CC 05-04-92
10300 'U.a<1<IS AV!!XJE, aJPERTJH:>, CA 95014
'ŒU!:PfI:NE: ( 408) 252-4505
HIW'ŒS œ 'l!IB RrGJIAR n>I:'ò.1'.l1'G œ TIiB CI'l'f an«:n.,
HEID eN !AT 4, 1992, cnx:n. QJ'~, crrr BiòLL
10300 ·.luuus AVJ!HJE, aJPI!R1'DD, CAI.IPtRIIA
'!he meet:inq - called to by MIIyor !L....._!II. at 6:4.')
pr R!r.R œ AIUX;IJII«:.E
Q:Junc. PL B ;"It:
DeIm, Q>låIIIIn, ~l, R7*o, MIIyor ScnIIøen
Stðff PL B tt:
City ........"... Brown
City Clerk QmJe1j,us
Director of ~1blic ILLIIao VÌBllDVid1
Director of n--.1n;ty De\-L1.---.L a III
Assistant to the City ~ Brown
Director of Fi~ Snyder
Director of PBrIœ and ...........d:ion IDrling
P\j)lic Inf·.. ..~Licn Offi œr Krey
City Planner ....dt.ll
City Attorney Kilian
ŒRI!IDIIAL Mk.1'........ - ~
ProclsBticn ~i7.i"!J &Ic.,."......y )oIIorti_l 9I!IP:viœs N!ek.
No aJe - ~ B-tl at this tiD8 å) œœi". the
ProclsBticn ......~.Jing Rhit·...... Mlillil-,,- at ~ Hi¢
Nick Ferantino, l"¥L s;"JLing Ro.._t.ead Hi¢ Sc::bool,
accepted the proc1.ðmst:iœ.
MIM1ŒS œ 'mE RIGJLAR CITY aucn. ~ OF MAY 4, 1992
œAL aHUm::ATIæ8
Voss Pond
I.ømard Gaydas, 'l3009 VOSS Awmue, President, CUpertino
Knolls }It ..- ""'JBr8 Associat.ia1, cdh..,.,sed Council regIII"ding
develo'l...~.l ric;þts to Parcel A, "Voss Pœd', He inquired
about the status of the City's acquisition of develo,..-,l
ricjlts. He requested tbIIt it be placed 011 another ~
to tii "'"'18S if it WBre neoeøsary.
Director of a:mtImity IJe\Ioo]""-iL ~ ~ .I-Lled an
updIIte. He stated his belief tbIIt there is øaœ reluctance
011 behalf of Mr. ao-lain to decHnort:e the de\,wool''I.,.-,l
ri9Jts. He r...' .,......a}ed that the legal situaticn be
tii"'"'.lSeed with the City Attomey in cllJøed session.
By CIXI8eI18U8, 0:Juncil directed tbIIt this iþ!m be P 1_ 011
the ageIXIa of the next I"'9,1"T meet:inq.
Plojd MByt;r cákh._sed ("n"""¡ 1 regIII"ding putting the flag in
IIDJIIÙDg --- ! of the IDs Angeles riot situaticn. He
stated tbIIt the Msyar bad told him tbIIt this 1II1II8 a
c:xxrt:=v8r8ial and ~ issue for CUpertino. He
stated tbIIt the City AhrwI1ti be in IIDJIIÙDg far thoøe 1Ò)
WBre 1'; 11~ and hurt in the afteDasth of the lbmey King
det-i A;lWI. He stated tbIIt he hils pointed out in the pII8t
tbIIt 0:11........ 1 is violatiDg the 0IIth of office. 'DJat is
still not 011 tbe ~. He urged Counci.l to get; their
boose squared l1I1IlJY.
It 1II1II8 DDVed by fh,",", 1fqpel, 8& ....wi by Q:Junc. R9.Mn and
~,øed ' to amtinue ItEm No. 24 to the mestiJJg
of J\me 1.
'mE CI'l'f <DK"IL ImS 9'ŒŒD rr MU' BB i-......I\RY 'IO ~
'BIB œtBItUo 111M PŒILIC BP.ARDC AS 'BIB ~ .uc&.l" I'I!K œ
Q:Junc. szabo .............-t that he will abstain fJ:an voting 011
ItEm No. 19 as he owns ~'¥'Lli within 300 feet of the area
in the resolution. staff requested tbIIt ItEm No. 14 be
reIIDIIed; Plojd Meyer requested tbIIt ItEm No. 4 be reIIDIIed.
It 1II1II8 IIDIIed by Q:Junc, Golàœn, --.....dt:.d by Q:Junc. 1fqpel
and peIIesed 1.IDIID.ÍØDU81y to ¡g:¡roved the balanœ of the
Qnsent Calendllr as sutJni.tted.
MINOmS œ 'mE RmJIAR CITY exncll. !£ETING œ MAY 4, 1992
1. ~liœticn No. 17-ASAC-92 - Mr. and Mrs. ~...LLÿleaf -
Request for review and ~ for an attü.tion to an
existing duplex located at the northwest <X>.&...... of
1Dckwcod and VOSs Avenues. ~lu"".:It,d for ~vYIÙ..
2. ~liœticn No, 18-ASAC-92 - DeIIam 0:mstr0ctia1, IDe.
- Request for review and ~ to cœst:ruct a ......mtt
wall around mec:baniaù. equipnent adjeœnt to an
existing office hi; 1ðing located at the saut:beast
oomer of DeAnza Boulevard and Mariani Awnue.
Rcu..a..."".Jed for GK"-u.ral.
3, ~licaticn No. 19-ASAC-92 - E. J. Myers .As~-teø -
Request for review and CJKILu.ral for architectural,
color, and l~i~ nnr!ii'icatioos for an ead..stiDg
church 10œted on the oorth side of Be 11irv;l!1r laid
CJKILUI'i-teJ.y 680 ft. west of Banr::U.ey Awnue.
Rt:..,...,~ded for~.
4. RmDIIed frail the QJIIøeot CalEDdðr.
5. ~licaticn No. 21-ASAC-92 - Brian Vinlrll< - JloowJ'-t far
review and BßI['OVal to inc::reue the n..i'1't 1Jmitllt.kms
for a single f'_ny heme in ~.""- with _i,..
8.5.3. of Or'u"""""" 1449 R9Jlating singh" f''''';ly
lots. '!be site is 10œted on the south side of
Mi.nmnte laid "WI' ,. ¡-teJ.y 130 ft. east of StøV'eIIs
C8Ilya1 laid. Rt:., ,·,·-ded far IIRJ[CVIÙ.
6. setting of
7. Request far -.i.ver of fees for GtCca~ -- þl+i,...
expiration date for the eß'O.Lll.,~.l of
.L~ s ¡ to the Q:Junty ",-..ity
Block Gnmt (aI!G) CiH- JIdriaary
8. Reø No. 8645: "A Reø of the City fh........l
of the City of 0Jpertin0 I)er."".¡.......i.... and
J\pprOVÍD1 the ~-·dLion of Territar;y Desil;JJated
'OLai"J& Awnue 92-01', JlKu.u¡rillll'tt:ely 0.14 Acre IDeated
on the East Side of 01.......,., Awnue Bet", m Jl.1-wn
Avenue and san FemIIDà:J Avenue; Bima, mmsr and Rani
(APN 357-19-031)."
9. Reø No. 8646: "A Reø of the City ("n""';1
of the City of 0Jpertin0 Det:ecai.nati.c and
J\pprOVÍD1 the Anne:IriIItion of Territory Des~
'orange Avenue 92-03', Çroximately 0.13 Acre IDeated
on tÞe West Side of orange Avenue Betuen Alœzar
Avenue and Delores Avenue; JI>I;n..r (APN 357-14-(39)."
10, Review of Alooholic 2eIt=<¥' o:ntrol li.--
awliœ Skip's Plaœ, 19980 Haœstead RoIId
(fVUur::Lly &Ill's Bar and Grill),
11, Resoluti.a1 No. 8647: "A Resoluti.a1 of the City O--.....i 1
of the City of CUpertino Allowing Certain ("l..i.... and
Dt:ua.1ds Payable in the AIIømts and FEan the P'uDds as
Hereinafter DescrWed for and ~11~
Expenditures far the Period Rnriing JIprll17, 1992."
12. Resoluti.a1 No. 8648: "A Resoluti.a1 of the City fh........l
of the City of ~ Allowing Certain etAi.... and
~,~,"IA Payable in the AIIømts and FEan the P'uDds as
Hereinafter Described for and Mi.sœl.1anecus
~tures for the Period Ending April 24, 1992."
13. Resoluti.a1 No. 8649: "A Resoluti.œ of the City n-.......1
of the City of Q]pertino A1J.cwing 0I!Irtain C'l..i_ and
~._, "ill Payable in the AIIømts and FEan the P'uDds as
Hereinafter Described far ~ and 1I!Igi!I8 far the
Payroll Period Rnriing JIprll 21, 1992."
14. ø.......oed £ran the n-..--t CalendIIr.
15. ReqI)ØIOt £ran Lial's elm far ~ver of use fees far use
of Rho. ""1 -. ..f l"aDI far bID fund ]'"AiAing e\. ¡LB.
16. Resolution No. 8650: "A Reøo]uH... of the City n-.........l
of the City of ~ J\rYVing 011.....1..i... Deed and
Autb:Jrizat:jœ far 1Ldtu.."..udDd 1IIIter lU41t8 fIaI Brlan
J. v;"";1I:, M:i.r8Iø:mte RoIId."
17. AcœptaDCe of .....i";p"'l L.--. -·LB:
PM ""18 DøvoeJr,,·-d.. ~ (SisIt), Pu iooo... AYeIme
Tract No. 7999, OJarles T. MII8t8r8, JboinlYu Driw
(No JqJporting cbcœIentatiœ,)
18. Resolution No. 8651: "A Resoluti.œ of the City n-.......l
of the City of CUpertino Autbarizing QJnsoHtiJItoi... of
state Grant P'uDds far Wi 11OlY1 Park Project."
19. Request for ~ fraD the Gas Tax Fund far
sound wall 1.oc:ated œ Hi.cþoIay 85 near Mary Avenue.
HINU'IES œ 'nil!: REnJLAR CITY CXXICIL .........l.J.1'IG œ MM" 4, 1992
Y2t§ Mh.1 ..... t:J of the City rn.~i 1
!D!:S :
DeIIn, Golåœn, ~1, Szabo, Sorensen
Szabo (Item No. 19)
4. App1icat.ia1 No. 2o-ASIIC-92 - 0.1 Hnmia 8Í91 <1>. -
Request for review and ~ to mrvtii'y the h,il..Hng
colors for an existing restaunmt located at the
narthwest ......tìo::(l: of .......,,'7... Boulevmd and Mc:('1..11.....
Øœd. ~,·..·-ded far GWLwal.
Mr. ILz~ stated fh""'; 1 ..h.....M not 1IIDrJ:y about every
little thing such as colors en a hliltiing, b1t ..)y,..1~ 1IIDrJ:y
about ~hi"'7' such as the Sberiff's tioop...i... "'_Hng ñaa
the evi·1....~ 10- ~_. .
It _ JIDII'ed by fh1Qt", Golàlllln, _. n 10...., by n-....,... JI"qipel
and r-- I........i~ly to "H&uv'8 ~1i......i,... 20-AS11C-92 as
per ASIIC No. 1690.
14. PArJ-'; ftaa F!.-..Â. ßoIi,... Iti91 Sa.... .,)1 District far
1IBÍver of fees far use of R1A. ~1 ~&...~ Palm.
Direct:aI: of P8rlœ and ......,.,..i,... DDwling said tbIIt be is
reo, ..iing ....i..l uf the fee wi".. - ! the ~ is
not a funckaiser. '1!1ere ....,lti be a tii........_..... ....i_i,...
0JSt, b1t DDt a fee wi".. -,- this 8VII!IIt does not
JoIm Plungy, L...... I ¡LiD¡ the arilnnl district: and t--+.... .'
associat.iœ, z-itiant at 20720 Gt...dt:u ....... CbJrt, said be
realiæs tbIIt the rule is far funr:traiserø. 'lhis 8VII!IIt is
not far the pu..~ of funds, b1t piAing DDrale.
'D¡e scbool district is _"ing far wiver far use of the
place and not use of any ..."i1.._,I.. He stated the ....HooF
that it 1IICUld be a g:xx1 gesture en the pert of the City.
Follcwing tiilU"ll88iœ by 0:Juncil, it _ IIDIIed by ~...,...
Golñnon, _n.","' by Q:Junc. DeIm and puøed l........i~1y to
GWLU1Ie a $1 per pEu....... fee if the City œters the 8VII!IIt
am a $3 per i""LoóJ if the scb001 district has their own
caterer .
Proclaœticn reoo<.7'i7.il1g ~CL""".cy }fArik"l Services Week.
Mayor SOrensen ~ B!!I.Led the procJ..sœtiœ to
L,,¥,- a .Latives who were ~~_¡I. at this time.
App. 20-ASAc-n,
Calif. Sign Co.
Waiver of fees
General Plan
20. 0XlBiderati.Œ1 of a ......'\"-d.eœive _ducuL of the
CUpertino General Plan, including lIInd use, hcuøiJ1g,
transportaticn, qe1 space preservaticn, public safety,
anservatiœ, and noise elenents.
Mayor SoreI1sen introduced the it:811 and reviaIed the
~. ..,erIIn-e that 1iCUld be used.
Director of l'nnnnú.ty DeIIe¡"..~,L CbwIm told fh""';l tbIIt
if they 1III!IDted um:e data, this is the time to ask far it.
'D¡e final steps of the environœntal ;n¡-'t review ..... <'IISS
will be iDplement:ed when the City 0:Junci.l "'-f'i..- the
project, Mr. a-n tnen reviøø1 the _jar ~-. '!be
tqrl~ for ta1i.IIt's tii"""_iœ ......,M be wbøther or DDt
0:Juncil wished a tbeme ø¡:prœàJ., in wbiå1 ....dt... they wnt
to calBi.der the itelœ, is the bð. t..",LuUDd inf... ....Lion
adequate, cb the hypothet.ical alternatives uffer a
suffici.eot ......".., and what will be the t:qW: and structure
for the next meeting.
Ann Arqer, president, H:inta vista JI.,._-_.. .As.,.,..¡....i"'1,
said a lŒ of 1IIDrlt and time have been 8pI!Ilt at the pl......;ng
n-nmi_ia1. She _....sed tii-n?"iut..u..Jt.. regsrding h1i'\1't
in CUpertino wbiå1 she stated IIIJ8t be taIœn œre of. '!be n-nmialJia1 Lp:n:ed this pr<:òlem. Sbe urged
,.",...,.; 1 not to doe- its eyes to blic1t.
Mr. CboI8n stated tbIIt the existing General Plan does baYe
. .....~,L8 regarding h1i'\1't. '!be City bas taIœn actiaJs,
just not a ~d'.eœive ç.proad1.
Nancy BuI1Io:sLL .............sed her £_1 ing tbIIt it .. iDpJr;taDt
far O:IIurll to bear the public. She suggested tbIIt ,.",........1
"-,1.. in grcqB. ........, 20076 La 102 Cburt, urged fh........l to
protect the "c:Ireem" . She had given RA..i~ta lfq:pe1 saœ
IIItterial regarding protecting the city fraD hl i'\1't. She
bas heard fraD stille peq>le who have said they cb not wnt
to live in CUpertino because of old cars, Ø}~...., etc.
Beez Jones, 10398 Heney Creek, caih."",sed 0:Juncil regarding
~'-P"Lly r~.
'!be discussia1 _ then brought back to Cbunc:il,
Q:Junc, Kqp31 8ßJl'CM'd of the theme a¡proad1 with the
following order: office/industrial, including
transportation; city identity;, hillsides.
MI!UŒS OF mE RIGJIAR CIT'i a:xH:IL """,n.lC CF HAY 4, 1992
Q:Junc. SZðbo also ~ of the tÆme crcœpt with
office/industrial being œasiœ.....:l first, and with
hillsides taJœn t.owIm:I the end of the list.
Q:Junc. Dean suggested the following ULdt::..: eoo...~..i.c,
~, office/incIust:ria1, hillsides, city identity.
<bunco Golàœn also ~ t-t- and ......::paLed ~ing
transportaticn and hcuø Tran8portaticn shcu1d include
the City's IpIIl and bow _ look at it. Housing Rhnnlti
include a broIId ~eed 1pIIl, the type of hcuø ð<. qA.ðble
in the city, and for 1IInn (1IIbo cb _ W!II1t as future
citizens) . His otdtu. far œasideratiœ _ hillsides,
nei.çIIborlDods, LL~·~",...... _1<'9, office expIU18ÌC1l,
and city identity. Q:Junc. Golållln stated that his ttoow-iAi...
em the General Plan will be ~ em whst is ckJne in the
MIIyar Sorensen suggested the following ULdt::..: hillsides,
~L..ula..ud, office, 6o......I~, city identity. She felt
tbIIt transportaticn and bcusing folded into these thBϿ.
Cbmc. Szabo felt the ....-mity is not hillside driv.m.
Major lYWInO>T118 are L..~.,... Lat.kID and traffic. 'Ibeøe are
cpwIming issues of the Plan. Be felt tbIIt the
hi11Ai.... issue will be nrWIfo_i,..., b1t it is not a pivotal
point far the city; n~-v"'Lat.kID, _ of'f'ioee, 60.....,1...
are ; ....-. 'II ~ "'\our Lat.kID is tied to office
~l'\-·"IL and &..··.....;01.
1"ç11I'V'". Go1dœn felt tbIIt if the fh........l does not ,w...¡....
early in the ....·-:"NS r8gIIrding the hi11Aides, it will Œ'III8
I.i> at every meeting. It will not serve the other thBϿ
Cbmc. Jl'rg)el stated she did W!II1t it last.
fhllX.". Szabo felt the hillsides _ not a sigoHi"'"""t
..............I.c factor, b1t a øeph..tð ~ issue. It is
i'LdJably cpx1 to have tiJDB to let BIDticns settle.
City MII11ðger Brown said the hillside and open side subjects
""11d be first to help "clear the ~"'M". '1his &eEIII8 to be
syutJolic to the nmm1rÚ.ty; baIoIeuer, any OLdtu. of the themes
will 'oICrk.
It _ IIDIIed by <bunc. szabo, ...,...,.a.lto.l by <bunc, lfq:pel and
passed 4-1 with OJunc, GolànBn, to œasider the
themes in the following order: 1) prinmy hJBiness area
lIInd use with fiscal inpart, hcuøing, and;
2) neighborhoo..Js¡ 3) hillsides; 4) city identity.
KDVlES œ 'mE REnJIAR CITY crucn. """",.r.uC œ MAY 4, 1992
In regard to adr:Iiti.Œlal bIK::kground inf." ..""Lien, various
OOIJIIÇ;1I1_,I.,X" requested the following: DDre \:Ie. ~uUnd
infoDnsticn pertaining to roadroiI!IyB (ñ;--n lane), a page
by page CXIIpIIrÌSŒ1 of the existing General Plan with
Planning Çrnmissi.a1 1-' ....-.Jati.crIs, a ~iscn on
oou.&...uù.c issues with I1lIIDerS for the ElXl"""'"iœ and existing
devel,,'·-¡L, a IIIIIp shcJwing traffic vol\1œ8 on ~Hic
streets, (A <DIpUter printout .. ~~a1 '"K&....I-tely
bic years lIIIp.).
Ccncem _ ........_øed regarding I!!IßY ...i~ cities
deIIelcping the hill.,i....... and ,bring trAf'f'ic into
0JpertiIÐ. 0:Juncil tii.....lSged a possible joint pawa....
&"..........L with other cities future hillside
deve]" ".-¡l. 'DIe JPA IIIi9Jt include suà1 cities as
0JpertiIÐ, Palo Alto, IDe Altoø Bills, IDe Altoø, SImItoga,
and the QJunty of santa Clara. It _ "'''.I::¡r---œd tbIIt a
policy directive stating this be put in the Gt:o&al Plan.
By ... -"'., 0:Juncil ...........t tbIIt the page by page
. ..,,,"risen IIII!Dti.aIed earlier œs:I uœ be &VAil....le far the
next (rIIyl" of JœetingB.
City AttoUJey lW.ian pcdnted out tbIIt if the City Cblll("i 1
is in basic tii-"'_·-'L with the n-....,i_i.a1
I""'· ,..._a1M;i.a1, at the public œaring on thœe issues,
Cb""'; 1 DBY WDt to bear 8tIIIB factual wi·"'- ...
Mr. CowIm stated tbIIt the o--n_i,.., looked at
various alternatives œrefully and JIIIIde ~Hic f'irvti"':1"'
0:Juncil then tii.....lSged the eovL...··-,Lal ~ ""'¥'LL.
Mr . Jt'il ;..... stated tbøre will be a draft BIR &VAil....te 1IIben
-theme" ,w..; AiaIs are 1IBie.
It _ pointed out tbIIt any decisions L.:œ...... the BIR wuJ.d
only be pre1iminIIry. 0:11""'; 1 IIIJ8t be q¡en to .-.......p'Ç the
final vote belied on envircnœntal issues.
Mayor Q.............. eøpbasized tbIIt a draft BIR will be
~_S-tLed at the end of the review of the thBDes with the
UIIderst8nding tbIIt the thBDes are ........d. to sbIIpe the
project and are not the final decisions. (h May 20, 6:45
p,m., 0:Juncil will receive mn-l pœÐ frail
org¡mized groups. 'D¡e presentation will be limited to ten
minutes and staff will prepare a list of thœe
organizatiaJS speaking. 'Ihis Jœeting will be far PJblic
.input only and no ~i ..ions will be 1IBie. POllowing tbIIt,
the General Plan meet:inq sc:J-iIlle will be as follcJwB: June
9, June 16, June 23, and June 30, and every'l\Jeøday until
the ~.....-.s is <X1Iple""..e.
Q:Junc. Golåœn pointed oot tbIIt a vision IItat:eIaI!Int is ¡;ping
around the ITftOnwúty, Be felt this General Plan ..hnllM
have a vision stat:8œnt at the beginning after the 0:Juncil
-- its decisiœs. Also, the plan øOOuld hIIve a title.
£<PrIPC''3: 8:55-9:05 P.M.
0:Juncil recxnwœd at 9:05 p.m.
Q:Junc. Po. B ¡L:
DeIIn, Golåœn, ~l, Mayor Sorensen
~~. Aba IL:
21. QJIIsideratiœ of a 1992-93 UrlJIm WItter Shortage Plan
far the ~ Water utility. (Cœtinued fxan JIIrll
20, 1992.)
(a) RiBsolutim. No. 8652: "A RiBsolution of the City
n.,....,.; 1 of the City of ~ A¡:proviDg 1IIIter
utility'S t1riwm WItter SbDrtage Qnt:in..........~ Plan."
It _ DDVed by Q:Junc. lfqptl, ~.Jt,d by Q:Junc. Chl""""
and ~eged by those ~__.iL (4-0) to ~ the
22. 1I{{-1 of ASIC '-'i,.l
RsstaurImt, 10œted at
A¡pliœt.ial lo-AS11C-92.
RDu1a 'l'IIagIIris.
of --.t s~ far yi..eøoo
10660 South """"-A BoIù.eYan1;
Þß-l filed by Gbua.':I" and
Dh:ector of ~1ftity Devel· 'I. ··-.tL <bwIm iA s ¿Led his
Gbua.':I" 'l'IIagIIris told n.,."""¡ 1 tbIIt the s~ is - !:1ed to
ÌDCI:eII8e bIlJ8;- T. 'l!Iere _ a s~ wbEI1 he p1rd1ased the
J..oœtjœ. Taco Ball as1œd twice as IIIld1 for tbIIt s~ as a
IØf S1ql ....,M cost. '1hetI::ef......, they did not -m. it.
p;m"Td R1H.. stated tbIIt he believed the Taco Bell siql
_ B ft. x 5 ft. '!be face of the ~. tJC Bed s~ is only 3
ft. x 2 ft. Be said this is a busy intersect.iœ; people
are lnn1r;ng at the mild and this restau:reDt bas a ....,....
driveway with Paul's RsstaurImt. He also bas a set.bBck and
needs a -WIIO!IJt s~, Paul'8 Restaurant alIeBdy bas <me.
'ltm WieòeJ:: , Ardåtectural mxI Site Approval QmnÏ.ttee, said
Paul's screens this s~ if <me is driving northbound. If
the sigls ðI'e too close together, it œnnot be reBd. '!be
t..; 1ti;r¡g bas briclt blue trim and is very identifiable.
1992-93 Urban
Water Shortage
Res. 8652
Yia8800 sign
r~oacco/c igar-'
ette vending
is treading
Jrd. 1588
MINU'ŒS Œ' 'mE R!!X;UIAR Crl'Y aIH:IL }£ETIN; Œ' MAY 4, 1992
It _ JIDved by Caunc. Golåœn and ~ait:.i by MII)'ar
90rensEÐ to uphold the ASN:. decision and deny the ~l.
POllawing disaJssion, the DDticn and IIeCCI1d were witt.:h.......
It _ IIDIIed. by Q:Junc. Ifqipel, ~ait:.i by Q:Junc, DeIIn and
p-"sed unanim:Jusly by those ~ S kL (4-0) to grant the
23. O:ms.i.derat.icn of an œdinImœ to restrict 10caticn of
t-....._., ./ci.g!Irette V&1ding md1iœs.
(a) First reming of Ordinance No. 1588: "An
Ordinance of the City n-......; 1 of the City of
CUpertino JIddiDg 01i!pter 10.27 to the 0Jpertin0
Itmicipal QxIe ReII'l..ting CigIIrette/'DIi_..,u
Vending MIIdúœs."
SIIDdy Bouja, 10961 IAx:ky oak, urged n-.1rV'; 1 to adept a bIm
011 ~ _i...- wi.......}'OUth bIIve aooevs, She ........_.sed
the bcpe tbIIt _ am all help to lœep }'OUth healthy. She
also 1IIDUld liJœ }'OUth to bIIve DO CMIr-the--<Dmter ðOOeSS to
cigat:ettes either, b1t tbIIt at......_ Iœep them in 1<.,."'-1
....i noots.
...."., IBatber8, 1469 Pmk Awaue, SlID Jose, ~1tiV8
Director of the JIIIIerlœn Iœg A880ciaticn of santa Clam
and SlID Bmito QJunties, B\.øt'.. a total bIm 011 to.,.,... ,
vendi.r.q _i...-. She said Idds will get; the cigat:ettes
and it is ell8J'to get; them :fJ:aa _i...-. She also urged a
pa-n1>;hitial 011 cigat:ettes being ~.. the ..... ",,",,' am serve
t-~"""lves; tDører, she felt this œdinImœ W8 a ~
first step _ t-hravt' it does DDt solve everything. She
urged n-.1rV'i 1 to sem a clear -~ å) }'OUth tbIIt to. oM....
is injurious to health.
It W8 IŒM!Id by Q)o¡JIV'. Ifqipel, ..... .....Joorf by Q:Junc. GoJ""""
and p"sed un-i~ly by those ~ s-tL (4-0) to <>t¥Luv'8
11!91lating ci.g!Irette/t-~ WDÜDg IIIOrl\i~ and
restriccing them to areas inaoo-sible to minors.
It _ IIDIIed. by Q:Junc. ~], &&.. .IM by Q:Junc. Go 1""""
æxi ["""sed UDIIIÚ1IDU81y by those ~ B ¡l (4-0) to J:eIId
Ordinance No. 1588 by title only and the City Clerk's
reming to CXIIStitute the first reading tl....eof.
M!N(1ŒS CF '!HE P.I!O.IIAR CITf CXDCIL -.r;~'.uC CF MAY 4, 1992
24. çlicatiœ No. 1-U-92 and 1-Jm-92 - Jðdt in the Bax -
Use Permit to dlllDlisb an þl; ltiing and
oonstruct a JIII!IIf 2,600 sq. ft. fast Ibod restaurant. '!he
~"I'""-L1' is located at 20803 steusJs Cœek Rr-a.l""111m1.
Envi.......-<l.a1 o-t"-ilV¢iœ: '.Ibe Pl-.n;ng ............_i....
r~' ,.,........... the gr¡mting of a
RJc,. ..........AM fer ......i..l. (0J0tiDBi fraD the IIIIIeting of
April 20, 1992.)
Previously cxmt.inœd to JUne 1.
AIuu.'.I.B.:.lU<AL JIIÐ srm APlIIÐVAL ahu;nlSl5 APPLICATIœs
25. NDDe.
26. Report regEding rwi.-'¡"l 1dtitia1 at 10532 Harth
BlanII!Iy AwIJIJe. (I' ;,," ! to Ckal a:.uniœt.i.cns, April
20, 1992.)
Di.rector of n--..i:ty DiI!r\.-1. 'I. ,I (L n..... s ~I.... an ~
and stated tbIIt tb.i.s _ a private movt- beO ! m the
:tee; "'-'ts.
lØf l!IJSDaS
of drr-V't" pl8a far Q¡Iertino NIIter
27. ()'ww.;. L. all inn
Otility .
(a) Pi.rst r-'ling of (k'rtI- No. 1587: "An
Q[rli.....- of the City fhllV"fl of the City of
~ -..thog n,. -- 15.32, '1I!It8r
n.~i...., of the QpEtim ....i,..¡1""l Qxie By
B1JminIIti.DJ certain Rest:rict:iœs far the
n-.n-rvatial of NIIter."
It _ JIIM!d byn-.......lfI:Ippe], _,......,byQ:Junc. Golåœn
mx1 {'e' BEld l.........ilrlUSly by tboee .... J_L (4-0) to elKlLU1/8 a
IIIIDdatary 1St rec:b:tku of 1987 ,- 7.
It _ JIIM!d by Q:Junc. Goldœn, .........""',) by Q:Junc. 1fq;Ipel
and r-sed InuminrQlly by tboee .... s-tL (4-0) to reed
Otdinanœ No. 1587 by title œly and the City Clerk's
reading to anstitute the first x-ting tb....Q.iÍ.
Drought plan
for Cup. Water
1st reading
Ord. 1587
Parking on
Finch bit
5GB and
15 treading
Ord. 1589
Yard waste I
pilot program i
MINl1mS CF 'nIE RI!GJIJ\R CITY cnø:n. HI!'.ETDC œ MAY 4, 1992
28, CkJnsideratia1 of ordinance relating to esbIb1.isbœnt of
psrking prohibition on Finch Avenue L.;l JIll !n Bt:ewIIs
creek Bculevæd and a point south of Sw.- ... Awnue.
(a) First reedi.IxJ of 0rdinImce No. 1589: "An
0I:dinImce of the City 0:Juncil of the City of
0Jpertin0 .-.,riing t'tuop"- 11.24 of the 0Jpertin0
ØJ¡Ii..ip"'l axie, Relating to ~""H..-rt of
P8rking Prohibitia1, Bebr!! en st.fJ\reQs Q. ek
Bculevard and a POint Scuth of 9oreœeI1 Awnue."
It _ DDVed by Q:Junc. Golålm1, -, ..Wi by fhlrV', l{qt>el
and P'"8~ by those ~ B .l (4-0) to "H"-u./8
the staff œ-. ,.,.-..JistÏa1.
It .. DDVed by Q:Junc. Ifqipe 1, __...10., by 0:11..... Go]""""
and pIt,,'IIed uruon; (4-0) to reed Q[rli........... No. 1589 by
title only and the City Clerk's pwting to ocastitute the
first pMing tt.......uf.
29. JloooqI.-t ñaD FiDe Arts n-.....i -iœ far a joint JIII!I8ting
with the City rnlrV'i 1 .
By """'_Al., ""........1 will Jœet with the FiDe Arts
n-.....i_i... at 7:00 p.m., ItIy 26. If anot:ber .....i_i... is
int:m:eøted in JIII!I8ting with o,.lrV'i 1, they will be ayooi 1....\8
far a joint meeting at 7:30 p... tbIIt __ing.
30. poo.;p.-t far "H"-...ral of yard wst:e pilot ......."....... tii........i..., CblrV'il ~ to heBr ñaD IaI
Altos ,..--~ n·-1.--·Y.
JoIm JIDgin, Geðeral ~ of IaI Altœ r...."""'7' 0,....'1',
said 10-12\ of the ~D have the 96 9"'11... toter. In
regard to poL..... baYing only œe am . ".....mty, the .. ....-..J'
bIW cd:h.....sed tbIIt issue and åJes have saIIB .,...i1....1.,
'1his has not been adYertised as IDs Altœ ~ åJes DDt
wmrt: to cb this in anjuDct:ion with the yard wst:e
~uo,L"'" It is a1JnJst i"V"""ible to set rates if the
~..."...... is not 1IIIIDdatoJ;y.
It .. JIDIIed by COUDc. ~1 and ~.Jt,d by Msyar to GKM-~ staff "A.._....--...IALims.
0:Juncil Ii; ......1SS.ia1 CU1tinued reg¡miing the coet of the
pilot ~..."...... and a JœI1dated ~uo,L"'" I"'rnnoorn..
~_sed that any infomBtia1 collected £Ian the pilot
~uo,L"'U ~d be inIIocurate ~IA(" there is no d1ðrge at
that time,
MINU'ŒS CI" '1BB pllr.f1rJUt CITY a:ucn. .......:u1'l; CI" MU' 4, 1992
Q)unc. Golåœn _IrM4 lY'II11d there be any City ~it frail
the ,..'!.: 06t .".,, such as use at pI!Irlœ.
Mr. ViskDvid1 ppHM4 tbIIt this oould be ύpt.i.ated.
City MImIIger &.... stated tbIIt there ~ to be tIIO
issœs. Cbt is, lY'IIl1ti the ........"..wu be tý'lV1IÙ.l ~- is
the finlmcial asp&v--t. He reo. ..,.__iM tbIIt nwlrV'i 1 cp r ~
with the pilot ........".......
'D¡e IIDtion to _u.18 staff reo··· _iIot ;,.. (."",........ the
pilot ~...."...... and "'HIL.......1.ate $12,000 :fraI the - :>urœ
Rea:J\/ery Fund far the ........".._) .. -"VM4
(4-0). After the pilot ........"..wu, staff will ~ beck with
inf'........t..icn en the i'iNOrlt!iAl aspects and possit>; Hty of the
~...."..wu týi.....l.
31. Fisoal Year 1990-91 lIi.,gJ" Audit .......L OIIr+"ii'i......i,..
and Audit Fintiing aøso1uticn :fraI the nf'f'i... of the
State Cl.ul...uller'.
0:Juncil received tile inF.....-'1 ;l'W1.
32. NDDe.
pI8W'W' ... rJ:~(kd
33. Nœe.
34. Oral ~~LB by staff It._J_"D.
City ~ &.... r-ñnrWI tbœe .... I .1 of the *,___t
annual n-.-..ity h..z- Breakfast.
~ 1U5t'UC1.':i
37. nw....., DeIIn - bg;¡,.1ative RevieIf O:mIittee - It ..
IIDWId by fhlrV'. DelIo, 0)& ....-1M by <bDt'. IfqIpel and
I""aøed urvm; to tIIIœ the follaldng _i...
regarding .....,. Bed legislating:
<\...",.,.. SB 1501 (Iswis) , SUbdivisicn MIIp Act, cities
liable for ....Y<'eIIsing oosts, and AB 3447 (~),
oertificates of recxnd, city fees barred, county fees
. .... \...d. 0:Juncil will ~ L AB 3251 (Frazee) ,
workers' . ..,!-,AIItia1, business lioerJse tax oollecticn.
Review Comm.
MINUŒS œ 'lHE RI!GJLAR crrr ancn. H!:!'l'IlC œ MU' 4, 1992
At 10:25 p.m., the meet.iJ1g _ ðdjoumed.
d.~ ~,.
City Clerk