CC 06-04-92 t,!" - . CI'I'Y œ ClJPERTIN), grp.m CF CALIl'a!NIA 10300 "lU<!(l!; AVENUE, Q:J:ToIU"urO, CA 95014 'ŒIEPfDIE: (408) 252-4505 a::-838i\ MINl1ŒS CF 'l1IE JIDJIaRIBD RIGJIAR ......r.uC CF 'l1IE CITY <XQCIL, HEID (If .J(H!: 4, 1992, CDIPBRI!H:E RXJtS C & D, CITY HAIL, 10300 "lU<!(l!; AVI!HI!:, U.ll·I5KI:.uÐ, c::ALIPtRaA CALL 'It) ~ 'DIe meeting was called to .udbL by MIIjar IL.~ ell at 5:05 p.m. ~ CALL Ccunc. rres IL: DeIm, OOlàœn, JCrß el, -..."" MIIjar Sonoøen staff PreE._tl.: City ~ Brown City Clerk Cbmeli.uø Director of Finoorv.e Sh~ Assistant to the City ~ Brown Director of Parks am .........tia1 Dowling Director of a:ummi.ty DsI-1""-'L QMm Public Infcmœticn Off'i"er Kœy 1dninist:rati.ve Assistant SIIDo 1. '!his is a study nBs;nn to review the p1"1'11i1lri~ hrl;rt for the 1992-93 ~i_1 year. Mayor soremren armno'"'"ed the ¡:mpu.... of the meeting 11118 to axxIuct the prel imiruny review of the 1992-93 .,.~. Oxmc. OOlånlm IIIJSt leav8 at 7:15 p.m., bctl8w_, he will return J.at:er. Shcu1d the review DOt be CXIIpleted this evening, a meeting will be held.... À.1, JUne 10, 7:30 p.m" to a:uplete the i'L'. 'e8B. 'DIe meeting will be adjourned at 9:00 p.m. this tM!IÚDIJ. 'l\:Jniçþt, n-.,.....¡ 1 will receive input, ask any ~, am bear any DeW 1M-'\Á""'lA for the hri;rt. -1- I I I \ i I I Prelta1nary Bud- let Review '. ~ HIN{J1ES OF 'l1IE AWaJRNED REnJLAR CITY CXDICIL m.,.~..uc (II' JUNE 4, 1992 (OC-838A) ~ City MImager Brown presented IID~. He stated possible increaøed revenues ",,"M be derived £ran lID increase in business license tax; shifting I1IaÏntEÐIIDœ of aJrlJe, gutter, am s;-8lks to the þ.L'"I'=Lý owner; and actIing the utility tax to <XJ\Ier lmg distance calls. He pointed out that the pereulluel reduct.ia1ø a1reIIdy DBde will result in a recb:ti.a1 of service level. Mr. Brown reviewed the ;"t"'rt of state actia1s c:n the City's h~ and also said that other actia1s being CD1Øi.b.."j by the state V'l1I1<1 have further iDpact c:n the City, A reœ.,L California ocurt Mr; Ricn rl'rinœd the 1"-'"1'= Li' taxes paid by public utilities. He said there is also IIDOt:her list of q¡erating reduct.ia1ø not in the hrlrt am not l~.....~o.bJ by staff. Director of Finance Snyder reviewed ~al data am 1"- BMLed ðIlIM!r8 to QJuncil qœsticns aøAod pnwiously. He stated that in lilddition to the General Fund, <b.1ncil does need to CD1Øi.der the Water Fund. 'lhere have been lœses the last three years am Cbuncl.l will be _brt to adjust water rates in the future. He reviewed t:.rar\øpu1!IIc n-rtp"ring the 1992-93 h"'::rt to the actual 1990-91 hrlrt, not adjusted for inflation; 10Ibat is c:barged to the Gas 'l'IIx; JJBÌJ1terIIIDœ of effort; IIIlÏntenIIDce of f..,..; 1 ;ti.eø; IIIIDUIÙ depreci.at.i.c:. Di.scussia1 fol1-¡ed regarding pItting m:mey aside for raajar repair jàJe that JJd.c lt be ne ~ 10.1 in the future. other trIInsp8œncieø included the Gt.....al Fund inf1atic:n adju.L.uc..L hool"""" at 4' with no œwmue erm-. _._ f.s included am the ænmt requiœd to IIBÍDtIÙn the Genetlal Fund hoo 1"""", at its Cuu.caíL buying l-""CL' Ch,.".. ,".ÑYI stated that a hA 1 ~ operating h"'::rt is not JœIIDingful as funds are Jt........oII;ng. He ~_lBd the desire for the City to be in better sMpe in 1997 thIID shawn c:n the fifth trIIDøp8rency. Mr, Snyder inf.........d COUncil of oorrecti.ons c:n h"9"t peges 77, 94, 123, 125, and 127, Counc. Szabo stated the need to set a øtmxiard of what 0Juncil.m:s. He also ~.,.t1ecI the feeling that <bmci1 has to Jœlœ 1::!pet cuts; I'EIIDVe at least $400,000 DDre £ran General Fund expcuJitures. -2- MIl«1IES CF 'l1IE AOOaJRNED R1!nILAR CITY 0.."1tCIL R!.IS"nlG CF JUNE 4, 1992 (CC-838A) Mayor Sorensen stated that the 1M-' ~s 1oOU1d be to ~ hvtrrt department by department. iI:Is1 Cbmc. R7~ __ a cut he wishes to ~, he should qp-I( up at that tiJæ. Cbmc. OOlàœn said that the City H!InagI!Ir bas carried thrcuI#l with Cbmcil's ,w.iAicn regIIrding the hvigeot. lie stated that he TorII.1t1 liJœ DDre in'... ·-Wal about nM!!rme enhIIDcerø am also about gas tax ir...... !S. Be felt that the City should be 1'1.- active to eD.'IIDœ the am1aLp1aœ am increaøe sales tax :nM!IJUeø. Ib maff diœct.icn bed been giwn œgarding lID acldiH".....1 $400,000 h~ alt. Be øuc.JJeSt:ed that Cbmcil review the budgl'It after three III:I1thø . Counc. !:I.......... said cuts sbauld be IIIIde new, DOt three manths frcm new. Mr. Brown told {h'"'"Ïl that if lID addiH".....1 $400,000 in cuts is to be elene, staff - ie to I&~ a 1IIbo1e ~ h"'r;. '!bat direction bs1 DOt bem giwn by 01Imcil. {h...... -MQ stated he does DOt WIlt to keep using the rU!II:Je8. Mayor 9areosen p1hUc iqJut. m;nlwAII:. said, at this time, {h""'; 1 -..,},f receive Bach 1'"'1.""'" -..,1 t1 be limited to three ~La 8011i,,,,,,,, Fine Arts o-i...,i"." said that the hvtgtr sIIDIIB wbat the City values in the t'ftIInmity. It is a 'l1A1ity of life issue. '!be ~~_inn hils been giYl!ll1 a dJarge to faster am I!IIICDIJI:'agB the arts. In the future, Wen the City bas mre ........." &be ~ that øaae will be put beck into the Fine Arts n-i_inn h~. '\)-"ing CD her am .....H, &be said &be felt that lUre cuts ......,},f DOt be ~vJ~. Mi1œ Wincn, Cable Televisial Advisœ:y n-ittee, a.1:h._B«f Q œ>r;1.._.J...... regarding a letter sent to them by the ..........;ttee. 'lhis letter ðr..lh....øed the issue of $130,000 1'1.' ,. se cI to revert to the Ger.&al PIDxt am the pot;.eDtial 10øø of grant 1IIJI1fJY. Be stated that the City's IIIJI1fJY CXIIIe8 frcm a different fund tbIm the Fine Arts lhmdssiœ am their hvigoot is usually .......11 er- . If {h""'; 1 talœø the funds, it 1IICUld be a disservice to the t'ftIIn"lity -œ&s ñmcti.œø and DOt in the spirit of the œb1e televisial /!91.""",",,",L. Be œqueøt:ed that the o:mni.ttee 1œep $30,000. -3- Public Input MINl1l'ES œ 'l1IE AnJaJRNED RmJIAR CITY caJNCIL MEETDC CF JUNE 4, 1992 (OC-838A) Discussial follOloed regruding the possibility of puttiIç the C'4ble Television Advisory O:mnittee's $4,700 of grants into the General FuOO. Den Yeðgar, access prrrlla!r for "()) 'DIe M::Ne" , about ,.1; "'!bled peq>le in the CXIIIIIJIÚ.ty, said there are 50-100 peq>le involved in his show. Grant JID1eY is U8ecI in œnying Œl the show am is eøsentia1 to it. He has received three grants am will be awlying for a fcurth. If there is no grant JID1eY, he did not know Were he ....,1<1 rp for JID1eY. He has received CNeI' $3,000 in grants am produced CNeI' 40 shows. Jim Jaclœon, president, Eu¡i1rat Gallery Board of Di:cectorø, eap¡a&ized that the galley is lID asset to 0Jpertin0 am the City's ~l is a Iœy. '!be gallery l-..arp:t the $6,000 granted last year to a total of $80,000. '!be gallery needs øaœ ~l £ran the City and is requesting $3,000 as a line itan. Sally BrennIIn, resident, -- hew prudent it _ to h.i 1<1 up nserwø when cutting the 'l'",1ity of life. She urged QJuncil to look at what the effect is Œl staff. She urged 0Jm1cil to give staff AlW ... L and to look at revenue enhImœments. In regani to ~cd.. Gallery, Ms. BrMmrm said there is extrBmdinary out..........h and a diversity of 1M-~""" 'DIe gallery bas -V-aized the art of AI"hnol children. She hoped that lh""';1 ....'lrt amtinue to ~L Eu¡i1rat. 'DIe JID1eY does get l_arp:t and the ':J'11ey enrid1es quality of life. Jim PÏ2Dr, citizen am .._,~ oei:: of the Fine Arts Chnni -ion, calli_sed the art values in the city, eøpel"i..11y ~CIIL Gallery. He suggested this be a line itan in the Fine Arts CDmû.søial budget. 'DIe galley ~ a wide ~t..... of <XJIIIIJIÙ.ty, including ød1col mit.men, ycuth, am seniors. Jar¡ Rindfleisd1, Director of Bu¡i1rðt. Gallery, 1M- ø ít.ed ........"les of arts prrrl...-t at Family DIIy at Euphrat. She said the JID1eY the City gives is the seed for other JID1eY. 'DIe gallery has never I1D1 a deficit and is f;......1ly øomxi. Frank StrazzarilD, Executi.ve Director of the (]IIIIIiJer of Q:mœroe, said the JID1eY budgeted by the City for the (]IIIIIiJer is not a subsidy to this C1Imber. All dollars are passed through. 'DIe ()vorrhpr itself loses 00 the Shop CUpertino ~~dIR, but feels overall it is a c;µxI1M-~CUI. -4- KINu.lES CF nIE AnXXJRNED REX;UIAR CITY CXUICIL !£ETDG CF JUNE 4, 1992 (OC-838A) Both Valloo am 0Jpertin0 Village feel the ~~.... is working. '!be City's DaleY is lID ím............íL, '!be ~.J_. wants to be a ph t..o= with the City in increasing øaJ.eø revenue, He thIm1œd QJuncil for OOII8idering the Q\.-.J.e..'s request , 'lbere being no other PJblic input, the Cbmcll ths1 discussed revenue eIIbanœments. Mr. Brown said that he could not be certain regarding bcw IIIJCh 8ddi.ticnal r:ev&nIe wuld oc:x:ur £ran AIIrI; ng 1œg di.stanoe ¡;àcne calls to the utility tax. It is ant:i..,fpot''"CI that a à1ange in business license tax wuld result in a $250,000 annual inc:resøe am by tuming the 9;....--11<, aIIb, am 9Jtl:er I1!pIIirø over to loae ownet.., the City ......M see a øavingø of $150,000. 'lbe docœIentaIy transfer tax iø8ue is uncertain. '!here is legal debate regarding the .....; Hty of .".,......al law cities to raise that tax. It ......M ....'.....11' be GK'1.'¥L1ate for the City At.t.u..ucj' to l"-qaLe lID enalysis. If n"...,..; 1 is inte::est:ed in p.zrøuiDg tbiø, perMpø the City øhculd increase the tax am bawt a validati.on suit. '!be 1)I"7t; ilL I....::LBd to n""".; 1 cIoeø aøøœe revenue ............ -·-.LB. Transfer of the sP- 11< repair ~~.... tTII,lt1 be dœe a:n:::urœntly with --.:w-fnn of the h"7t;. kJy business licenøe à1ange wuld be dcoe at the beginning of the new calendar :year. Q)unc. OOlåœln ~_sed cxnœm about "'TI'Hng the h~ without doing revenue et'I~. Mayor Saœnsen felt it.. mrth haviDr¡ the City 1d.t.....ua,r look at the docœJentary trIIDøfer tax. DepIIrtJœnt: heIiIdø were then aølœd to review their h"9":8 with 0:Juncil. Steve Dowling, Director of Parks am ..........tial, reviaIed recIucticnø pl.'''' sed for next year's 1)I"7t; and ï:...... -uti fees. He.. asked by (bunc. SZabo if he.. l.-fng at 8I1Y sort of r-tl1nR(J fee for use ....sed on a needs .....ds. Mr. Dowling øtated that there is such a l"-~"" in effect am he believes it can CXXltinue. 'lbe 1M-~"" is not ~UllJlecI, but IIDre people are asking about it. Mr. Szabo stated that as fees get hi.cper, the City msy WIlDt to make people aware that this proy..CIIU is available, Mr. Dowling said that people are referred to it by a:s and through the sdxx>l distri::t, -5- I J I \ ¡ i I Revenue Enhance- ments Reports by Dept, Beads MINlnES CF 'l1IE ADJaJRNED RI!nJIAR CITY rou::n. ...,..ull'C œ JUNE 4, 1992 (CC-838A) Following disaJssial regI!IItIiB;J the aJSt of having CXIIIIÚBsi.aJs, QJuncil requeø'"...ed infODlBticn about the hcurø spent en each cx:mnisøial am the value of it. staff W8 directed to bring back f~ at the meeting next 1oIII!Iek. Mr, Dowling left the C'ço...,.i 1 meeting to attsld the Jœeting of the Parks lIlId Rec::œatia1 0-; ASial. Mr. Szabo said that e¡.. ~.c. for scbcol J:I1.~"'" am the Senior Center, n..........æ.i.cn 1M-~"'" are self-AI 'U- .... Ling. lie ~ staff look at Senior Center fees, particularly since not all I.~." ""rs are residents. Sally Brennan ~ that Diane snow be ccœulted. She said sane of the seniors l'nO.lrl afford ~ fees, but not all am ~ a sliding -le. Di:œctor of F.i.nIIDœ snyder pointed out that lID DDI8Y W8 used to h.; 11'1 the Senior 0!I1ter, whidllllBllll8 that there are sane reøt:ricticns as to WIlt the City am 00. lie will look into that. Mr. -........ ~ a $30 a year ..~,,,.......bip fee. lie W8 infn.-.-i that it is IICIW $3 lIlId is ~ ~ to $6. '!be mcœy àJes not <XII1e into the City GeIIeral FImd, but øtayB for use at the Senior 0!I1ter. DiSOllSsial followed, œrlng whidl it _ _i...-, that perbI!pø a $10.00 .._,".....1Ih1p fee .....1rI be ~"'I&late, also that en""... Szabo IIIÌI 1t meet with the -';nrø regI!IItIiB;J fee raising. QJuncil _ inr.u_1 that øpeœ.. not _fl....18 to put in a driving "_ at Rl... ~ .....1.}I FIma Golf ~. In regard to raising fees at the !plf CDJrse, that IIIIItter will be a:ming to en""';1. (en...,., GolålB1le11wø 7:15 p.m.) pw'I>C!9: 7:15-7:25 P.M. ~ reaJO\/\!!IÙJ1g, City ~ Brown reviaøi the hvtgPt for 8åniniøtrat.icn. lie J:I1. I ïI.ed recix:t:icns in the en1f'<"il'8 hvigPt, including deleting 1ICIIIt-...bip in the HaT;.......1 Isague of Citï. am that QJuncil will no 1nn.p be provided a dinner Lcfu.... Jœet.ingø. '!be library hvtgPt incœase reflects the oost increase for SUnday service. Mr. Brown then ~ the City M!magBr's hrl;pot reducti.onø. He state there is no rea::mnendatia1 to rMo- the CXJDtingency fuIXIs at this time; 00wever, reducticn of that furId is included in the ............:1 tier, -6- ~ MIN!1I'ES œ 'mE ADJ(X)RNE[) RmJLAR CITY aucn. ......~..uC CF JUNE 4, 1992 (OC-838A) Assistant to the City HImðger Brown then reIfÍeIoIIed the 1M-' ~.: B'ed law enfOJ.OcallcuL h~. She stated that there is tentative agJ..,.,.."",L to cap booking fees at $100,000. Counc. DeIm asked if booking fees oou1d be passed at to the -\18e:r- . Ms. Brown said that staff oou1d bring Council lID 0Idinance to pass booking fees at. Counc. !'17""'" """t"'-_sed the desire to r-to- the law enfoJ......."",L hvitJ"t. Mr. Brown stated that staff 'Y'1I1ti bring the aimB statisti.c:ø to the next meeting. other CouPci1.._.J....... stated they did DOt; wnt to aIt the law eIÛO&.'-""ItL h"";p>t, Mr. Brown then reviewed reducti.œø in the City Attamey's hri;rt. City Clerk QJmelius reviewed reœctiœø in her h"V"t am 1M-' . ~ !es that have been revised to be1p initiate øaae of those reducti.œø. In addit.iœ, a t-e1..p...._ øyBt8D øuc:b as Q,..t....... is hooi"!l reviaei. '!be Public Tni'. .. ..-Li.œ hvit;Jet 1l1li8 revi8IiIBd by rnw... KnIy. CUts have been budgeted in 0a.t.-,..,1..1.atters. '1beøe include dBletia1 of the Mayor's ni_, City Council dÏllUCl.. prior to meetingB, the _h1y Mt.J'U1.'S T......-w..;t~, am providing lunå1 for Sheriff's ""P...i- am f.ire.fiJ 1t:er at the state of the City JId:h._. tbIer the ~ Te1evisiœ Advisory o-ittee hvtçpot, $4,700 of the ~ ~.1ed for 1II!terialø, is for grIIDts. Q¡ page 48, the $100,000 IIEII1ti.ooed øhcu1d be $130,000. Counc. !'I'7Ñ'1() felt that the Cable Te1evisian JIdvisary Qmoi.ttee grants am the Fine Arts o-i..i.... grants øhculd be trested equally. Ms. Krey stated that the amnittee wiøbeø to keEp $30,000 which 'Y'II1rl be used, if m ....1, for ""'!'C'-L be1p during the refrand1ise i"-........... Mr . !b....... stated that if the m:Jney is - ~, the amnittee oou1d a:me to Council for an "K'1.'¥-iatiœ. He o:ntinued that if the Fine Arts O:mnissi.œ gr¡mt m:Jney is zeroed out, then this gr¡mt nmey should be zeroed out. In the hovigoot for QJmunity Relations, the civic service end cx:mnissioners' dinners have been CXIIbined for ooe dinner. (0Jlmc. Golànan returns 8:05 p,m.) -7- I I r . MllUŒS OF 'l1IE AnJaJRHED RERILl\R. CITY cr:ucn. Hm!:'l'I}«; CF JUNE 4, 1992 (OC-838A) council ~.,.,øed the feeling that the lIIJI1thly MI!Iycr'ø lunch with ..........i.øia1 r'¥L__tt.ati.veø is an iDpartant method of providing exmmmicatim. 'lbere was a ccnøeœus to keep this lundleœ but look at other ~ of funding it. 'DIe o--,l..,,~ of n ....-.1 ce am Sister City 1M-........... have been r-iI'œcJ, ItJney for h\mUl services ðgI!IIciee bas net been r-iI~; hcueIIer no oost of livinq increase bas been provided. It _ øuggested that grants be identi.fied. Ms. Krey stated that in this hvir;rt publicaticn of the C"I1p"'rTi TY'I _ bas net been altered. In the Tier 2 apt.i.cn, it is r-IoJOecl to six issues per year. In reg¡m:I to pItting ðdø in the SœrIe, she said JIDBt cities cbl't. If ðdø are in City publi.cati.a1ø, it'ø usually the Perks am Recreation øc::hedùe. 'lbere _ lack of staff am 0:Iuncil ..~L for putting ads in the C"I,"",",iTY'l Scene. 'DIe GaIra..,......,L QvmnA1 reflects fewer staff hcurs; there is a vacancy that will net be filled am about a $7,000 øavinrJa that is net shawn. Q1 pBge 55, $7,500 listed as Cllpital outlay øhculd be in the line for Materia1ø. In ~n""i"'1 to a QJuncil qœøti.oo regarding DeAnza televi.s.iœ funds am City funds, Ms. Krey stated that there is a øyBtt'ID -....hcd out am a particn of the acceøø fees is spent CD the Ga\,aLlaucall 0Jannel.. . . Director of pi""""", SI1yder reviewed the øecti.cn of the hrigPot perh.;ni"'1 to the FinImœ DI!pIrt:ment. thier J!àniniøtraticn, the increaøe reflects audit øervi.oe am inf1aticn. In regt:a1.d to business lÍo~ -es, Mr. snyœr stated that if n"...... 1 à:øI increase the business 1 j, -.- tax, he .......'111 need atkü.ticnal help to iDplellll!l1t. '1his 1IICUl.d probebly be for one year. He is 100kinq at using the ABIIG I:xni pool, whi.d1 is a short teen øervi.oe, for financing the øpartø f'j...Jrla inprcJv&neots. Q1 page 70 of the Þ"7t, he stated that staff is ,,,,.,..f"'1 at having the Sheriff'ø ~"""'d. buy their own radar units. '1hiø .......'111 result in a $2,800 øavingø. CWnc. Szabo asked about selling the lots the City awns in Seven SprÍJ1gB. He was iníou..eJ that the Director of Public WXks will be getting an appraisal. QJuncil may wish to put them up for aucticn with a IIIÍ1ÚDUII bid requireœnt am the bid for eed1 lot starting at the price for whidl the previous lot bs1 been sold. council CXIUld retain the ability to reject all bids if they so desired. -8- MINUTES CF 'mE ADDJRNED RFn1LAR CITY <XXJtCIL HEETIN:; CF JUNE 4, 1992 (a::-838A) Assistant to the City MIIDðger Brown reviewed the IJudg3t for Geœral Services. In I'ðgIŒd to a voll.D1teer cxxmünator, she is planning to adjust the time of MIl. Pat Jocluø am have her serve as Volunteer Coordinator five hours per week, '!his time .......11d be taIœn £ran ......'#'"....y Preparedness. It _ suggested that the City look into dJarginq for rental mediaticn services. During further ti;~lØøia1, it - 8Sked i£ the IIII!diat.iœ rould be cIcne in house rather thIID CXJIltracting for it. QJuncll œqueøted IIDt'e infomatian regaMing both cbing rental infcmIBtiœ am referral am mediatiCI1s in-house am dJarginq for it. '!he possibility of c.harging Qxie 1!'Zlfœ:V<UICIÙL CXJØtø after the violator is issued a wming was also tii lII"\IØøecI am (buncH œqueøted further in r, .. ..~Lia1 regardiDr¡ this. MIl. Brown told Cbuncil that under Instmmœ JIåDinistrat:ia, the City will be receiviDg a $65,000 nbIte that is not included in the hri;pot. staff will bring bIIck a detail of the City'ø insurance and pœvicuø rebIIteø. (9:10 p.m., steve sano leaves; DiJ:ect.œ: of Public 1tJrIœ Viski:wicb arrives. ) Maym: sorensen stated that the n--....;ty DeYeI,'1·.~.L am Public 1I:Jrkø øectiœø of the hri;rt still need to be reviewed and it is time to adjourn. '!he City MImager m.. . -"1:ed that QJuncll œ&r £ran the Director of n--.mit:Ý~De\ IIo1''1-'-&L at this meeting and fran the Director of Public 1b.k.o at the next; meeting. <Dunci1 .."..".,d with this All t-i,,1~. Director of n--.mity Devo&l''i··~'L CoIiIIm reviewed the Planning Q:mI\Îeøia1'ø h~. He _ "1Jkied to bring bIIck infonœtia1 regaMing the 008t of øen:ling a l'nIIIIf-icnør to the next; Planning Institute. Mr. CoIiIIm told Cbuncil that contract services in the Planning portiœ of the hri;pot have been I""'ðIJOecI, In certain œses, the City will dIuge the cmporatioos a fee and the City will hire a cauru1tant. Diøcuøsicn to 117lÆ!d regaMing the types of fees that œn be charged to developers, øud1 as General PlIID, specific plllD 1M-"¥"Làt.Ì.a1, am staff time. Also ti; AnlØøecI was the possihi H ty of dJarginq additional fees i£ an awlicati.on was substanti.ally d1Imged blmuBen Planning Q:.mnissi.a1 am the City <Dunci1 ami, tl."u:<ÍÓI.", (buncH !lUSt send it back to the Cannisøion, '!his involves additional staff time. Cbuncil OJOIlld retain the optiœ of waiving the fee i£ OW1.'¥-iate. -9- MIl«7ŒS CF 'lHE ADXXJRtŒD Rm1LAR CITY <XUCIL M!Z'l'JlC CF ,TUNE 4, 1992 (CC-838A) Staff _ di%ectecI to 1aok at this poøsibility. (Direct:m" I>f Parlœ am RecreIIti.cD Dowling retumø 9:25 p.m.) Hr. a:-n stated be will talk to other cities and his 0)] 1--.;p_ am Iring infm:mIIt:ia1 beck to rn1l'V"i 1 . In ~~ to the 'D!mDet" leg:is1aticn .-1 fng with hIIzaøbJø _m', be requested that CO""";1 IdS $2,000 to the h~. At 9:45 p.m., CO.....f1 adjomned to 6:45 p.m., .JUne 9, far a pJb1ic bearing regMding the Gt:uo.....l PlIID. '!be œxt h~ sesøien will be .JUne 10, 7:30 p.m. Cit¥~ ~£ . -10-