CC 03-02-92 ~ , CITY CIF aJPERTIH), s-mm CIF CALI:l"œNIA 10300 ".lU<KIS AVJ!HJE, UIl'ISKJ.'.u«>, CA 95014 'lEŒPIIIII!:: (408) 252-4505 OC-832 HDK1ŒS CIF 'l1IE RI!GJIAR ...,.".."uG œ 'BIB crrr CUH:IL HEID (Jf MMCf 2, 1992, <rDICIL CI'AI -, crrr HiUL, 10300 '.lU<KIS AVJ!HJE, \.Urr,IU".u«>, c:::ALDtRfIA pr JP.rr.R CIF AIUnIAl«E 'D¡e meeting _ called to UL.Jer by Mayor a....- -en at 6:45 p.m. ROLL CAlL 0:Junc. PL S JL: DeIm, Golàœn, ~1, szabo, Mayor 9arenseD Staff P...!.s Il: City ~ Brown City Clerk QmJelius Director of Public ...... VisJa:wic::b Director of n-.nnlllity Dellel"..-.!. ~_ Director of Finance snpr Assistant to the City MIInagI!Ir Brown (arrived 6:50 p.m.) Public Tn"".. ....t.ia1 OHi"t't" Kr8y City Attamey [il ilm CBRI!KlW\L Mln·.m«S - PRBSI!H\M'I(HJ .t!\.Cf~...'D Request røIDIIa1 of Itan No. 11; awJ..iœt.iœ withch.~. Staff requests r&IDIIIÙ of Itan No. B. It _ IIDIIecI. by f"n1lV". !Q,...... and 8&. -- "-1 by f"n....,.. Go 1"""" to r&IDII8 It:.e1118 8 and 11. City MIInagI!Ir Brown recp!Øt:ed tbIIt ItI!III No. 10 also be rEIIDIA!d as the issue "ß""'""'B to be resolved. It W8 IIDIIecI. by CDunc. ~"M and 8& n.~ by f"n1lV". Q.11"""" to rEIIDIA!d Itan No. 10 fIan the agenda. Both IIDticns were passed unan.ÍJlDU8ly. -1- . MINUŒS CF 'lHE MARCH 2, 1992, REnJIAR CITY a:ucn.. ,"""",~..uG (OC-832) œAL aJlUaCATI<N> Ployd MI!Iyer, 10486 Westacre Drive, CIIpertino, first ~ B iLed a cx:mic strip EllJ!PBting that people write to 'leœB and get tax benefits. Mr. ~ì- said that 10Iben sanething gxxi and useful is ~ B .Led to the ciH~.., they will rally ðrCIIlXI the politicians. If the MI!Iyar rode t.....~ to the oourt hcuse to help jurors, others ....,M join. 'D¡e federal cpItao......c..t; payI! about $40 a day for jurors. He then offered to ðå:h._ 0:Junci.l regarding tOC JIIrt:ter of the pope as a CIA agent. CDISI!Nl' CAU!2m!\R Consent Calendar Floyd MI!Iyer requested rEIIrNal of Item No.9. It.. DDYed by Q:Junc. lfqpl, ..........Jt,d by Q:Junc. Golåœn and r-"æd "......inruJly to GK'Lu1Ie the bIùanœ of the QJnsl iL Calendllr as ..........tted. . 1. Reøolutiœ No. 8602: "A Reøoluticn of the City 0:Junci.l of the City of 0Jpertin0 Allowing certain Cll.;.... and 1)0..-. ..iA Payable in the ADrJunts and Fl'an the Funds as Hereinafter Described for Gt:u.::..al and Mi.Eu-11...--am El-i....·litures for the Period Ending ~ 14, 1992.- 2. Reøolutiœ No. 8603: "A Resoluticn of the City n-a........l of the City of QJpert.im Allowing certain Cl..i_ and D-.-_IA Payable in the ADrJunts and Fl'an the Funds as Hereinafter Described for Gt:u.::..al and Mi.et'-] 1~ R·1.....ditures far the Periai Ending February 21, 1992." 3. Resolutiœ No. 8604: -A Resoluticn of the City 0:11""'; 1 of the City of QJpert.im Allowing certain Cl..i_ and Dbu..... Payable in the }InrIImts and Fl'an the Funds as Hereinafter Described for Salaries and Wages far the PIIyroll Period Ending FebrUIny 11, 1992." 4. A¡:proYal of minutes of adjourned P9"l"r meeting of ~ 10, 1992. 5. A¡:proYal of minutes of 8l"""; ..1 meet:inq of February 11, 1992. 6. !3IWIIIrW18 and O::IIplaint, Raoll..tt Grace JoImscn, plaintiff. Receive. . -2- MDI1ŒS œ THE MMCf 2, 1992, ~ CITY a:ucn. 1'ZIS".l".ue (OC-832) 7. Aß>li.œt..ia1 7 MllC-92 - JW!i 1'i c 1!:nviram!otaJ. Group - Reqœst for reriør and ~ for a fenced -loeure for soil vapor ....L...-..1:i.cn ""l,ip-'\t at an ead..8ting øervi.ce staticn. 'DIe site is located at the ~ ...lOO:ner of Valley Gres1 Drive and ~a Ihlle'._..i. ~.. ..,.........1ed for approval. 8. çlication 12-ASIIC-92 - Gou...".,. Tsagarl - PootJ-t far review and IIßE'OWÙ far an aråÜtectural mnrfU'i"..foinn and a siçJ1 ....uyo.... far an existing restaurIInt. 'DIe site is located CD the eII8t side of .....-.. nnI11- 4nf <It¥L.... l-tely 250 ft. DOrtb of Bc:111i"'9""" RDed. þ. ,.,.....Ided far <It¥L...nù.. (staff œqœsts :~ of item. ) (Pr6Vi.oosly .._ued fraa the ~.) 9. P--Yed fraa the n. -.L ""1__.'. ~ MR:a.J -- è of. t-.hA City n-.'IIV"t'I1 ADS: RBS: "----r: ABSTAIN: DeIIn, Gol"-'1, ~1, -......., So.......-a& NDDe Nœe NcI1e I'D!III R1!XM!'D P1UI <XIIJDll' CAIJHJm 9. JloIIIJ-t far wive- of basiness H. -.- fee fraa l"ri..... of the 0Jpertin0 LiJ::Ir:axy. HI:". Meyer stated tbIIt P'ri.eD:ts of the ~ Li1xmy is a I&...u.a.dble and ~ gaqJ. lIB "..1rWt if they pay sales tax CD the MnIra tbIIt they sell. Director of pi........... SDyder said be did DDt hoo 1 ;"'Ve so. Floyd Meyer stated tbIIt he did hoo H"'V8 that they 1dIt'l111ti by law. It 1111!18 IIDIIed by Q:Junc. ~l, ............1 by Cbmc. Gol"""" and pwøed UMIÚDIJU81y to '"I:¥L..,/Ø the wiver of blllSi.....s lj o-''iIe fee for 1992. PUBLIC HI!'J\RIlŒ 10. Public hearing to CDlBider œvoœtim of a OCDdiH........1 use peIJDit for ncn-<Xll'p1ianœ with OCDdi.ticns of CZW'"<dal, çlication 3-U-84, II.Iwrenœ Q.Jy. 'D¡e site is an office hll; 1ding located at the IØ.Ith side of -3- Waiver of busi- ness license fee, Friends of Cup. Library Rev. of condo use permit. )-U-84 . App. 1O-U-89, Portofino . Tobacco vend- ing machines On-site parking ord. . MIl«7mS œ 'mE MARCH 2, 1992, RÐ:;(]LAR crrr a:ocn. .......u1G (OC-832) Sil.......ðdo Avenue, "M'L...... l-tely 135 feet east of ......- Boulevard. (cart:.i.mm £ran P'EòruIIxy 18, 1992.) (Previously I'eIIDIIed £ran the ðICJI!Dda.) ~ APPLICATIœs 11. AWliœti.cn No. lo-u-a~ (JI..-"""'I) l'brtofino Dewl""-íL QnparaticID - ..........-.1 of a tJøe Plm:JDit to """'¡i f'y the arcbitectura1 desi91 of PIIIIøe II and PIIIIøe III of the residential œits. '!he t'L....-.L1' is 1c-..I.-.4 en the ............. of DBr ,,- Boulevanl and 110 --œ.I ac.I. EnvL...--.-.Lal nat-..............ilWl: ibe p1....ing n--r4....,.., r~....·~.dA the granting of a Heglltiw Dec1aratiœ. ø.......--iM far ,-....1. (a:nt:i.maI £ran ftIIxumy 18, 1992. ) (Previously I'eIIDIIed ~ the "9""""-. witl.ch....... ) ARCII'1BClŒAL JIIÐ Sl'1B Al'ØDŒ. aHa'r':ŒB APPLICA!1'IœB JIWliœtic:m 12. NDDe. tH'INISIIBD IIJSI1BIS 13. NDDe. _ IIJSDBSS 14. ~L œ t.No..., """".119 _,i... ID1 ~ far directim1. It W8 ~_'II ::"",,, ~Aho, e&. ..iM by fh..... Q)1"-n and r--w ly tD set a p"HI'! beIIrlDg far May 4, with JIDtificaticn ..... <JelII11"Ø8 as ogt,H.-I in the staff .L~L. 15. QJIIsi.deratia1 of ...·....·...·-.L to Secti.cm 11.29.040 of the CUpertino Ibùcip"l Qxie related to on-site perking. (a) First r-ting of Ordinance No. 1585: "An 0nti..Mnœ of the City QJuncil of the City of CUpertino JImerJding 0I8pt:er 11.29.040 of the CUpertino llimi"'¡p"l Qxie, Relating to Q1-Site PBrking. " Pbllowing review of his L<¥A l by Di.rectar of OmIImity DeYelo'l-".e.¡l <bwBn, the City Attorney stated there wu.ld be no exmpti.on or variance. -4- þ MINUlES œ '!HE MARCH 2, 1992, RPnJU\R CITY 'XUCIL ......:.:.u«; (OC-832) Ann Anger, President, M:nta vista IJJproI/8œIIt Asaocl.atia1, said there used to be a prà:>lEIII of this nature parking of large ~....etcial vehicles) in the area in which she lives. It took a laIg time to IIbate this p1:t:blEIII. She stated it DIllY not be the actual resident's Wlhicle, but their bœaea. In zeg!Wi to ......."..l trucks, she stated tbIIIIy definitely can ÓJWIyadt. a street and stxJuld be 1œpt at the ..........,L business. t .-r- Risher, 21835 ante MILIt..... IæIe, stated he _ the ~eon with the . . .,.,~. ...lal vehicle tbIIt - IIIE!Iltiooed in the petition. He stated tbIIt dIanging the ordÌDIIDœ is DOt ne<-"eery. Q)de 8nfw..........,l said this is the œ1y vehicle. Usually, he had a different place to park it. lIB does not WIlt it en his driveway. Bef....", bringing it to this ~'¥"Lly, he ,.".11E!ð Q)de Bnf..............ìl and IIBie sure it .... all rJ4rt:. Iater, 1IIben he h.1Wi to Code Enfw.. -·-.L, he .... told he ¥QI11ti be cited. Mr. Risher stated he 1oIIIII1t8 to get the vehicle off his iIL~ Lj. He went to ccurt in February and had to get an alLu..,.ey. 'D¡e œse _ bllSically thrown out of ccurt' Mr. Ri.øher stated he has been busy as he has fouOO a jc:i> and is IIIIking ...nti11lj plans. City Attatney Kilian stated tbIIt Mr. pi AMI- had cx:me to the pl........ing ,.,.....,i_i.... ðJring their cœs:i.deratia1 of this Q1TIiTIIUVWI and bllSically told the _ story. '1be vehicle has been en PJbl1c rJ4rt:-of..-y three years. Q)de Bnfw.".".~,L ~. secuted .....-t en ~h'9 the ",..hic1e en public rJ4rt:-of..-y. His attomey said he ....,1d IIIMI it, then the œse.... tii....,;-sed. In the past, tbøre have been vehicles en the lmm; tbøre are still vehicles en the lmm. Code Bnfw.·-·-·L .... authorized to issue citat.iœs. Mr. If;' 11111 stated be feels tbIIt Mr. Risher is DOt CCIIplying in <FOCi faith. PIIctos WI!['Ø ~ I ,Led with dIIt:es en the bIIck. Assistant to the City MIIMger Brown stated tbIIt vehicles a:me and g:> en the ~'¥"LLj. Cw.LCliLly, there are DOt seven. Cathy Ward, Alhanbra Drive, said sba has been dating Mr. Risher three years and the vehicle _ p1rd1BBed just after she started dating 1Wn. She ~ ~_iLed phot:oø of other wm.cles en nei~' lawns. Richard Taylor, ante MILIt..... Lane, said he had sÌ9J8d the letter of cœplaint that practically all of the nei~ si¡ped the cœplaint, '!bey feel the vehicle is ~,¥,-iate for the neil JboIbJod. HI:". Taylor spoIœ in 8IJRX)rt of the ~,-¥.:sed ordinance, -5- ,. . . 1st reading :>rd. 1585 .fliet of ere::: ~ Code -r I , Mn«11ES at 'mE MMCH 2, 1992, RPGJIAR CI'l'f caH:IL .......J..l1Ð (CC-832) Mr. K.i.lian stated tbIIt œl::r the big, white vehicle ....,M be effected by the ..... 'i" nd ordinance. '!be rest of the vehicles are pu.lœd in ncn-cx:.uplianœ with the o..........L ordinance . MIl. Brown clarified the existing ordinance. Floyd Meyer said it seEIIB to him 1ilœ the City is œntering in on one p1~, Every vehicle needs a place to park. It ~IM be possible to legislate vehicles out of exi.stence. '!be neiI IbarB could be placated if tbøre - an alternate place to perk. If it's not causing I!!IßY bImn, it sOOuld be okay. SUå1 deMAiœs sOOuld not be ¡,.,- on aesthetics. '1!1ere being lID other pWlic testiDa1y, Mayor !L..--Ð brouI 1t tH......188.ia1 to the ~; 1. It 10111!18 1IIM!Id by (bmc. ~ and ..... ..."""1 by nw...... SarenseIl to -V the phmniqg n-ni..s.ia1 ~ ..·..~œtiœ IÇplOITing the ~. 'Y Bed ardinImce. QJIIcem _ ........_øed ~ a vebi.cle tbIIt ~1lð be effected by the cm1inance tbIIt GK~'.,d to be a pickup with an e1aJgIIted œb. CbuDc. 97ÑY1 1IIM!Id to -..I the pri-i...... to limit it to yah;...lea over ei91t feet: hi41. '!be -·-·1.·-'L died far 1adt of ..........d. I)j 8C\lAlJion follc"Bd ~ under wbat ciramBtanœs a yahi<"l~ OOIl]ti be remr:;JVed. At this t.i.De it .. pointed out that vehicles can be J.-.,.¡ed ñaD pervious surfðœs. fh""";l _ inF......AI'I tbIIt the ~."':se:1 ordinanœ _ fairly st-"""'-d and is in effect in other cities. '!be DDtion P"'''ç-4 4-1 with 0:II1rV'. szabo c:Ii.ssEøt:.ing. lIB stated far the ..~..l tbIIt he _ agsinst the ~ limit set. City AttOrney 1(; 1 ilm stated tbIIt in reg¡mi to the pIOto8 of the neiq1bors tbIIt had been subaitted, 0::Ide EnfoJ.' ~,~.L will follow up with wmings and citaticœ. It _ 1IIM!Id by CDmc. K/Jß""1, _...1M by nw...... Golåœn and P""'iIEd :JI'I'II'I;......J81y to reed ardinmIœ No. 1585 by title œly and the City Clerk's reading to CXJIl8titute the first reeding thereof, 16. Review and update of City of CUpertim OXIflict of rnterest 0::Ide. -6- MDVŒS œ THE HMCf 2, 1992, RI!GJIAR CITY aIH:IL ......nriG (CC-832) (a) Reøolutia1 No, 8605: ·A Reøoluti.cn of the City (\?II1rV'; 1 of the City of CI.p!rt.im RescincIing Reøolutia1 No. 6513 æñ Reøolutia1 No. 6730 and AdqJt.ing a Conflict of ~ QJde far Off';Irl..l. and Desicplted &lployees." It _ IIDII81 by QJunc. szabo, ...........1 by Q:Junc. DeIIn and pllBsed urvmi~ly to 8dcpt; Reøolutia1 M:>. 8605. MUTl'I!N aHDIICATIœ8 17. Letter fran Floyd Meyer requesting that <kdiDIInœ No. 1479, park dedicaticn fees, be placed en the IIgI!IIda far Ii; a1""11~:iIJn. Floyd Mez..L c:d.1L.....øed 0:Juncil reganIing the City's park f_ 0Idinm1œ. He felt the ordinImce _ far ..f'i..1ti of the Qninty Act, an awiMnnoo of Prop 13, and hils resulted in IIIIldng bnil'Ung a haœ costly in 0Ipertin0. 'lWJty to thirty ~~ of the cost of 0Ipertin0 - are city fees. 'DIe City is paying InIKMItiw BJæing to provide affordable hcuøing. Affãr<w-.1.. lDJsing tT"OlM be aYAi 1....18 if the City rel~ its I.,.,l.&.kt"i........ Director of Public ....Iœ visllDvi.d1 in{) ,. .._I Mr. 1&..1'- that the City hils mt used park dediœtiœ fees for 1IIIÚI1tmIIDce, b1t for acquisitial and Ìn¥L_._ILs. Director of Finance Snyder c1arlfied tbIIt the interest of fees received t.hIcur 1 the O,inty Act am be used far park 1IBÌnb!IIIIDCe. HaIieVer, 0:Juncil policy is not to cb BO. City Attomey Kilian c1arlfied tbIIt the City cmih"mn.. is mt It O,inty Act ordinance. Mr. Meyer said that it __ to be a toAbw1H of it and a 'oIIIIY around Prop 13. He felt this _ an Ìn¥L'¥'L evasim of Prcp 13. œDINAII::BS 18. Nœe. pR!'nr I'l'ICIIS 19. Nœe. -7- Rea, 8605 adopted , · .egis lative ~eview Conun. · · MINU'lES œ 'IHE MMCf 2, 1992, RI!GJIAR. crrr CI:UICIL .....r.llG (OC-832) 9'mFF ~ 20. Oral L~LB by staff Itocut-e. City MImager Brcwn ~ a !IBID fiaD the Pm1œ IIJd Recreaticn Director outlining the CXIØt of putting CI1 the annual PCurth of JUly celebrat.i.ca and the Heritage P8rade. 21. Annual .."t"'Ll CI1 the status of the City of o.pIrtino General PIan purBUIIIlt to Gr:7va..........l COde _4.... 65400(b) . Following reviøt of the L"t"'LL by the Director of n-..4ty Del/A1""-il, f"n1rV'. Go1àœn reqœsted i.nfœ:JIIIti.a1 regIIrdiDg the .........mt of bcusing units b1ilt IUId SIDUI1t of offiCIIS IIJd retail f~Ht.1es b1ilt over the last ten yeørs. CDH:IL 1QSt'UCI.1t 23. Q:Junc. --.... Iag.i.,1ative Røvi.ew n-nmitt;ee - thIIÚIIDU8ly, it.. ""!:fL~ to take the follclwing actJa1 regarding ilL' p: øed legislation: ~. ...l SB 1668 (Beverly), AB 939 erxtensica bill and to '1\'- AB 2274 (AJpert), dmrgBs far reh""'- d........; SB 1538 (&w), Brcwn JIct revisica¡ and the !II) }IL-'1. II i.... of IIIJDicipal authority in land use/"....ing œses. Q:Junc. DeIIn st...sted tbIIt tbøre is a teatative .-.tAi.... regarding tile ......iL...aCt far the Qprt:.inD Sports 0IIIIt«. 'D¡e amnittee reo· ,.,.-. "Uon will be c;ping to the Pm1œ IIJd Recreaticn n-nmiAAitWI and tbøre is a possihi Hty far an April 1 ~ing of the Center. Cbunc. Gol"""" œcpsted tbIIt an item be pl...--t CI1 the MM'd1 16 A.......... ~ f"nll'V"il pcøition CI1 pw¡i.....l ~J...1CI.1L. Q:Junc. Ifqipe1 requested tbIIt the City MImager review the San Jose '7'~ tax and reo, ...,~.:l I!!IßY GWLVIo'L.iate act.i.ca. Is this tax legal when it is not SWlied to San Jose's own residents? Q)unc. Ifqipe1 also reviewed a letter received fiaD Qmgesticn !fID'uoo~""'~il 1qency regarding a MM'd1 10 meeting. She reqœsted that 0:Juncil tslœ a position regarding steII'en8 creek Boulevard and DeAnza Boulevard as transit oorritbrs. '1here _ no det:eJ:minatiœ as to whether or not the IIIJde of transit '<01ld be licþt rail cr sanethingelse. -8- c. þ MINU'.ŒS œ 'l1m MMCI 2, 1992, RPDJLAR crrr CXXH:IL .........'.uc (OC-832) By CXJI!I8EIII8U8, with Q:Junc. DeIm cn-rt:iDg, O:II......i 1 ~ nee! ~l for DeImZa Boulevard and SbM!ns Creek i3oI1levaro as L..._it <XJrI"ÍàJrB. At 8:15 p.m., City Attorney Ki.l.im1 anrvw""-' that thm:e are two itelœ to be tt;.....-~ in cksed _kin. 'DJe:first pertains to ¡-wting litigatial, GoI.............L Q:Ide gect:ion 54956.9(a) with the œøe of !i:t...uau V. City of 0Jpertin0 and the ""","' ..I is e;çP"Hiamt exposure to liHr-i"", Gc7var.......iL QJde sect:icn 54956.9(b)(1) - QuJty of SImta Clara. At 8: 35 p.m., 0JIIp-i 1 reccrMD:!d. City AttamI!Jy ¡ri H.... said tbIIt pert-A;ning to the issue with santa Clara fh1nty, this _ Woe..."",,1 i"..,.l œly and thm:e will be no act:iø1. . It _ IIIMId by fh....... 1fqipe1, - ....-1M by O:IIvr. DBIm and ¡-"sed nn.....i"'"UBly to direct staff to ..... - ~ with defeasive act:iø1 in the œse of 1".......... V. City of ~. At 8:36 p.m., (h"""¡1 adjoumed to 6:45 p.m., Mtu...b 5, QmftoL....08 10:118 C and D. ",47 ~ -9-