of public iqIut. BIId1 ~1U1 will be limited to three minutes; tb....af......, a 1IIÍlÚJ1un of 10 peq>le will be able to speIIk. She announced that the previous Friday, she hIJd toured the Di.o:-Ti" pIq¡ezLy with John SOOrat:o and the arcbbishcp. CWnc. Szabo and Q:Junc. Ifqipel stated they, too, hIJd toured the ~'¥"'- Ly , 'D¡e meeting _ then cp!Ded for public .. ,.,.- ¡L. Joe 'l't..t.......J\., 20791 Scofield Drive, urged 0:Juncil to put Balle of the Diocue }lJ.~ly in 1-' ......l<aJl open space. '!be City dces need affordable hcuøing. He felt Balle of the IIEIIIÍnIIry ~,¥",-ll' ....J)d be ~llent for affuuJllble housing, partiaùðrly near the PG&B subøt:aticn. He spoIœ in 8lIwuJ.L of a parkwIIy co stevens creek Boulevard. BInbara ~'" 19764 Auburn Drive, ..i:h..,..sed nw........) regan:Iing the requested density increase by A¡:p].e/&.kdtu Gat:øøy Project. She spoIœ in syWULl of a -,~ shewing artifacts ñan the early days of IXIIplter tectmology. Sbe felt this wculd be cpxi far 0Jpertin0. Henœn Hijlllms, 19875 stevens Creek, ..~ S iLing the CUpertino n...... >at. of 0 ,...-. œ as their cbaizperøœ far T IV'JO J Affairs, J:"eITi-s a Grand Bculevard O:IIai.ttee nport. '!be Ouori)er ~.,..Bes "'u,...L for furt:beIr study tawrd a city center and arterial. Be "'~.r-ted tbIIt the City study ............ai.c planning and growth. Mavis aoith, 22734 Majestic oak WIly, ..i:h.'<ZOaed 0:Juncil regan:Iing d1ildren of the ~..... and their need to experienoe open epeœ, esper-i..lly wild land. She .....,1ti liJœ to see open ~ AMooori to the ŒIUI1ty park. '1be General Plan IIIJ8t provide '.JIlitiomnA for the future. It is ~"£Y to think of the future of the land. Andy aoith, 854 Lily Avenue, CUpertino, felt the City sOOuld leave land zœing as it is unless a ~'¥"'- Ll' owner agr on a c:h8nge or there are extenuating cirt:œIstanœs. He felt there were neither in this case. In the past, a large aIIDUI1t of dmrc:h land went to open spBCe. lie felt the churd1' s solutiœ is practiæl. HI:. aoith said he dces r;p to Rancho san Antaú.o to get solitude, He felt there is oow -2- þ MD«1lES CF 'ŒE FI!:BRUARY 10, 1992, ADJaJRNED RI!DJLAR crrr cx:ncIL Mf:E'l'n«; (OC-829C) ð <pod balance betl.eeI1 open spaoe and devel...".......il and the àn.trch's ~,~ maintai.na that balance. He urged Cbuncll oot to cbm zooe the ~'+'= Lj, Glerm BarlJer, 10257 vista Knoll and Jll:ple's Director of Real Estate Facilities, said that Jll:ple'S interest in the Get.......! Plan is re..¡,.u..sible, reasc:nllble, huœn scale develt'l...-.I. '1!1e C\JpertiIX> Gateway and Pranetheus' City Center area are their primary interests. He urged that 0:Juncil DBlœ sure larger bJsinesses, ~ transportatioo dfmIuld --r·~ L, can grow. He ~=sed UAlUCLU reg!Irding IX) grcwt:b far cxnpxatioos and stated that Jll:ple's interests are exclusive to \A.O........cial rorrià:>rs. þ Phil Zeitmlm, 22907 criclœt Hill RcIId, oo-dIair of aJRB, ~=sed suwœ:l for saœ grcwt:b in CUpertino. He ....)]-1 like identified heiI;þt limits CI1 Ste\I&J8 Creek Boulevard and DeIInza Boulevard, a psriaIIIIy CI1 Ste\I&J8 Creek Boulevard, the need for hcuøing ..:k:h..,.,sed, and mereness of the dIm."aa. of hillside devel.,..~¡L. He also asJœc if the issue of a "heart- of C\JpertiIX> or a GLaud Bou1evaId neoeeøuy? Be ~=sed that the E level of service is intolerable. Be felt that ð "first cxme, first serwd" bBsis of develt,..-.L .. ~'¥Liate and ~=sed the need for a .........~ qBl sp&oe/hillside ordinance. Be felt tbIIt 480 units deve1.operi CI1 the seminlIry ~"'i'CLLZ is un.::cœptable. '1!1e exist.iDg General Plan allows 293 units. þ JoIm SuL..ato, 10600 North DeAnza Boulevard, L"¥L-S iUng the 81m .Jose Dio¡;ea9, 1"- s.....::1.ed a ~ to QJuncil sbcwiDg pot:ential building sizes CI1 the tii","!!EI ~'JI:'CLL1' in accardance with the PlaDniDg fhnni-iœ's re-·.·,·-aisticn. It's not just a Jœ.tter of the no_ of uni.ts, b1t the size. He urged tbIIt fhlrV'il look at the definition of hillside and they w:JUld see tbIIt DDSt of the pL....-l develcpœnt is not CI1 hillsides. RL.Lc..l Hawn, IICI.L.:... of the Bœrd of DiIectors of the Gœ3Jbelt Alliance, told OJuncil he bas seen IIIIDY ~ aver the years. 'lbere are bic .............I.c issues: œe is the additicnal rost to the Cit.y for police, fire, etc., and uwu..t...m.ity CXJSt5. People are very <XIJOBr11ed regarding develt'l...~íL in the city rore. He urged 0:Juncil oot to s4àm m:mey lNðY fup¡ the rore. CUpertino needs the IIIJ8t efficient devel'-¥......L for the IID8t citizens. ~laria Ranero-'Ib:Jœs, 22821 Median, IICI.L.:... of st. JœepJ.'s parish, stated the City Ccuncil is amnitted and dedicated. She urged OJuncii to ~ the r~",.e.)¡jaticns of the Planning CkmnissÍŒl so the Dw. TEl of 81m Jose can cp forward with ~V<jLœ.Þ sud1 as jcb training, food and shelter -3- MINt1lES œ 'mE FI!:BRUARY 10, 1992, AnXIJRNED RJ;X;(JLAR crrr CDH:n. MEETDG (œ-829C) for the needy, ~"""'GlI" for the elderly. 'lbese ~..."....... need financial SUf¥.>LL. Diane !b1:ell() IIœcIa, L"¥L B .Ling FAIR suppu..Ls fair treatment of the lii"<:'HB as the CIIIoIDeI" of the ~~Lr' 1bI!I dmrd1 amtribrt:es hur&h..,.Jt, of thcJusancIs of cbllars in Santa Clara Cbmty far the needy. She Ii; "'""'J' .......i tbIIt it is ~u~.date for CatOOlics to !ll:i>ilize to help the àmrå1. '1bere is a lcmg history of the àmrå1 fic lting for ri91ts. Ric::Mrd SChœBdJer, 11331 But:b Rœd, said he has spo1œn in the past in favor of FAIR. '1'oniç lt he is speaking as a 0Jpertin0 resident who enjoys the en.rÌL.....a,o::ail. He is a 1oi8llœr and cares a great deal about the cpen space tbIIt is &VA; l..hle. 'D¡e cpen IIpt'œ in Sew!n springs is not &VA; l..hle to pett)le. Not just the l""Lu:ailðge of cpen ~ and deve1'i"~ll munts, b1t its aooe8'Jibility as well. '1be ~,,,~Bed gift by the àmrå1 of 100 acres 'oJCUld really be aooe8øible to the pi>lic for use. Be tm;8i 0:Juncil to think favorably on the pl.......;ng C"nnn;AAiœ r<'o..........Jaticns. VerI ('l..n~, 22689 1fT ,ring 0IIk QJurt, director of a land amservancy org¡mizaticn, .....,-'"'-1 0:II1IlCil for their b..uad view of the whole ecological fabric !ran ~ 280 to HJW-lln Ridge. '1be8e are not just stat.isti.cs tbIIt am be 1II!IIÚp1lated. JllAi'.t^ ..lu..d mise am be even be .... -v' ..h1e if a "living 1IIIIJt1e" of green is &VAi lAhle. 'Ibis is an absolutely irrepl... ....le piece of eBrth. Be .".,.--- 0:Juncil for meet:inq a challenge. Mayor ao.;.,.....,.. stated that a half hour hðcI I"'a'lled and this _ 00If the en:! of ¡ù)lic iq:Iut. Director of rnm.m;ty Dell""1. """",L QMm reviewed the staff L~L. Q:Junc. SZabo stated he ....,M lilœ the Planning Qmaission to state that this is a land use decision regardless of who owns the ~'-t'CL L)'. Salle of the things that need to be considered. include what is GK'L"¥Li.ate for expancIing in the hillsides. It msts JJDœ city JTa1eY to expand in outer regicIls. Services DUSt exist thm:e. Also, there is the quest.Ï.a1 of sdDols. Be stated other issues to be considered. are the need for a JJDœ orderly way of devA1'"{'ing remaining land. Inevitably, develq:rnent brings JJDœ traffic. He suggested the Planning Omnission consider higher density alcmg major rorriWrs, -4- þ MINUlES œ 'mE FI!:BR1D\RY 10, 1992, AnXXJRNED RI!GJIAR crrr ancn. MI!:E'l'DC (OC-829C) QJunc. ~l ~CDsed CXXJœm regarding apart:ments near the PGr.E statioo, She requested tbIIt Ccmn. Mac\œr1zie state his ., ...'''''its regarding the safety issue. O:mn. MaclœrIzie stated tbIIt there is an issue en the Planning Ccmnissioo agenda t.cnicjIt regarding subdivisicn of a ~....".....Li near transnissicn lines. It is being ze,...,.-.W1 that en the recorded deed there be a statement tbIIt the ~..".....L}' is near transnissicn lines. þ Q:Junc. ~l aslœd 8I1Cther questicn regarding the }'Ii 1 110M.. ~' ~. __1 as 1"- B .Led by Cbmc. Golållm. She aslœd far the ~_s-!l zcningB of areas involVl3d and _ inf,....~i tbIIt the hillside area actually has three œt:eI;pries of slope density. In 8à:Ü.tion, the areas still in the <DUnty have very restrictive zcningB. Q:Junc. Golållm!Jtated that. his ~. tJ06ð] is a 1cng .......".. land use 1"-' vJ" 1 including ~.."..... Ly CJIIIDed by ¡rai..... and tbe c:burd1, as well as Inspiraticn HeÌij1t8 and RiIe9Jart ~. 'D¡e 1"-.'1,.....1 provides for deve]''I..'~iL of less than five acœ lots. It is a \A.UL..ul1ed growth 1-"-' v _) which he feels DDSt people '4II8I1t. It provides for limited growth in the hi 11 Aides. He stated that there is a need to CDlSider wbat people wnt reg¡nùless of the pain it !lIlY ,...,.-. n-......... 1 can dImJge the General Plan. It should be reascœble to La... -T!! or decrease zcning if the people wnt tbIIt. He urged the Planning n-.mri "sim to CDlSider his plan as a viable .yilW\ and urged t:.hsn to ,w..itt.. by their ~,..ri......... if this is what the (."QlJlllmity .ms. It.. first nooll eel the GoJ"""" Plan, then the MIIrshall Plan, but be feels it is the CUpertino Plan. 0--...... DeIIn aslœd if the Planning f'nIIni -ico .._.1 -e.t II bad l!Il'lY i.""PJt or questions at this time. Ccmn. Fazekas asked for a definitiœ of ·hillside". Director of Chnnoll'\Ìty Delle], 'I. ..~ C>:JwBn said it is a CXIIbinaticn of line en the IIBp and sl<:p!. Q:Junc. Golàœn stated that his policy includes the ifi....:-H! ~.."..... Lf. '1hese are axrt:icpJus lots and the ammmity CDlSiderB it hillside. . Ma}'or Sorensen stated the ~q.'CLLi is CCDBidered hillside q¡en ~ even though it !lIlY not really be hillside. In regard to the hillside plan as ~~'Ù by Q:Junc. Golånan, Ccmn. HacJœnzie asked if, with the five acre mininun, the City wculd not just be scattering delle], 'I. ,·~tL instead of CXJnoentrating it. -5- þ MIlUIES œ 'DIE 1'1SIfi..UIRY 10, 1992, AnDJlIN!D RI!QJIM crrr aIH:IL ........1'.uC cœ-829C) cœnc, Go1åœn then reviewed his l'L'tNØal. QJmI. Austin asked questions regIIIding the Ibna develcpnent. She stated tbIIt it had started with Bl Qaino Haepital and then sold to another eqt!1lIC:f, She felt tbIIt perhaps the City shculd look at it again in regard to their use of the dEllsity bcnus. 'lber:e is a lot of trAffi" and a lot of massiveness in tbIIt devel.'ll..:ul. Mayor 90rensEÐ stated the Planning n-..m; AØ.i.cn l1li}' look at it. QJmI. Austin then stated tbIIt she feels very DL......"ly there shculd be DO hli Ming 00 ridge lines. She also 8UIp8t:ecI limitaticns 00 lllUlSiwness of hcuøes. þ 'D¡e Planning """""'¡-iœ _ told to look at that. QJmI. *' "_,7.i.. stated tbIIt there is a benefit far a ClIp in square footage far all l'L""'t""LL}' in QJpertino. '1bis ÜI a policy issue and he requested directicn frail (b""'; 1 . (bill(' . Ifqipel stated tbIIt she did not 1IIIIDt an overall ClIp. She also ""'t'L-øed the q>ini.... tbIIt hillside mn- are DC¢ aí.fu.&..1.-hIe. (bITV"'. ~ÑY> said he ....,M lilœ limiting a .............. size, such as ......-.cúlðge of lot size. lIB 00es not 1IIIIDt 10,000 sq. ft. houses. Mayor !L..- '""'" suggested tbIIt the n-onni_iat look at 5,000 sq. ft. and see wbat they CXJIIB up with. O:IIITV"'. DeIIn said he did not feel it was cpve1:......Vs jœ to put caps 00 house IIIUIS size. QJmI. ~htwIooy told QJuncil that the CXIIIIIÌ.88ia1 had 9Dt thmur 1 a lot of liiAl"l!øø.i.cn. 'lbey had wœ:kied with 9"""lA such as providing as IIIJCh pmlic open space as possible and meet the hcusing ne "e. He -1œd wbat cpals ths n-onni_ú;n shculd be txying to meet. Mayor Sorensen stated that the crmni.ssÎŒ1's r..............Jtd..icn for 490 banes 00 the seminary ~'¥'Lly sOOdœd the QJuncil. She suggested the amnissÎŒ1 look at the plan subnitted by O::Iunc. Golàœn, C'CIIm, M9hœey stated he ne -',o,oj to know the ~. -6-- - '. . þ MINUŒS œ '!HE FE9RDARY 10, 1992, AnUIRNED RI!RJLAR crrr au«:IL H!'.E'l'DG (œ-829C) Counc. Golàœn stated tbIIt the alternatives are not 480 units versus 40 bcuses OIl top of the hill. 'lhere are other åIoiœs. In reg¡mi to services, it ~'t mIœ øenøe å) put houses far ~ £rem jOOs. It åJesn't mIœ ...._ regarding affordllble housing. 1bIt t;J)al does the M!Irsball Golàœn Plan give for the City? It.... serves subutbIm open 8pIIœ tbIIt people alae far, If ycu cb this (deve].".-d..), it will lelld to 1IICrBe. Q:Junc. ~l stated tbIIt __ and visual iDpct is Ii cxnœm as well as the envircnœnt. Q:mn, MIIhcney stated tbIIt they will have to cxme up with diffe11!Ot alternatives. He stated tbIIt saae cpals they had heard were driving the ".......iaøia1, þ Director of n-o....."".ity Devoel"·'-'L 0cMm aslœd if the Planning n-.nni_iœ is OIl the ri9Jt trac:k in regard to IAM8l of 8eI:vioe D and the _A\œt of trips". He also inquired about the use of c:tiwxJunting .,....... ".. for DDre growth and 1ihether or not trRfl'icAitiglltion is ---v; >.. He aslœd about other CXIIIIUI1i.ty ---its. Counc. szabo said he li_ the tier '-UI~, al~ not ~earily the nI.II.·'IIIIC"I.De ~ Counc. DeIIn said tbøre .. a pr;d:)lem with 1'i -1 respct1sihi lity. '1!1ere is a need å) ð.lh.-s retail sa1es. Is t...adt. in t..........Lticn7 He pl:u .t.ed an .......tn tape fraa an 0ctdJer a:.ofàL....- he ~- far the Planning n-.nni -ic:n to listen to. lie urged the ~_t"., to look 5-10 j8IIr8 £ran new for the City's basiness plan. Q:mn. MlKI......,..t.. stated it 100Iœ like there is plenty of retail 8p11œ. Iarga Rm EIIp10yenJ are bringinrJ sa1es to this city. thine, De!In said sales figures are flat 80 IICIIIBt:hiJ1g is not werking. Q:mn, MBcIœnzíe felt it IorIIlld be CFOd to have a Q)stco type store, b.1t he did DDt laxIW where it ......,ld be located in the City. Counc. S2abo ""'i'L-øed skepticism reg¡m:üng the .......a.m1.c ðIIalysis. '!be 11~ of Ellployees increased, b.1t sales tax cbllars have not Ip)e up. -7- '. ~ MIM1ŒS CF 'DIE F1!:BR[]ARY 10, 1992, AnJŒJRNI!:D RI!GJLAR crrr aIH:IL .......~'.u«; (OC-829C) Q:Junc. Golåœn ~_sed CXJnœrn regm1ing the trip alloaltial chart looking at 0Jpert.in0 as a wbcle. He feels t:høre will be d1anges :fJ:aB Hi.c;þey 85 and deYR].1. ....,L and flSked the camdssial to taIœ a crack at what they will be. lie asked the camdssial to define where transportat.ia1 oorriŒ>rs will be and to be DDre ~Hic, MIIym" Sorensen referred to the l'ebruðry 3 minutes and stated tbIIt several rounciL.~.~......... ø -'I to ~L 1J9lt rail. 0:II1OC. szabo told the lY'OIIII; -ial to be œœful regsrdiD!J level of service. It is '--ad en vol\IIIB of tmffic. lie urged them not to jœp fIaD D to E, b1t to lock at in-bðLJeI!l1S , ~ '4IIyOr Sorensen asked the lY'OIIII;asial to lock at trAfl'ic all ':MIl: the city. Q:Junc. DeIIn asked for the ...........-ial's visial of a heart of the city. a.n. Fazelœs øaid tbIIt the Planning f'nnniaeiœ bad .'U,,-sed the GLaud Boulevard and felt tbIIt the fuoctiœ of the city ....,M be a ~Hic plan -ged en citizen iqut. fIoo" n_" RijDlms reiterated tbIIt the Q>.-.J..... er..:L......d further study of the Grand Boulevmd, not the GLa..d ~118'.1_.d itself . Cbunc. Jrq'pel said &be does not ~L the use of DDre funds to study this uu ~. Sbe bas DDt seen auz-a- IIDV8 £ran CUpertino t-.n,_ it bad DO àJwnt:cJwn. MIIym" Sorensen stated tbIIt a heart of the city t+ a bic 1 priority -- en the I}:)als f'nnnittee. (b¡1OC, Golàœn said he did DDt WID1t to throw good .....-z after bIId øcney, but a lY'MIIII"lity ~vC'e8ø regm1ing Grand Boulevanl 'oICUld prcbIIbly not be <XI8t1.y. 'DIe Goals O::mIIittee bad ~_eed ~..l for a àJwnt:cJwn, heart of the city, Grand Boulevard. ~ Q:Junc. ~l stated that $1.7 millicn 0Jts are 'U e _-I tbIIt we did DOt knew about a year tJq3. Qmn. Austin said the Planning a:mni.ssial ......,ld not see St:eII&Is creek Boulevard as pede:strian frienUy and thcuçþt perMps saœ IIBI"Iœr shcwinq it· s CUpertino 10ICUld be 6wL<¥LÌðte without spending a lot of lInleY, -8- · MINl1l'ES œ '!HE Fm!RUI\RY 10, 1992, AnJœRNED RBGUIM crrr CXXH::.IL MI!:ETIH; (OC-B29C) Mayor Soren!M!l1 said she __ not 8\Ire the 0Juncll feels the - way and 8111œd that the Q:mnissiœ give 0Juncll a muple of alternatives. O::mn, Austin stated th6t the Q:mnissiœ feels hli Mh":J hei~ should bA limited to three to five stories. O::mn, Fazekas stated 50 feet in 'P-.al wuld be r<'O. -...-.dt.d as "",,""'G; heiqJt. 'Ibis translates to '"t¥Lu;i-te1y three stories . · Q)unc. Gol:iœn stated actual heiqJt is the lœy issue. Qmn. FazeJœs then as1œd if the cnmcil amsidt...aJ ~ crucial. Q)unc. Ifqipel pointed out t:hat litj1t rail __ hig-- density. She ..1O)œd far exiIIIIples of a hi; M;ng 50 feet and one 70 feet 80 s.')e .....,ld visualize thoøe sizes. She ""..p...,..øed the desiœ to 1œep the Big 3 here. Q:Junc. -..t.Q _....~ the feeling tbIIt a pnhli,. hearing wuld be ne :'ed to establish heJ4tt l.iJDits. lie -hod the amnissiœ to CDIIB bIIc:k with a r"""', ,.,.""'.datiœ and fh........] wuld ,w..;,. in a p1Þlk hearing. Director of rr-....ity J)evIoo]",··-.L a:-n said in office hi; lliingø, stories are 1_...l1y 13-1/2 feet. It.. piliJted out tbIIt the City Center JIpple hi; Ming is 13 feet per floor. '1his is a .1ardœrk hli Ming. · Q)unc. DeIIn also stated tbIIt three stories riI 1t CD the si"-~ has a different iDpICt thIm three stories with a setback. Q:Junc, -..00 said he feels there is a CDI8eII8U8 tbIIt the eclectic aràú.tecture has 1œt fl!lJOr and tbIIt a ~ or a little ccnfcmai.ty is desired. 'D¡e Planning C'nnn;IJsiœ will look at ~if'ic districts with themes for thrcur Icut the city. In regam to neic 1borhocds, QJunc. Golàœn stated he ....,M liJœ to see a '-'AtI....ul œ big 1DJses œ 1111111 lots. 1b!I1 d1anges in ~ mitj1t occur, he wuld liJœ ..L........ neicj1borOOod inplt. ExIInples of big houses œ IIIIall lots were develcpnents alœq !U:lellan Rœd, one of which he felt gave a a:nœpt. of wall to wall houses even tOOuI 1 the subdivisiœ met the floor area ratios. Petple have said that deveJ.,,"""il has drastically chIInged the ....;«;#,...huud. '!be second ..........le _ the devel"¥I",,uL of flaq lots also œ -9- » MDUŒS œ 'lHE PI!2!R[DIRY 10, 1992, AD..uunn..u RI!OJU\R CITY cax=n. .......~-.uG (œ-829C) Má::lel1...... He felt ~ are not c;ettL"1IJ the prot:ecti.œ they !Wed. CDmc. Golållm IIAIaod 1IIhen the Planning f"nnni..øiœ Yill <XIIplete their MX'k with the General Plan. Director of n-.m.v1i.ty Deve1,'·~,l a:-n 3tatecl tbIIt there is a """-'1I1e; hcIoiev8r, since there is need to look td: the hillsides '9"i", it will be exten:ied bio to ~ 1'1" L._. lie h8d p:eviously felt tbIIt the General Plan cxW.d be at 0:Juncil level saaet.ime in late June. City pl............ ....dt.ll said that it is -..__'i:ed the Planning l"nnni.."i.... will fica their pl:'f'Hm;","ty ....,.. -.dst.1c.ns in MIIrcb, at 1IIbi.d1 time those will be fœ::lM1.dt.d to 0:Iuncil. 'D1en, the emriram!ntal iupect L.........L will be ..._..d if the r'll:ll"· _._._-~ are what 0Junci1 1IBJtø. (btwv.; 1 aID lii"""l88 the GeD&...al Plan œrlng the SIR ptl:'o n9, but not the SIR 1:..41...... the final .-,...¡..i ..... At 8:20 p.m., 0"........1 adjoumed to P'eŒuIIry 15, 1992, 9:00 a.m. , a.ufa........... RDcm A. Mayor!L..- en .......hd the Planning n--;.....iœ far their writ and iIplt. IZrt ~.~ City -10-