CC 04-06-92 1 þ CITY OF aJPI!Rl'DI), STI>.'Œ CP CJ\LIlI(IQfIA 10300 'lœRE AVI!HJE, aJPERTIH), CA 95014 'ŒIEPtDiE: (408) 252-4505 MIN!1.lES CP 'mE RI!XDLAR .......r.u1G œ 'mE crrr a:JlH:IL HEID CN APRIL 6, 1992, CDæIL OWI:IBR, crrr HAIL, 10300 '.lU<lQ!; AVJ!HJE, aJPBRi'DÐ, CAI.:IF<RfIA 0:-834 pr = CP ALü!GIAN:E '!he meeting _ œ.lled to OL.b. by Mayor Sorensen at 6:45 p.m. ROLL CAlL OJunc. I'res IL: Dean, Golållln, K/Jg)el, Sz.~, Mayor Sorensen Staff Pn!s~)l: City MBnBger Brown City Clerk O:m1eli.us Director of Public ....koo vis1a:wi.d1 Director of n-.nn1l'l;ty Døw1, .. a:-n Director of Finance SI1ydør Director of Parks and RÞ.....o::o:ít.ia1 Dowling Assistant to the City ~ Brown Public :InfcmnBtiat Officer Krey City AttonIey ltilian FŒm'CIII!H!:Nl' It was IIDIIed by Q:Junc. Go1åœn, e-.....dtd by (bmc. lfqJpel and ¡-a'ged urvm;lIInlJSly to CD1tinue IteII No. 34 to the meet:inq of April 20, 1992. ŒRI!2OiIAL MkJ.".lJSIcS - PRBSI!2lrATICti Recx:9ùtion of Ib1ta Vista IIi91 !HInol varsity girls basketball team. Mayor Sorensen ~ S _iLed certificates to the .._.J -.... of the basketball team. Flc¥f Meyer, 10486 West:acre Drive, stated they were a fine bmch of ladies. He had a ~ of -A-o- far thBn. He ~d ~_s_jL the ropies to their coach who CXJUld distr:ibJte thBn to the team n1C3.t-.... -1- þ HIH1lES OF THE APRIL 6, 1992, RI!X;ULAR CITY œucn. ......nI'C (œ-834 ) Ma1'Or Sorensen requested tllat Mr. Meyer cal.h..,.,. Cbuncil. QJunc. Goldnan stated that the City bel....... youth that hIIve achieIIed þt>non_ they are the future. A peIBCIl is part of the prrolem or pert of the solution. '!his IIIIY oot be a perfect system, b1t it is the best he hI.Is seen. He hcpes everyone here will look for solutioos to prcbleøø. QJunc. Kqp!l aà:h.o::.&sed the blls1œtball teIIm stat.ing tbIIt JH) has nothing to cb with thBn am that the 0:Juncil is here to honor thBn. ~ Ma1'Or Sorensen amgratu1ated the teIIm. œAL cnHJNICATICIIS Floyd Meyer said he has biD thi.ngB to Ii; ....... with 0:Juncil. He had sent a letter far written n--nmiœtia1, b1t it is not en the agen:Ia. He "-';~ically ""'l1ed the City Clerk and fI8Þoti about it. He inquired as to bcIf CIJ8 cbes get en the ~. Q:Junc. Szabo stated O:Juncil did receive the letter. Mr. Meyer said he had been sent çrpÌ(!18 of mort cases, b1t still did not see why selective ..ufw.-.-....tl. _ all ri9Jt. lie aslœd why the MI¥Jr had sent all that ~ and ....... the mort oases had cœe fraD. MI¥Jr Sorensen stated tbIIt she had aslœd the City At.OOk.UIO)' to pr:epsre the infODlllti.on. Q:Junc. Golåœn stated that he felt tbIIt Oœl 0:mIImiœtiœs _ for _.,~o& to talk, b1t oot to ~J"'L nw........l. lie aslœd Mr. Meyer to send saaethiDg in writing and said 0:Juncil ......,lti ~. Q:Junc. Go1àœn stated tbIIt it __ tbIIt Mr. Meyer uses Oœl QmJmú.cati.cns for his awn em and to provcIœ a reacticn. Mr. Meyer replied that he is trying to get these hundt...d odd things Wu"",--œd. He believed there were only 17 things, bIt Mr. Brown says aver a hurah...d. Mr. tIDy..... ~..&sed a:nœzn that "hired help- _ cbing nothing. He aslœd why the City _ dk.~ its feet. He wuld rather not use Oral Cammú.œtia1s am is tzying to get en the ðgI!I1CIa . -2- MINUIES œ wz APRL~ 6, 1992, REnJIAR cm cnN:n. l"ZI:..l·uC (œ-834) Mayor &:>rensen th!Inlœd Mr, Meyer for his 'h.,.~,Ls. CXIISI!Nl' CAI.liMINt Q:Junc. Dean requestOO that Item No. 17 be rEIID\,"ed, It 1IIIIU IIDYed by Q:Junc. lfq:p!>l, --.......Jt,d by 0:Iunc. Go1åœn and passed urwmim::Iusly to Cll¥'-uVe the balance of the 0:xIøent: Calendar as sul:Jai.ttecl. 1. JIRImVal of minutes of Februazy 18, 1992, ~I¡'.r City Q)uncil meet:inq. 2. JIRImVal of minutes of MIIrch 2, 1992, ~11At" City 0:Juncil meet:inq. 3. ~ of minutes of MIIrch 5, 1992 adjourned I""?,1.- City 0:Juncil Jœet.ing. 4. ~ of minutes of MIIrch 16, 1992, adjourned ~Il..r City nw........l meet:inq. 5. JIRIroVal of minutes of MIIrch 16, 1992, I""?'1..r City nw...,.; 1 meet:inq. 6, ~ of minutes of MIIrch 17, 1992, adjourned ~Il..r City QJuncil Jœet.ing. 7. Reøoluticn No. 8618: "A Reøoluticn of the City nw....,..i 1 of the City of ~ Allowing certain ('1..;_ and Dt3a...&Ja. Payable in the JIaDJnts and P'J:aD the P'Imds as Hereinafter Described far Gta....al and Misœ111R'1W1U8 Expe<ilitures far the Period RnrtingMllrch 13, 1992." 8. Reøoluticn No. 8619: "A Reøoluticn of the City nw........l of the City of ~ Allowing certain ("1..;_ and ~.~, .iA Payable in the JIaDunts and FraIl the P'Imds as Hereinafter Described far ~al and M:i.sœl1anecus Expelllditures for the Period Ending MIIrch 20, 1992." 9. Reøoluticn No. 8620: "A Reøoluticn of the City Council of the City of QJpertino Allowing Certain ClaiJœ and DBœnds Payable in the 1\nDunts and FraIl the P'Unds as Hereinafter Described for General and Misoel1.aneœs Expenditures for the Period Ending MBrch 27, 1992.· 10. Re801uticn No. 8621: ·A Re801uticn of the City Council of the City of QJpertino Allowing Certain ClaiJœ and DemIIrx:Is Payable in the Anamts and Fran the P'Imds as Hereinafter Described for Salaries and Nðges for the Payroll Period Ending Mðrd1 10, 1992," -3- Consent Calendar þ MINt1IES CF THE APRIL 6, 1992, RmJIAR CITY a:xH:IL r£E'l'I!I:; (Œ-834) 11. Resolution l'i>. 8622: °A Resolution of the City Conneil of the City of Cupertino Allowing Certain ClaiJœ and DeœiOOs Payable in the 1\nPunt8 and Fran the FuOOs as Hereinafter Described for Salaries and Wages for the Payroll Period Ending Mðrà1 24, 1992. ° 12. Request úan Cupertino Camunity Services (a:s) fc,= waiver of use fees for a fund raiser to be held at BJ.adoóbcLL}' FaJ:m, 13, Resolution l'i>. 8623: °A Resolutia1 of the City Q)unci.l of the City of Cupertino MIW.ng DeteIJDinati.on and çroving the Annexation of Territory Desic;Jlated 'Stelling 91-2', AppraXimately 0.475 Acre lDœted œ the west Side of Stelling laid Betwen Rainbow Drive and Squirehill 0::Jurt; lfAitiPr (APN 362-23-036)." 14. AR>licaticn 12-AS/IC-92 - G. 91- - u <1:Jnstructi.cn - Requesting review and ~ far a lic 1ting plan for an existing blink located en the north side of stevens creek Bculevard ~y 170 ft. east of 8IIndley Drive. Rt.......lUClahl for "H"-<Ñð!. 15. AR>1icatia1 AS/IC 36-0-86 DeImza Pu-t.....ties - Requesting review and GK'Luval for a handi· ~",...d parking ......ìOf?Y for an eIdsting office hli1tiing. '!be site is located at the ~ ani..... of stevens creek Boulevard and 'lbrre AveIIue. p..., .,.,....dt.d for "H"-<Ñð!. 16, AR>licaticn 14-AS/IC-92 '!be Driving Machine - Requesting review and COWLoval far an ""'" -v' icn to the sic;J1 mdinanoe far an existing hli ltting located in a li.gIt inœ1strial zœe. '!be site is located en the east side of Bubb laid GK'L"ol-tely 300 ft. scuth of Ste\IerI8 creek Bculevard. Ra:u.....,~..io.i for ~. 17. R8IDIIed £ran the Qnsent Calendar. 18. ReIri.ew of 8ß licatiœ for Al<ÙÐlic BIM:&.~ Cbltrol licenses: (a) Payless Drug store, 20580 Hanestead Road; (b) Reniezvcus Cafe, 10385 South DeAnza Bculevard (foLioerly Cupertino Joe's). 19. Resolution l'i>. 8624: "A Resolution of the City Q)unci.l of the City of Cupertino In SIJWOLL of Ballot Measure A of June, 1992 Election to Extenj Santa Clara (bmty's Park 01arter Alllt,..l..etd.," -4- MlN(1l'ES œ 'mE APRIL 6, 1992, RmJLAR CITY a:ucn. MEE'1'DC (OC-834) 20, Resolu~;'""fl lb, 8625: "A Resolutial of the City 0::Juncil of the City of CUpertino J\WroITing Destructi.on of Certain Roe.:uL.J& (City Clerk ~)," 21. Resolutial lb. 8626: "A Resolutial of the City 0::Juncil of the City of 0JpeJ:tin? to Desilptte the Solid Waste Ccmnissi.cn of Santa Clara Q)unty ðB the Santa Clara Q)unty IDeal Task POroe." 22, Resolution lb. 8627: "A Reeolutial of the City Ccuncil of the City of CUpertino Approving QJntrac:: o-~ Order lb. 6, wilson Park Inprt:NaIEnt." 23. J\cœptðnOe of City project pð1.r.......-:l under cxmtract: Wilson Park Ißpro\I8œnt Project 9104 (8 & 8 QJncrete). (lb ~JæI'I':ation net'eBMry.) 24. Resolution lb, 8628: "A Resolutial of the Ci".:y 0::Juncil of the ::ity of CUpertino ~ C)ùtclaim Deed and Authorizati.a1 for tl'Idt:..o,p.uoJDd WIIter Jti4tts £ran Brie Fang and Cindy Pan, san PemImIb Avenue BetveEll Byrne Avenue and orange Avenue." 25. Resolution lb. 8629: "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of CUpertino J\ccept.ing Grant of J!Me......íL far ~ PlALpsas fran Bric Fang and Cindy Pan, O:msisting of J\¡:pmIdDBtely 0.028 Acœs, IDOIIted on san Fernancb Avenue 8et! - m Byrne Avenue arw:I (ha¡w;p Avenue. . 26. Resolution lb. 8630: "A Resolutial of the City 0::Juncil of the City of CUpertino Aocept:ing O1itc1..im Deed and Authorizati.a1 far tb:It...o,p.uoJDd WIIter Jti4tts £ran Bozo MargIIretich amst:ruc:tiœ Inc. , a California <mporation; CUpertino bid." 27. Resolutial lb, 8631: -A Resolutiœ of the City Council of the City of CUpertino ~;ng Grant of EBa.::...euL for ~ Pw:p:ses £ran Bozo MBrg!Iretidt a:nstruction Inc., a California <mporation¡ O:msisting of JIw.....n-tely 0.004 Acœs, IDOIIted on CUpertino bId,- 28. Resolution lb. 8632: "A Resolutial of the City 0::Juncil of tl1e City of CUpertino Approving Parcel MBp arw:I n'\'Luv.:.......l Plans of PL'¥"L L)' IDeated at 10750 Rae Iane, Delleloper, C1ris Cvmg, Doug Cvmg, Rcbe..L T. Cvmg, arw:I Judy w. Cvmg, Authorizing Execution of Ißprov8œnt A...,..ccollfuL¡ Authorizing Signing of Parœl MBp arw:I I1IproV8nent Plans.- -5- · · ,'ine Arts ~rants · I KINt1lES OF 'nfE APRIL 6, 1992, ~ CITY ~ ......~.u«; (CC-834 ) 29. Resolution N:>. 8633: "A Resolution of the City Cbuncil of the City of CUpertino Acœpting ()1itclaiJD Deed ðIId Authorizati.Œ1 for UI.Lb.y¡.vùl1d Water Ric 1ts fxan OIris 01ang, Doug 01ang, Rebert T. 01ang, and JUdy W. 01ang, Rae Lane." 30. Resolution N:>. 8634: "A Resolution of the City Cbuncil of the City of CUpertino J\pproI7ing lot Line Adju..~"'iL Betueen 'lW Pðroels of Land witmut a Pðrœl MIIp in AcCDrdIInoe with Sectia1 66412(d) of SUbdivision MIIp Act as à.....dt.d .January 1, 1984, Lands of Parvi.z NI!mYar, N:>rtheast Cbmer of MirzmJnte Read and Stevens Qmycn Read," 31. Resolution N:>. 8635: "11. Resolution of the City Cbuncil of the City of CUpertino J\pproI7ing the Desic:Jlati.cn of the Santa Clara (bmty Divisi.œ of Envircnœntal Health as Enfœ:-'-lIcul1q!Jncy for Cities within Said (bmty." 32. Resolution N:>. 8636: "A Resolutim of the City Cbuncil of the City of CUpertino Setting Date far Q:osideratiœ of Annexing Area DeBicprted 'Orange Awnue 92-01', p¡.~tÿ IDeated at the East Side of OLalyo Awnue Bet:i.een ;"1--' Awnue and san FemIIndo Awnue; ~...,ñmoot:ely 0.14 Acre, BiJœ, K1mIr and Rani; (APN 357-19-031)." 33. Resolution N:>. 8637: "A Resolutim of the City ",,,,,,.i 1 of the City of CUpertino Setting Date for Q:osideratiœ of Annexing Area Desicprted 'OLCllq! Awnue 92-03', PL'¥'Llÿ IDœted at the West side of OLCllyo Awnue Be.1:\leen Alcazar Aver.ue and Delores Awnue; ~y 0.13 Acre, Bames-IDtus DeI/elq:ment and O:mstruct.i.cn, Inc.; (APN 357-14-(39)," ~ R1HJ\ÆD FIOf CDISENl' CAJl!:NI)AR 17. ~ of grant ~'"ICI.Jatia1s fran the Fine Arts O:mnissi.œ. upon receiving infODlllttian tMt there had been a ty~~œ.l error in the staff ~~, it _ DDYed by Colmc, Kqpel, !k::o<.uI.Jt:.l by Colmc, De!m and ["'Geed unaIÚßDusly to ~ Fine Arts grants as follows: Philip Roeenthal ($800); Rœe Mary 9ni.th ($200); '!be ~ of the SWord ($800) ; the Flamenm Society of san .be ($1,200) . -6- MIlUŒS CF 'DIE APRD.., 6, 1992, RI!GJLAR Cl'l'Y a:ucn. !za¡.I.-.u«; (0::-834) PUBLIC HJmRDG: 34, A¡:.plicaticns 1-Z-92 and 2-E7--92 - IDis Gaviglia - ReZIoning 1.67 acres frail !â-10 (Residential single úmily 10,000 sq. ft. miniroUll lot: size) zone to r<1-7.5 (Residenti.a1 single flllllily 7,500 sq. ft. IIÚ.ni11UD lot size) ZOO8; located at 0Jpertin0 AoIId and Sbwent. \reek Bculevard. Envimnaental~: 'DIe Planning f"nnn; AEJial po.. ....-LIt. the granting of a Neglltiw Declaration Reo, ,..,-.:It.d far denial. (a) First reading of aminIInœ No. 1587: "An Ordinance of the City O:IIJI1rll of the City of ~ Þ.mending Sec:t.iœ 1 of aminIInœ No. 2 by P-woing ~y 1.67 Acres fraa Rl-10 Zone to Rl-7.5 Zcne; IDeated at ~ Aœd and SteII'ens creek Boulevard (Gaviglia - 1-Z-92)." ('1his itEm _ antinued to JIprll 20, 1992, earlier in the - . ing. ) l"LIHIIlI:; APPLICATIœs 35. NDDe. At9.Al'D!A:.lU<AL JIR) srm APl'ID7AL aHIl'1"D!B APPLICM'IQIS 36. NDDe. œFDfISHBD BJSINBSS 37. None. lI!If BJSINBSS 38. 0:Jnsiderat.iœ of Slmnit '92. City MImIIgar Brown stated tbIIt he, the ¡pi.......,. Diœct:or, and Executive Director of the no-leI of n...._:œ haw met with (bunc. DeIIn. Step 1 .. to identify 15 .V'iorth1lted retail blsinesses in the ..........lTÚ.ty. staff will meet with tbIIt group and review in£m¡lIIItia: av>oi 1 Ahle. It will be a brainst:oming sessial, '1ben staff will bring an interim .I."'t'UL l to Council, 39. Report at and 8RJroVal of dsyt.ima activities, Fourth of JUly. Director of Parks and Rt:o..a.-tï.cn Dcwling reviewed his .I.,,¥-,LL with Council. -7- App. l-Z-92 & 2-EA-91. Gaviglia Su_it '92 Fourth of July activities MDUŒS OF 'mE APRIL 6, 1992, REnJLAR CITY <nJNCIL MI!Z'l'DC (a::-834 ) Coone. KqtJel stated that Tandem will urxierwrite tœ Heritage Parade, She is ClJLu:a111y speIIking with çle regIII'ding the possibility of their CXXltrilirt:ing $3500 toIoIm'da the Fourth of July. sœ aslœd if this itan N"JIlld be aXJtilll>ed to the April 20 meeting. HI" . IkIwling replied that he could tiait b«> wee\œ (Xl the daytime activities, In the meantime, he is ~,^""""iinq with I:i~ fireworks. Coone. Golànan and Szabo said tbIIt Fourth of .:JI1ly celebrations are an Alœriœn tradit.iœ and tl-.ey cb not ~ to åwIrc}9 a fee to attend. Mayer Sorer.sen requested tbIIt staff look at the ooøt of f.irewcrks when planning next yær's event. Cbmc. ~l stated tbIIt GM'Lurimortely 30,000 people enjoy the oelEÐraticn am she cautiaJed against œnoelling the events. Perhðps the City (:'I'IIIM get sane urxierwriting of the activities next }'ear, Coone. Golåœn stated tbIIt he r-lho~ that 0:Juncil 00es have to belance the h"7t, but. this is a pceitive event for f....; 1 iee. Perhðps the City (:'I'II11rl speIId less on it. Q:Junc. SZ8IJo ......:r.--œd that it DBY fu..._tðll indivitit...l. fraD having fu......ca.k:L... In CXIIJ8i.deratiaJ of tbIIt, Q:Junc. Golàœn 8IqJeSted tbIIt pertJaps the Central Fire ProtectiaJ District could help with the event. Coone. Dean as1œd if the City ..h...IIM have fhø...'"1I'lœ 10Ihen it really can't afford it. With the h~ 0Jts, tbøre is need to exercise 1;.......,.;.1 r""i'> --ihility. 'lbe fir.,.....k. is an e:xpetwture of a let of DaJeY in a short tine. Coone. Ifqipel stated she wuld not ~ l œnoelling the July 4th eveùng eIÆ!IJt. Coone. Dean stated tbIIt people can rp elseutau... to see fireworks and the City cculd save sane DaJeY' Mayer Sorensen ....,..ccd with tbIIt. City Manager Brown said that HI" . IkIwling has to ms1œ specif.:c plans. 0:Juncil will be aslœd to make many OJts, HI". Brown aslœd that Ccuncil keep in 1JtoL..pt:'--ti.ve 00w it ~d be if all other ~.\,;sed 0Jts are~, but not this 0118. -8- . · MINUl'ES OF 'mE APRIL 6, 1992, REnJlAR CITY <XXJNCIL HEETDG (OC-834) Counc. Golàœn stated he is willing to canoel the Fourth of .Ji.Ù.y day activities and the Heritage P8mde, He t.hour st that if it were pcesible, the City CDUld take the undenrriting of the Heritðge P8mde and use that IIIDBY far firei«>rks. He felt that the Fourth of .Ji.Ù.y dIIyt..iDe activities should be canoelled or cb1e "riçþt"; tbIIt is, with IX> charge. He also stated tbIIt cxmpmies are DDt a bottanless well either. · Counc, Szabo felt it would be a prà>lern to accept 'l'budem's øa¡ey and then speIId it elseut.ere. Counc. Golàœn stated that 0:Juncil had said there wt'I111i be IX> Heritage P8mde this year and that daytime activities for the Fourth of.Ji.Ù.y wu]1i be okay if they were reII'eIIJUe neutral. Q:Junc, ~J said TbaaØi offered the undenrriting. She still felt that the City CDUld "pass the hat" the I1.Ï¢t of .Ji.Ù.y 4 and get dcnatiœs £Ian t1xIøe ~ B lL. Q:Junc. Golåœn IIIM!d tbIIt the City eliminAte the Heritage Parade and the.Ji.Ù.y 4 dIIyt.ime events and ask Tbld:.a if the City CDUld use the øa¡ey far fu.........lœ. 'D¡e JIDticn died for laàt of a ",",u....1. It _ IIIM!d by Q:Junc. ~......., ...,..,....Jed by OJunc, Kq:Ipel and ¡-ar¡¡ed UI18IlÏJIDU81y to a.. -,. '-- 'l'andfm's offer to undetvrl.te the Heritage Parade and thImIt them. It was IIIJIIed by comr. ~ to œncel the July 4 daytiJœ activities . Q:Junc, Kqpel 1k:ou.A..Jt,d the DDtia1 to allow for liiat"lJ8sitJn. Following liiat"lJSeitJn, Q:Junc. SZabo withdrew the DDtia1 and Q:Junc. Kqpel witlLh..,.. the ...,..,.....1. It _ IIDII'ed by Q:Junc. SZabo and ~..Jt,d by Counc. Go]"""" to canoel the Fourth of July daytime activities unless they are fully funded by private scurœs. · Counc, Szabo ao'lCIldIed his DDtia1 to state that the City will not sperx:I any øa¡ey on daytime activities. 'D¡e atlellå.1CI1L _ accepted by Counc. Golàœn. Mr. Dowling pointed out that the City is only paying far the Make A Circus event, -9- - . General Plan meeting schedule . 2nd reading Ord. 1586 )rd. 1586 _ced I I I I \ I. I I I MINUl'ES CF 'mE APRIL 6, 1992, REnJLAR crrr <XXH:IL MI!:I!:'l'IK; (OC-834) Q:Junc. Szabo restated his JJDt:.icn that the City speOO no funds 00 JUly " d!Jytime activities including staff time. '1his clarifiœti.cn WBB also accepted by CWnc. Golànan, 'D¡e JJDt:.icn _ ðŒ:Jpted UD8DÏIIa181y. 40. DeteDDination of General Plan meet:inq sdIedule. ~ Sorensen suggested that the first General Plan t'li.......I8Bi.on be held at the r-:JI.1..r meeting of May 4. 0:Juncil could ccnsi.der holding the _.,'....j Iii .......I8Sicn at the r-:JIllIOr meet:inq of May 18; halJeUer, that can be det:eImined at the May 4 meeting. Q1 May 4, 0:Juncil will look at scheduling a series of ~. WR1'1"ß!N <XHDŒCATIœ8 41. Ma}'or Sorensen noted tbIIt she had received a aw of a letter fraD the City of santa Clara regarding the increIIse in ~ rates. ~ RnoWA hils written a letter and will send it to other cities far Mayors to sÌ9\. She recp!8ted input fraD the other (huv'!; 1,._..1 ~.I.I:t. ~ Sorensen stated she had also received a letter reg!Irding the ~lL Field cloøure. '1!1ere will be a meet:inq regaIding this en April 8 at 7:00 p.lD. Q:Junc. DeIIn stated he will atteni the meeting and .."¥"" t. bIK::k to 0:Juncil. amINlHES 42. Seccnd rædinq and ena..:l.wcúL of 0I:dinan0e 11:). 1586: "An 0aIinanœ of the City /'hI.....i 1 of the City of 0Jpertin0 þMing ~~ 11.38 to the 0Jpertin0 H.1nicipal Qxte, Establishing Requirement far Transportaticn I).-..__I,d MBlbpucuL PLuya.œu.· It _ IIDIIed by o,oV1(", ~1, .,."........:bl by Q:Junc, Golàœn and passed unan.úacusly to reed 0aIinanœ 11:). 1586 by title only and the City Clerk's reading to ccnstitute the 8<::<AA.d reading thereof. It _ IIDIIed by Counc. Golànan, 8<::<AAa.bl by Q)unc. Kqpù and passed unal1Ì'lDUBly to enact Ordinance 11:). 1586. -10- MINtJl'ES OF THE APRil.. 6, 1992, REnJrAR CITY <D.!iCIL MEE'l'DC (Œ-834) ~JlTIœs 43. None, S'mFF ~S 44. Oral reports by staff IIICO.Lcrs. <D.!iCIL ~ 46. Counc, Szabo - Counc. Szabo announced that Will KaIpta1 will be leaving the Traffic Authority and requested that a resolution of thanks for outstanding service be prepared. Iø;Ji.slative Review fhnnittee - Council UlIðI1ÏJID181y ....,...",J to take the follawing act.icn regarding ~''l.ued legislatiœ: &w>rt 58 2037 (Boatwri9tt), regiavù fair shaJ:e hcuøÍJIg; <Jß'06e JIB 3476 (Burtal), Brown Act revisi.œ; JICA 39 (O'O:mnell) and SB 1977 (Bt:..J m), taxes, fees and assessrœnts; JIB 1724 ('D_~1), surplus lIInd sales to sdDols below RBrIœt. value; and JIB 3214 (IserJba..y), redirect ~~ l}' taxes fJ:aa santa Clara Valley WIIt:er District to sdDols ""'œ11ØØ there 1IICUld be no net benefit to sdDols. 48. Counc. Golàœn - 0Jpertin0 FdJœtia1 T.;..iArY1 fhnnittee - Q:Junc. Golàœn stated tbIIt there will be a M!Iy 1 joint meeting of fh.....i 1.._.1..,...., PboI:hill-"""".....~ O:Dmmity Cbllege District øœ..),,~.J....... and SdIool Bo!IrànEntJers. It:EIœ to be liianœsed will be joint f~i lities, OIIeI'all f""; titles usage, and traffic. City H8nager Brown recpsted tbIIt the status of santa Clara Tr8nsit OXricbr be an additicrlal agerxJa item. At 8: 15 p.m., O:Juncil adjourned. -11- Legislative Re- view Coanittee Education Liaison COIIIIIIit tee