CC 03-17-92 .... ~ ) crrr <F aJPBRTDO, S'm1E <F CAI..IPCRIIA 10300 '.lUU<lS AVI!HJE, ~'llC), CA 95014 ~: (408) 252-4505 MINC'ŒS œ TIiB AOOaJRNID Rl!GJIAR "".u·.u«; œ TIiB crrr aIH:IL HErD (If MI\RCH 17, 1992, u..&U'........cB RfXM A crrr BAIL, 10300 ".lUU<lfo AVI!HJE UJt'ISKI.'U«>, CALDCRŒA CC-833A. 'D¡e meeting was called to ....dt« by MIIyor !L..~ -- at 7: 00 p.lD. DL CAlL QJunc. PL S aL: DeIm, Golàœn, lfq'p'>1, szabo, MI!Iycr SoreÐsen Staff Pi. S iL: Deputy City Clerk Ø)lfe œAL CXHDfICATltIIS - NDDe. IN1'BRVIEWS œ APIILICANl'S JIR) Aß'ODmI!Bl'S 'IO J\F!ŒDABLB JDJSIlG aHI1'1'D!8. MIIyor !L&.- -. -q>lai_ to ,-v¡itiootes hew the meet:inq ....,M ~-.< eecI. CoIvri 1 int:erviøøi AI . HI.rdt-KJ:et.r I a., Midlae1. BruDer, Ro..1_'Q &~, MIIrio Pinecb, Iois wm:tJurtœ, AJm-<Ile ~ and !ratby 1!br.ú It-pnh; n....... It 1IØS DDVed by t'hwv-. m1.~..J, 8&---1A.J by thftV". Golàœn and r uti I......i-.ly to -,;v'mt MIIrio Pinedo as the basinees .."'t& B iLative to the Affordable lfDU8ing a:maittee. It _ DDVed by Q:Junc. lfqpl, .........""" by cnmc. S'7at-n and pwged '.......i.......ly to appoint SUsan MirdHtretsdmmn as the lWi"""t ""¥L B dAtive to the Affordable Housing fhnnittee. -t- , ." ~ . . AOOCURNBD JœGmAR ......£'.uG œ MMCR 17, 1992 Deputy City Clerk 1blfe told the """tnten tbIIt the Clerk's nfi'i.... V'II11<1 be in tuu..h with eIId1 of them regarding the oath of nfi'iœ -icb Deeds to be CXIIp.leted befoL... the ODaittee's lUg en Itm::b 20. At 7:50 p.m., the meeting WIllI adP........ ~.¿J~. City C1iIrk