CC 03-05-92
· .
10300 'lamE AVFXÆ, aJPERTDIJ, CA 95014
T!LKPHCNE: (408) 252-4505
CITY a:ncn. HKU) CN MMCI 5, 1992, ~
RIXMS C & D, CITY HAU., 10300 '.lUU<lS AVBNJB,
CAlL '10 œœR
'D¡e meet:inq _ called to UL.:It... by MI!Iyor Sw.~. at 6:45
0Junc. PL_B_IL:
Dean, GolålBn, Ifqipel, Szabo, MI!Iyor 9Dren8eD
Staff PL B Il:
City MIInager Brawn
City Clerk QJmeUI~
Director of Public N:Jrks ViBIIDri.d1
Director of n-.m."'1ity Dellel·, .l 0awIm
Director of Finance SIJ}'der
Director of Perks and Rt............;..... Dowling
Public Tnr... ..-Uan Officer Ktey
AanIntant Sbarline ,~"->n
0Junc. ~l arwy'II---' tbIIt tbøœ will be a joint - Ling
of the ~ Cho""'¡l aod n_~ MIIna. .l
Iq!!a::y at the RD:thwest YJ£A £rem 6:00-9:00 p.m., ~"'..h
26. 'Ihis will be a tii1ll'lØr and (BIIÙ tiilll'!ll88im led by Bay
Visiœ 20/20.
mm SBSSlaf to review the Five Year l' of ~
Revenue, Expenditures and Capital ~u.~l PL'¥o-'
By CDIÆIeI18U8, 0:Juncil tiPç;n...i they wuld try å) CDIplete
the meeting by 8:30 p.m.
Following staff presentatiœ and 0:Juncil ri; """18siœ, time
will be allotted for public input.
CXXH:IL 1'Ir.r.iUC (OC-832A)
City Manager Brown provided int:roduct.ia1 ðIId ~ the
cuueuL year's hrl;p>t ðIId short tmJD cutbI!Icks. lie also
~ sented a J:'eVÌeor of revenues and ~alitures. Using the
Gerì FUnd reserves is not a solution to the City's
projected ::'cmg teJ:m bnrit;rt probleaø. He ilL' t.< sed f"n........)
authorize a ooe time use, this year, of General FUnd
reserves for a $368,300 projected sbortfall. He ~
act.icns that have been taJœn or are being taJœn to ....1.......
the operating hvigPt,
City Manager Brown ðŒiressed intecœdi.ate and loog teŒID
d1anges. He ~_sealed a ~'¥-.l to 0:Juncil tbIIt any
savings be carried over and tbIIt staff find an additicnal
$300,000 or IIDre in savings. 'Ibis ocW.d JœIU1 four or fiw
people being laid off. 'D¡e rest of the savinr;JI ....,M be in
operating mr1s. He expressed tbIIt the City needs to
diversify its :revenue base. Also, the utility tax may be
expIIDded to include loog distance ¡iJcne calls. '!be
business license tax needs to be mdernized. staff will
also look at n.....-u=mng increaøes in service åIargeø and
. . to i - i.... ...~. sed incl........
lIU__.." new coes. Exper>..nture cuts "",''''''''. ........
layoffs, lean yeerø in salari.œ, cepit&! plan scale beck,
new ways to provide services, _ling beck services, and
priclnj services differently. '!be City MIInIIger stated tbIIt
his iICL....ial cpa! is to eliminate all negative nmt-.a CI1
the operating side.
Director of Finance Snyder ~ B .taI <bmcil with the Fiw
Year Fisaù Fo1:e..é8t.
Mr. Brown said tbIIt in reg!U.Ù to JxXJking fees in the
Sheriff's .......L..aCt, neçpt:iaticms will be held. RnnIri'¥J
fees are not included in the ~ B .led ~'-11
they are uncIeteminecI at this time.
Mr. Snyder then ~ fund tnmds with Ocuncil. It..
8U!J1E!Sted tbIIt he tty to get cw.u:aiL infcmœticn £ran scme
of the local businesses; however, it is neoessæy to be
careful of t:EIIpor8ry fluctuaticns.
he City Manager 8U!J1E!Sted that perbøps he could d1art
l~ CUA....llic iIXticators arxI have a key group of
business people he wculd CXJIltø.ct on a rr:!9'1 ar basis. '1bese
people wculd L'¥L_.3enL different seg..e..Ls of the business
amø.mity ,
MlNU'ŒS CP 'mE MI\ROf 5, 1992, ADn1RNED RPJŒ1UIR crrr
c:xn«::IL """"'HZ«; (œ-832A)
Mr. Snyder then r8II'i.eIied varicus revemJe funds.
Discussiœ fo11.clloied regsrd:ing strest projects, use of
gc.....cù funds far IIIIÙJ1t.en8Dœ of effort, and glIB tax
funds. Perhaps tbøre is a way of timing lOt... _at œJ.ated
expeo:ü.tures so as to not lose glIB tax .......'0Je of i.......i Hty
to meet the DBint:.enance of ef!<n. L requ.ire!&¡ts. staff will
prepare ÌJ1fOD1IIticn regsrd:ing what can be applied to
IIIIÚl1t:E!Mnœ of effort.
Mr. Snyder then revieIied debt service funds, ~;..1
rewnue funds, internal seEVice funds, arrl entetpr'i8e
funds .
Cbuncll suggested tbIIt staff looIt lit the rate a......_iUy
à¡arged at 91a.1J.e.u.)' Golf QJurse in relationship to wbat
is cbarged at other 4plf oourses. '!be City II1II}' wish to
.increase thœe fees.
Q:Junc. Jfr{'pel suggested that if it is ~saxy far the
City to looIt at œts, perhIIps it is neceesU}' to looIt at
the ycut:h sports ~...."........
City MIInðgBr 8rcM1 suggested tbIIt first the City looIt at
the bid ¡-" 7'9. It II1II}' be ,,(........1œlly I'MICUBEY to
'='''-l.A·ñ the¡.aII out. 1icJIIIever, if the ~'¥-.... 1ItIere
"'"""'t'L ..ssed, the City II1II}' get: a better price and 8IMI!I DaJBy
in the lœg run.
Q:Junc. szabo stated tbIIt the GeI.....cù l"uIñ - 11 to be
BtIIble, rather than just tzy to balance the qJerating
Q:Junc. Go1åam said he dces agree with the City ....~. far
aoother $300,000 in œts and aoother $600,000 in ØM!IIUe8.
If IIDœ than tbIIt - r It. to be dcœ, it will be r- TlEY to
create ?,"if'ic solutiaJs. lIB ~ that the City
MIIœger cxntinue as planned Imd CXIIe beck with
reo::mnendIIt.i. He also requested the City looIt at glIB
tax funds and find new alternatives in regard to I1M!I1Ue8
and 1II&YB of cbing thiD;¡s.
Counc. DeIm stated that ne hils requeøtecI an itsn called
"SUmnit '92" be p1.aœd en the HIIrd1 16 agenda.
Mayer Sorenøen ag¡..-1 there 'OI6a a need to streeml.ine
J:Ù.' .oeeses and ~V' odrres and tbat it is time far
restructuring and p!II'tDershipø,
axx:ll.!£E'l'DG (CC-832A)
Q)unc. Szabo reiterated that there is a need for IIDre than
just a zero deficit .in the operat.inq budget.
(Dmc. Golàœn raninded those f4-=-aíl that the City "AJoowf
people to SUWUL l the utility tax œ-d on certain '!here is a need to be careful when considering
bre8king those pranises.
Director of Public ~ ViskDvÏch said there were just a
couple of projects .in IEå: year's capital ÏBpI:tM!Iœnt
~U<jI-,,"U and a ff!!1t1 \a¥LU<jI-~..,~1 projects,
'!he meet:inq _ then q¡ened for public u..u11E:aiL.
Dick Res ._iw said the staff did gxxI1IICrlt on the hd;rt;
however, there are p1aœs an qmating IIIIl1BgB[' amnot œt
further. 'lben, it t¡A. ...- time to dIImge the way things
are cbJe. He 0IIUtiœed tbIIt the City be œ:-eful not to
over use t.......dt.. He -......1 tbIIt there were In "1IIICrt!d
CDWB" 1IIben ]nnlting at the budget. He stated tbIIt q¡--if'ic
things were said œ the """P"i':1\ to pII88 the utility
tax. If it were -..-,,~ to cb anyt:hinq .in <D1f1ict with
those prnn; -u, the City shculd say exactly why thoøe
changes are necwsaty. Mr. Res ,_i.... said his .....,.eny is
interested .in ¡.6L Luc...mps.
City ~ Brown then œvi.aø:I a IIEIID J:egI)Z'ding the
Pburth of .JUly festivities and the Heritage Parade as
subnitted by the Director of Parks and Rt.....~,
Q:Junc. KqJpel suggested tbIIt the ¡made be œr.œJ.led and
tbIIt on the Pburth of .JUly, the ni91t activities be
1III!intained. She AI". -teeS that staff oontact the øerviœ
org¡mizat:icII8 to see n if they oould have their .......-.Biœ
stðnds in the eI/F!I'Ii "'}.
Q)unc, Gol"""" -......1 with keeping the Pburth of.JUly
evening fiJ............., œt 8IJIBe8ted tbIIt staff see if the
service clubs ~Ild subsidize the daytime activities or
perhðps, the City ooulti charge a fee to those attending.
He also suggested tbIIt the City try to 'PlCI.aLe reveme to
pay for it if pcøsible or it ~ll<1 be scaled back and IIBie
revenue neutral.
Director of ParIœ and R.:.....cátion Dowling said the service
clubs IlI'e willing to 1IICrlt with the City on this IIBtter. He
will L'¥Ul back regarding the daytime activities and gJ
ahead with the evening activities.
cnæn. MI!:B'l"DÇ (OC-832A)
At 8:55 p.m., the _ adjourned.
City Clerk