CC 02-11-92 · , CITY œ CUPBRTDD, S'mm (F CJILI1I'œNIA 10300 '.lUQQS AVJ!HJE, aJP1!Rl'Iro, CA 95014 'lEŒPtDIB: (408) 252-4505 OC-830 MI1UŒS œ 'ŒB SP!rIAL Ø!:E'.1'11C œ 'lBB CITY CDH:IL, HEID CII ...-....RY 11, 1992, CIIMPÐBIL a:IMØITY Cur.D5K, 1 M!:ST c:::AM('ÐB[L AVI!HJB, RXM 46E, CIIMPI!BLL, a:LDaINIA '1his meet:inq _ a joint JDBeting with various CDUIY'; l..~,t...£'s frail Santa Clara <b.1nty cities. '1he meeting _ called to u1:der at 6:10 p.m. by JoIm Ashworth, ("'-"l'1e]] City 0:Juncil. CUpertino ~l··_·.I_LD ~ B IL: DeIm, Golållm, Ifq:pe), ~ Staff P.. B lil: City ~ Brown City Clerk O:Jmelius D.iIect:or of PI:bli.c ........ vÍBllDVidl Director of l-n....un;ty DeYel''1..~.L Cbi8n Elected offj,.;..l A, CJcngestic:I1 *""'......,.....L 1qe1a::y "q& B íLatives, and staff ,,-,i..., It ~ various cities 1Iere introduced. Mr. Ashworth told thœe i'" s-::L tbIIt cities IIIJ8t -try a trip reducti.œ œrI;~ by the end of MIn'dl. Ptaådt.8 of tinn-ts i'L S--2ta1 lYWIt-Ai.-t inf.,...~1 i.... regIIIding inplEllll!lJtatiœ of the CŒdinIInœ and r -\8 why cities sbculd desiq3ate the O-~ *"",_._d "'--yas the "--;,.....1 a. _ -ry . .. J ...~........ Milœ ~, DirecLar of the O-'9"'"'tiœ ,.........-·-.l1qt1Dl::y, ~ s .Led an overview of in~..·...ALicD in -tbe CDIpIt8r œt.-...~ peàœt and bi.starical data. He inr,.. ......,. thœe ~ B il tbIIt y&IIhic-le registrat.iœ fees help pay far the ~"'.: LCUI. 'D¡e h~ far the paysaent ~. ¥ Bed far cities to join the f1I7"VY are n....-i en a jœ fnr",nlA. If an Gp...y cDes not join the om, they stilllllJ8t ~ an ordinImoe, 00t they nadve no shIIre of vehicle regi.st:rati.cn fees to inplanent their awn ~uy&."'" At this time, it is the aqency's ur..Jt...",'.lmtH'VJ that staff and EIIpJ.ayees at sud1 institutiaIB as sc:hcols, colleges, hcepi.tals, etc., are oowred by legislaticn. 1t:JweIIer, stu:ients or patients are not at this tJJœ. -1- (, tþ · MINt1lES CF THB., IIJftIlJ' 11, 1992, SPI!CIAL ........'uG CF '1'HB CITY CXXICIL (OC-830) He ....!8 íled an CM!II:Yiw of the }'LU\IL- explAining tbIIt AVR (_age wbicle rldenbip) equals the ....--- o£ people at the wark site divided by the 1111I1h..... of v-hicles. 'lbe CHP. offers tpinh>g and survey .....'v:-iDJ far rrmmlf;e mordinIItorB. He .....-lII!d an -·-'1,18 of a dl!llsity IIIIIp ....iril wouM be ~....,.t as the result of a 8UtWIY. 'lbe ---y wonM also IK"""- a ""'i"-'LL stati:Jg ........ ~ Íive. 'lhøy are in the }'Lu -s of œ-1"'{'ing a ....U\IL... ....idl wo..M create what is ....11"'" a rldø 9,i,.. 'I!ús 9,i,. wonM gi_ infacIIItia1 sud1 as wark hours, method of travel, originaticn of the trip, a 1"'"'-__,.o1-Iwwt IIIIIt:d1 list far carpooling, and a p,.1i" transit route. Following cpIØtims, the 1II!II!ItiDg.. adjaumed at 6:55 p.m. _£l~ æ?-, City Clerk · -2- · · crrr œ aJEIBm'I1Ð, S'1MB CF CII.LJ1ItRIIA 10300 '.lUQQ5 AVIIIIE, Cul'l!X.l"J1iC, 0. 95014 'lEIJ!:PH:H!:: (408) 252-4505 MIlÐŒS œ 'DIll: mDJRNBD RI!COIAR ~.L.IC œ 'DIll: crrr aIH:IL, HKU) (Jf ..............RJ' 15, 1992, CXIIPERI!H::B RXH A, crrr BALL, 10300 '.lUU<lfo AVIIIIB \..Ur.&'oIU-.uÐ, CII.LJ1ItRIIA OC-829A CAlL 'IO U<U5K 'D¡e IIIBØtinq _ called to otdm: at 9:00 a.m. by II!IJar 9orenBS1. lUL CAlL (bunc. P.L.Â_L: DeIIn, Q)1"""", ~, Szabo, II!Iyar !L. - !n · Staff P1. S IL: City ~ Brown œAL aJlUaCATIœs - Naœ. AlHmL RBVIDf œ crrr .---- AIlDIHI!:tfl' 'IO rrnmon .....1CIf - QJn...-.-.1 QIde _i..... 54957.6 - Labor IfEg:JI:.iat.io - Bva11ur-l..... of ~r._.,_......... II!IJar !L..- -1!11 .............- tbIIt f"n"""¡ 1 ....,M 8IIjamD into ('1,-nd 9BnilYl far the p..q¡uee of eva!1_ing the City MIInagI!Ir, Den &...... RI!X:XIiVI!NB IN ŒBN SBSSRIf QJuncil, with (bunc. Goldalm at, ", 1..........~ in ~ Ses8icn at 11: 17 a.m. 1I!Iyar!L. - ...... .............-d tbIIt tbe City MIInagI!Ir'S evalUBticn _ ~ete. '!he rœet.ing _ adjourned at 11:20 a.m. · ~J~~~~ !L.....JSeII., II!IJar