CC 03-16-92
· .
10300 'IœRE AVENUE, C1JPER'1'DV, CA 95014
'lZLEPfDIE: (408) 252-4505
MINUŒS œ TIiB RIGJIÆ b:.....l'.u«; œ 'BIB crrr au«:IL
HElD CN MI\RCf 16, 1992, CXXIICIL CfN t, crrr ImU.,
10300 'laœB AVlaE, aJPBRl'DD, CII.LJ1ItRIIA
pr RIr.R œ AI.UX;IAlD
'D¡e meeting _ called to UL.:It... by Itoz-- 9aI:eIIøen at 6:45
Q:Junc, &_s~L:
De!In, Golàœn, JrlWel, -......, Itozu¡. !L..- en
Staff Pres_iL:
City MIUIager BI:oIID
City Clerk O:Jmelius
Director of Public ....... v.ialar:wid1
Director of n--..ity DB\-1." .1 'Q IIIID
Assistant to the City......,.... BL..-.
Director of Fi........... &.~
Director of ParIœ and .....-d i,.. DDlrling
Public Infcmaat:iœ Offioer Krey
City Attorney Ifi 1 ;......
Certificate of AI::tWM!IIIEm: to R1dt _1101ri far bi8
excellence in shoe repair.
Rick ~1"T1d received his Qi!ŒTU'iœte.
I'œ'1l'CNI!H!N1 - NDDe.
Nancy Burnett, 729 steIIdbal laDe, ~, told f"n"""'¡ 1
that the Fairgrove ,...; g.¡.., huud bas .......1i IdMwt a
Neiclborhood Watch }'i....."...... JIK.-.' ,. l-te1y 250 of tbe
residents turned out far the œ with tbe sbIIriff's
dep1ty. City-SUWlied S~ are new posted.
MINUlES CF '!HE MMCH 16, 1992, RI!nJIAR CITY aIH:IL .......J...u«;
cx:mPBl' CIW!2IWt
Q:Junc. Golåœn reJIDIIed ItEm No, 11; DiIectar of Q:.ammity
Deve~,,,uL a:-n o.~"oed ItEm No, 16. It _ IIDWJd by szabo, geo' .....1 by Q:Junc, Golåœn and I""'fged
unarrlnDusly to "K'Lvv9 the balance of the ~ ~L Cale.dtu.
as sutmitted.
1. Review of ~ication for AlaiJolic Beva...."., QJn+-..zo1
lioellSe8: (a) Yiassoo Greek FUod to Go, 10660 South
DaIInza Boulevæd; (b) IDt:us Inn, 12271 Stevens creek
2. !hmr-.¡s and o:mplaint for Declaratory RI!! Hoof' and Refund
of )b)ey Paid; Ruth !L......u, plaintiff v. City of
0Jpertin0, Def..., L. ,l.
3. Resolution No. 8606: "A Resoluticn of the City <bunci1
of the City of 0Jpertin0 Mùing DBteI::JDinat.i and
A¡.provjng the Annearatiœ of ~tœ:y De8iguoted 'San
FemImcb Avenue 92-02', JIKa....I..wy .25 JIcre IDœted
at the Narth Side of San FemImdo AveIme BeL e en Byme
Awnue and <,p Awnue; PanIl'ang (ABf 357-15-044)."
4. H::othly Activity ~L, February 1992. Receive.
5. H::othly '1'œasuœr's ~l and Rnr~ ~"" February,
6. Resolution No. 8607: "A Resoluticn of the City a:xmcil
of the City of 0Jpertin0 Allowing Certain M..i.... and
[)-....,.dA Payeble in the JIIIDunts and FraIl the PImds as
Hereinafter Described for General and Misœl1aneous
~-..iitures far the Period Ending February 28, 1992."
7. Resolution No. 8608: "A Reøoluticn of the City a:xmcil
of the City of QJpertino Allowinq Certain 1'1..;.... and
DeIIIInds Payable in the Amunts and FraIl the PImds as
Hereinafter Described for General and MisœJ.laneCJus
~d.itures for the Period Erxiinq MIIrd1 6, 1992."
8. Resolution No, 8609: "A Resoluticn of the City 0:Juncil
of the City of 0Jpertin0 Allowing Certain ClaiJœ and
DImmds Payable in the Amunts and FraIl the P'Unds as
Hereinafter Described for Salaries and W&ges for the
Payroll Period Ending February 25, 1992."
9. Resolution No. 8610: "A Reeoluticn of the City Council
of the City of QJper+"..ino Setting Date for CD1sideraticn
of Annexing Area Desjq1ated 'Stelling 91-3', &'¥"LL.f
I.oœt;e,j en the Wo!Ist Side of stelling ibid Bet .
Rainbow Drive and Squirehill Ch1rt¡ ~ly 0.475
Acre, }IIoilioon- (APN 362-23-036)."
10. Resolution No. 8611: "A Resoluticn of the City Council
of the City of 0Jperti.n0 Setting a Public Hearing for
April 20, 1992, to QJnsider's thbm Nster
Shortage Plan.·
11. RB1Dved £ran the QJnsent Calendar.
12. Resolution No. 8613: "A Resoluticn of the City Counc:il
of the City of 0Jperti.n0 A¡:proIring 0XJt:ract Qmnge
Order No. 5 far wilscn Park DtI"-UY<2UI:IIiLs, P:1:oject
9104. "
13. Resolution No. 8614: "A Resoluticn of the City Counc:il
of the City of 0Jperti.n0 1.ppmving IDt Line Adju..I..-.l
Bet¡,.!.1!Il Two Pb......1.s of land Without a Percel MIIp In
AocmtImIœ With Sectial 66412(d) of SUbdivision MIIp Act
as }Io,~"Wj .-""'Y 1, 1984, LImds of HIt and Heyboer;
North Side of p..;'WWoI, Southwesterly of villa Maria
QJurt. "
14. Resoluti.on 11). 8615: "A Resoluticn of the City fh.......l
of the City of ~ Çroving IDt Line JldjuDl:....uL
Bee'! en Two Pb......1.s of land Without a Paroel MIIp In
AocmtImIœ With Sectial 66412(d) of SUbdivision MIIp Act
as Jlùc...:It.d '''--''"'Y 1, 1984, LImds of Fuentes/BUrgD8;
Nart:œast CL........ of SImta Clara SLL_l and Glaud
15. JIroeptanœ of City project ~IULJI-i under
.....lLLaCt Sidet-lk Grinding, Project 92-102 (P (, F
<mstruct:.ion) .
16. RB1Dved £ran the ""'"'--il Calendar.
17. Request for aut:Jxrizat.icn to participate in Mervyn's
Family-tD-Family grant with cities of Ibmtain View and
11. Resoluti.on No. 8612: "A Resoluticn of the City Counc:il
of the City of CUpertioo Çroving Qx1trJsct Change
Orders No. 2 and No.3, St:evens Creek Interœptor,
Project 91-116."
Change Order.
Proj. 91-116
92, Tsagari
MINt1ŒS CF 'mE MARCH 16, 1992, RI!GJIAR CITY' CXUCIL ...".......u«;
Q)unc. Golàœn stated he did not feel that an ...:.."........le
paving jOO had been d:Jne. He as!œd if the City st:.anIÍsrd of
acœptanoe - hi.c;l~. He felt it.. a patc:h job.
Director of Public ~ ViskDvicb told the (XUpt!i l.i'
tbIIt he wculd be happy to ti; anJSS it with tûm.
Q:Junc. Golàœn stated he ....,M liJœ to ccntinue
CCD8ideration of this IIBtter until after sud1 tiJœ as be
&peIIIœ with Mr. ViskrNi.à1. He ~.,.,sed amœm tbIIt the
City mi.cj1t be subject to addiH".".l RpÙr costs in the
future. It _ JIIM!d by Q:Junc. GolàDm to cxnt.imJe this
issue for bio tlee1œ.
M:Jt:.i.a1 died for lack of -.......:1.
fh...... DeIm asJœd what recaurøe the City has to malœ the
paving job DDre "". '<:J. <II "h1.,.
Director of Public tL&.1uo vÌ8kD\rid1 said tbIIt really is up
to the Traffic A11t:bori.ty and they ......t.dbly wculd not do
anything. He stated be ....,M need to lock at the møt of
wbat the City oolllld cb.
fh...... Golåœn ~_sed ...0....-.... about the joint bel '!!n
the new pawIIBlt and the old pi\> -'L. lie felt wt:er "".,M
seep in. He queøtiœed WIetber the job.. dœe
and 1Ibether or not the creat:icm of the joint wculd require
the City to averlay the ......_t Bf"-- than it ....,M
ot:hmwise be d:Jne.
Mr. viskrNi.à1 stated tbIIt the job _ dœe to City and
state st:ðIxiIIrds.
It _ JIIM!d by Q)unc. -........, _.nWl by o,.1ß('. Irrwel and
passed 4-1 with fh....., Goldœn tii B .Ung, to 8Œpt the
resolutiœ as sutmitted.
Q:Junc. Golåœn stated far the n........d that he <Üs8EI1ted
~I"" he felt CCD8ideraticn - -tAli to be CXXJtinued to the
next meet:inq.
16. çliœticn 10-ASAC-92 - Gto...."", 'l'sagIIri. - Request far
review and ~...nù. for an arc:hitectural nniif'iœticn
and a BÌÇPl ......."..œI1 for an existing restðurimt. '!be
site is located <Xl the east side of DeAnza Boulevard
~tely 250 ft. north of Bollinger RoIId.
Rc..u'"I.::tìdt::.I for çroval.
MINU'lES œ 'nIE HMCH 16, 1992, RmJIAR CITf a:ucn. =.l-.u«;
Pbllawing presentatic.n by the Director of <bmunity
Devel~iL, tbunciJ. disaJased the bricIt blue row used.
'!bey wer:e inf.......-:l the bricIt blue and the white are the
nati.a1al rolors of Gl~.
It _ IIDIIed by Q:Junc. KqJpel, s.......&Itrl by Q:Junc. Szabo and
I""Ased 4-1 with Q:Junc. DeIm dissenting, to _\N8 the
çplicaticn per Architectural 6Dd Site ~ Camdttee
Resolution No, 1676.
18. None.
19. çlicaticn No. 3-0-92 - Reo T ~ - Use Pel:JDit to far
a 2,370 sq. ft. flower and ptrri- store in an eadsting
shq:ping center. 'D¡e ~__l.i is loc:ated at 10021
South R1"""'Y Avenue. Bnvinnœnta1 '!be
Planning ,..,.....; aaiœ ~ " _a_._..1A the granting of a
Negative R,.." -..._~ for ~'-"'Bl.
Director of o--..ity ~J.,.,-,l QMm reviewed his ",¥",L
with m""'; 1 and suggested an addiHnruol cx:aditicn
reg¡mting trash eac1cøures. He said the awna.... hIMt stated
they will DOVe """i('l1eS ftan the beck of the hliltihog as
8CXX1 as possible.
It _ IIDIIed by fh...... szabo, _......., by Qxmc. ~l and
I""a'JEld urumi......181y to _uve the granting of a Negative
It _ IIIM!Id by fh....., Szabo, .........&Itrl by m...... ~l and
I""a~ '........;-usly to _""" the ~ per
n-.mri-ion No. 4399 with the adiiticn of
CDxiiticn No. 7 ~ trash enc1csures as per the staff
GaJ:y Sc:baidt, a -.inr partner of the i-'L'¥CLl~ owr......., said
he has been ccatacted by the Planning Depn1:meut with the
suggestia1 of IIIXÜfying the Jœg teen plan to include
residential. He stated this _ in the original plan and
the ~'¥CLL.i owners will look at it again.
20. çliœti.on 14-U--91 am 17-FA-91 - !lelsœ C1IIO - Use
PeImi.t to '¥CLute a financial services office and
storage in an ex:i.sting 2,864 sq. ft. hnildinq. 'lbe
~'¥CL Ly is located at 10022 P\:!ninsula Boulevard.
EnviIaIœntal Det.etminatiœ: '!be Planning Camdssiœ
rcu.......e.a:Ia the granting of a Negative Declaraticn.
Rt:ou..........At:.l for approval.
App, 3-U-92.
Ron Lac key
Neg. Dec. granted
App. 14-U-91 &
17-EA-91. Chao
Pbllowing by the Director of Ck:ImImi.ty
!)eye], ,"~iL, r.cuncil ti; ......l8sed the bricrt; blue color used.
'1hey were infu.......d the bri<rt: blue and the white are the
national colors of Greece.
It _ noved by Q:Junc. ~l, ~..hl by Q:Junc, Szabo and
passed 4-1 with Q:Junc. DeIm dissenting, to "l¥L"'"' the
applicaticn per Aråù.tectural áIId Site ~ cmmittee
Resolutian No. 1676.
18. NDDe.
19. Awlicaticn No. 3-U-92 - Rœ Iadœy - USe Permit to far
a 2,370 sq, ft. flower and pt'"'dI~ store in an eadsting
shq:ping center. 'D¡e ~~l)' is J.oœted at 10021
SOUth Rl-...y AYeoue. BnviItn1&Jtal Det:eminatia1: '!be
Planning f"nnni_itw¡ ~....,~.v. the granting of a
Negative Dec1aratiœ. R¡e., ....~..:It.d far "l¥L...nù.
DiJ:ector of n-mity DB\IR].'I."~d. 0:Mm I'eVÍaIIId his ""i'ULL
with rhlrV'i 1 and 8UIJIJI!8ted an aå:Ü H.....l I'1'WIiIi tia1
regarding tmsb ......1nA\1re8. Be said the own.:..... l1avft stated
they will IID\I8 """,i,.l"'8 fn:m the back of the ~,ni1tih'9 as
8OCI1 as possible.
It _ IIICM!ICI by fh_. Szabo, ............:It.d by rhln('. ~ and
I""Aged UDIIIÚDDu81y to "MILvv'e the granting of a Negative
It _ IIICM!ICI by fh...,., Szabo, .........IM by rhwr. ~ and
passed UDIIIÚDDu81y to "MIL"'"' the eppli.œt:iœ per Planning
C1-Inn; -ia1 Resolutian No. 4399 with the aå:Ütion of
QJnditia1 No. 7 reIJ1Ïring tmsb enc1œures as per the staff
Gary SdInidt, a .-oinr pa..L...c... of the ~'-t'CLLY' CIWD=t.., said
he bas been cxntact:ed by the Planning Deparbœnt with the
suggestia1 of IIIXiifying the lœg temI plan to include
residential. He stated this _ in the original plan and
the ~~LY' owners will look at it again.
20. Awlicatiœ 14-U-91 and 17-EA-91 - Nelsen 0Ia0 - USe
Permit to ~cll.e a finllncia1 services office and
stu..aÇìð in an existinq 2,864 sq. ft. hili 'lbe
~'-t'CL Ly is 10œted at 10022 ~a BoulevaIÙ.
Environnental DeteDnÏ1'Iatia1: '!be Planning Q:mnissiœ
IC<.u.lllcdds the granting of a Negative Declarlltiœ. for a¡:proval.
App, 3-U-92.
Ron Lac key
Beg. Dec. granted
App, 14-U-91 &
17-EA-91. Chao
HDI1ŒS œ 'mE MMQ{ 16, 1992, RI!GJLAR CITY aIH:IL ......~..uG
DirectDr of OmIImity Delle], ,..~,L a:-n reviellll!!d the
Planning recxmnendaticn with 0:Juncil.
Jim Jð, Io&o:-ì, attorney J,"¥L S iLing the 8A>liamt, said he
1IICUld speak primllrily regarding the frontage .iJJprc\-·-.l
requir&nent. He felt this _ unfair to ask the "ß>
to iJJprove private ~'-P"-L}' belœging to others. 'lheœ is
no incentive for the others to (Od¡:-' aLe with the "'R'
regarding the reciprocal Í1'.."......s/ec]œ88 _...........l. lie
8ØJœt1 that tl~ reciprocal ingress/egress _..........4. occur
within 30 dIIyB. He also ..:kh.....sed 1IIbat 10ICIlld Þ"ß'eO if
cnly one of the adjacent ~'-P"-L)' OIft'ICLD _....d. lie
requested an aà1it.icMl CXJI1di.tiœ that if one edjaœnt
~'-P"-li owner _ !!, Mr. Q1IIO will cb tbIIt of the
street and then is entitled to IVY'IV"'CY. Mr..Jadœon told
,..",........ 1 tbIIt Mr. Q1IIO Ms bad the 1IIIIIter cut off at the
~'-P"-li far saae tim8. He requested tbIIt it be turned œ
at least in the interim if the 8A>licaticn is GWL-.ed.
'lb!n if Mr. Q1IIO ...mll~ get the I...i~' "K'Lu.ral for the
""",,,--'l and the hlilti;ng ......lUJt be 0CNpied, the 1eter
<XJII]lð be turned off "9"in.
PrIIIIk Ol<t-, arà1itect, ~ s ,Led a new drawing of the
~.~1 showing the floor plan and requested tbIIt this be
CIK'L-Jed. He ........_øed the .-pinitw\ tbIIt it àJes cxmfœ:m
with 1IIbat 0:Juncil wnts ..... ,ot.. tbIIt it doœ include the
øt:ain;¡:;;.i' He requested that there be sheet rock œ the
inside of the hallway and just one side left qø1 80 it
lco1œ bed œ the inRi,. and tba...4......., ....,M not be
~""le far office speœ, yet it ...".~lð provide saae
security. Be stated tbIIt the Pm MIIr8bal also pref........d
sheet rock. 'I!Ie door at the wlt...u of the stainIIsy will be
Jœpt ],c- "A~. 'D¡e air mndiHtw\i'YJ œit will be in the
attic area. He also ..:kh.....øed ,..",.......1 regarding nwviitiœ
lb. 8 as ~.¥ !'ed by the planninq
'l!1ere being no public input, the Hsyar J:Jrour1t ti; AI"IISSia1
to the 0:Juncil.
0:Juncil restated that the main u.&AA:LII is to DBlœ sure tbIIt
1IIbat is desig¡Bted BtuJ,œp spaoe doœ not get anvert.ed to
office 9pA"'"'. 0:Juncil, by CŒJSeII8U8, stated tbIIt the 1IIIIIter
<XJIIIM be tuzned œ.
staff suggested that during the Pm District's yearly
review, the attic oould be d1ecIœd regarding its use.
It _ JIDIÆd by 0:Junc. szabo, ~.:Itod by Q:lunc. Keppel and
passed unaninrA1s1y to "W!.u.Ie the granting of a Negative
MDI1ŒS œ 'DIE KMCH 16, 1992, RI!GJLAR CITY a:ocn. .......ul'G
It _ IIICIU'eCI by Q:Junc. Szabo, .........dt.d by 0Junc. Jl't'tpel and
raeed .......i~ly to CIM'L""" the "ß"li......;1'W\ as per the
floor plan sutDitted MIIrd1 16, 1992, and per
O::IImiAA;fWI Re801ut.i.c:n !t). 4400 _.......IM to allow retsJtiœ
of stairs to the attic, to rec;pst the Fire District to
include ;~--ticn regarding use of the attic as pert of
their yearly rw:lew; revise 0JIJditia1!t). 8 to "11.... delay
of of -srnry wll until activity occura in
the beck; and, if within 60 days, the City bas to initiate
I'8YOCIItia1 ....·<'ØSs, the ~liamt is pt1__ ~ the
entire aJØt of the ..1.&.....4.~. If ODe ~
l'LUi'CLly' OIIDB[' s~ the reciprocal iI."......../""'"' 18
cy.oaau<ad.., the eppliamt'B obliglltion ext--- to tbIIt side.
Muu:JB.:.lucAL »I) SI'lB K', ,::HAL (DHI:l"ŒB APPLICATIœs
21. NDDe.
tH'INISIIBD _....-
22. NDDe.
23. O:mgeøt.iœ ~_-·-.L ApIC ami 0:IBJter NM_~~.
PirBt r--ting of Qrrt...........!t). l586: "JIll
Qrdi- of the City n-.~ 1 of the City of
~ lIMing ~..... 11.38 to the ~
....;,...p"'1 a:de, BBtabHIIh"ng Jloo1Ili·_L far
n.-,...Lat.kID ~._Ski ~_ .L p~,,¥,~.
(b) RIs8Ol,wifWI !t). 8616: -A Resolutiœ of the City
fh......1 of the City of ~ ~ the
n ,I..... ~.. of tœ santa ClIIr:a 00lmt:y
n_~ ~_-·-.L ~~..ry as tile ~..,....,¡;y
JIUt:barized to -inillter the PmIIisi.cns of the
n~·"i:·"œ ~._..i 0niinImœ at Behalf of the
City of ~."
(c) Re801utia1 !t). 8617: "A Re801utiœ of the City
QJuncil of the City of CUpertim Desicplting the
santa ClIIr:a County Qmgestiœ *""".......-.L ~ as
RieMpi.q; of and OIIerall PLUOjI-au MIIMger far AB
434 (Sher-1991) Vehicle Registratiœ Fee
ReI/81UeS. "
Congestion Hgmt.
Agency & Commuter
1st reading
of Ord. 1586
Res. 8616
Res. 8617
SUDDDit 'n
HINUŒS œ 'lJIE MARCH 16, 1992, RI!GJIÆ CITY a:ucn. HßE'l'DC
It __ IIDII'ed by Q:Junc. KcJppel, seconded ¡,oj Qxmc. Golållm
and p"ased UMIlÌiIDU81y to CJK'Luv'e the pL' ,,;800 orrünance
and bath reøolutioos and to direct staff to prepu-e the
r-ç-sary instruaent to CDllect the City's shðre fran the
euployers required to parti.cipste in the 1992-93 ~"':I'-"",,,
It _ IIDII'ed by Q:Junc. fl'rn-l, ..........uJt,d by Q)unc. Golåœn
and passed UI18IlÌJ1DU81y to read 0rdin8nœ No. 1586 by title
œly and the City Clerk's reading to a:.ostitute the first
reading thereof.
It _ IIDII'ed by cwnc. ~1, eeoooded by Q:Junc. Golåœn
and passed UI18IlÌJ1DU81y to adJpt: Reøolutiœ No. 8616.
It _ 11Dved by Q:Junc. ~l, ............d.d by cwnc. Golànm
and pllÆlaed UI18IlÌJ1DU81y to -V Reøo1utiœ No. 8617.
24. amsi.deratia1 of Slllmit '92 - Acquisitial of data £ran
business CXIIIIIJIlÍ.ty (n-...".. DeIm).
Q:Junc. DeIIn caih.·,.;¡secI thcøe.... B il regr:u:ùing Slmnit '92,
regr:u:ùing revenue projecticms. Be stated the need for City s .Latives to meet with the business rYMInlllÌty and to
identify Clp!rtino's (jmkðl -",~.l. He stated the City
needs to knew wiD is providinq the l1li88 of sales cbllars.
Should the City tIIIœ saœ stepJ? 0:::"I1n(". DeIm stated he bas
tallœd to Hewlett ~d, T,...-.., JlAùe, and other
business leaders. '!hey ....,M lilœ this data also. He
aslœd tbIIt 0:II1rV'i 1 es.L...... the <AAa.qJl., det:emdne the
structure and }IL....-.B, and CXIIIB up with flow of
QJI1œm _ ~"""sed regarding the o-m--'s ~ and
the pD88ibility of prioritizing projects.
Q:Junc. DeIIn BUgJeBted the City use the O'inl..... Center far a
gathering and tbIIt Phase I of '92 be in tii.....]ØsÌlX1
fUuacll. He feels the City nr :1e to understlInd ~__ its
rEM!I1UI!8 are cx:ming fran. A survey 1IICUld proœbly be àJne
to try to detetJDine if CUpertino draws sb 'i¢Is fran other
CXJIIIIJI1ities. Are our sb 'U. ..,.1 a area wcrIœJ:a, area
residents, bot:h?
City MBrIiiger Brown ilçú.red regr:u:ùing the sa:.pI of
a:mni.tment and staffing. He stated real infOIllBtial is
n : ~. 'D¡e merd1ants may have to cb saœ ~. work.
Mr, Brown stated t.'lat if the City Council WIII1ts to ~'.~
with this, he 'oICUld liJœ t.o "S<XJPE! out" the project as he
feels it will require staff vx-k.
MINUŒS œ 'tHE MI\RCH 16, 1992, RI!GJIAR CITY CXXH::IL ......~..uG
Q:Junc. DeIIn stated that
UlKim:write the project.
subnit a written ~'Ii" .eel.
there hils been sane offers to
At <buncil's request, he ....,1"
Staff _ aslœd to look at Mø1 Valley l"ai.r s:tq:Jping 0IInter
_ ...-., .ioo.1ed, as well as Mø1 Valloo _ ...~·..""'led.
Director of Finance snyder stated tbIIt he is t......-oIring
II&.."-.Ls of 0Jpertin0 bJsinesses back 10 years.
G.....d.l P'rolidt, 1202 Be1knl!p CDlrt, requested tbIIt the City
let the ~ of 0................ have lIlIY mn-rt:s as soan 118
they þ.". ..,~ llVAil....le. He ....'ld help to get volunteers
£ran the o-m-- for this survey.
By """'__, a written ~·v~ will be plaoeti on the
April 6 agenda.
25. RIeqI~ for CIKl.I.'¥ frœ gas tax fund to r-pl'"(:!(Þ
the IIII8ter cx::Dp1ter for the t;r>offi c si 9"'" 1 ÍDt.aL......-.1.
P'o11owing the present:atiœ of the staff ""¥'.LL, it..
suggested that Public ømœ ~ plan for -J.--4ng
by blind if tl1Bre is a int.:......---~ Si9""'l crash in the
G.....d.u P'rolidt said he "{Pl_-- anything tbIIt helps
It .. IIDIIed by QJunc. Kq:ip>], Ø""'u...., by 0:11..... ~ and
I""sed UDIIIÜJIDusly to "W.!.'¥.L.iate $56,000 £ran the Gas 'nix:
26. p-;p-t far CIKl.I.U1IIÙ. of Qmf1ict of Int:eœst QxB
-VM by the 0Jpertin0 PlÐlic ....... c:mpomtion.
It _ IIDIIed by Ccunc. Golàœm, .........a1bd by Q:Junc. J&ß-l
and r-Ased 1.III8IliDrJusly to CIKl.I.""" the 0Jnf1ict of Int:eœst
Q)de aŒJpt.ed by the CUpertino Public ,..."i 1 i ties
27. NDDe.
Request for
master computer
Conll1ct of
Intel'est Code
2nd reading
Ord. 1584
Ord. 1584
Ord. 1585
Ord. 1585
KD«1ŒS œ 'mE MI\RCf 16, 1992, Rl!nJU\R crrr o::ucn. ......~..lIG
28. St:ou...a.l r-1ing and enðctment of 0tI:1inanœ!b. 1584:
"An 0rdinImce of the City 0:Juncil of the City of
CUpertino Jln-viiTXJ 01!Ipter 11.20.030 ~
MJnicipal axle, Relating to Prima P'acle ~ : j Lilllits œ
Miller Avenue, Bet\Jeen Sb!MIns creek Boulevmd and
Bollinger Road."
It _ IIDIIed by Counc. Golàœn, ~.dtod by ............ ~
and pllBsed urumi.......181y to reIId ordinm1œ!b. 1584 by title
œly and the City Clerk's reading to amstitute the eeG>...d
reading t:hc....of.
It _ IIDIIed by Counc. ~l, ~.dtod by Q:Junc. Gol""-
and I"'Ased l.........illrJl181y to enact ordinm1œ!b. 1584.
29. St:ou...d r-ting and enactment of 0I:din!Inœ!b. 1585:
"An QrrIh__ of the City 0:Juncil of the City of
CUpertino~iTXJ QWIpter 11.29.040 of the 0Jpertin0
Ømkipe¡l axle, Relating to Qi-Site Parking."
It _ JID\Ied by Counc. Golàœn, ~.dtod by ..........., J{q:Ipel
and I"'\'sed l.........i......l8ly to reIId ordinm1œ!b. 1585 by title
œly and the City Clerk's reading to amstitute the -....d
r-1ing ti....-.!.
It _ JID\Ied by Counc. Golàœn, ...... ..WI by Q:Junc. JI'qpl
and I"'..ged'lrl\J81y to enact ordinm1œ!b. 1585.
¡mmr l'l'Iœ8
30. NDDe.
S'mPP ~J:S
31. Oral L~LB by staff n~,I..,.......
Assistant: to the City Mllnaçr3r Brown told CDmcll tbIIt the
Public Safety Qmldttee requests a joint meet:inq with thEm
to review their 1IICrkplan and other matter&.
CDmcll set 7:00 p,m., April 1, in CDlferenoe axms C and D
for a joint meet.iDg.
CXJ.ICD:, 1œit'UC1~
32. Mayor SoreIIsen - Santa Clara County Cities Assoc.iatiœ
- Mayor 90rensEÐ stated that the Mid state 'lbll Road
and Tðnner Bill issues will need to be p] &oed œ
Ccmlcil ager1das in the future for CXJIUIideraticn.
MIH1ŒS OF THE MARCH 16, 1992, RmJlAR CITY o:ucn.'G
33, 0Junc. szabo - l--g:i..lative Review Ccmnittee - It _
IIDIIed by ~mc. szabo, ~.Jt,d by Q,unc. ~1 and
pessed UlIðllÌJIDI81y to talœ the following actic:r1
regarding ~. 'i"=sed legislation:
SUpport sa 1555 (Green), bcolting/prcp!r tax fees; AB
3017 (Filante), IIIIÙJ1t:eMnOe of effort. 0:Juncil 'u<ns
SCA 41 (watsœ), vehicle license fees ænœrIœd to fund
health, mental health and tIt'V";..l service }'LuyL.....; SB
1392 (Dills), capital fa<'; 1i ties necpti.aticns. 0:Juncil
requested that staff 00tain copies of SB 1645
(O'IltiAron), regarding fines and forfeitures, and will
SUWOrl this bill if funds cp to the city or to the
Sheriff's DEpartments and are eat1IIlrlœd 88 rTminq frail
the city.
35. Q:Junc. Go1àœn - Asøociaticn of Bay Area G::verJIIBJtB -
0:Juncil dÏ.sc\!eøed the upcom;ng ABIIG meeting pertaining
to regicoal ~I"'IL. By aJDSEI1SU8, "........,..;1.__~1~.
_.,.,.;I not to rrnpl..t;:e the ABIIG £om and to IIIIintain
their previous and to rn..wu.a.L the
recaIIIIBrICIII 88 stated in a letter received frail the
City of SUisun City.
0Jpertim Mx:aticn T.i..itlr'Wl OJmti.ttee - Q:Junc. Gol""""
stated that a joint meet:inq with the sdJoo1,
the City 0:Juncil, and the Board of SUpeIvisors 11M tJem
tIÅIMIlled for 8:00 a.m., May 1, at DBImza Cb11..
'Ibis will ~ 8CIIIe staff tiDe. '!he Di.rect.Œ of
Parks and RÞ......-ticn _ requested to MIIOIJI1ti a .m:rlx
previously àJne so tbIIt it includes the sd1oo1 sites
the City now 1--as. 'lbpiœ to be tii......l8øed at this
meeting include sports f--; 1 ities and transportat.ia1.
At 9:40 p,m., edjourned to 7:00 p.m., MIIrd117,
Q]nference RealI A.
City Cler:k <
Legislative Re-
view Committee
Cupertino Ed.
Liaison Comm.