CC 04-01-92
10300 '.lU<lUS AVI!KJE, CIJPP.RI'DI), CA 95014
'lEI:BPtDIB: (408) 252-4505
œ 'DIB crrr axH:IL
!£E'l'IlC .J:>I!f.lU' WI'IB 'lHB l'œLIC SIU'I!:l'f c:JIIISSICII
HKU) CN APRIL 1, 1992, ~ lOJ! C&D
'lbe meeting _ called to ULdt... by MaJor!L..- en at 7:00
Counc. IlL S aL:
DeIIn, Golåœn, lfq:t)Et], -........, MaJor!L..~ eD
Public Safety n-nm; aait"WI ......J ~ D I'À. S aL:
l1'-. L.._.., Ibllay, V-M.J.., 0Iair NbLum.
Public safety n-o....; AAion JIft....... a JIt¡ B !nl:
Staff P1. S il:
Assistant to the City ~ Brown
Dep1ty City Clerk 1I>lfe
"--" -" le _1--'~'~'_
1. \.AIUI~,- --_...1aSJ.OD m \",õ"LCII..&..L.I.IWI:I\o..I,&,,&I.
2. P' plans.
0Iair Nb....... int....·iI..-I the P'»li(" Bafet.y ~AAi..._.
J:'L B iL. She said the ~AAion reeds ~ t'lIi'9" CIC'
beIIrs about ðCt:.iœs tIIlœn by fh........l. '!!ley feel ~
O"IIlld have been jnpJt fxan thBD œgsrding tbeøe 1IIItter8.
Can. !bHoy said there bad been Iii ....._ion at the
n-o....;AA;œ as to their role and 1"'"1[' ·..ihi.1ities. He said
they felt it _ worthwhile to ~ with ""........1. '1he
n-o....; A'Iicn has been interested in traffic and ism-
surrounding it. 8aœtimes they find cut t".hingø are «ping
<Xl tbIIt they feel they our;þt to have been a part of, e.g.,
amnittees fuullc..I to deal with issues such as traffic
.ø.ðtd~. 'lbe n-o....;8'3icn used to deal with
traffic issues and biJœ lanes. 'lhey feel they III!IY mt be
using their time effectively.
Mayor sorensen menticned the driver safety ~...".......
SPECIAL CITY a:ucn. .......J."~ - APRIL 1, 1992
Q:Junc. ~l said it _ l'L..b:tbly an overøicJt by cmncil
that 9CIIIe itBœ had not been referred to the fhnn;_i.....
0:Juncil !lIlY not be using fhnni "9iœ ..~.. '<:u in the best
Q:Junc. Szabo said that during his 2-1/2 years en the
o:mnissicn they didn't deal with traffic issues. During
his time on the rmmi -icn they wrote ordinIInœs regm:diJIg
IIIIIOke "1"",,,, and f',,1_ "1"",,,,. He said he _ in favor of
having traffic cp to the ..........i_ia1 DCIô that he is er _..
that traffic is part of the åMIrge. SUd1 things as ~
&¡:Hd limits, I"""":I-ive left tmn, etc., Ahno11('1 be ~
by them.
0Jair ........: said perbIIps ccnsiderat.ico of sud1 itBœ ....,M
encourage public att:eDdImœ and input at the rmmi-iœ
Q:Junc. ~..m said CDJ8ÌdI!IrIIt.i of roofing material Ahnollli
cp to the o-.on; -iœ.
0Jair Mb&..-.. said she t-1vw'Tt; thœats to pmlic health
(taxies, for ---'I,le) ....nnM be ref...LJ..,d to the PI""li~
safety fhnni_iœ.
Ckm. It>llay said the n-i_i.... hils reviBoIed the hazIa:cbJB
lIIIIt:erials st.u.._ CJI.....i..........
0:II1rV'. szabo said he t-1vw'Tt; the police hvigP'; sbauld be
referred to the fhnni_i.....
Assistlmt to the City ~r BmIm ~1,,;..-t the h~
Q:Junc. Szabo said be -.L the serviœ plan p:rtiœ of the
hvic;rt, not the cbllars, sbould be CDlBidered by the
Following lii""'l88itwt of the possibility of hiring a traffic
ocnsultlmt, Mayor Sor&Iøen aaid tbIIt if this to-.¡,........1,
Public Snfety fhnn;-iœ ....,M be I."¥L_-!led.
Counc. Golåœn stated tbIIt the fhnni -iœ is a valUlllble
resource. Rather than creating taslru, t.~ are issues
tbIIt be is ðWBJ:e of that am be referred to the
o:mnissicn. He stated the cpinicn that the o:mnissiœ
should not meet if there"S mthing to meet about.
· ,
SPØ:IAL crrr aIH:IL ~.....uG - APRIL 1, 1992
Q:II\. M:>l1oy said the issùe is not that they have nothing to
meet about; they tent to be nm:e involved.
Q:II\. ~ said the CDmdssiat ........i..., fire and police
activity at each meet:inq and am sauetiJœs spot lL.,..db.
Q:Junc. Go]"""" said that when the Q:mai.ssiat has 8CIIIet:hi.nq
to oannll'\Ìcate to 0:Junci1, they should create a "<¥ULl and
request acticn.
0Múr Nemer _lœd if nm:e det-"'; led IIIinutes ....,M be1p, and
_ inf....·~l tbIIt the IIIinutes were sati.sfactary. Ms.
........ said she am't iDBg:ine the n-;ASiat ever
inactive .....- of the sœpe of pJblic safety iseo-. She
said the '~IIi1Ii;11q Divisi.a1 and the n-;aøiat "...,'" warIt
nm:e c~ly toget:ber on such issues as fire IetIm:IImt
Q:Junc. ~,ahn said _ need to IIIIIœ sure safety i__ get to
the 1'Wnra; aaial.
Q:II\. M:>llay ..._owt tbIIt the f"nnni"iat wuld be involved to
the extent tbIIt the fh""'i 1 wnts t:bam to be.
MII}Iar ILL- [II said a warIt ~uyL"" should be ..........-..d.
0Múr .......r said they tent to be able to ............itwte with
(h...,., !Io.7ahn said they IIIiqrt: tent to look at eaz+h¡I"'n.
safety .
Coone. Ifqipel stated that another i88Ue they miojot" CDl8Jå!r
is firepl~ .in futuœ dell'eJ..,,·-tL.
MII}Iar a....- !h -- the n-i-icn to i'L......-ð a WDdt plan
and &eDd a 1.<¥ULL to 00unci.l1llben projects are .........]nr_.
Q:Junc. Gel"""" said tbIIt if tbøre are projects tbIIt bIiMa
been CDIpleted and not "<¥ULLed on he wuld liJœ to see
1.<¥ULLB on thEm. He said the writ plan "...,M include
tasks, Hming of ampletia1 and a list of reøcurœs the
n-i_iœ wculd need to amplete the tasks.
Mayer SaœI!8eI1 said Oounci.l will be nm:e aware of 1ihicb
itelœ am be referred to Public Safety n-i"iat.
Disc:u3siat followed regarding annual meet.ingø with all
rnrmiasicns, IIIlybe 8CIIIEI with nm:e than <me rnrmi"icn at a
SPECIAL crrr CDH:IL ..../uuC - APRIL 1, 1992
Q:Junc. szabo III1Ift _.,d a:m. WtoLuar' s queøtic:'I1 about 10ibat the
O:mDissicn did vbeo he _ a J'-.I ....t .
01air werner said that they ~ the 0UIcll Jœeting
with them. She also stated the ""ini,.., tbIIt the
Nei<j'd . "hood watd1 ...."!ILmD is a very valuable cme.
At 7:55 p.m., the meet:inq _ adjourned.
. .ç, [J~~