CC 05-01-92
· - .
CITY œ aJt'I!Xl·.u«>, S'J2\i1!: œ CALIPCIINIA
10300 '.lUQ(l!; AVJ!HJE, CDPI!:RTIK), CA 95014
'ŒŒPtDiE: (408) 252-4505
HINUŒS œ TIiB SPBCIAL ..........uG œ 'DIE CI'1'f aIH:IL,
HKU) (Jf MIcr 1, 1992, 'lO!Qf RXM, 1'a71HILL rnrJ'~,
o,.~,; Present:
DeIIn, Golåœn, Keppel, Szabo, !L..'''L!I1
8oaL~~a P.ì. S íL:
FLau.JOiL múœ Hic1 SdIool District Bœrd of Tru8teeø
SUper.interKient Betty PIIcbeco
0Ipertin0 T.Jnicn SdIool District Bœrd of tiJœtiI::Jn
SUper:intendsot Pat T """"'W\
Foothill-DBAnza n-mity COllege District Bom:d of
Trust:ees, Acting President Dœ Ferata
Staff P.L_~L:
City MIInagBr Brown
City Clerk o........lius
fh....... Gol"""" "",11ed the meeting to .....:It... lit 8:15 a.m. and
..........sed thImJœ to the pnnt-hi 11_.......-.. n-mi ty COlleg&
District far bœ tb1s 1II!I8ting. '!be piL~ of the
meeting .. to tiilll"l]SS .,......1 ..--...-qs. '1boøe.... s.!t!L
.iut..&.. Av-.rI t:.~·-lves.
n"....... Gol"""" stated tbIIt the t--- far the meeting..
~..... there is an -.plœ~'" in ....._...1 and need of
f'--; Hties, esp8"'i"l1y in the area of }'OUth sports. 'D1e
T.i..illt"(! fhnnittee wnts ...~1Inri_i..... to CDIplterize such
inf'.......Li.a1 and a selected staff ~....... frail each ..-,..y to
be aYAn..hle far inF._ -Ual. '!be Camlitiee also
wi AMA to transpartat:ica.
Foll.ow:ing tii 111"11S8Ï.a1 J:egIU:diDg the oost of sud1 a }'Luyr.....,
the time involved for initial iJpJt and updating, the group
,w...¡t¥rl tbIIt rather than CXIIpIterize the inr.... .......Li.a1
perhI!Ips a list of a:ntact DIIIII!8 and p¡o.., rm.bc.... <T'JIIM be
published in each agency's rec.œaticn sdlEåùe.
MINt1ŒS CF '!HE MAY 1, 1992, SPErIAL CITY a:xu:n. .......n.l'G
Fcothill-DeP.nza l'nmamhv (bIt....... District
Ikm Peratð, Fcothill-DeP.nza camunity COllege District,
cd:h.....sed the group stating that the district's priorities
are: 1) instructiœ; 2) fTOIIIIImity services; 3)
facilities. JoIm S. ~..,LLa is the i'CL...... to CXJOtact:
regarding use of f--; lities. Flint CI!nter and the college
classroaœ are not pert of the usual ~__i 1 ;ties _; 1....18,
but Clas..L\AM1S am be used. 'D¡e Flint Center is a stand
alcne f--;lity, 'D¡e district is lnnk;ng for help to IID\Ie
Flint into a profit DB1dng f""';lity. A Request far
PL,¥_lA (RPP) is ....;"9 developed to lock for a _....,.......d..
orgmùzaticn to run Flint. cnce the RPP is cœplete, it
will be aYAilAh1e to the public. 'D¡e district is trying to
include the parking fee in the price of a tidœt far Flint
Center; hcIiever, when the district \AAlLL_ts with other:ø,
it is difficult to cb this, 'lbere is btpt that this am be
dcrIe as pert of I!!IßY future .-"..<OI3UCUL. '1!1ere is no off rmIp
planned ftan 85 diIect to the "-PJ8. 1Þ1I!'IIÐr, Mr. Perata
stated tbIIt the district IaIOIIJd be willing to lock at
anything. In œgard to the auto auct.ia1 cuucú
conduct:ed en .--pm, it will r--in en"-PJ8 b1t be
located in a different area.
nW'WR"+;nn TIn;,..., ~l District.
Pat T ...-.¡, Q]pertino mücn Scbcol District, said the
dLJtrlct's miBsial is to ~JI"Ate rt.i1tireD. '1!1ere have bem
_jar hrl;r': cuts and a $2.4 mini.... tWFilrlt is ~.ected
next year. 'D¡e district shIIres sports ~i..ldo1 with the City
of SUnnyvale and the City of 0JpertiJI0. '!be district
needs to save a miniDun of $50,000 in ~""';lity use. A
~"'iscn of use fees shew that the Qpertino district is
low. '1beir plan is to des~ œly œrtain sites as
hlO(jings tbIIt uay be used by other 'Y"''''''¡-' Any other
site tbIIt _ DDt a des~ <ne ~I](j œly be used if
full rates were cbarged. 'lbere ....,M have to be full
recxM!IY of ccsts. Not every local sdxJol will be
aYAi 1Ahle for free use. '!be district is Innk;rq at fIllY
type of transportation col1aboratiœs. 'lnIn8portaticn is
ooetly. In May, a I'(!o....,""'&Jaticn will be IIBie to the boa1ù
regarding e1iminati.on of encroadlœnt en the General P'Imd
by transpxt:ation. art:bItcks in sdxJol transportation will
JDeIII1 nœ:e .......~, cars, etc, As the district .increases
d1arges for transportation, usage has dt......-.-i. If there
is major devel'¥....~L within the CUpertino mücn Scbcol
District IIUd1 as in the hills, it would have a major jDpSct
HIN!JlES œ 'DiE MAY 1, 1992, SAOCIAL CITY roø::n. ........~-.uc
as there is no I\D'IeY to Wild new sdDols. In areas where
former sdDoI sites were not sold IIJ1d in areas where
ðdditicnal portables aJUld be placed, the district oould
handle aàiiticnal growth.
It _ stated that nulti-family housing has less of an
iDpact œ the sdDols, 'D¡e City and the sdDols l'T'IIlld plan
growth together and qJtimize use of the sdDols. When
outlying regi.cns develop, there is no I\D'IeY &VA; l..h le to
transport the dù.ldren to sdDols. 'D¡e lœy issue is wbo:...c
the deve:¡,\..~.l occurs and the type of hcuøing. 'D¡e
district hopes to 'oICrk jointly with the City. It is
jJ¡portant to 1œep the sdDol district infv1:mo>d regarding
the General Plan. SUperintendent LIIIœœ said that she is
tIying to get the PD\8 to 'oICrk œ transport:atiœ issues
with the sdDols. P8rents are hesitant to have their
children walk for III!II1Y reasons, including anvenienœ,
ooøt and safety. crœsing~, either paid or
volunteer, wculd eIICCUX'ðIJB walking.
Fl~,..,L Tlni..... A;"" Sc:haol District
At this ti.JDe, the District is in fair fí shape.
When the NestÏnI¥Juse lease expires in a few moths, the
District -'''~ to lose about $1.3-1.4 milliœ each :year.
'!he District distrib1tes free bas p-Dves to students living
in areas in wbidl sdDol buses cb DOt cp. Mini buses are
_;1....1e far ~i..l students. Qm:ging far
parking i.IpIcts nAiTi--tbood ...........A.a. 'D¡e ~ and
0Jpertin0 Ifi91 Sc:hao1 hrII~ oould accanD:Idat:e øaue
growth witOOut requiring aŒiiH.....1 ~I; Mh1g8.
It .. ¡nínted out tbIIt the Ifi91 Sc:haol District is
de _Jl.cIOHwwt regarding reservations and JIBlU'o-'-il of
f''''';Hties. '1!1ere is not one phone 111- nor oñe amtact
DÌBa18siœ took place regarding the possib; 1 ity of
CXIIpIIl1ies getting credit t:owBnI their 1.5 AVR munt if they
fund sdDol buses to keep other cars off the road. '1his
!lIlY be possible in the future, b1t not now.
City MImIIger Brown stated that the City has subnitted a
grant awlicaticn to outfit bJses differently IIJ1d to keep
bJses œ the road. He requested that if 0Jpertin0 Uhi.œ
Sc:haol District cbes step transportation that they not sell
their !::uses imnedi.ately.
SUperintendent Iamsœ stated that they did plan to keep
them one JIDre year.
as there is no IIIDeY to build new scbx>ls, In areðS where
fcmner scbx>l sites were not sold and in areðS where
ðŒli.ti.ooal portables could be plaoed, the district could
handle ðŒli.ti.ooal growth,
It _ stated tbIIt IllÙ.ti-fænily hcuøing has less of an
ÏJ1pact on the scbx>ls. 'D¡e City and the scbx>ls could plan
growth together and qJt.imize use of the scbx>ls. tb!n
outlying regions develqI, there is no IIIDeY aYAilAhle to
transport the d1ildren to scbx>ls. 'D¡e key issue is where
the deIIelqInent cxx:urs and the type of hcuøing. '!be
district hopes to .mt jointly with the City. It is
iJrportant to lœep the scbx>l district in1).. ....., regarding
the General Plan. SUperinterxient T ~ said that she is
trying to get the Pms on transpart:aticn issues
with the scbx>ls. P8rents are hesitant to have their
d1ildren walk for III!II1Y reIISCII8, including CXJnWJnierIce,
oost and 88fety. crossing gœrds, either paid or
volunteer, 1IICUld erxnJragB walking.
F...-..-aL 'Tn;"" Hidl ~1 n;t:rt-ril"'+
At this tjJDe, the District is in fair finImcial shape,
tb!n the WestinIIDuse lease expires in a few 1IDIths, the
District -recta to lose about $1.3-1.4 mill;... each year.
'!be District free bas J?""8uø to students living
in areas in whidl sd1oo1 bJses cb not~. Mini buses are
aYA; h,hle for ~;..1 eœcat.i.c:n students. 0MŒging far
pIIrldng ;~ ~ ......ð6ts. '!be l1Yrh....... and
0Jpertin0 Bi91 ~1 oculd ac. , ,.,.. -dete 8CIIIB
growth without requiring ar::HiH"...,l hi; ltii"!J8.
It _ pointed out tbIIt the Bi91 SdD:)1 District is
de _d.r..1iwwt regarding reservations and ........-.~,l of
f.."; Hties. '1beœ is not one phone m_ nor cxíe cx:otact
Discussion took plaœ regrmiing the possibility of
a:IIpIUlÍ.es getting credit toNIIrd their 1.5 AVR oount if they
fund scbx>l bJses to lœep other œrø off the road. 'Dús
III!IY be possible in the future, but not now.
City HBMger Brown stated that the City has sutmi.tted a
gr¡mt IIWliœticn to outfit buss diffeœnt1.yand to lœep
buss on the road. He requested tbIIt if 0Jpertin0 union
School District cbes st:q> transportation that they not sell
their b.1ses iJnœdi.ately.
SUperintendent L!IIœon stated that they did plan to lœep
them one JrOre year,
MINUŒS CF 'Ii:!: MAY 1, 1992, SPÐ::IAL CITY a::ucn. MI!:ETING
Aoother possible WIlY to encxJI1I'8ge alterr.ate transportation
is a noœ shuttle on St:eIIens creek Boulevard to get people
to restaurants am shq:ping.
City of C'I.......r; nn
'D¡e Sports Center is now under private IIm!cap.ICO.l.
Rb.........tï.on rates have 9JDe up. '!be Housing CDmIi.ttee
~. ~ BeS IWIer density hcusing in the Buti:I RDIId and
Bandley Drive areas and alcng St:eIIens creek Boulevard.
'D¡e City 0:Juncil is now '-Hrq with the General Plan,
CJpertino oorridarB have been included in
the Mllnt JIII!I88Ure to extend the 1/2 cent sales tax.
All .. --ciee are ;nr"""\:ed by the lack of II1II88ï. ~I~ of lack of ridership. It _
suggested tbIIt the A"'......rrl_ 1IICrlt together to positively
;"t'&"t tbIIt situation. It is r-_a~ to crest:e a sysb!m
pt'Qp '\,.. 1B1t to use.
~"·""'.L PadJeco stated tbIIt the llL--..iL union Hi.c;þ
~l District cbes not: 1B1t DDre students. H:Jre studmta
- less IIIDIY to spelal per student. 'Ibis is exact:J.y the
. n' ...ite situation ~"""¡ng the 0Jpertin0 union SdJcoI
'!be need for ~.M_ to 111,1.... Leach ot.ber 1IIIS ~'gaøed.
Also ..........¡.1.-,...l iDp:Jrtant _ the dCIvetail.inq of the Plan with the øchols' i,,[~.
Mr. &.... info .. .._1 thcee .... B iL tbIIt the draft of the
Gta....a! Plan and mil' " Ling tinn..-.œ are public
tinn-.s. IIJøt of the district staff will have the
By \A.O ........_, the group detm:JDined the following:
1) '1be T.;";Anr¡ Ibnn;ttee will continue to meet.
2) Joint meetings will be held every six m:nths.
3) 'D¡e topics for the next meet:inq:
iJll"V"l: on hcusing deve~IICOiL
effective CXJIIIIJI1ication in the oamunity
adult education
MINUŒS œ 'l'IIE MAY 1, 1992, SPI!X:IAL CI'l'f aIH:IL ........ruC
At 9:50 a.m., the meeting _ adjourned.