CC 05-26-92 I crrr CXDICIL Ad:jouzns1 ~I¡".r Meeting---MIIy 26, 1992 Joint MeIet:.inq with City 0:Juncil and Fine Arts o-o....i -icn ~ City Ball amferenœ lbIa A 7:00 p.m. MnUnP.R "'yr. m ..____ mvI Vl'JII"It3t œ AT:r.-:TMrR 'D¡e meet:inq _ ....11ec1 to U1.Jt... at 7:00 p.m. by n-..4...inn 0Iairpenc:a 811rry. ......7. raT.T. ea.,.".. :h . .L: DeIIn, 001-, - . ., ...~ SoreII8eD n.WV"'.' .At. J It: Ifqpel "'--' _4. II'!.-. ... 1 _l : ~h'9""", ..11i_, ,"'1b..~" Ú!II.~, Pi3aI:', pIoh1-"', .....)' ""-4 _i..,.",... -1:" .1 : NDDe III'tInn 1 1 iAt... .... 4.: Sally BlliD-I pn.+ht 11.. DIt" .... rT. CÐllega District lay, -Jt:y ~1 1f.4.... -- L1I: ~t ~ ...~, I'i.. _d Oùœ 1II'tInn1 nllIh1~ Staff .... It: Ci.... -... ....&.. __ - ..... '-.1' _ IkD:'otIJy ^ __ . _1 f... ~ JIb-~ - P.œ8eIltet:iœ of I1Dø JK'ta 0.. 1_4.... Ifi91 Roo h. -oJ. Artist: . _01 to &!liar Yb;uoaz-a. Qmir .....J' ----- tbIIt since ~ Y~J'VU _ IIDt ~ B II at this tbIIII, the joint I. 1Ling will be ..........-... and the.... S-t14tÜD !II nded at the I!I1d of this -.et.iDg. Joint mHLing with the Fine Arts o-o....;..inn to tii...._ the 1992-93 #i-l year h"7t and its ..rflects CD the .,.....; "";IW!I. -1- MIl«7ŒS CF 'l1IE ADDJRNED RI!GJIAR crrr a:ncn. MŒTIlG CF MÄY 26, 1992 (OC-837B) e 0:Juncil _ infOI ,._1 tbIIt the n--; ....iœ is nTIo .........:1 regarding h""':f"t cuts, "P8'"iA11y since they are advoœtes far artists. 'DIe l'nIIIIi....ia..... wish to have a cbance to CAt'L..... their "Pini..... regarding the need far expmsial of the ~.~.:sed hri;rt, esper-iA1ly in the area of grants. Q:m. Ettingar said 1YWNñ....;. ,-. D bs1 begJr1 with ........... LoÙ dL..... of a mral and a scu1pt:ure far City Hall Plaza. Q:m. 801 HIIWWI felt tbIIt the grants are the JIÐIIt JJIp:ø:bmt àIarge of the l'nIIII;....ÚJD as it fost"..ers and eIXJCIJrII!JIIB art. 'D¡e \¥"....Ls -...w;t a L...-1 ..,,--t..... of people. She tbm gave 'I,lea of øaae of the projects III!Ide possible th1:atIIj1 the ,.......i _i,.... ':fIoClliLs. Q:m. ØlJbl- said tØJt the lYWNñ....i..., .. L..' ......1 to &eI:VIII as lID advcœte far the arts. 'DJe J -. D 'IOt'k with II11ti cultural arts groupe. 'DJe ,#aULs _ aJt œrlng the ..... __.t pIIrlcd of th1a f'i _1 )"!lIE' at oobidl tilDe they bid 46 "ß"li_.. It is ttiHf"'Jlt to meet the '1""1. of the l'nIIII'Ï....i,.. withcut DDI8Y in the hvtc;pot;. Q:m. Pi20r said he bs1 _,..!)d fraa SUnnyvale -- of the 'l"'Hty of life in QJpertinD. 'DJe arts are iIIpn1;aat. It is a ...-.m. to 11_ in .. area with 80 JIIJd1 talent and not be able to fœter it. Ckm. :IooHrri'I said the .....-i_;,.. bid tried to diVEBify grant r-oipi__; hc.-..A., DDt JmCh CIID be dcœ with just a few m....:h...d cbllars. _i_ the arts are the first to fP be(:ooo ! DO cae ~ far thBa. Be ~..6......d oonrvrl1__·J-.a to the ð....¡- _ pur the city m:dinimce IIIId st.....wt tbIIt eveo t-hno9' times are t.o\41, the <YIIIIIIi ....i,.. .........ø:. fuDction with sud1 a4.._ h~ cuts. . Qa. L.a...... aekh......eed fhlrV'i 1 regarding 0I0a0. L u'" in the l'nIIII'Ï_i,..'s þvtc;pot;. lie stated tbIIt tbeœ IIU8t be $5,~lO,ooo in .".......1 ftmcIs &VA' 1....1.. far the l'nIIII;....ún. It is ~ to the city. Chair HEry said the QOIIIII; .....,.. _ willing to tJ:y to be creIItive with its cbllare. 'lhat's hew it .. able to CDI8 up with $3,000 far the last grant period. -2- . HDVŒS œ '!BK .!IWOORNED RIGJLAR crrr ancn. "'".u.uG œ ~ 26, 1992 (OC-837B) Mayor Ib.- Ell said tbIIt the 0:Juncil will reriør the hvto;rot: JUne 4. Pb..--....l1y, she stated, the arts are hpJrtant. '!be City be1ieIIeø there will be nDre œts in funcIs fran &............00. It is ...d...,""¡y ti; Ht ('u] t to ....1-- the city's bivlc;JPt this year. City MIInIIgBr &.... told the lYWIIIIIi_ï....-.. tbIIt 8bIff bile shawn the n.........l a ~ to ....1_ the h"'!r': ~ c:ut8, ÌJI,,1n,fing ~",--"'1 ...s ~ic -=v1ceø, _ ..u. _ Z8VImU8 eIIhant -,-.LB. He is ..............-1 ..mart wbat fu..tb.... reducticns øay caœ fran the state. '!be a&Jt.A: "..hi,.l. tax is quest.icÐIIble. v-1ACtatiane are IXJW d£M1 $2 ,..¡ 11i,... frœa previcus projections. O:J\ur. szabo said thI!Ire is a $10 h; 11i..... ~<rIto. at the state. If all thiversity of n.1imraia --V'HI.... ,.1, ud, tbIIt ~i"'¡t "".,lti DDt be CXJVKed. l1li -- bow nucb the ...-i_;,.. bBd 8\-n....l.. in ~ J'8IIDI b: grants. a:m. Pizor 1._.---"-, tbIIt the last tbree J'8IIDI thI!Ire bBd been $14,000 eecb J'IE'. a:m. 8011i--... stated tbIIt the first J'IE' tbBre bBd been about $10,000. JIctually, thI!Ire is _ill ebout $10,000 beyœd .mat is giWID to the ~dl.. 0:11""'. - '-. .1 i.....-t tIå at 1IDdt he bBd ~ nQ1ire4œ ta1œ _ ÍDVt'1.....""Y day off - I of bx9*o. tiiHi,..,lt:W. 'lbe lIib-i,.. at the -- .w gIJtt.iD; ,~ 5. dLe. CiH-. are ....ing .J......,.,d... IDI mre feee. ~ ..1_ tax 1""'"- in 1984 aDd bile ~ 9'"119 cba in real cb11.... Ai_ tDID. Lat J'IE'. all D8It œpit:a1 eJ+t.....iit:uIæ IBI besI ~1.wrlnM-att fall tbe I__'.....ot... - MIIyor SareII8m said the fhlrV'i 1 will cb its beøt 'i1 I in June with the h"9"" , b1t 118 1Ia1't œally kDCJw wbat our final h~ will be UDtil the state p-fU their8. 0--1rV'. D8Im stated tbIIt he feels he bas ..- _ _i,.. step in the -info-merclal" ~OOMS, .....iril he !lope- will increase tax cbllars in Q,¡Iertino. He, too, .............øed the qrlniœ tbIIt art is iDpJrt:ant to the ., mity. lIB ball prepered tbree of the "infcHIercials-, ODe per.ining to a balœry, <me ~.ining to Mrs. 8's" '-'lB, and ooe ..mart a lnœl artist. 'lbis would provide television ""'V .eure. I!'qllt1..-,L is &VAil....l.. and if the ~;-iœ is interested in F-;ng the video about the artist, he ....,M have it set up for sOOwing. He eu¡ilaBized that the Pine Arts Cannissicn is critical, -3- MIl«71ES œ 'ŒB JInDJRNED RlUJLAR crrr aIH:IL ...,..".l·uC œ ~ 26, 1992 (~-837B) o--IIr. ~Mn -.J-4 if the ~AAi.ca nt'JIlM pursue sp:msanh.ip ~ the city's ~ la..y;06t ..""....ü... a:m. Ètt':i'9"'" imcD8i him ebout the aqœsts for dcoIItiaw t..aIerds a p;""" for the oœwnmi ty center. a:m. lID 11 i....... 8tated tbIIt the pnwiaus /'h""'¡ 1 bad -- t.hø .....-n_;.ir-.... to 8tay II/1IIlJY ãaa ···-I-ni--. If t:.bia .,...ftV9Í 1 is _·.Â~le to it, they ~11r1 be ba¡¡Jy to ~~....A..I"'h bush... B !I . . 0--1rV' DeIID ..... --œd they 'WIIit UJtil the r..o. - al Pl81 1&- ~. is ~1:te. Kayar !L..- In _......, praise far the Pri- of the Art8 ...--,,"'.... nt..,....kD ml1rped· reg!IIXIiDg ,..,...¡_i...... att"--"'-""A at . Pri....... of the Arts Jœet.iDg and tbIIt either J..8 tbIID a quar1ID be .... I IL or it be haM1..t as a - Ling of the ,........¡_f...... OlD. :~1 inril st~..t tbIIt ewntua1ly the Pri- of the Art8 will be a _..... of revenue, b1t it is DDt --·'t .. a np1A. .1 fIŒ city DXJ8Y. 0:II1JV". Go) """" said that the IID1I!IY is just DDt thIIre, tbat ~ daas J.-I the Pine Arts nr-i_i.... :Ie __ Iud ~.I .....-ling far t:beir "illf"W"'aJ:P'l... "I and. -"";I'~-----ad tbat ~beps ... ..--~ ~11ti be ~.~1'"1'""'. am the ".......i_~1'II1 use the ............~ty'. L4-.-.t in ØCIII8 wrt O:IIurl1 -.n)ti belp in f!IIJY wy to cb tbIIt, b1t KIDI!IIY is DDt &VAi 1....1... Be 8tated he .. DDt sure if 8VII!D the .....,' T! If aJts ....llti be ......-1' eø1 /'hWIM 1 ....,1... be <:bing a di.søervice to the ".......; aøi.ca if they 'IIIII!Œ8 to string tbIa ~ It'W11}. aw.r Ifany -- if tbøre 'IIIII!Œ8 f!IIJY wy to tie the arts to other ~hi"9'" suc::h as the cable 'ntlevisil'll1 AdvisaI:y O--itt&e or Pbt:b and Recœati.ca n--iAA;1'II1 and ......, if /'hnvoi 1 ....,M 100k at this. . /'h1rV'. Gol"""" said tbIIt the /'h""'; 1 Moo ,.,. to m1œ sure tbIIt 0JpertinD survives as a city. He ........_uli underst:anding £Dr the fTIIIIIi_icners' :frust:rat.i.œ. Q:Junc. ~......... stated that there are cities tbIIt are still 'oIell off; hI:Mrw_, QJpertino is in trouble and has limited pcwer8 to get additional funds. -4- . þ MIl«1ŒS œ THE ADDJRNI!'D RmJ1J\R CITY CDH:IL ~J.'.uC œ ~y 26, 1992 (CC-837B) o::m. a:mlecb said tbIIt SCIlla cities have found \IIIIIY8 to oontinue funding their Fine Arts n-o....; ...i.cns and hoped tbIIt OJpertino's COUncl.l 'T'IIM also find a WIlY. 011...... Golàœn -qii if they 10IIBre saying tbIIt if they bad no ';ILaúL JIIXIey, they ....,M hIIve nothiDg to cb. He said tbøre were no crudJø to give. 011""';1 does bne a lTMIIIi L..u..u:L to the arts and will III",... L the IT'OmIi_i.... in I!!IßY WIlY they om. 01Ivx-. Dean said ~ bIIs DIM!It' L........ $7 mi 1 li.... in sales tax. ~les need to be .".........tIId. New tax is DDt neoeea-y if pq>le will just sticp in QJpertino. 011...... Gol"""" said ..-þ the arts am cb IIaIIIIt:bing in ccojunct:.icn with Vallœ or .. ...... IftA else in the private sectot. PerbIIpø the ...-i_i.... IT'lIlti _i.... wbat IT'J111ti be c:tme far the arts witIDJt grants. It... DBJtiaBI tbIIt there is an empty st:.m8 in Vallœ tbIIt, at no aIBt, bile ~ IIBie &VAn....1e far art _ihits ftaa ~cd. r..ll-y. o::m. Bolli..... stated tbIIt Me. Gol"-n bIIs a g:xx1 pnim, and IT'III'IIIi_inr_, D ..h"111" step and think about it. PmbIIpø 8CIIIt -'Ð' ,..'I1M be :c.focuøed; halJII!I'I._, there will be a void. DiSCllP""i.... follrl8d œg¡mIing other ~hi~ tbIIt the IT'OmIi -iœ mi.c 1t ....p.-ize. 0Jair Batty "h.nJr.d the "..~ 1.._.1 ~I. for their ~'I'L....... I ~ø..I"NTaT. Mln·........ - Pn!øeDtat.ic:.n of Fine Arts f"nnni_i.... Hi41 !Hvv\l Artist III !1.d to &!air Yegyayan. 'lbe III _d .. ~ B .1 Old to &!air Yegyayen. It ... DDWJd by o::m. Pizar,..... . . ·1..1 by o::m. L.......... and pa9øed lI....mi~ly to adjourn at 7:45 p.m. ~¿~ ~ City Clerk -5-