CC 05-18-92
10300 ~ AVI!HJE, aJPERTIN;), CA 95014
'lELEPfDŒ: (408) 252-4505
MUVmS œ TØI!: RI!G1LAR ...........ue œ TØI!: crrr aIH:IL,
HEW CIf MY 18, 1992, ancn. QÐI-., crrr IØILL
10300 ".lUU<lS AVENUE, aJPBRl'DD, œ.IlII:RIIA
'D¡e meeting _ called to ......b. by Mayor &...- 1m at 6:45
Q:Junc. Pi. B ~L:
DeIIn, Golålllln, Koppel, szabo, Mayor !L...,....-.
Staff p~ s~L:
City ~ Brolin
City Clerk camel ;Om
Director of Public tb:lœ viùDvich
Director of n-.-....ity Delll"l""-'L QMm
Assistant to the City ~ Brolin
Director of Fi......-. SIlydBr
Director of P8rIœ and Ra:.......-tiœ Dcwling
Public Tn'... ..-Lia1 Officer Kœy
City Att.u..--Z 1W.ian
ŒRI!IDIIAL MIu........ - l"RBSI!2fmTIQI - NDDe.
PœIKH!HiHl'S - NDDe.
By amøeI18U8, fh........l .........wv-d they ....,M taII8 11:88 R). 19
after actiœ CD the n-..~ n,,1__.... and prior å)
l'fiat"'lJ8S.iœ of llØ'.f iteaB rn11~ £rem the 0- I' n.1.....A.l.
Mayor Soœnsen ~ tbIIt tbøre ....,M be ",l-nt!
sessi.a1s CD three items: the Vbøs pco:I, ......... V. City of
CJpertioo, and City of QJpertim V. City of SIII1 Jœe.
Nancy I!uJ:'r..lL, ""¥I- B ¡Ling Fairgmve PO;'.1'I··\ D, ...._I-tl.ll!ld
0:Juncil with an opinion poll perb,,;ning to items in the
General Plan.
Floyd Meyer ðÙ.h.....sed Cùuncil regarding the CXJUer of :r1IID
JIII07'''+œ ard the pot:d1tial exec:ut.iœ of Mr, COlemlm. He
stated there _ sane quest:jr.c regarding the JIIUl'S ~t.
He said he hIIId called the 0:Juncil bIt did not get lIIIY aùls
back. He also suggested tbIIt ~ put the flag in
mcurning for these killed in IDe .Angeles. He stated tbIIt
wbeo there is œpi.tal pmisbœnt for crjJœø, the i""L.......
should be executed ~.." He felt it mic1t IIIIIIœ a
di£ference if 0:Juncil wculd ~_ .......~".
Const nt
<DISI!Nl' ~
Mayer SorerIsen reIIDYed Item No.1; COUnc. DeIIn r--~ Item
No.2. It _ IIDW!d by n-w...... Jri'g)el, ~.dt:od by fh.......
Golàœn and pelvsed unaniDDusly to ~ the .".1__ of
the COnsent Calerùlr as subaitted.
1. RøIDIIed fzan the n-..-¢ Calendar.
2. RøIDIIed frail the Qmsent Calerùlr.
3. M:nt:hly J\ct:ivity ~l, April, 1992. Receive.
4. RI"""rt tþBte and ~'s ~L, April, 1992.
5. Resolutiœ No. 8054: "A Resolutiœ of the City fh.......1
of the City of ~ Allowing Certain ("l..i... IIDCI
I>-......dA Payable in the JIDDunts and P'IaII the PUnds as
Hereinafter Described far and 1fiønoo11~
~_.ditures far the Period RrrIi"'1 MIIy 1, 1992."
6. Resolutiœ No. 8655: -A Resolutiœ of the City fh........l
of the City of ~ Allowing Certain ("l..i_ and
DI:uI.:u.d8 Payable in the JInnI......., and P'IaII the PUnds as
Hereinafter Described for ~al and Miscel1___m
l!:I.t-.ditures far the Period RrrI;ng MIIy 8, 1992.
7. Resolutiœ No. 8656: -A Resolutiœ of the City n-w........l
of the City of 0Jpertin0 AJ.1owiDg Certain Cl..i... and
DI:uI.:u.Jø Payable in the JIDDunts and P'I:aII the PUnds as
Hereinafter Described for Salaries and NIlges far the
Payroll Period Ending MIIy 5, 1992."
MIMJŒS œ 'l!IE REGJU\R crrr a:ncn. !£ETDC œ MU' 18, 1992
8. Re801uticn No. 8657: "A Re801uticn of the City (bmcll
of the City of 0Jpertin0 GI:81t of - .1
for ~ Plh.1" S!B £ran 0Jar1es GIIgli BIJ and M:i.J.dœd
OogJi...SO as Trustees of the Charles and Mi.ldred
00g.1 ; Living Trust DIIted April 12, 1988, Qmsist:ing
of ~..- i-tely 0.027 J\Q:es., Ioœted OIl ~..11.... ao.I
(APN 357-20-017)."
9, ~ of IIIJDicipal iDprcMm!nts:
Tract No. 8332, Oçertino aden !Hv.n1 District, Wi 1.....
Scbool site. Price Avenue/Bh....."Y AwIIue.
(No sq:¡porting c:kxuœut:at:iOD .....--aR\IY.)
10. Minutes of the Pg'll.... meeting of Apr:il 20, 1992.
11. Minutes of the adjoumed Pg'11..... n I ~Ling of MIIy 1,
12. :-qt-t for 1oIIIÙ.ver of bus;-ø li..-...... fee £ran thited
C"nnnIm;ty far RI-. RiIrt:B.
~ .......1-. II of t-hII. City n-w""""'¡ 1
DeIm, Gt>1~, 1fIcppel, R'~, a....- III.
19. o:ms:idemtico of a reøoluticn to eøt-....1i.... a s.w..
Clma QJunty Tnnool 'lI.aaJIIt'ULIMi"., b1t'hnrity sd
IJAI[OVing --1'" Jt;:tuJ;e plan.
(a) First p-'I;ng of Reøolutiœ Ro. 8659: "A
Reøoluticn of the City nw........1 of the City of
~ Bst-....1illhing a _.. Clara Q:Iunty Tnnool
n.......~.., Lat.kID Autbrity am A¡p:aviDg Jr,_...ti:ture
Plan. "
Gary Burke, President, Santa Clara (bmty ......rl'N+l1riDg
Group, 1& B ,t..ed. an overview of the .....,. Bad Santa Clara
Q:Iunty tnnoo 1 'l'ransportat.i Autbrity.
Carl GJardino, Santa Clara 0Junty MImufacturlI1g Group
'l'r8nsportatia Director, clarified why -+i"., ...
taken at this tiDe and mt when the other tax measure
sunsets. He then reviewed the ""'P"Ia1i.ture plan.
Santa Clara Co.
Local Transport-
ation Authority
. 8659
Barbara Roger
Trust Fund
MINUŒS œ '!HE RmJIAR CITY ancn. MI!:E'l'DC œ MM' 18, 1992
Counc. J'cßIel atated that the should include an
eddiH.......l sentence stating that the altemate elected
official's teDn of office shall be the 8I!IIIB ð8 tbIIt of the
r'AfJI,lAY" .._.J~.
Bcb Hmm, GreeI1belt Alliance, stated tbIIt a CDalitial of
groupe are adIIccating r-D,,? of this bill ....;œ -.n-oJrag1!18
n-m develqment of &reII8. SUbstantial envL...,-.lal
benefits are axpected. He ~_øed ~l far the
Floyd JII:.}_ also ~_øed ~l for the reøoluticn. He
qœstiœed whether or IDt li.I;þt rail is the soluticn. It
looks liJœ the City of 81m Jose's li.I;þt rail is DOt; used
nud1. Also, li.cj1t rail does not offer f1..-ih1e mm:.¡
buses are more eo ..·...;""1 and f1Æadble. Be urrJI!Id tbeœ be
no 1; '#It rail in 0Jpertin0.
VarilJl.œ ".,......; 1 .._.J ~r" stated they did DOt; 1IIIDt to be
1oM(!'~ in to li.cj1t rail.
It - IIIM!Id by Q:Junc. Golàœn, ...... .."- by 0--...... 1fqipe1
and run:! tJNmi......J81y to aŒpt Resoluticn No. 8659.
1. ;ø-.ll1..i"., No. 8653: "A Reøob1l-;"" of the City rn"""'¡l
of the City of QJpertino þI-....Hahing the -"'"-'D
a..."..... Trust lI'Imd and Providing for the JIdIIinist:rati
'lh.:aato.iÍ. .
MIIyar a....- -, 8IJI1I'1Imned tbIIt this trust fund has been
est-..hH'"'-'I by Friends of ~ ~...
Director of ¡ri........... Snyder œvi.sIøi the resoluticn
describiDg the trust fund.
BIu:bIIra 1bpL. œme fonmù and ..tumlnoti those wIlD bad
exntrib1ted to the fund.
Floyd JII:.~_ caiiL_øed Cb.mcil, stating tbIIt he had first
....1_ with BIu:bIIra ~.. reg¡nùing the Sberiff's
Depar.:ment st:ealir¥1 fmn the e\rÍ........... led.:... Nothing bas
been å:JOe. He stated it _ bad to see this group
following in her tracks and lin;ng nothing about it. am
the City afford to p.¡t hicjl-priced help IXI this trust fund
amnittee when it can't protect citizens,
MINUŒS œ 'DIE RI!GJIJ\R CITY CXXH::IL .......u.lG œ MAY 18, 1992
It _ IIDIIed by Q:Junc. Golàœn, s.........:b:I by Q:Junc, DeIIn and
pllSsed uruminnolSly to ðdcpt Reøolutiœ No. G653.
2. Çroval of cable Televisial Advisory O:Imdttee
recx:mnendsticn far grant award.
Q:Junc. DeIIn stated tbIIt the ~'lA-sed grant r--ipi"'l1t is DDt
a 0Jpertin0 :œsi.dent, bJt does ta1œ a murse in fiIm
through DeAnza Cbllege.
Public Infm:JDat.i.œ Officer Krey said tbIIt the a¡:pliamt bad
requested $1,000; 1DoIever, the n.hl.. 'l'elevisial Advieory
Qmai.ttee is r.-, ,.,.-.J.iDg œly $250. Students at D8Inza
Cbllege are ..1 igJhle far grants. 'lbe O:Imdttee felt the
......."...... ......,M be ~icia1 to the ciH_. It will be
shewn intemati.cnally.
DillC\l8sial £011. ..JI!d regarding gtli'-H...- far the gr¡mt:s.
It _ IIIM!Id by n-....... DeIm and _ ....-.1 by Q:Junc. Golålllln,
far tiiAl'lJ8Si,.., pw..": us, to deny the ..,..aUL I!IIlm::d.
Mayor Q...,,- 1111 8IJI.DI8ted tbIIt the n.b1e 'l'elevisial Advieory
Qmai.ttee lock at the grant 9,i'-H...-.
DiSCU8Sial £011. ..led regarding prlorities far grants.
'D¡e DDt:icn.. defeated with n-....... D>1.· ., ~, _-....,
and Mayor a....- E!I1 ".; s ¡Ling.
It _ IIIM!Id by 0:11...... -......., _.n"" by n-.__, ~ and
pe.,"iM!d 4-1 with rhln('. DeIm tii -1 ¡Ling, to .........""" the
By """"_, n-.,....; 1 directed tbIIt the ~e 'l'el.evi.sicD
Advism:y Qmai.ttee review gamt 9,i.-1i,-, parti.a11ar1y in
re1aticrI8bip to :œsitiDovy in ~ IDI in ..L.a....qÑwling
the r-"ipi«1t's .u..~~ to the city.
13. Jl¡'{-1 of Chm!iqitw¡'S _....1 of JIRùi.œt,ial
1-4-92 regarding a cbwnstairs alHiticn to a resi......"'"
at 21155 <huo,LaI..... Place, Melvin R. Hill, Inc.
Director of O:Imuni.ty DelIA 1, 'I. l"oNIm reviewed his L,,¥,," l
with 0:Juncil.
Appeal of App.
1-M-92, Melvin
R. Hill, Inc.
~ 1e 16,
. amendment
HINUIES OF 'mE RmJLAR CITY a:ucn. MI!:E'l'IN:; OF MAY 18, 1992
Melvin Hill, 142 Ka..-ty Avenue, ('~ll, stated tbIIt
since the residence is in a planned deve1..,..~'L, staff am
have a certain auomt of give and ta1œ, '!he aŒü.tion being
requested would t-.ouse aging pIIRI1ts. NeiIIbars either
den 't care or are m; 1ti1 y At 1:"'.11 Live exLqA.. far the
;....-'1; Ate next cDor nei.c1bor. '!hat partiaù.ar nei9Ibor
would lose ClÙY about bio minutes of nm:ning liI1t. lie
~ B d.m pictures sbcwing a vie", of the nei.çJbor's yard.
He urged that 0:Juncil "WLu>Ie the "It""" J .
Carol KDIIIgIÚ stated tbIIt she and her husbIInd are "I{-1Ï'1g
the PlannÏnq Chnn;ASial ,w...¡.ion. She """t'L-eed .....\::0...
for her DDt:her-in-law's arthritic amdition. 'lbe plan is
to put in a L.áh........ and b8thrtxm a1 the first floor 80 tbIIt
her DDther and father-in-law ......,111 live in the hcuse. All
of the L.áh......... at this time are a1 the _....i floor. She
stated they had met with the pl......i'1g ~t..-.L bafu....
bJ.yiDg the ....'¥'Lli'. Also, they had been assund by the
seller there ....,111 be DO problEID with the ....i'!t.l,... D if they
wished to aå:i this L.áh.........
a..t.-L Kaa-iy said he h8s 11)("'_1 at the area ........ the
aå:iitial will occur and he aID see it will have DO .d:fect
at the TJiAj.y.t-··'s vü. _."~ their view into the JrIo--;riA'
Peter Houle, 21167 OLuyLau:Jt., said DO one had h.lkwt to lúJD
or 1nnIrM fraa his beck yard. Be œes ~1 i""11'8 the ..., 1 ~....
did not pII88 a1 his objection to lÐJ ar:tiitia1. With the
.....¥=!ed ar:tiitia1, Mr. and Mrs. JrIo--qoi's xnnf'H.- 1QIlti be
five feet fraa his feDœ, aIxNe the amor and to the beck
of his fen~ a virtual -U. lie stated that the JrIo--;riA
had nevm' h.l kwt to lúJD diZ1! He œes "'H""11'8 tbIIt
other -;'!t.....D are also "9"inat the i'L·,<Bed ar:tiitia1. lIB
said he did not. hear fraa the JrIo 'T i A until he ~ notice
of this hearing. He thm11œd rhwvoi 1 far listening to his
pceitial and ~ they ....,ld ..........ittoor it and the Planning
Chnn; AAl.a1 ' s ......i ..1 .
'D1ere being DO other p.1blic iq:ut, Mayor !L............ brour1t
the "';An18Sion to 0:Juncil.
It W&8 IIDIIed by n-....... Golållln, ...........d,d by <:blOC, Ifqipe1
and p....98d IInIUIi......J81y to uphold the Pl..nni"'1 Chnn;AAial
decisi.a1 am deny the "ß-l .
14. Auca..l'ICIILs to the 0Ipertin0 Kmicipal Cede, Title 16.
(a) First re!Iding of 0rdinIm0e No, 1590: "An
Ordinðnœ of the City cnmcil of the City of
CUpertino Amending 0vJpt:er 16.04 of the OJpertilÐ
!t.micipal Ccde am the 1991 California
tJnifonn An; 1IIhVJ Cede. .
MDV1ES OF 'mE ,J!GJLAR CITY CXXH:IL l'Eð.l-.u«; CF MU' 18, 1992
First ræding of Ordinance No. 1591: "An
Ck\1in!moe of the City tn......i 1 of the City of
0Jpertin0 Jln-Yfi"19 QIIIpter 16.20 of the 0Ipertin0
!t.IIli.cipal QXIe and MJpting the 1991 California
Ulifonn Plœbing QXIe. "
First ræding of Ordinance No. 1592: "An
0I:dinImœ of the City tn......i 1 of the City of
0Jpertin0 Jln-Yfi"19 ~.... 16.24 of the 0Jpertin0
}IImi"ip"'l QXIe and ~ the 1991 Califamia
IInH'nnn Meållmiœl QXIe,"
First ræding of Ordinance No. 1593: "An
Qtrli........". of the City Council of the City of
0Jpertin0 _ing Cbeptw 16.56 of the ~
ttmicipal QXIe andaArÿing the 1991 n.1if'nrnia
n-oH'nnn Housing Qxie. "
First r-ting of Qrtfi......",. No. 1594: "An
Q[lii........". of the City Council of the City of
~ Jln-Yfing ~.... 16.40 of the 0Jpertin0
}IImi"'¡p"'l Qxie and Aà:.¡ the 1991 n.1if'nrnia
n-oi f'nnn Fiœ Qxie."
Pirst r-ting of O/;r'Ii........". No. 1595: "An
Qtrli........". of the City tn........l of the City of
~ _ing nv.... 16.32, Slrlllllling PCola,
of the ~ }IImi,.jpt'l Qxie ."
lØf _........6
20. ~ of f'intii'9' of bazimtJus fire area lY'OIIIIi~
regaxdiDg ri1tongt'a of roof CXII18t:.ructiœ and r-1i~-·-.L
of the .........d..Is fire area 1IIIIp.
Director of n-..ity Delll&l'\,·-,L 00IiIm revi.eIIIed the
ri1tongt'a with tn"""'¡ 1 . He alPO stated tbIIt tbøre were IIIiDar
~ in tyyti_ of 1iIIIter and dt...u..aLive fountains.
'1ha&.cf......, an ~,_..., swimning pool ordi.nImœ..
.... s ,Led at the meeting. A priDmy åJange in the fire
cede is the roofing œquinment in hillside areas. Also,
there has been a ~ in definitial of bazimtJus fire
area. It has bFJen .......dt.d to include DeAnza Oaks and the
staJebri.dge deveJ., "._,t.¡, 88 'oIell as "c.burà1 ~..".....l)'".
City M!mIIger Brown stated he 'oICUld li1œ to}ll. s ~l saaa
extra bIIckground infonnatiœ. After the 0Bkland hills
fi...--es, a group of cities rev'.J.eWIEId their CXJdes. '!bey
deteImined that these dKmges 'oICUld be cp:xi to prevent suå1
a thing 1JaRøùng in this area.
Hazardous Fire
Area Coaa.
First read in
Orda. 1590,
1591. 1592,
.. 1594
App. 3-V-92
MIH1ŒS œ 'ŒE lŒXòUIAR crrr a:ucn. MEIi.'TDG œ MAY 18, 1992
Chief Dick 'lbIIxtcn, Fire Prot:.ectico district,
stated thI!Ire bas been a .t.....~ c'irect:icn for public
eduœtiœ. lie pus .Led ""''''''';1 .. ~ of inf........tia1
given to bale owœrø ðJring wrkstqIs at wi lti11Q1d fire
safety. -- B 1III:JI:'ksbqJs ~ given to r-i"'-'ta in
hillside _.
Phil zeitJDllD, 22907 Crl- Hill RoIKi, r-it\ont of ............
Oaks, ""n'" Led the CCIICI!pt of the otdinance ~.
'1!1ere DO other J?lIhHC ~, the MIIyar brcuI;þt
tii~i,,", to <bmcil.
It 1II1II8 JII:MId by rhlrV'. ~), _n.Wt by rh...... Golàœn
and '"^'V-' to IRJwuLL the staff
reo· _._._~, includiDg the WImI.Jta1 .,;....i"'J pool
It 1II1II8 _ ...d by ""'..... > Jr<:ß?-l, ....... ..lEd by 0:IItn(" > ~ 1 """"
and p-'Ied to read Qrtti........... lb. 1590,
Qrtti............ lb. 1591, Opti......". lb. 1592, (kwti........... lb. 1593,
Qrtti............ lb. 1594, SId (kwti.......". lb. 1595 by title coly
and the City Clerk's x-t4ng to constitute the first
r-wiing tb-..uf.
It 1II1II8 _.eeI by 0:11...... (k>1'-", -......dt.d by rh_, J'qipel
and -V-' to ........._ the ~ Þ'-'""""Y.
15. ~1i~inn lb. 3-V-92 - foJ:IJ1i- _tIeD Ardütect -
p-.,-t far vmiAmce to _inn 8.4 of Opti--lb.
1449 (&-1) to ~- the ..... ....1 stmy side yard ~
surc!Iarge fIaa 5 ft. to 3 ft. far a 298 &g. ft.
additkID to a Aingl.. f8aily r-i...._. 'DIe ...._Ll' is
J.oœt-' at 21023 0Irist:easen Drive. BIIYirc:mBItal
I)et.....nftat- .¡~:
_y "'--,'l.. RJ&.-
.A..j for
IH ;:,ln~inn lb. 8658: "A Resolution of the City
(bmcil of the City of QJpertiDO A¡poving
variAmœ FnD Sectia1 8.4 of Opti........... lb. 1449
(&-1) to pod- the St..A..d Staty Side Yam Set:bIIcIt
Praa Five Pæt to 'l!Iree lIbr a 298 Sq. ·lItJot
Jldditial å) a Single Family ~i¡flll)œ; 'ltIII and
l{atby TIWoa, 21023 0IristeII8en Drive."
Director of C"nmIImity De\lll>l·,.......l a:-n reon-1 the
"[t'1 iœtial with 0:Juncil.
HINU'IES CF WE RmJIAR crrr a:ucn. i'roI>.L'llG CF MAY 18, 1992
Bill MIwtal, architect L"¥L__jling the ~liamt, said be
h8d been surprised at the Planning C'hmI;"sial's .-.....1.
'!he house across the street did ..lnno:rt; exactly the _
aŒiitial prior to the change in the ordinanoe. lie point:ø:i
out a petition ñaJI. the neiq1barø tbIIt ",,¥-_sed their
a¡:proval of the J:IL'~BBd 8à:tition. He said the P1.......;"!J
C'hmI;-icn h8d been a split vote of 3-2.
'ltm InriooA, OIristensen Drive, appliamt, ~......Ø!d the
qúnia1 tbIIt the C'hmI;"",ial did DDt fully
understand the request.
MiJœ BarIJef>, 21005 Iauret:ta Drive, Grant AuoaL.....-.y, 21044
Iauret:ta Drive, stated he 00es have a ooe Bta1y hoos& and
is lICIt; 1'1......; "!J I!!IßY ~. He ITWl1ti not understand the
Planning C'hmI;-iœ .-.;..1 and urged n,......i1's _...m.l of
the var; """"'.
'1!1ere ....;ng no other pÐlic iq:Jut, MIIyar !L..- -m ~
the ti;.......;m to n"mri 1.
It _ JIDII'ed by n".....-. Golàalm and _. niR<J by n,......, DeIm
to YLaUl the variance as per Resolutim lö. 8658.
Pbllcwing ti;.....IIØ;m, it .. IIDUed by nw...... D>1"-n and
_,n"'" by n"wr. DeIIn to - the DDtiœ to include the
addiH......1 f'inrling tbIIt the ........~l..,;ng ... '11:' ... L of the
...i<1>l. '. b..oud is an extraœdinaty 0CIIdi.tia1.
'Jbe AI·~-\·-·L 'tIllS dBf........ with C\ow'lnr. ~, ~ ~Q, and
MIIyar ä..- en,.H S
'D¡e origi.....l _ -V..... 11I'IM1;lIrQly.
16. NcDe.
17. NDDe.
18. NcDe.
19. Caulideration of an resolutiœ to estðbliah a S8Ilt:a
Clara County 1........1 'l'r8nsport:at. Auth:JI"ity and
approving expenditure plan,
State funded
Code of
(a) First r-i;ng of Resolut.i.œ No. 8659: "A
Resolut.i.œ of the City 0:Juncil of the City of
0Jpertin0 þ.....hl ; a SImta Clara 0:Junty T IV"A 1
'l'nIn8portatic Autbority and Approving R.l....t;tur8
Plan. .
(QXlsidt.....J earlier in the -;ng.)
20. Rsview of f';m;11g8 of bazuåœ fire area caœdttee
reg¡m:ü.nq dJImges of roof CIJD8truct.ico and r-1; ~.......l
of the hIIzardcus fire area 1IIIIp.
(QXlsiœred earlier in the meeting.)
21. IWI-t far "I¥Luv'IÙ. of pdorities far projects
BUbldtted for state fnrvUng.
Direc:tar of Public ....L.o Vi.øIIDvicb stated the situatiœ is
dJanging dIIily. He is ~ f1"";hiHty in IIRJroVal
of a letter as .... I .Led to rh........1 at the meeting.
It _ IIIM!Id by 0:11...... ~l, - .....wI by n-....... -....., and
p-sed l.......i.......J81y to _...... ___...i"., of the letter ootIid1
autharizes Mr. vÍBkDIrid1 to ........H.... the City's priorities
en projects allhnitted.
1<19 -.Ci9: 8:45-8:55 P.M.
22. Rsview and ti;......188;nn of axle of Btbiœ (n-....... _.....,).
Q:Junc. szabo ~."'.F"'-œd that the City ~ a axle of Bthics
ø;m; 1",.. to the a1e artry...t by the çp.............L.
After an nFf'; om" of an - --y leaves, a 0I!Irtain period of
time IIIJSt pII88 prior ~~ that .-,..... soliciting basi- n
with the City or o....... I .1 ing .,._,,- beñ..... the City.
'lbis ....,M apply to the City ~, his direct staff, the
0:11"""; 1, and n"I'IIIrlAA;, ...... D. . stated tbIIt if n-......... J
su¡:ported such a oode, he ....,M draft it.
Cbmcil Ii; ......'a9f!d various ~ of the issues and 1awø
that are already in effect as far as OXIflict of interest,
ilo...,I.eLible office, etc., while an officer of the City.
City Attorney Kilian stated tbIIt laws g::JUem the situation
while the 1'""'-........ is in nFf';œ¡ hawever, Q:Junc. -"'~ is
looking for saœt:hing after a ~"""I leaves office. Mr.
Kilian then reviewed the Fair Political Practices
Camlissicn laws and ot:.her eIå.st.inI;¡ state laws.
MIH1IES OF '!HE lœGJlJ\R CITY <rucIL ...,..,.~.J.lIG œ MAY 18, 1992
OJuncil cxmtinued tiianllJsÍal with Q)unc. Szabo stating that
a <XJI1CIeDl is public ~...,,4 ;'"41. If'" ,..e. u::: has had a
pcIIII'I!rful pceition in the City and CXIœS œdt to lcöJy, it
appeIIZ'8 as thoI.w1 tbIIt ~""'1 rœy have an unfair odvantage.
City Attorney ¡en i.... stated tbIIt if si.ÇJling sud1 a Code of
Ethics and the requi.remeDt tbIIt - ,.....:me 'TIIIM not a:ne bIIåt
""¥L B íl.Ïng "" ..- -~ pdor to a certain IIIJIJber of ]/I!IIIr8
pll88ing is a oondition of eapJ.ayment, it will have the
force of law.
0Junc. Golåœn pointed out tbIIt a ~....... ŒÙ.y has influence
if the 0:Juncil ..n.,.. thBn to have influence. He ....-
what the CDSt of writing an ardinIInce and enf....-...-..¡l of it
wuld be.
'!he City Attorney stated tbIIt it wuld t:aIœ sane time to
reB -rch.
Q:Junc. Golåœn -- if the .....'".:nc1 ethics CXJDIIÍ.ttee ....,M
have the power of law.
Q:Junc. szabo pt'1 ;M tbat it ~1l'" ~- œ.- and __
r-, ....-..Jati.cns. '!he mde ~IM not ....~.....L III1]I'CII8 fnD
hoing en the City rh........l or waddng far a .. "1~ and
advising thBn. It ....,M just prnhihit them fnD n-oning
beck and ø¡;pering.
G...d... ftoli.d1, 1202 _1~ QJurt, said it 8QI........ liJœ a
gr:æt ~ with p....1j,., "H'""'1, b1t f!Dfu.,.-.-.1,. is a
.n-v.... It also is tbIIt all _-city n,,1rV'i1
..-"iI~.I.D and staff n-·.I'al.D ~11" have a ~i"".l
~ i....... """"'¡nq þAf,.... n,,"""¡ 1 . '.DJat rœy DDt neoesBarily
be true. He _....eed ~ "Pini,.. tbIIt att:mDey8 ....,M
have a field day with the .....,' s ej mde.
Q:Junc. -....... clarified tbIIt it wuld be p-mi-ib1e if the
i""L1Ml .. .L"¥L s....tLing his or her own i"-'¥'LLJ' or .. a
volunteer .L"¥L B ¡Ling 8C111et:hing.
Ann ~ stated she _ not really ...............-1 reg¡m1inI¡
QJpertino; she.. DDre CXJDœIDed at the federal 1eI/Ie1.
Q:Junc. Szabo DBde the JJDtiœ tbIIt staff be directed to
develcp a mde.
'!he IIDtiœ died for lack of _. ...1. '!he majority of
0:Juncil felt it .....,M be best to cb nothing at this time.
23. Al;pliœticn 81,004.120 - City of QJpertino SÏ91
0rdiMnce - Request for 0:Juncil to establish a SÏ91
0IdÏnIm0e SUbcx:mDittee. ~"",,,ùed for "K"-\ÑIÙ.
App. 81,004.120,
Sign Ord.
2nd reading
Ord. 1587
Ord. 1587
2nd reading
Ord. 1588
Ord. 1588
MINt1ŒS OF 'mE RI!GJIAR CITY axø::n.. M!:ET11C OF HAY 18, 1992
Director of n-mity Delleh\,,~,l 0:Mm and the City
~ both stated tbIIt they felt it ....,M be best to
CXXI8ider this after the ~ of the h~ and
det;ecainat.i.c o£ the Planning I:JepartDEnt'B ¥Xk 1'1-..."......
It _ IIIM!d by ~...... Golåœn and ...... ..,.,., by t\o:J\!IK'. Dem1
to CXJDtim.Ie this itEm until after the 1:10~ is __.M
and the depIIrbœDtal wcrlt 1'1-..."...... ~_;..-t.
<b.d..o, said he àJes reoo<}"i- the City's h~
prcblem. After ~ of the h~, he urged tbIIt
0--1rV'i 1 give this issue a great deal of w.yra"'~ and tbIIt
they DBIœ sure tbIIt the si.g1 cmiinanœ is ~ Si"P1.. '!be
IlllÙ.ler the .......nttee, the faster the ~~. ..... will be.
'D¡e DDti.on _ -Y.or'I UDIIIÙDDU81y.
24. NDDe.
25. q". ...i r-ting and -.t-oul of Q[rli........ No. 1587:
"AD Q[rli_ of the City 0:Juncil of the City of
açertiDo ,- oiling ~.... 15.32, 'WIIter n. ~i"'"
of the ~ ....;,.;J?"1 0:xIe By B1imiDat:iDg 0I!Irtain
Rt-L...1t+i..... far the n-..aoer:vatia1 of NIIt:8r."
It .. IIIM!d by 0:11...... Gol"""", ...-,..1totJ by ~IDC. Dem1 and
p-wd 11I1M1; to œIId OrtU- No. 1587 by title cnly
and the City Clerk's reading to constitute the __ ...i
x-ii ng tb......o!.
It ... _Jed by ~."... Q)1..-m, 6A.._~ by t'n1lV'. JI"I'H-'
and r-aøeð 11I1M1; to enact ()[rIh......... No. 1587.
26. ~ ~;ng and -.t-oul of Q[rl;- No. 1588:
"An Qrrlh........... of the City 0:Juncil of the City of
CUpertino JIdr::Iing rtuVeor 10.27 to the CUpertino
!IIm;";J?Al QxIe RiEg1lating CigaretteI'D"'" (X) V.......Ung
Maàùnes. .
It _ IIIM!d by f"n...... Golållln, ~Ided by Q:Junc. ~l
and r-awd 1.........;nrIIJ81y to read 0tùiMnce No. 1588 by title
cnly and the City Clerk's reeding to o-"'IBtitute the -.....:1
reading thereof.
It 1oIa9 IIIM!d by Mayor Sorensen, ~.ded by Q:Junc. Golàllln
and pt''''3ed 11IIðIÙJII)W1y to enact Ordinanœ No. 1588.
27. s.:........:l reðding and enIICtment of 0l"d.inImœ No. 1589:
"An Ordinðnoe of the City rn........l of the City of
~ AIœnding ~.... 11.24 of the ~
Ømi.cipal Code, Relating to EF....H"-O; of Parking
Prohibition, Betueen St:eYens creek Bou1e\"ard and a
F\::)int South of b.,........ AWIDUB."
It _ DDWd by rn....... Go1àœn, ........,_ by rn....... /I'qpù
and passed Invmi~ly to r-s <kdiJ:anœ No. 1589 by title
œly and the City Clerk's ~ing te. CX'II8titute the ~.:l
r-'ling tl.......Æ.
It = DDII":d by Q:Junc. Go1åœn, ..... n_LI by rn,"<", Jfrn'el
and p-ø9(j-t UDBIÛJIDU81y to enact omiJvmœ No. 1589.
28. None.
smftP 1'USt'\.K.L'::j
29. Oral .L~Ls by staff t\_.l~I.D - NoDe.
30. Dediœ of cIe\Iootl"..~.1 ricþts far the "Vbøs AWIDUB
PIcnd Site". ("1. sui sea"i... nquested.
Dix'8ctaI" of l'hnnImi:ty De\-Þ1.---iL ~.. ~ ..... L~.UIJIJd
inF....._Lia1 with lh~1.
Mr. Mair StatmIm, 23022 Vb88 AwaJe, V1œ ft88i_,
~ Knolls a---c....i..., ~ ():O...... 1 å) pursue
this IIIIItter vigmcusly and .-nrI that Mr.... . .lain
L..~-[e[" the 0IIIœr8bip of IDt 19 to the ~ KnollA
Ro -_. ...A88Oci.atia1. '!be 'p~""i... WIDt8 a ~
tbIIt IDt 19 will IJeVer be døvelcped.
J~ Gayå)ø au.La.....1 Mr. StataID'8 ." ---.-.L8. Be stated
he ....,M a¡:preciate it if the City rn...... 1 1IICUld ta1œ legal
act:iCIn to ensure these i"U-~ I'Ellain open space.
Hayer SoreI1Ben 8I1I"'""vred there'dll be a rl,sed sessim on
this Jœtter later in the eV'eIÚDq.
31. qxIate on the city's œnt:ract with the Sheriff's
City MBMger Brown inf... ..~I Chmcil that the cne I'EIIIWùng
issue is the booking fees.
2nd reading
Ord. 1589
Ord. 1589
Voss Avenue
Pond site
HnVmS œ'mE Rl!GJLAR CITf CDH:IL Km'DG CF MIlT 18, 1992
32. Mayor Sorensen passed out a cqJy of the 1atest wø:siœ
of SB 797. She said she had received a letter fxaD
SUpervisor Mc::I(sma regarding a joint I:""""LD board that
will deal with the Alan lO:k-st:eYe118 creek Boulevan1
oorricbrs. She ~....d8d iJr..erest in 8etVÍDg ell tbIIt
At 9:45 p.m., 0:Juncil adjourned to a 1"1-sed sessiœ. IteIœ
to be œnskb...d are BBmes v. City of 0Jpertin0, '!he City
of ClIpertino v, ao-lain, and the City of ClIpertino v.
City of San Jose.
,..,.........1 reccnvened at 10:10 p.m.
It _ IIDII'ed by Q:Junc. DeIm, _n_"-I by ""'1111". Ifqipøl and
p118sed l........illrllJ81y to ...~ tii_iø-l and agree to beer
our 010II1 a.U.........y fees and ooøts in 8IImeø v. City of
0Jpertin0, to diJ:ect: staff send a letter .". -iDr¡ a
negative declaration in the DBtter of City of 0Jpertin0 v.
City of San Jose, and to not }&'.: i with legiù actiœ b1t
to seek the "K&'¥".iat:e Gta..tàl Plan opeu 'Ii-- des~
and city va>1"'J atrli......".. for private open -.:-'" as -n as
to œoti.nue eur......,..l open spIJCB œøt:ricticos in the DBtter
of City of 0Jpertin0 v. ~lain.
At 10:16 p..., O:IIlrV'il adjourned to 6:45 p.m., ¡ioo' nay,
May 20, 1992, ""'1111"11 ~.