CC 02-18-92
10300 '.lU<tQ!; AVENUE, CIJPP.RI'DI), CA 95C14
'JEU!:PfIH:: (408) 252-4505
lIEU) CIl P1!8RUARY 18, 1992, axu::n. OWI!BR, crrr HAIL,
::'0300 '.lU<t<lS AVENUE, aJPERTDI>, CII.LJ1ItRIIA
pr RIr.F. œ ALUI;IAN:E
'D¡e meet:inq _ called to order by Mayor Sorensen at 6:45
Q:Junc. PL_B il:
Dean, Golållm, ~l, szabo, Mayor Sorensen
Staff PL S IL:
City MBnager. Brown
City Clerk Camel hili
DiIector of Public ~kø viskDvid1
DiIector of (h....l1nity DeYel·'l..~.l CbIIIm
DiIector of Finance snyder
Assistant to the City MlmagerBrown
Public Inf·.. ..~l.Ïa1 Officer Krey
City Attomey }{i 11""
C8RIM1m\L Mkn~ - l"RBSPB.IM'Iœ8
Presentaticn of Certificate of ~..1 Reoo<.1"itico £mill
InnDVative lbJaing to the City of 0Jpert.in0 for the City's
ln1H:u..lof affardllb1e bcusing for single ¡,¡ou.""d. ~"",i1;_.
'!he u:~...U_it.ative £mill ImXMItive ""'..;~ WII8 not..... B_L
at this cime.
C'alt.inue '{tan No. 21 to the DEeting of Mard1 2, 1992.
It _ DDWd by Q:Junc. Golållm, toCUJIaJt:d by Q:Junc. ~l
aIXi passed unarilioously to oontinue It:aœ 20 aIXi 21 to Mard1
MnI1ŒS œ 'mE FI!'JRlARY 18, 1992, RIGJIAR CITY' ancn.
1'Zri~'.uC (OC-831)
vera Ket:d1œI, 20412 Sil"",-cr.L, wished to ði:h.-s Cbuncil
regarding Item lb. 20. She stated that the agI.-.-.L
requires protective screens. Iðrry QJy did hIsve tbI!In
installed; hcM;¡._, the new owner hils :reIIDWId them.
City Attorney infuu.."J 0:Juncil tbIIt Me. QJy bad
ta1œn it upœ }I;-If to put the screens back up. lie
suggested Ms. lfetdun CXIœ bIK:k and cd:h....... 0:Junci.1 at the
MIIrà1 2 meet:inq.
Floyd Mayer stated tbIIt the City is oot using a calibrated
timBr to diet.......i.... the three IIIimrt:e speIIking limit. He bad
actually H..-t frœI the tape a spealœr and it was only bID
IIIinutæ and 35 ~.db. He also stated the llllterial on the
inside of the __.iA CXJVer _ not accurate and tbIIt the
written <XIIIIIJI1ic:at portÏa1 bad been r--led.
Mayor SOI:&I8en stated tbIIt the (h"""¡ 1 .-...;.... what ~ on
the ~ under Written 0::ImImiœtiœs. 0:)I¡;qr; 1 hils also
,w..i.- tbIIt the i__ on which he wisbeø Oaunci.l
are not in their jurisdiction.
Me. 1Li.A: ItAhrt 1IIben it .. ti; ......l8sed and stated it bad not
been done in CIp!D øe ni...... Be then cd:h._sed fh........l
regarding the 0.1 ii'nrnia ~ Patrol policy of the 55
øpb en£UI.'-CIICaáL.
Mayor SOI:&I8en stated tbIIt selective eÐfu... -·~,L is legal.
0:Juncil ........aA. tii.....188 other "9"'1<'iee' rules. Me. IIB~_
_ inf....,~1 his three IIIÌIIIJte8 were up.
Floyd Mayer requested nmMÙ. of It:818 12 and 19. It was
IIDIIed by Q:Junc. II'cg)el, ~.dt.d by Q:Junc. Q)låœn and
passed 1JDIU1ÌJJDI81y to "K&u>Ie the hAl......". of the Q:1nøent
Calendar as sutmitted.
1. Desi.g1aticn of 0Jpertin0 Library, 10400 'lbrre Avenue,
QJpertin:>, far posting of IDœl A¡p>i...t.uc..Ls List.
2. Deferred n ."..."wati.oo Plan for part-time E'--~
t:8J¡x>r8ry enplayees arx1 executiœ of ag¡......lIenL for
third party adainistnrtor.
HDK1lES œ 'mE PEBRUARY 18, 1992, RI!GJIAR crrr CXUiCIL
1'II:oJ!,~'.uÇ (OC-831)
(a) Resolutial No. 8593: "A Resolutial of the City
QJuncil of the City of Q¡pertin:> Autlxrizing
Execution of Deferred CbIpensaticn Plan ~........íl
With Great Nestern Bank for Aà of
Deferred 0 ",,-e.l8ðtion Plan for Pert-Time ~eonal
~ðIY miplayees.·
(b) Resolutial No. 8594: "A Resolutial of the City
n-....,.i 1 of the City of Q¡pertin:> Autlxrizing
Execution of Deferred n '·I-e.18ati.a1 Plan, Pert-Time
~.....w 'lbai'ULal.Y Ellplayees."
3. Request for 1III!Ú.ver of certain fees for fund-raising
event to be held by RerpIrt ElEllll!rlt:aIy Pm <Xl MIIrà1 7
at the !'Iooo1;nr Center.
4. Resolutial No. 8595: "A Pesolution of the City 0:Juncil
of the City of Q¡pertin:> Allowing Certain ('1..;... and
Ibaaaœ Pbzctble in the .AnDmts and Fran the Funds as
Hereinafter Described for Genœ.al and Misœllaneous
~.iituœs far the Period Ending JanuaIy 31, 1992."
5. Resolution No. 8596: "A Resolution of the City n-.........l
of the City of Allowing Certain Cl..;... and
Ih,~·"m Pbzdble in the JIDrJunts and Fran the Funds as
Hereinafter Described for General and Hisoe) 1........
~.ditures far the Period Ending February 7, 1992."
6. Resolutial No. 8597: "A Resolution of the City 0:11""'; 1
of the City of Allowing certain ('l..i... and
Ih,~."- Pbzdble in the JIDrJunts and Fran the P'Imds as
Hereinafter Described for Salaries and WIIge8 far the
Payroll Period Ending JanuaIy 28, 1992."
7. RI~ ~ and Treasurer's Rq.u..L, JanuaIy, 1992.
8. H:Jnthly Activity RqAuL, January, 1992.
9. Resolutial No. 8598: "A Reøolutial of the City <bmcil
of the City of Sett.ÏnJ Date for 0:XIsideratia1
of Annexinq Area Desic.JKrt;ed 'San Fernando 92-02',
PL.........l)' IDœted <Xl the North Side of San Fernancb
Aveme Betueen Byrne Aveme and CkcuJge Aveme,
~y 0.2S± Acre, Pan/F8r.g (Am 357-15-44)."
10, Annual status L"¥-'rL ft:an Cable Televisicn Advisory
Q:mnÏttee. Receive.
Naiver of
Business Lie.
ra>ðJ...u«; (OC-831)
11, Acoeptance of $1,000 dcI1atia1 £ran the ReItdt..ul and
Mrs. JoIm M. Oja-BumB tDerd pIrd1ase of piano far the
~l W. () Q:m\IJrÚty Center.
12. R.......'E!Cl frail the O::msent Calendar.
13. JIRrCNal of minutes of reglll__ meet:inq of February 3,
14. JIRrCNal of minutes of adjoumed 1""9"1-- meet:inq of
~ 4, 1992.
15. RIeqI-t for "WL'¥-iat.iœ for Wiløa1 Perk project.
16. Reøolutial No. 8599: "A Reøolutial of the City QJuncil
of the City of CUpertino JI¡prCWing <l.uL...aCt ~
OLdt:.. No. 4 for Wilson Perk ~_._LB, Project
9104. "
17. ~ of City project:
R1A. .1~u.J' FaJ:JII waterline Project 92-106
18. Reøoþ1foinn No. 8600: "A Reøoþ1foinn of the City (h1rV'i 1
of the City of CUpertino JIutborizing Bmcuticn of
.....kaD n ."" "'~.lm JdldnistJ:ative Services a...á~ca..i..
With Associaticn of Bay Aœa Gorva... .LB (ABI!G)..
19. JL-., .'E!Cl frail the Qmsent no,l....... .
~ ......1_. D of the City I'hIl'V'!'Ï 1
DeIIn, Golàœn, Keppel, -~, IL..-~
12. RIeqI~ for.u.ver of business ~..... fee: (a) thited
States Missia1, (b) Pesticide watch, D.C. ttn"ld
P'ri.encImúp !'Int'oil"ty.
Mr . UE.z- ~AkPri what the 0----1 1 1aøø about the
organizatia18 .
'!be City Attorney infomed tùm that basi-g licenses are a
tax not a fee. 'D¡e City does not warrant anything,
Mr. Meyer stated the City _ net doing a cpx1 jcb of
protecting the citizens, that he had œlled the agencies
and sane should be investigated,
MDUŒS œ '1HE l'EBR[JU{y 18, 1992, RI!GUIAR CITf ancn.
.........n~ (CC-831)
19. Resolutiœ No. 8601: "A Reøolutiœ of the City nw........l
of the City of 0Jpertim JI¡p'aving the Pinal M!Ip IIDd
~~iL Plans of Tract No. 8383, IDaIted StewIJe
Creek Boulevard and Torre Awnue, Develcper, 1l......
Awnue PL\-IH:U.ties, a General PIIrtnerBhip; ~ing
CertAin ·"-'fI::1IILB¡ Accepting -- --f"It and P8dd.Dg
A.".."""uClul; Author;'dng the ~i'7'illl} of Pinal M!Ip IIDd
~uv'EIOenl Plans; Authorizing the I!:xIecuticn of
A."..""",couL in 'lberewith."
Mr. MByer stated he bed not been able to fiDd out IIIX.b
about this item. '1!1ere &eEII8 to be IX) park fee and Mrs.
P....·...., split her lot, she bed two park f_ to psy.
City Att:omey Ifi H_ stated tbIIt the City's O[I"Ii........, is
different thIm the O';nty Act fM!I1 t-hno91 it ðo. ..."Hm-
the __ pn:~. '!he City acts CD QrrIh......... No. 137' ID1
the O,inty Act.
Mr. H!Iym:' asker1 hew the City included IIIIIÙI1t:enIIn in their
QI'rli_. 1b!t.. the basis for that?
Mr. If;H.... stated it is ~II'SIY to include to provide
It .. IIDIÆ!d by fhtN"', lfqpl, -e-....tM by ~..,... Gol,'
and )?"aved l........i.....J81y to "H"-uv'8 Itøœ 12 and 19.
MII]/ar Saœnøen .............wt tbIIt the ........ s-Lt..stiV18 fIaa
IJmcNative Housing .. DCW þI:.!.s_iL. gt-..i....... of !nncMIt:ive R""Aing, .... B iLcd a
œrWicate Wùd1 the 1I!ozu¡. ðo'~ œ hIohAH' of the City.
Mr. MByer stated tbIIt he t-hno'Ç#'t tbIIt .. a nice ...."¥'....
He said the City gives them DaJey, bIt is tzyiDg to rip off
the Qmr:ål for 100 acres. Be 0II¡¡.&Jt. r:~...M 1. theee bID
MII]/ar Sorensen \.AoOWICa.dtod the Cable ~ÍCI1 JIdvisœ:y
OmIIittee in reg¡mi to their repn1: 8låni.tted as Item No.
11 œ the calendar.
20. Public hearing to ansider revcœ of a ocndiH"""l
use per:mi.t far nŒl-amplianœ with ocnditicns of
approval, A¡:pliœticn 3-t1-84, Iawrenœ Gly. 'lbB site
is an office hi; Mhç 10œted œ the south side of
Silveraclu Avenue, ~ly 135 feet east of,....
(Previously ant.inued to Mard1 2,)
3-U-84. Lawrence
App. 1 O-U-89.
App. 14-U-91
& 17-EA-91,
MI!UlES (Ii' 'DiE FEBRUARY 18, 1992, RI!OJIAR CITY a::ocn.
......:L'UC (œ-831)
21. çliœticn !b, 10-u-89 (JI....,....hl) POrtof.iDO
Dellel..pucatl <mporatiœ - J!_..åucatL of a Use ~t to
IIOOify the ardù.tectural desjq1 of Phðse II and PMøe
III of the residential IDÚts. 'D¡e ~,¥=Li' is 1""""--1
on the ~ of DBAnza BoulevaJ:d and HanesteIId Rœd.
Enviroomental DeteDninati.on: 'D¡e Planning o:mnission
n.u....a,lCI.Ja, the granting of a Neglltive Declaratia1.
Rbu.a,a'lCIlåed for denial. (QntÏnued £ran PebtuIIry 3,
1992, SdJeduled to be heard by Planning o:maission on
FebruaIy 24, 1992. Request ocntinuanœ to March 2,
1992. )
(Previously aJntinued to March 2.)
22. çliœticn 14-U-91 and 17-BA-91 - Nelson Q)ao - U8e
~t to ,¥=ál.ð a f~..l services office and
st.....~ in an 2,864 sq. ft. hi; 1tih~. '!be
site is 10œted at 10022 Peninsula Boulevard.
EnvL....,-.Lal Det:emdnati.on: 'Ihe Planning n-ni...ion
I"'" ,......".Ja, the granting of a Neglltive DeclarIIt.ia1.
~.. .,..-.Jt.J far Clt¥Lu.J8l.
Director of (ommity Del/l>l""-il a:-n ...'1Gud the
pl........illg n-ni...ion r.......,-.""Lk1n with the ~1i~'s
request. ~ _ing ..-.)œti whether or DOt the ¡.a.'~
Jœets the!bJt:a Vista Desjq1 ~li_lines, he stated tbIIt the
Arà1it~ and Site A¡:proval Qmnittee feels tbIIt it
cbes .
Q:Junc. Golàœn then asked if stucco 1111!18 ..n-Jed.
Mr. a:-n said thI!It ....,M have to be revieIied. '!be
9";-HI'Ie8 JIIJ8tly a..:kh.-s the jo....."V""itial of hIHtii"7".
Discussion fo]1.-Jed regBrå '"""eVs to the back parking
lot, the oonfi.c;JJration of the hli Mi'1g, and the possihi Hty
of getting increased pIIrlting. In regBrd to a letter
received fcmn Attorney Jaœs Jœ.J-..ì, Mr. a:-n stated the
issue of 1.oðd-beIIring walls bIId just cxme up thI!It day. lie
- not sure ToIhy ooe particular wall 1111!18 1.OIId--beBring.
other issues were the safety of the stairs to the loft, the
fact tbIIt this is a legal nœ-<xI1fomú.ng use, whether or
not there is a neoessity for the hi; ltii'1g with legal
ncn-œnforming use to be brouIj1t up to oode when 7:8ICdoùed,
and the parking obligation.
=i'.u«; (OC·-831)
In regard to whether or not the hi; 1 r!; '1q has to be broucj1t
up to axle 1IIben L"".....Jt:led, the City Attorney stated it does
not; it just orsnmt be ""'t-'<"ded, 'D¡e City requires a
b.ú.lding to be broucj1t to axle for life and safety.
Hr. Q)wan stated that a previous owner had put in offices
illegally. '!he Planning C"nnn;"SÌC'O rea:III1IE!ßiat divides
the building into two uses. 'D¡e b!Ick of the hlnding is
for storage only and the front for offices,
Jim Jacksco, ""¥L S iLing the eq;plicant, aslœd how <me
malœs an office þll;1r!;TJg look lilœ a stoxage f""';1ity.
Historically, the offices 1IIere a1reBdy in and Hr. Q¡ao
believed they ()Ould be U8C":i. '!he o..u.u:ul eq;pliœtiœ is
for a financial services strocture. '!here is a desire for
storage (lIIIIIÙl cubicles) in .....Jt:... to allow others to use
the space for rean:œ st......"... 'D¡e Planning C"nnn;-ÌC'O
stated tbIIt the applicant ....'Id not use the space far
st01.age in its o..u.Lcul sbIIpe. 'D.......fore, it should be
fbœcl 80 he am't use it far offices and it should be IIBie
only <me big st.u..c:y. area. Hr. JðcIœcn believed the f})IÙ.
(OIIM be ad1i.eved 8IIDt:her tillY, Le., cubicles with the
cmpet:ing and electrical outlets RIIDIIed. '1here ~lld be
00 heating or vent.ilatiœ. Staff bas said that the sheet
rock tTIIllti be RIIDIIed and £r-ring and wire mesh used. Mr.
Jðo 11'<>00 suggested tbIIt the 0:Juncil GH'Luv'e the a¡:.plication
and tben pl_ it b!Ick en the ~ in six to twelve
DaJths far review. If the use bas not been iDp18lElJted as
0:Juncil wishes, they am ;np.:e& DDre CDlditicns. In regard
to the stainIel1 and the directico to I'EIIDIIe the stairs to
avoid the t.BIptatiœ to use the loft, Mr. JðcIœcn suggested
tbøre be a dear en the bottan of the stairs with a lock and
a CDldition be IIMtwi that tbøre be 00 st......".. in the loft
and the dear be 1œpt J.orIr...I. Calditicns of G!¥Luv'al state
tbIIt within 60 days unless there is a reciproaù.
ingress/egress with the 'IA;g.¡'u, this IIß)liœtiœ .........vt
cp fonerd and the 0:Juncil will initiate use pemd.t
revocat.i.œ hearings en adjacent ownet&. Basically, they
have veto pœer en this awlicat.i.œ. Hr. Jadæoo stated if
this ocx:urø, he wculd lilœ to aJIIe b!Ick and cakh._s 0:Juncil
regarding this issue.
DisaJssico followed whether or not there are EŒIUIl cMnges
being I<:oo . ,.,.-ab:\ fian the tiDe the Planning O:mnissico
revif'!WIed this awlicat.iœ tbIIt it should be returned to the
City Attorney Kilian stated it _ Q:Junci1's d1oice.
018nges include installatico of miclœn wire, the issue of
a lœd-bearing wall and rEIIDVal of sheet rock,
.......~..L1'C (OC-831)
Frank David Olcbln, architect, calh..,..sed COlmcil regardinq
great differences with the next <Dor ~u.p:LL)'. He stated
there _ no ptd>lem here. In regard to the lœd-bearing
wall, it would be necessary to rEIID\Ie a firewall. '!be
frart; dear and winŒ:Jw need to be l:mJuIpt up to code. In
regard to the stair, Mr. OldMm believes that the fire
1IIII'8hal WImt8 the stairs ð8 they give fire ðOOI!ØS. 'lhere
is a ptd>lem with using dliclœn wire in the øt:oraga
f""'; Hty. Sheet rock is r: -wi so itaœ are IXJt --1' uti.
'D¡e electrical plugs have been reIIDWd and carpet: ....~
pulled up. Mr. 0Ið0 will jnpmve the ftaJt ricrt;-of.....ay.
In regard to nW1tii tiCI1s 2 and 10, the nei.cIbors have not
been <JOOP=.ðLive. Mr. OldMm suggested that 0:Juncil J:1!IID\I8
the cxo:ii.tion 011 the back of the hi; lding. He ~ B iled a
s1œtd1 he had ~_.,d that aftemoon.
Dr. Jos.p. 81:0loI1, 20985 Pt:w= Tree Lane, said tbIIt the
~'¥"L L)' owner bð8 had no CXIIIIIJIÙaItia with him regm:ding
this. It is all new to him. '!be City ~Jblic ....b
DepIIrtment is """';"'m to relieve itself of this ð8 a city
street. It is a requirEment tbIIt the i'L'¥"LLi' OIIIDo::&.a
maintain it ð8 a city t:hr.m:uj1fare. 'D¡e al.&._t bð8 been in
the _ state of repair ð8 lcng ð8 Mr. &.-.. OOIl]ti
._._,1""1. He ....,M like to see the street restared to wbat
it _ b..fu.... the .-ig.¡... ciJg a hole in it.
It _ IIIM!d by f"n1lV". szabo and ..... ....1M by Q:Junc. l!'qipel
to return the ~ to the Pl......il1g n-.mri-i.a1 with
~if'ic ism- including I'EIIDV'IÙ. of winr:bwø in the beck of
the hl;ltiing, a ""'aLU regsrding I'BIDVðl of the beck
square footagB, I'BIDVðl of 1œd-bearing walls, stairø
lellding to the loft, CX1Ipl ;"""'" with!blt:a Vista Dee;""
QI;.....l~, use of the back of the hlilti;ng far stu....."..
œly and the frart; for offices, I'EIIDV'IÙ. of sheet rock (use
:frwnh"1 and wire mesh only) in the storage area. <:bmci1
also requested .."'t'UI.LB:i'LaII the Rnilti;ng Divisial and Fire
For the re..u..d, 0Junc. Goldœn stated tbIIt the Planning
Cannissial ,-, ,.,.-.Jati.on _ acœptable with him.
'D¡e JIDtiœ _ adqJted unmùJrDusly.
23. None.
24, None.
MIH11ES œ '1HE ~ 18, 1992, RIGJIAR CITY CDH:IL
~...'.uC (CC-831)
25. Ckdinance establiAhing prima f8cie speed limits en
Miller AvB1ue en stevens creek Boulevard and
Bollinger ibid,
(a) Ordinance No. 1584: ·An QrtIi............ of the City
0:Juncil of the City of ClprtinD JIIaending nuy--
11.20.030 QJpertino )Ii...ilrlI""l Oxie, Relating to
Prima Facie Sp t Limits CD )till.. Awnue, Bet1 T Tn
stevens creek Boulevard and Boll i rvrr ibid.·
It _ IIICM!d by 0:11""'. lGc:ippe1, .........- by QJunc. Gol""""
and I""ønd to r-s QrtIt...........)t). 1584 by title
only and the City Clerk's ,-.ling to CCIIStitute the first
r-ting thm.auf.
WU'l"œM txllDaCATIœS
26. NDDe.
27. 1Iie-...i ,-.ling and ......I..-.l of QrtIi...........)t). 1581:
·An QrtIi........... of the City fh........l of the City of
~ n..,,~"'t" 2.38, &....',ø' f"nnni_1œ,
fraI the ~ .....tlrlI""l 0xIe."
It .. IIICM!d by fh....., J'q:pe1, 8eo..,1o..1 by fhllV", _.m. and
r red to r-s QrtIi","""" No. 1581 by title only
and the City Clerk's r-ting å) amstitute the..... ...1
r-rt;"';J tJm&.caÆ.
It _ IIICM!d by fh...... ~, ...........1 by QJunc. _.m. and
~r-nd t1r.....i~ly to eDICt QrtIi...........)t). 1581.
28. So&-. ..f r-rting and -..1:.u::.1I. of Qrrli............)b. 1582:
"An QrtIt........... of the City fh""'; 1 of the City of
~'Ç avv~ 3.24 of the ~
Kmicipal 0xIe, Relating to Pw.. ~ --e of Slwliee and
1&J";l··"V"IL. .
It .. IIICM!d by fhll'lt", Go1åœn, ~ ..._:1 by QJunc. l{qptl
and pused I.......;~ly to reed OI:dinImce)t). 1582 by title
only and the City Clerk's pMing to amstitute the ........f
reading t:1......euf.
It _ IIDIIed by Q:Junc. Go1åœn, ~u.iM by QJunc. l{qptl
and I""aged UMI1ÎJIDusly to enact Ordinance)t). 1582,
Ord. reo speed
limits, Miller,
Stevens Creek to
1st reading of
Ord, \584
2nd reading of
Ord. 1581
Ord, 1581 enacted
2nd reading of
Ord. 1582
Ord. 1582 enacted
2nd reading of
Ord. 1583
Ord. 1583
Review CODDD,
.r tour
..,.,."..:.uC (0::-831)
29. St.u...d reading and eDI!IL;t-uL of Ckdinanœ No. 1583:
'An 0I:dinIm0e of the City n-.........l of the City of
CJpertiJD Amending nvv..... 3.23 of the ~
Mmi,..ip"'l 0:xIe far the PullA'""" of Clarifying
CJpertiJD's o·,..etitive RiMi"", Rsquiranents PurøuImt
to the Public"t 0:xIe.'
It _ IIDIIed by 0;)0....., Ifqipel, -....i<ooj by n-....... Q,1"-n
and p"'''sed to read Qrrli............ No. 1583 by title
œly and the City Clerk's ~Ming to constitute the 4>v ...i
r-iing t:be4.euí.
It _ IIDIIed by n-....... ~, _......, by n-....... Q,1_
and pUlsed I1r"'ni_ly to eIIIICt Qrrli..........., No. 1583.
30. NDDe.
9mPP 1Q5t'\&C1'tt
31. Oœl .."t"'L Ls by staff
DiJ:ector of ~1h1'¡,. ....... V'i.øIIDvid1 inr....._J n.1I'V'"Il
nJgImiing the I?"""'"ASive left tum .i9""l en St.evms c:œek
BDul.evIIrd at Portal and the -~ left tum .i9""l A in
VIIriaJs areas of the City.
Cit.y Clerk 0::Imelius h.F.___, fh........l œgm:ding a ~i.... of
Ú1t"Mit to cin:u1ate an initiative tbat bIId been
f'i led.
33. n-....... --w - ~ fhnnitt:ee - It ..
IIDIIed by n.~. g.,......, -'..__.1 by Q,l1I'V'f. ~l aDd
p"'''sed 11I' to tIIIœ tile following -+i,..
regarding ..... ¥ B! Ii 1egislaticn:
~¡:l AS 2418 (0- ..-........), s.ix-~ ~~ng far
&,¥",ltial 111 IIBÙ1t.eMDœ of e!ñ....L¡ ACA 1 (lUebs),
sales tax 1IIbich ..11~ local traœacticos and use taIII!I8
with IIBjority voter "WL...ral and to draft a letter
regarding SB 797 pert-Aini"", to regicnal çp.-........L.
0:Juncil ""t'L'<Oaaed ·u·-eition to SB 959 (Presley), wter
utilities, a IIUI"Cbarge en urban MIter users.
Q:Junc, DeIIn infi}, ..~ 1 fh.....i1 tbIIt the sc.:heœ1led tour of
fAi-.. hils been delayed. Discussicn folk-led regarding the
tour and the Brown Act.
MINmES œ 'DŒ" IUIiRr 18, 1992, RI!G:ILAR crrr aIH:IL
nI>I>.....uG (a::-831)
City AU.....~ 1I:-I1i.... ~ tbIIt the tour be ........1-1.-
as a meeting and an ...,......... be r-IhHAhM.
'!be MI!Iyor ""---ad tbIIt ¡ra-l1Mlll[' sutmit 8e\, ....J.~Led
dates and n-..,;;(, .,lect: œ8. -
tþn hAing -- the ~_ of the tour, fh_, DIllIn
stated the p'lhH,. bI!I8 ............øed u.. '<:ILll :tegEdiDg aøy
potential bealth baz6..d, sud1 as dust in the air, ID1 this
wculd provide _ ~t.unity far fhlrV'il to
inf..,..~t.icn abaut the i'Al"iHty.
At 8:20 p.m., the JDBet.iog.. adjourned.