CC 05-20-92 ~ \ crrr œ CIJPP.RI'DI), ~ œ CALr:t"ŒNIA 10300 'It:RRI!; AVI!HJE, aJPI!:IL""'1}I), CA 95014 'lEL!!:PtIH!:: (408) 252-4505 OC-837A MDI7IES œ TIiB AI>J(J]I1:BI) RIiOIf.M ......:.:.uG œ TIiB crrr <XIH:IL, HKU) (Jf MU' 20, 1992, ŒQICIL CfN ...., crrr BAIL, 10300 ".lUU<lfo AVJ!HJE, ~.uÐ, CII.LJ1ItRIIA CAlL 'IO UCU!OK 'D¡e meeting _ called to ULdt... by MI!Iyar 90rensEÐ at 6:45 p.m. DL CAlL Q:Junc. ~ s~L: DeIIn, Go''''''''', Ifqipel, szabo, 1I!ozu¡. IL..-.... staff Po. .I_l: City ~ &.... City Clerk QJrnA' ;.... Director of rr-w.;ty DfIvIoI),,··-.L cc-. City P'~"..r ....dt.ll œAL aJlUaCATIœs - NDDe. PŒILIC ~ 1. rnv:ai,".....cd.iœ of a ..........-.......jye -- .1 of the ~ Gta....ðl Plan, i....'...ting po]ilrl_ pJ....ed å) land U8e/f-n....nnity 0Iaracter, 1Þ.;ng, 'lI-,... Lat.kID, BnvL...-.-.l4l. RiII8CUrœ6, Pdñ1c getviœø and ~j)}ic safety; ~ by .....""'..iwwt grcqB, basir-aUI 8Dd AI _ ..MØIa ~ -- MIsyuL SaœI!8eI1 reviøøI the p....~ of the JaHLing and tbe ~..... ....8 tbIIt .....lrI be used. BIIIIcb.... B .1.. will be giv.m a monri..._ of ten mi.mJtes. Around 8:55 p..., tbøre will be a five IIIÍII11te bræk and, if ~SBBUY, aootbør at 10:00 p.m. General public iq:ut will tIIIœ pl_ at the end of tbe meet:inq with a three IIIÍII11te monrinnn far each qp-In:wr. -1- n~;fV'} ~r of n..··~'.ce Don Allen, president, said tbIIt the ao- will i'nnn.11Ot;ð an official positial within the next oouple of days. lIB stated tbIIt the best position far this CXJIIIIJI1ity WI:'I.]ti be a 1I'iM1e position regarding deYeJ"..-¡l. He urged 0:11........1 not to take I!!IßY pceition until the final ,w..; Aiœ is 1IBie. He did not see a great deal of difftoL....ce in various position pIIpel'B. He told O:IIlrV'il to use amtic:In 1IIben a peper says, "Don't cb x... in this ~...ity." lie IIBie a plea for }vo. ....oj' and ........ing together and stated tbIIt all people are "~~-'ned about traffic, hcuøing, fDothills dlM'1.,..-tl or DCI1-(ÈYII'I1.,..-.L, and running the City in a fisoally ......mti ............ ~ ........aA. stand still. n~;rn Vill..... 1l8~JII't';nn OJarles Nv '-", ~, .......... in ~l of the JIIII8b!Ir plans of Hewlett P8I::k.Im1 8I!d ':thud...... 1rA;~ n........\L JoIm Jtulœdt stated he ~11rI liJœ 0:Juncil to reriør wb!It'8 aYJIil....le at ¡rai-. 1IJøt, b1t DDt all, of ¡rai- ....Y""LLJ' is hillside. '1!1ere are hli 1tih9' , a "used- area, and paths. He urged tbIIt 0'w1rV'i1 give itself fJ..-ihiHty to dJImge its mind in the future in ....ok to ta1œ ad¥-+""9" of all possible ~t.unities. VII; T'I'1I"nUIt ~; rI1I. .. D Nancy BmW..L.... 8-!t.ad fhlrV'i1 with a tii-.p1-.y b..a..d sbcJIdng pictures of the ....i~...bood'8 first ........1 pi....i.... She stated tbIIt petiple are the JIII8t iDpxt:ant pv:t of I!IØY city or tDiID. She dist:ribIted an aŒlitiœ to the ....i~...bood "Pini.... p)}.l AI.....tted at May 18, 1992, and reviewed the results. She had yjAl...1A alvwing nco-residential growth using hypcthetiœl cyi...... and the p1.....;ng t"nnni-iœ verøicos, as well as a visual LoopL 8 d.ing the Plann.iDg O--i_ial'8 l"e-....._..1or.tJ.œ regarding residential growth. -2- MINU'1ES CF 'IflE AWæRNED REX;ULAR CITY CXXINCIL ~ CF ~y 20, 1992 (OC-837A) wm Phil Zeitmlln, Q)--c:bair, ca1h..,.,sed Cbuncil J.~ ........::aú.CS, major CXI1pIIIJy expmsicn in regMd to traffic and hcuøing, and the hillsides, He stated that a balance '1 ! ~.. to cx:me frail the General Plan. He urged 0:Juncil to lcxJk hard at - ......;c balances. In regMd to .......__ics, he stated revenue and g¡:owth are "l__ly related, Bt:ofu.... g¡:owth is allCMld, the ¿g>liamt shwld be required to prove an ..........w.c benefit to the city. In regMd to _jor , . 0'1 ðrf'f grcwt:h, he suggested a real1oc:aticn plan, b1t DDt the tier systEm. Traffic and tKJusing should det".....i.... growth. Traffic mitiglo'""..icn JIIBII8Ure8 ~'~. Bed IIIJSt be proven to.me. Major ~ IIIJSt include cn-site hcuøing or pay mitigaticn fees. Residential hli 1tiing shwld have priority. In regMd to hillside de\¡IaI1""-'L, Nt". Zeitmlm stated the City .......,1ti have a strorIg policy tbIIt protects all hillsides frail heavy deYel'\".......l. Þ¡:ÐleJPL.. ._.#111 Ml1a Glen _'+.er:, Apple, Inc., stated they wished to """"'i"" their ~ with Apple/!Ur..ùLu far a total of bImty 1IIÍJIUte8. Apple plans to oocupy its first hi; 1tiing of the IØt """'18 by IÞ. ,J-ez and to f'iniah in 1993. '1!1ere will be 2,000 EIIployees at tbIIt 1oc:aticn. Also, Apple """,~i_ hi; 1tii~ at the City Center and has a total of 4,500 ~ in~. Oller the next 10-1." years, they WOOIIJti liJœ to increase "'K"".I_.1y 27\ 01/8[' the existing 1IB88. He believes Apple does ant:riI:JUte fiJUm,..¡'011y to the city. Apple will ....~ its fair share of cd:h. uing hcuøing IDi trJIffi~. Q1-site or neør-site tKJusing shwld allow iD-lieu fees. He stated tbIIt Apple is ...."¥ILad å) ....:L...... OMS visi,.. stats&Jt. Be urged rnlrV'i 1 not to cloøe the door to limited grcwt:h. Bill Valentine, lOt, stated tbIIt in QJpertirx>, it's parking that ta1œs the BpIICB. He revi.-i æ:d1itectural drIIwiDgB for future hi; 1ti;ng and suggested tbIIt a fcurteea £cot per f.i.oor figure miçþt be <X1D8i.dered 1iben det:eJ:mining M;cj1t:s of J:::ui..].ii"':1". He revi.-i various \oRIYB to soft:s1 the effect of large };¡in; 1dings, such as varying ~~, ~ to hli 1tiings, planting on the outside edges of tiered floors, the tiering of floors, and desJqùng It+h;_, etc., that E!II<XJImIgB peq>le to meet and gather, also, having BCIIIe retail on the first floor and breaking the hl;1ti;I1gII into pBrts. He revi.-i Apple deYe},,"·~,L plans Wid! include five-story ~\..,J back buildings, a [Alblic park, and an underground 111'-.0. -3- MINUlES «I' 'l'IÆ AnXURNED REGJIAR CITY axJNCIL """",nIC (11' ~ 20, 1992 (OC-837A) Mark Kroll, PnmIetheus DeIIe],,'[..-'L, spoke in B\gx>rt of the General Plan providing œrefully IImIIII}Bd growth. He stated it is oo--tlUY to protect the balance of the tTOnI'IllÚty. He r-.ul....eoded 0:Juncil allow IIBjar .. ·'I.....ues E!nOUIj1 growth potenti.al 80 they amnit to staying here, 'D¡e ðrea UlU/ìOt allow urbI!In sprawl. He ~ large, m;'IIed use develcpœnt and DDre affordable hcuøing. Amle/!IrJhnot-n John Så:JrIIto stated tbIIt Jl¡:ple devel<.pUC&il ~ critical _ 80 it C8Il provide ur..b':l'-uUOO parking and hcuøing and the DDYing of the Pq,{-. ..,j 11 RestImrm1t. He stated tbIIt an E level of service is GK'I-'¥-.Late far certain _jar int:erøect:.i.œ. lIB 8UIp!8t:ed tbIIt """'lI)I"i 1 plan for D, b1t provide no 8IIDCt.ÌaI8 for E. He stated tbIIt a reallacIIticn of .. ....-...dal to residential ....,1ti provide nnre at. U-' D. He urged ~mM J to JIBlœ œc-i9itwlp, tbIIt will lœep ~'s big .. "1-..1- here. ~lt &11;JIIV9t Vickie ..........~ reg¡mfiDg the Deed for pmtect.i.a1 of the J:"I"g.i.....l '*' . belt. '!be U H........ bas ,.....Md with the 0Jpertin0 OIIKS œgmizatiœ and BlM>u..Ls their visico stat&BJt. She ~._ in "''U·..L of DDre livable, C'1-- rTmn1rÚ.ties. '!be city ..h"I1M bIIve a core with mi1llOlti uses and liçþt: rail. Ri-1-" --¡:ties ....,M be GK'I-'¥-.1.ate in job œnterø with I?'~ic L..-..,;.., L4t.icD and hcusing. She also ..'U...ls a ¡-"·-·KaJL, pmtective hillside policy. She urged tbIIt f"n""';1 Iñÿ poH""_ that lœep the (hmty lot sizes in the hillsides. MB. ........ spoIœ in 81U'" L of the hillside plan as c:Ie\JI=ol,.,-;-t by ,..,."...... Cblålllm, as -U as ~L...ian biJœ Hn~ fJ:aD txMI8 into the hin... SImt:a ("1_ f"nmt"V -...~_"..;nn GnJuD Gene RnrHoott, 0Iair of the land use Q:muittee, spoIœ in ~ L of incl\XÜng a visien stateIœnt in the Gta....al Plan. He urged the City å) pmIIICtively seek ~Lunities for a wide CDSt range. of hcuøing. HI:'. Endicott .........,.sed tbIIt tbøre is a Deed far ~ to 1IICrlt with other rTmnnUties co J:"I"g.i.....1 issues. He stated that density is neoessaxy for public transit and tbIIt 0:Juncil shculd allow busÏßet øes to ~ 1ihere GK'I-'¥-.iate. -4- · MINt1ŒS OF '!HE AOOOORNI!:D Rl'nJLAR CITY a:ucn. M!:ETIlC œ ~ 20, 1992 (OC-837A) Hewlett Packard Dicit Rœemeier believes that ~ IIIJ8t foster hospitable envi.rcoœnt to œsinesses. Hewlett PacIrmd IIU8t grow and they wculd like to cb tbIIt in 0Jpertin0. 'DIe General Plan ItBCIs to the future. ~ AMo.1" be a place where œsiness am thrive and grow. 'DIe City's #;.......1 f........-t sbcws a decline. '1his often rMUlts in fellllBr sarvices and a 1aec quality of life. Hewlett Plùa..d wants to ~ its 1I)lfe ibid site. 'lbøy wish to tear dcwn three older hi; M;"9'" and hli M 1IIid-~ t,nil"¡;11gB along 1I)1£e RDIId for _._I-tell' 900,000 BqUIInI feet abCJve the Qu.L""il Gta....al Plan. It is iDpJrtant to both Hewlett P8I::k.Im1 and the City tbIIt the ...'I...'.y grow. Hewlett Pec:kard is a g:xxi .........mity citiz81. He œquested tbIIt the BIR be dcoe far a total of 3,000,000 BqUIInI feË. 'D¡e fh"""; 1 AlrIollti, when lIe';!B'Uty, bIIv8 _Ls ~ B al testiDaJy. He urged tbIIt fh........l Iœep in mind tbIIt la1:gB ..··1-n;- ....,M liJœ to 1IOdt ~...... to SOlV8 .__mity problellB; they liJœ it here. þ T ---... of 111 .__. ,.......... !:!II'7J01111A P\:Jrd read a statøœot far the :t1k.AAd. ...,..... vista. 1\....__ __.1 a..~...¡..... ADD AogBr, It:IIta Vista ~u. .1 An"..i....i,.., said the City of ~ IIU8t get rid of ~li~, ....i.... is Dœtll' in It:IIta Vista. She........ B! ad on. -.. x:,.~ I"ILb and open ~~ and IItated &be:favar& open l1li818 tb 1Jmits. She i& .B .Led the follawiDg ;nr..._1 f.....: JII~'¡"aIl1J1 ~ ~ District 0IID8 33,000+ acœø and 6,000+ in~. 'DIe ~ C1ara QJunty P8rk District 0IID8 1,000+ acres; lAnrh. San AntDnio is 166+ acœø. 9Ie Clty of ~ 0IIII8 148.3 acœø. '!he City of ~ .........ists of 6,720 acœø and there are 11-1/2 square _nes of open e¡~, Jtt oounting private open ~. She stated tbIIt &be has been told tbIIt the State is pItting .... SBUr8 œ the, city regarding housing. She stated tbIIt tbøre is bDuø;ng clœe eIICI.II l to Q~'s iIñJsay to mIœ grcwtb f""--1b1e. 'D¡e City m iA to 1IID1"It œ affordBble boœing. In regm1 to the ....~lf ~ by the Catholic dIurå1, &be spoIœ in fawr of deYe)"..-,L for 200+ 'u.1UB. '!he City.:Wd then get 100 IIDr8 acœø far ponb. She urged tbIIt ~ ~ back to being a friendly city and distributed infu..a...>1 i.....1 DBterial to 0:Juncil. -5- . MIt«1ŒS œ '!HE ArlXURNED RmJIAR CITY axH:IL M!:E'l'Il«; œ ~ 20, 1992 (CC-837A) v..:-rHn Mlhuol ___ District !Xt Lhltt-oal said that the ~. ~Bed plan understates the district's c:w....:uL and future ~ity. '!he 1III!It:er district De -- to be ",...-.DiI this year, It hils solicited .....~._lA frail both 0Jperti00 M.micipal Water District and San .bee Water. Reglin Ø1tual serves 120 f,...;H". '!he systan is aId and - -- IIBÏntenImœ and rep 1... -,~ ,l. Mr. Li...hlaau ~....,-..... the General Plan ~ this and tbIIt the 1III!It:er . '.'\-ny be CIlU......,d as soon as pD88ible with the <DBts shared on an equitable bllsis. œg )IAri;.... Grant ca1:h."",øed 0:Juncil regIIIàing its vision stat:øB1t. She felt tbIIt this ~ be a starting point. Tn1nA Austin, ~1c;'YiJ as a private citizen, eod.....-:I the aus yj"i... and she stated tbIIt Orrin MIIhoney also did. . Th._1.-.. JoIm _il"'Y ca1:h."",øed n-.....,.i1 regIIIàing an article in the Illy 18 C'hrrw1;t"'!1A Wdc::b ~çaøed ···-V.LU regIIIàing tbe decIIyiDg of the quality of life in the Bay Area. lie stated tbIIt a ~ is inevitable and the City am either ............1 it or be ava.........1_, Also, be urged n-..........l DDt to sbirlt ~.....1 i-- and ·~..Lion. He u:r:gød tbIIt growth be directed to alœIIdy å!I/oooll'{"'d areas Wdc::b ....,M help cœate ....._It mrrimrs. PJ:cp 13 lod'~ in a low tax rate, but it is .l.....Aive to grow in this clty. 'lI~-v"Lat.kID is a piWltal ,.- in~. lie urged tbIIt inosntives, ratber thIIn MDCt.i.cDs, be used to help a11.eviate the ¡roblEa. lIB ............øed ti;-J,-,-.L with the 1IIIIY the City pol...._ trips to growth. He urged f"n........l to cievelq) a housing t!H-te tbIIt ....,M eIICOUI"aÇ B yeung buyers. lie SlUn t.ed the re-..···-·itoti.on tbIIt 3,000,000 sq. ft. growth in nffi".. de\,IIo 1. " ··.....L be ðål\..".,øed in the General Plan's BIR. He, too, ~ 0:Juncil to rEIIBÎD q:&1 during the }IL- - -v. fIJAato-f;.lrl þ JoIm RnrHlTItt, also B\gJOrted the BIR ca1:h.....aing the addiH......l 300,000 sq. ft. He stated tbIIt the City AhnolM see tbIIt all m;_l1~J8 fiscal I';~ are dealt with inclnrt;ng retailers, not just the big three ...-..pm;ee. He felt tbIIt large users, such as Q:Jst:œ, are suitable far Vallco and vice versa. !boIever, Vallco tbes not have f!I1CUI 1 ~ çroved for del/elo".....ll. '1his ~ be a fiscal benefit to the city. '!be nmning CXJIIIIIte is not -6- MIR1.ŒS OF 'lHE ADJr.URNED RJ;X;UU,R CITY CXUICIL n=nJ!C Œ' ~ 20, 1992 (OC-837A) within the opening hours of VallO'"_ and this should be factored into traffic sMyH~. 'lbe residents of Q¡pertino are the center' s œst:aœr bBse. Jlddjt-i""", 1 square footage ....,1c1 not create DDre traffic. Be stated t:hIIt $100,000,000 in sales frail """-k...... in 0Ipertin0 equals $1,000,000 of sales tax to the City. lIB wnts bœ;.....,e& to stay in 0Jpertin0. All of this should be fact.ar:ed into Vallco's --1,Ar;aÏ.a1. 'Ibe center cbes .~.d em zw::w;V1"W\A1 At-~~'a.l.D, too. It is ðdjaceot to the ñ. e JIly off an ei91t laDe roIId. Traffic frail the ñ. IIIIJIly ~ to Vallco d)es nœ enter into the 0Jpertin0 traffic syst:8D. ~I? w.-..:...q: 8:50-9:00 P.M. !~-"'U[8 [ RI_..._.. DIIvis, Director of p...; Hties, told (,hnn"; 1 tbIIt 0Jpertin0 hils ......Ç1 open ~, 1--ïJœ t has a JIIII8b!Ir plan tbIIt ~ ODe DDre hi; Ming. Mr. DIIvis hils beea at;t-.-i;ng -c:ingB of the Affu...1oo.hJe JhlAing QmIIi~ and will ~;m... to cb so. Be ""'t'L Iud mnf;,1o..~ tbIIt there will be a cpxi outaJIIEI. ram Joe 'l1t.tb.....z., ~iAM Drive, Q)...cbair, V- in AlI"·...L of a fair price far ni.. T:; a lands, open 1IpIICB, an L..... ! :f tax base, and pmtect.im of the envL.....-... Be stated the U&..__..¡,..;.... is f~_LL of both the ow.. e and Mr. s..t..c4u. ni_ IIœcIa, Byxne Avame, Aln.., Led the .... aLL Gta....al Plan ao:l plmm;ng l'hnIñ -.;,..., r-.. .-----iAtJ.œø reguding hnolA;ng œ the dIurd1 ....~Li'. She stated tbIIt tbøre 1II8nI thJ:ee ~cd.e ~o..éls under ti;......_i....., the -u.my, the frœt hill, and the 1fI11i--.., Act ....~Ly'. '1!1is is a ~~Lz issue. She urged f"nllV"il to gBt the _;runy site !:""'~ .-lrpwi DCIW. It is not suitable for park ~. If there is no early amœllataiœ of the 1fIll i_ Act UAiL.....t, tbøre is no ;~ve far the DiN"! Ie to c:b1ate open epIIOe. '!hey will sDply let the '-A.UL..aCt expire. 'lbe Dioo e AhnnM be tzeIIted as a private ....~ll' owner. Dick Sdn_in!r, BuI:i'> Roðd, said the owner of the -u.my l.ams has alœady sIDwn a cx.mnitmant to open space. (þ3n space in 0Jpertin0 is expensive to buy. Citizens' taxes pay for it no matter which l!JI1f!!œY buys it. other wi 11i---, Act cmtracts have been amœl1ed and they did not provide pÐlic open space. '1he ilJ.<¥=LLi' tTWlld be de\IelqJed in a 1II!UIÆ!r that is an asset to the rnnnnUty. Be n-mpuored this to the Nellis deve¡'~..~,L in ReI;J1art Canyal, MINUlES CF 'ffiE ADnJRNED RmJU\R crrr ŒUCIL MEETIIG œ MAY 20, 1992 (CC-837A) Melvin r...ln.-a spoke in ~l of deveI..i......d.. of the SEIIIiMry ~'-}'CLl.i. He stated it is also 4 private ~UI:'=ly/fairnes8 issue. 'D¡e entire i"-UI:'=l)' sOOuld not be lœped in as hillside; it is not a pristine Mea. PVts are developed and pørts are used for f'Ann;T1g. It is unfair to tell the ~UI:'= L)' owner to hold it for two years in œøe we am find a buyer. He said if there ware 5-20 acre baDe sites, there wculd be 41 super expensive haœs and DO public aooee'il. He 8IgDI1:ed a 290 tune deveI..,..-'l as allowed by the CULLc:Ul GI!s....41 Plan. a1vf1~ q,.,.,..i iA'tv ~iA Ievitt cd:h..,.,øed a visial for 0Jpertin0. 'DIe visial included a basiness cliJœte of viable ..........1... growth eIIhancing the <l"'1 ity of life for residents, a city cnre tbIIt is a foœl point, rec:reaticnal ~t..mities, and a ~dlel18ive hi 11 Aide plan tbIIt prot:ects its natural and ........MIIIt natural state. nw.n;~_ -fnr GL~k 1Innt'.h;11A BDi.d Pierce, suhllitted t"'p;- of a letter and DØll8lát.1.a&. f:tan the orgIII1izatia1. Sbe stated tbIIt hi 11 Ai_ døv-1"..-.l is ........iti;wwt by thoøe CD fI.et-1....... Sbe urged O:IIlrV'n to ~ a ............. slope dellsity fw'-''''. Cluøterlng residential dev-'-'I.-'-'L ClIO be ...__.__ia).;,1. bit '""t.-..~ve. It CXJ8ts DDre far police, fire and _iIW__ serviœ in hi 11 A;_ a:teII8. Sbe 'í?'...... "'9"inAt h...i-ø døw1'i"-'t. and urged 0:II1rV'i1 to E_.....1ct JØf dø\_1., ·t. Sbe xV'····---'-iI tbIIt a.&L.Lt:úL va--.nee be 'filled b.:6.u.a IBf CCDBtn1ct:.kn occur:s. OJpertino's ."..___ belt am put the city CD the 1IIIp. Sbe urged tbIIt 0:Juncil "'If·" L the .,,..__It ~~. RIm .""- DÏoo - JoIm &.ba.c:d:,o int:J:tùJced 'l\:Dy no--"'rdo, land po,.......--, wbo ~_ .Led the ....~.... of a cluster devel""-'L far st. JaÍl rt.'s ~'-}'CLt..i. He stated tbIIt tbøre ~lld be 110 acres of q:JEI1 spaœ tbIIt is 99' undisb.1J:bed with the total site 208 acres. lÐ ....UI:'= l)' line fE11œ8 ~1J<1 be All-lied. 'DIe ~ is fee ownership lots, Wt ~""'1ct.iaJs to IIIÙJ1taiD a rural character. 'DIe devel'i"~'t. ~Ild be sensitive to land fonn. JoIm &.ba.dto stated that the Dio:ue has been a g;xxi neic 1bor in the CDIIIImÌ.ty, 'DIe churd1 has nothing to cb with the Forum architecture. It is askinq for WilH~ Act œnœll.8.ticn as other prcprties in CJpert.ioo h!Ive had çroved. It I'Y'!Illci cIeYelq¡ the 57 acres not under the oontract. 'D¡e two year waiting period I"""",,IIIICI.Jt:.d by the -8- , MINt1lES œ 'mE ~ RI!QJlAR CITY ~ ...,.."uzoG œ MAY 20, 1992 (CC-837A) planning Ccmnissicn is not necessmy. Mr. &.Ä..u.a:Lo said he has met with SUpervisor ~ who is not interested in ~ of the I!EIIIinaxy site as it is not pristine, but is developed. He stated the area is not hillside, but foothills. He urged the devel.........,L of the 290 units. Bver ~T"'I-";~ Alex Byer, me of the owners of th... Mer:vyn's/CrossrOIIds Shq:ping Center, west of Service MerdIandise and of the pcøt office ~"P'Lly, said he does WImt to .::,..t~..d the center. He ""'t'L.,.,øed n"WInM"1l that the GeDœ.a:l Plan states a desire for the ~"P'Ll.i to be hiçþ density hcusing/miJœd use. Byer PL"P'Lci.es is not in the hcuøing business. lie just wants to clean up the existing hi; Minq and get a ten!Int. Frank Jt...o.ud, thi.co 0Iurdl of 0Jpertin0, urged n-....,.i 1 to shift the m;~ use GM'L' ..I-te1.y 300 feet to the west. 'D¡e dn1rå1 - ill to sell its ,8 acre to Byer P.ì."P'LLies. 12II::w1;na:lI1A ".....~i,.., t"WI+-..... ~ðh .TIom;...... said IB1Y œ the peninsula are . u - -. ...:l regarding what .,1....... in the þil1..i,... of ~. thbm sprawl IIIJ8t CXIIIt to a halt. Save the ~~~lt tbIIt is circling the Bay Ana. 'D1ere are t1ID ~.I"'.ad habitats œ the Oio::u! ...."P'Ll}' and &eIIII!ID qp-i- in dm1gBr of b.., ..olng ],nroo11y _ill<'!!:. iIJen an area is developed, it cbes DDt pit"..in its habitat value. She utgBd tbIIt 0:11""'; 1 IñV a .L......." hillside protecti.œ policy which ....,M include the cburd1 i'L"P'Ll}'. ~; ørrJIII Club - 01.,...11.... Gn::IIm Dale Mead t:......bd f"n...... 1 for its visiœ and spoIœ in auwutl of the hi 11 Ai"" plan ~lqøI by n-....,.. Golth.n. He also ""'t'L.,.,øed ....11. '. L for a Grand Bculevard type ccnœpt where pecple JnnlriTJlj west wculd see the green space. s;........ Club - TI'IIIR Prieta ~-- Ii:Iward Johnsen of the PCp.llatiœ O:mnittee ðo.1h..,.,sed Council regarding n.l ; f'nrnia' s growth rate. He spolœ in ~rL of quality of life with smaller, DDre p..~uU8 fél1Ú.lies. If the area wants hiçþ tech thinIœrs, it needs to retain the space far them. People am't think in crowds. He stated there is a need for 100 year planninq. 'lbere shculd be smaller haœs for smaller f....; 1 ;~. 1blt has not been &lh....øed is that 19)1e is a leader in telea::llllUting and netwarking, HI". Johnscn re.....,",......Jt..l DDre -9- MDUlES OF '!HE ADD.IRNED REGJIAR CITY' <XXH::IL .......J...lJ.'C œ ~ 20, 1992 (OC-837A) biJœ paths in the area. He stated he has BeI!Il both a CD}'Ote and a wild turlœy in the area. Cbyct:.es need q¡en flat lands. PqW.atiœ has TO be pIII't of any planning. _nt-__ lb;JBr 0IBer, T.;nnnln ~,¥=L'ÿ o.,,-en.r, stated that a 16,000 sq. ft. oniltii"'1 ac:roøs the ..t...-t is leased to Symntec. '!hat u.upllly oow 1-- as 100% of the T.il'lOOln porti.a1 of 'lbIon center and has i"o·PJBed ~"iœ. Symntec __,M be a single ~1p8I1t and joint owner. It n¡ L to "'I--wi or it will have to leave 0Jpertin0. A 102,600 sq. ft. hli Ming is WIlted. '1bere being no one else who wished to spesk, tii Anl8siœ .. brourþ; back to 0:Juncil. MIIyor Su...- .....1 stated &be bœm a thEmo of 1IIOrId.ng together and l.........,~-W1 tbIIt f"n""'; 1 otII18i.œr a visiœ st.atA!Iœnt as they start the Gta....al Plan em JUne 9. '!bey reqœsted a æ......--Jo.t..\.œ ftaa the pl.......ing ,.,.....,i_iœ œg¡m:!ing a visiœ stM"-':. '!he DIIIEt Gt......al PIan sessiœ will iDc1ude amsideratia1 of a viei,.. v....-t; and the ..........Iœ and t;rAHi,. if tbøre is tiJDa, in relat.ioosbip to 1æd use. '!be p'~ic be8riDg.. cœtinued to JUne 9. At 10:10 p.m., the -nLing _ adjaJrned. 42:f~ City Clerk -10--