CC 04-20-92
10300 'lœRE AVI!HJE, ~llD, CA 95014
'lEU!:PfDIE: (408) 252-4505
MINUŒS œ 'nIB RI!GJLAR ~:.:.uG œ 'nIB crrr tOKIL,
m:ID œ APRIL 20, 1992, <DlCIL OWII!:R, crrr BAIL
10300 '.lU<lU5 AVJ!HJE, aJFERTnI), CAI..L!'tIINIA
'D¡e meet:inq _ called to order by MIIyor SaœI!8eI1 at 6 :45
Counc. P.L B tL:
De8n, GolàDlm, Kq¡Jel, szabo, MIIyor Sw.....wn
staff Pl.__Jl:
City MImager Brown
City Clerk QJmtolh...
Director of Public ....b vÌII1IDIri.d1 (arrived 8:15 p.m.)
Director of rr-....ity Del/Al.,.......,\,.~
Assistant to the City MImager Brown
Director of pi........... SI1}'der
Director of P8rIœ and Ra.o....atiœ D:Jwling
Public Tn r. .. ....l..1a1 nFf; <Jer Krey
City AttomBy J[i 1 illl1
Preøeot:ati.œ of pmc:laaIaticn of e¡:pœciatiœ å) Will
Counc. szabo ~ s .Led Mr. ~. with a Pr'nt'l_i.... of
Will K81pt:œ, Director, Santa Clara QuJty
Traffic Authority Me"swre A ~ and stmtegi.c Plan
assœpt.ia1s .
HI." , K81pt:œ said tbIIt Measure A and the allplet:.ion of
Hi9-Y 85 crested CM!r 12,000 jOOs. '1M private
planned the project; the Traffic Authority _ œ. qAive to
the CXJIIIIJI1ities and is CI.u......iLly looking for a new
Executive Director.
HINt1ŒS CF 'mE APRIL 20, 1992, REX;ULAR CITY a:ucn. ~
Proc1aœticn declaring April 24, 1992, as Federation Day in
Mayor sorensen ~ B enLed the proclanaticn to a
L"¥Li:£ iLative of the 0Jpertin0 Fb..It:.....Led N:IIIen'8 Club.
RequeSt CXXItinuanoe of Item No. 13 to meet:inq of May 4,
It _ DDVed by Q:Junc. Golàœn, - ....wi by Q:Junc, Jl'rypel
and poo"œd UDðIÙIIIJU8ly to ccntinue Item No. 13 to the
meeting of May 4, to rBID\Ie Item No. 14 as the ðA>liœ
been withdrawn, and to ccntinue Item No. 17 to May 4.
Matthew Burriesci, 20900 Alves Drive, reed a letter into
the r..u.n.....
-""'ora ~.. ..:kh. "",sed n-.......i 1 regarding the T .........._, dh:ip
CUpertino ~...........u. 'DIe !r; """ff will be May 19. She also
mentiœed May 17 is All Pbr Kids Day Wüd1 is a ~it far
the 01ild Prot:ecticn Center at Valley )Ioodi",l . She hcped
infODØlticn regarding this ""1M be pJt: in the f"IInI'Iri"inn
~ and at nvmn..l 53. She distributed but1:œs and
flyers to 0:Juncil.
Gw..x.. Frolic:b, 1202 Bel1rrvoq;> court, ........._sed ~L far
the booor giv.m Mr. J'I'IV.... and AI".;¡-r4-ed tbIIt the
possibility of ¡\MII'!ng the .ú. ~ray after him be
TWniAl1 Easbicod, 19991 Merritt Drive, ..:kh._sed n"......n
reg!Œding a 1X.1I1-u..uf.:.. t-li Ming IIppt'CM!Id by the
Planning cmmi<UJiœ. '1his hcuøe is next cb:r to Mr.
Easbicod. He believes it Am-,M not have been 1Ippt'CM!Id. A
12 foot ~l is CX1 his }oIL'¥"Llj' line. '1his ~l sOOuld be
five feet back £ran the ~'¥"LLy line.
Director of Qm1Imity Delle)" ,..~ ,l QMm stated that the
hili ltii'1g was a legal ncn-ocmfcmning use. J\RIIOVal _ a
ministerial act æx:I there is no ~] }oIL~.
Mr. Easbicod 881œd if he had any legal recoorse.
MD«1ŒS CF THE APRIL 20, 1992, RPnJIAR CITY a:ucn. ~~..u«;
City Attorney Kilian ~ tbIIt Mr. CbwIm discuss the
DBtter with him Wednesday and Mr, Easboood <DItact Mr.
CbwIm the following day. In the meantime, Mr. Easbicod rrey
wish to discuss the matter with his own attorney.
Mayor Sorensen ~ tbIIt the City Attorney and
Direct:ar of C.....IIIII1.Ù.ty Delle},.. ..~,l ti; .......188 the issue and Mr.
Eastwcod get back to thEm.
Mr. CbwIm will .L"t'UI.L back. to 0:Juncil in two -.Jeeks.
aJllIV'. Golåœn stated be would 1i1œ the report prior to two
-J8eJœ .
City Attamøy Kilian stated that Mr. Easboood """'-1M also
get a ccpy of Mr. CbwIm's .L~l.
Alan RrtInAi,..., Meteor Place, CUpertim, ca1:h._sed Q:Juncil
reg¡miinq water pressure dIange. He as1œd if anything bad
been ck:1ne to IY'OmIImicate this to the peq>le.
City ~ Brown said a line rivmgF>.. ~sitated
while the Cbmty .. rerouting around 1fi4t-..J" 85. '1!1ere
.. DO time to notify the pÐ:l ie. WIIter pressure bad to be
provided. Staff spent three cIayB in the f'i..1ti at
this. '1be City Manðger ~ s ¡tal apolngl- OIl hohoolf' of
staff .
CD'SBIfr ~
0:II1rV'. Gol"""" .L~.oed Itan!b. 12. It _ IIDIIed by fhll'V".
1fqp'>1, -..,..Jt.j by Q:Junc. Go1àœn and peivsed ..rumi~ly
to "I¥Lu,¡e the balance of the n-r.-¢ Caleo::lar as
1. ReøolutiCll !b. 8638: "A Reøo1uticn of the City O:IImIrll
of the City of CUpertim -..intiing ReøoluticllS 7252
and 7311 and Appointing 'l'reIIsurer and DepJty
TreasUrer. "
2. ØXJthl.y Activity Report, March, 1992.
3. ØXJthl.y 'l'reIIsurer' 8 Rq.u.&.l and Budget Update, March,
4. J\¡pmII8l of minutes of April 1, 1992, ðdjourned r<'9"1..r
City Q)lmci! meeting.
Consent Calendar
counc, GolålBn stated he toalld liJœ to see the colors
planned to be used and requested that in the future, ~iM
of colors be included in the packets.
It _ J1D'Æd by Q:Junc. Golåœn, ~.uJt.d by Counc. Jl'qpel
and passed UD8DÌJIDUSly to "K"-u.Ie the 8Wlicati.a1 per ASIIC
Resoluticn No, 1684.
13. Public heIIring to oonsi.der tlle UJ:bIm Water ShortagB
Plan for the 0Jpertin0 Water Utility. (Ccntinu!mœ to
May 4 requested.)
~ly CDJtinued to May 4.
14. Awliœtia1s 1-Z-92 and 2-EA-92 - IDis Gsvigl.ia -
Rezœ 1.67 acres ftan Rl-10 (Residential single
f8lllily 10,000 sq. ft. IllÍnilll.llllot size) ZCDe to Rl-7.5
(Re8.idential single faaily 7,500 sq. ft. mini...", lot
size) ZCDe; l.c:x:abd at 0Jpertin0 RDIId and stevens creek
Boulevard. BÞvL·u·-,Lal Det:.eI:minati.: 'DIe PlanniDg
,.",...,.¡ -im ro- ...,.- .1.. the gnmting of a Negative
Dec1.arat:iœ. Reo . .-..- ."Wf for denial. (Cbltinued ftan
meeting of April 6, 1992.) (Awli.œticn witt.:h........)
~ly rear::M!d as the awliœt.iœ bIId been witl&h........
15. No. 1-V-92 - Val and Lily VIIden - variance
to Sect:.i.œ 8.3 and 8.4 of ardinImce No. 1449 (R-1) to
ræ- the frcat .,..- ftan 15 feet to 5 feet for the
first stœ:y end ftan 25 feet to 10 feet for the ae- ..0<1
stœ:y of a new re9i,.....,... 'DIe ...."i""LL.f is 10œted at
22701 San JUlIn RDIId. Det:eI:JDinatiœ:
~ly ~-·t(... R,e.-····-ùed for aw-s.\ÑèÙ.
(a) No. 8642: ·A Resoluticn of the City
0:Juncil of the City of 0Jpertin0 Approving
Variance Fran Sect:.ia1s 8.3 and 8,4 of Qrrlh....InIII
No. 1449 (R-1) to RleåIOe the FIa1t Sel:badt Fran
Fifteen Feet to Five Feet For the First Story and
Fran 'l\Ienty-Five Feet to Ten Feet For the St:.u....d
st.œ:y of a New Residence; Val and Lily Vaden,
22701 San Juan Read.·
Val Vaden, 8Wliœnt, said that Planning had been tough en
him, but he "K"-""".iated their time and help. He has spent
$25,000 en unusable plans. Not DIlch of the lazv.1 is
usable. Plans are oow down to a 2,500 sq. ft. triangular
Urban Water
Shortage Plan
App. I-Z-92 &
2-EA-92, Gaviglia
App. 1-V-92.
Res. 8642
App. 2-V-92.
MIM1ŒS œ '!HE APRIL 20, 1992, R)!X;'UU\R CITY a:ucn. HI!:I!:'l'DG
hcuse. Mr, Vaden stated tbIIt he cbes Þeli_ the fault
running throuIj1 the property is an ext:noordinMy
c.ircϿtanoe. He hq)ed Ccuncil wculd ~a\Ie the
council discussed the size of the ~'¥=Bed hwse and
....."......sed ooncern tbIIt a "DaIolith- not be blilt. It_
pointed out that desil;J1 ¡gm:wal is nat required and had it
not been for the eart:hquðlœ fault en the ~'¥"Ll}', Mr.
Vaden CXJUld have blilt his haDe without cxming to 0:Juncil.
It _ JIDIIed by Counc. szabo, and s........:lbd by Q:Junc. Kq:pel
to the a¡:plicaticn per Planning O:mnissia1
Reøolut.icn No. 4401 and ~ Reøolut.icn No. 8642,
Ccunc. Q:l1åœn aslœd Terry Brown haw diffi.a1lt it ......,M be
to oaœ up with a OAAP~ ...1 plan.
Mr. Brown stated that ....,lti ~.d en what eIIIå1
CburIci 1.._.1 oE'[ WOIIl]ti be looking far. '!be eß'1 iamts are
l.ooIring for a fairly tradiH......l hwse. '!bey have been
100rldng en this project far _...I-tely a year and cne
half. Prcviding plans ....,M further slaw the ~. -<'e"'S, '!be
awUamt is prepared to IIII!Iet all other R-1 requi.J:ements.
Bv&1 with the variance, it will not be a stra.ic1t-sided bID
stOIy hcuøe.
QI""'. Q:l1åœn stated tbIIt this is nœ a usual situaticn
and he .....".....sed the desire to leak at .n_ ",,01 ,..1 plans.
He _bwi tbIIt the be ......a:It.d to add tbIIt an itEm
will be plaoM en the agenda far the next nw.-(L no,l.........
reviewing OAAP "",01 ...1 drIIwings and the variance ¡gm:wal be
amditiœed en the ~ drIIwings.
Q:Junc. DeIIn aoou.Æa:It.d thf, .......iaocaiL.
'D¡e -·--',,,,ut WII8 defeated with Q:Junc. szabo, 1fqipe1, and
Mayer SorerI8en voting no.
'D¡e original _ aŒJpted with Ccunc. DeIIn
16. çliœtia1 No. 2-V-92 - George Adzidl - variance to
Sect:.icn 8.3 of Ordinanoe No. 1449 (R-1) to reœœ the
setback frail 10 feet to 9 feet on the IIOIlth side of the
~~ for a new residence. 'D¡e ~"¥CLlÿ is located
at 21486 Granada Awnue. Envircnnental Detenninatia1:
Catelpricall y ß),a.,¡l.. for a¡:proval.
MINU'IES OF 'nIB APRIL 20, 1992, RmJIAR CITY aIH:IL .......nlG
(a) Resoluticn No. 8643: "A Resolutiœ of the City
<nmcil of the City of ~
Variance FIan Sectic:n 8,3 of C>J:dinðooe No. 1449
(R-1) to Reduce the Setback FIan Ten Feet to Nine
Feet al the South side of the PL,¥= ly for a New
Residence; George Jldzich, 21486 Granada Awnue.·
Director of Q:JmmÚty Devel"l"~iL a::-n stated tbIIt the
hnilñ;11ÇJ _ cloøe to <XIIpletion, 'D¡e City ¡rt,.~"..,.j the
hi; lñing when an c....ur _ disa:Jvered. 'Ihe ~......
amtinued at his own risk, 'D¡e City has a letter ñ:an him
statinq that.
G.::u..'F Jldzich said that Mr. a::-n has stated the facts
un..."""tly. An c........ hðd been Jœde by the civil eog:ineer.
'!be fence is 10 feet ñ:an the hi; 1ding new, It _ an
hCI1est and a variance s e ,1M the best solutiœ to the
prå:>lEID. He will pñllilð a good ~ fence al his own
~,¥=Ly. ari.p.....lly, he hðd sb~ hlilti;11ÇJ vbI!In be
learned of the mi.stalœ. He then ta1Jœd to the City staff
and a lawyer. He then reviewed the prescriptive deed
~.o()""s, 'Ihe civil erv¡i- hðd sane respcœiÞil;ty.
Angelo Mlu.che said he hðd tried to get held of staff and
~;ur; 1 . He œmot get this infcmaatia1 across in three
minutes. In the first place, therb _ 00 fence in the
bIIIck. 'D¡e fence eocroIIId¡ed al his i"-,¥"LLj". Be then told
the 8R>liamt tbIIt tbøre IIIIS8 an Mr. ,..1.......
resurveyed; a JIIIIIW IIIIIp shollled tbIIt Mr. MIU:c:he _ ~..-A..
Be then W81t to the Dspart:I\I!Dt. At first he OC011ti
oot get a 1IIIIp, b1t he did eventually get it. 1I1y ahn011fi
the pl.......irç n-i_im xe-u.,.-.:l a variance? 1IJat is the
p...p.MI of the P1Mming Dq.-t-aiL? He stated tbIIt he _
net trying to be rude, b1t he felt this _..........". With a
bID st:my hli Ming, the windows will look down en his
i"-'¥'L lj". Mr. MIU:c:he stated tbøre is 00 fence at this
time. It _ tom down after he proved it _ inside his
~,¥=lj" GH'&' ,. irnootely 8-9 ",¡eelœ eq;J. He stated tbIIt the
bIIIck of his garage _ used 88 a fence with a smll fence
built al either side of it. He stated tbIIt the ~H""""t8
hðd nailed a fence to his garage. He said tbøre _ mM!r
a fence there in the first place. Mr. MIU:c:he stated tbIIt
he did oot feel it W88 posoible tbIIt anya¡e lTII11" ðSAI-
the beck of his garage 10111113 the ~,¥=ty line. He aend
planning what to cb in this CBBe. '1his cannot CXXJt:iDue.
He stated he W88 cbing this for the peq>le of M:nta Vista.
He has lost 50 SÇ"1BI'e feet.
Res. 8643
App. l-U-92
6. l-EA-92
Budget re-
MINt7IES œ '!HE APRIL 20, 1992, RIGJLAR CITY ancn, ......:t..ul;
~ being asked by Cbuncil what he ......,1<1 ocnsider a
satisfact:oty answer, Mr, MardJe nip) i er1 he hðd no ðIlINIBr.
'lbere being no other pIDlic input, Mayor Sorensen brouIIt
the Ii; .....lSsion to 0:Juncil.
It _ JIIM!d by QJunc, ~1 and .............b.1 by Caunc. ~........
to GK':Luv'8 the variance per Planninq C'nnn; '''!lion Resolutial
No. 4402 and '"""V Resolutia1 No. 8643, nnrlif';""C! to add the
a:niiticn tbIIt the ßR)liœnt hi; 1ti a ~ r-ig.t. ., fence
tbIIt is at the real ~'-I'"'LL'y line. (City Clerk's Note:
Director of P\i)lic ti:JrIœ VislIr:JViå1 arrives 8:15 p.ID.)
Pbllowing further ti; aœssi.on, the IIDt:.i.œ .. '"""Vowt
17. Applicati.on No. 1-tJ-92 and 1-KA-92 - Jack in the BaIt -
use P8I:IDit to dEllDlisb an eId.sting hli ltiing and
00DBtruct a _ 2,600 sq. ft. fast food ϿtaurIIDt.
'D¡e ...._Lz is loœt:ed at 20803 SbMm8 cœek
Boo!le._.1. BnvL...-·-·Lal DeteI:IIinati.c: '1!Je
n-.mrI_i... p..~..-... the gmnt.i.og of a Nl9ltive
...,..1J1T'J1f-f...... Pe-._._,__~1 far tt.ti.1.
Previ.cus1y CXIDtinued to Illy 4, 1992.
18. NDDe.
œrFINISIIBD tIUb....--
19. ReIriev and "H&.wa! of JUly 4 dIIy in the perk.
n-.""'; 1 received the ""'I'UI. L.
20. Setting dates far n-."".i1 reviøt of hvigoot.
0:Juncil ~ Sled pœfel.~ far 'Dmrøday, .:J\me 4, far a
Ò'vir;rt study øeSli.on. 'lbis ¡reeLing ....,M start at 5:00
p.m. 0--""';1 will receive n-pi_ of the iA'~' sed h"':Jl"t
May 15. '1his gives them an ~t.unity far J:eI7Ï.ew and if
necessary, at the .:J\me 1 n-.wvoi 1 meeting, they will
ðI1DCUIICB an additúmal study sen;.... whiå1 ~IM be held
··~~H:1IIy, .JUne 3, at 7:00 p,m.
21. Review and a¡:proval of teDœ and cxnü.ti.ons for Sports
center II1ðIIðg(!IIB1t <XJI1traCt.
(a) ResolutiŒl No. 8644: ·A Reaolut.icn of the City
Cbuncil of the City of CUpartiID Authorhh"J
I! of ~ocallei1lt BetUaen Jim TI..,...ét and the
City of CUpertiIx> for qJeraticn of the CUpartiID
Sports Center,·
City Attorney Kilian requested that pege 21-8 of the
~'" sed _ocauctìt be ðweDtIed to state ·$70,000 Œl an
annual bllsis.·
J!)j H.irsd1field, 734 steOOahl lane, L"¥L is iUng QJpertiDo
Tennis Club, stated there are saae issues: the resident
day rate fee is four times the fee paid in 8unnyvale Œl
tennis facilities. '1his oonM a1ly be CXIIpI!reCi to private
þot-; 1 i ties. He stated tbIIt the 8ß)licaticn fee far
ncn-residents equals an ~........iate diff.....,..."., betul!I1I
residents and ncn-residents. Also, he requested a -.'nr
citizen fee /!IS IIIIIIlY users are .....;nrs.
A gent1B111I1 wOO resides at 11342 SOUth Stelling ., ,.,.-. MI
the City for pndIaøe of the Sports center, but did ~_
CCXICBZ11 that the f--;Hty be self~"{{.....Ung. He felt the
fee _ I"ØIISCDIble and he will buy a ,,_....., ahip. He stated
tbIIt saae people have ......-..:u... the day rate;
hcIwever, if they 10Iier tbIIt rate, it will ta1œ mIlJ';{ the
incentive to buy 1cmg teDD .._.J -. ..MI?"'.
Phil Zeitmm, Cr:idœt Hill Rœd, stated that low aJ8t fees
for JllJlÙ.cipal services have bitten the ÒJ8t. 'DIe:fee
structure ~'V:Bed -- it a club for those wOO am affw.d
to pay. 'D¡e City ........aA. affœ:d to UDr::Ierwrite the
þot-;Hty. 'DIe City is leBsing out the ~'¥'LL.i far a
tennis club cperati.a1.
'1!1ere being no other public input, Mayor SoreII8en brra~
the Ii; ""'18Sim to 0:Junci..1.
It _ 1IIM!d by Q:Junc. Kqpe.l, by Q1unc. szabo and
plUlsed 1.IlI8IlÏJIDu81y to aà:¢ Resolut.icn No. 8644.
City Manager Brown pointed out that use of these tennis
oourts IIIIIlœs other free oourts _, l..h le.
22. Report an circu1atia1 of initiative petitial and
request for staff di.recticn regarding pœp¡raticn of a
report ralhessing the initiative's fisoal ;"{"""t,
effect an the General Plan specific plans, and 8fI'J
other matters 0:Junci..1 wishes caklres6ed,
¡Sports Center
: mgJl't. contract
Res. 8644
MINUlES CF 'mE APRil.. 20, 1992, RI!GJLI\R CITY aIH:IL ......nlC
By ccnøensus, 0:Juncil requested staff to ~~ f'i_J and
bœd infm:JDstiœ regarding potential Dpact. of the issues
dealt with at the initiative petitiœ. '!be legal JDptCt
will be cal:h.....sed if the initiative is certified.
23, Ncœ.
24. NDDe.
25. Ncœ.
S'mFF lQSt'\.K1~
26. Oral ~~...Ls by staff ··_·J-I.D.
Director of PlÞ1it! ....þ Vi.skDvid1 gave ..~Ls at li.çþt
rail, the surface L..~'''1.., latiœ ........"......, and .n"7'6ti.a1
mit.igat.i.œ/air '1'_1 ity "......".._.
mH:IL lQSt'\.K1~
28. nw...,., -.....,. ~.. it ....,M be ~ T 11' far him to
leave early fIaa the III!I8t.ÏD!J of Illy 4. ', he
requested that ~j~ be plAn10ð œ that "roM that the
General Plan ~ be taIœn out of ....db...
By .. 0 -.0...., nw1l1l"i 1 aya..."",d with this and directed
that it also be pl__ œ 0Jannel 53 dIaracter
ycI-=:LaLar .
Ccunc. -....... requested tbIIt the city look into 8aIIB wy
of reoovering the eDIt of plt"8UÌDIJ and enforcing
hli lliing type cxxie violatia1s.
29. 0:Junc. DeIm ".. S ital an ~ at the It:Jffett Field
At 9: 15 p.ID., 0:Juncil adjourned to closed sessia1 regIIIding
necpt.i.ati.œs with the City Att:orney.
At 9:57 p.m., 0:Juncil roo:nvened in ChmJer.
HDVŒS œ 'BIB .APRIL 20, 1992, RI!GDU\R CITY axH:IL ..........u«;
In L..garo to the City AttaI:"DØy~, CoIuri1, by
,",,"_-18, stated tbIIt effec:tiVllt .JUly 1, 1992, staff is to
follow the joint r...·····....-tootiaos in the let:tør fxaa Mr.
Kil....n to Mr. &...oIb.
In reg¡m1 to }I.. ..~.. v. ~, the City Attorney ..
directed to maintain
Q:Juncil adjoumed at 9:58 p.m.